Rolling Eyes Fall.

By letsdoit244q

5.3K 125 26

Y/n half human and half yokai gets gifted the weapon of mass destruction Ddraig. Completely changing his life... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7

chapter 5

423 13 1
By letsdoit244q

Parasoul: I here by place you under arrest!

The princess of Canolopy kingdom menacingly stated while directing her umbrella toward Y/n. Who only wobbled around struggling to stand up straight.

Y/n: (Thoughts: What the hell did that damn nurse cut in my legs?!)

Ddraig: She must've gotten your quadriceps. Damn! Looks like we're in for it now!

Y/n: C-Come on!

Y/n strains as he looks forward to see basically an entire army backing their princess up. Their heavy weaponry all trained on him.

Parasoul: Do You Yeild?

Parasoul asked, though it sounded more like a demand. Y/n said nothing in return, causing the red head to take a step forward.

Parasoul: Well? I'm growing rather inpatient receiving your silence!

Parasoul said with suttle irration beginning to drip out from her words.


Y/n mutters before raising his arms up to show his surrender.

Ddraig: While surrendering isn't my go- to, it's a good call over all.

Parasoul, with a stoic look on her face, orders her men to lower their weapons before ordering Y/n to be apprehended.

Parasoul: Adam! Arrest him so we can take him in for questioning!

Parasoul commands a man named Adam, who would give a quick salute before proceeding toward Y/n with cuffs in his hand.

Adam: You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say -

Y/n: Can we skip this part?

Y/n suddenly interjects leaving Adam to stump in his words before locking on the restraints.

Adam: O-Oh.....Ok.

Parasoul: Take him in for transportation!

Parasoul shouts as Adam gave another salute before guiding Y/n into the back of what seemed like a SWAT van. Meanwhile, Parasoul began to talk into her earpiece.

Parasoul: Molly. Where did his associates run off to?

Molly: I'm sorry to say Princess Parasoul, but they escaped. It seems the young man we have here is all we've got.

Parasoul only scowled as she entered into the passenger seat of an armored vehicle.

Parasoul: I guess one will have to do.....

We come back to Y/n, who's currently seated in the back seats of the van, looking up into the eyes of the gaint behemoth of a man sitting right in front of him. Who politely gave Y/n his name being Panzerfaust.

Panzerfaust: Have you ever been in a dungeon before?

Y/n: Um.....No I haven't.

Panzerfaust: Then you'll just love our dungeons! You see,whenever we take in a prisoner, they always seem to stay forever! They must love staying there to the point where they don't ever want to leave!

Y/n: Uh....I don't -

Panzerfaust gives Y/n a look of pure innocence.

Y/n: You know what? Yeah... they sure do big guy.

Y/n said before his focus fell onto Panzerfaust's arm.

Y/n:....Is that a tank?

Y/n points as Panzerfaust's eyes widen before he lifts up his arm, presenting it over to the teenager.

Panzerfaust: Of course! A good soldier must always be ready for the glory of war!

Y/n: But.....didn't the war end a long time ago? Like decades ago?

Panzerfaust only ignores Y/n as he tinkers with his unnecessary super weapon. Y/n only sighs as he slouches a bit before Ddraig decides to talk with him in his mind.

Ddraig: You know you had one more shot left to use against that army, right? Why didn't you just disintegrate them to give yourself a chance of escape?

Y/n stayed silent before speaking.

Y/n: (Thoughts:....I don't want to cross that line Ddraig.)

Ddraig: You don't agree with killing a person, but giving them severe brain damage is something you're okay with?

Y/n only lightly chuckled to himself.

Y/n: (Thoughts: Oh, come on. I at least try to hold back.)

Ddraig: I think your definition of holding back tends to change every second......

Y/n only rolls his eyes as his mind wonders off to another subject.

Y/n: (Thoughts: Alright, so escape plans. What do we have?)

Ddraig: Well, since you're going to be taken in, the soldiers will be dispersed. Just make sure you don't shoot your shot when the princess is with you. I have a bad feeling about her.

Y/n: (Thoughts: And why's that?)

Ddraig: One, she's got way more going on for her, and two, you don't like hitting women, remember?

Y/n: (Thoughts:...I guess that's fair. Guess we have to wing it at the right time)

Ddraig: That's our best shot.

Drraig said while Y/n nods in approval before feeling the car come to a sudden halt.

Panzerfaust: We have arrived!

The door of the transport vehicle opens to Egret soldiers standing in two straight lines on both sides of the van to stand guard.

Panzerfaust: Easy steps now.

Panzerfaust eases as Y/n slowly stood up, feeling himself having better mobility over his legs.

Y/n: Better.

Y/n mutters while making his way off the vehicle. Outside, he stares in awe at the castle belonging to the Renoir royal family.

Parasoul: Glorious, is it not?

Y/n: Yeah....I've never seen a castel like this before. Reminds me of a palace I went to a while back.

Parasoul: How interesting.....(sighs) Though sadly, you could've seen it in better circumstances. Like a tourist, per se.

Y/n then felt Panzerfaust lightly push him forward.

Panzerfaust: Follow the princess, please.

Y/n complied as he followed the princess through the gates and luxurious front garden, then up a very, very....very long flight of stairs leading into the castle. Once inside, Y/n looks around at the exquisite decor.

Y/n: I'm not going to get executed, right?

Y/n asked as Parasoul laughed lightly, though a slight bit of mockery could be sensed behind her laugh.

Parasoul: Oh, please, I would've done it myself already! But you seem to know a bit about the decommissioned labs and who's running them. So you're valuable.

Y/n: Okay, interrogation it is. (Thoughts: Ddraig, trace our steps!)

Ddraig: On it.

Y/n finds himself staring at what looks like a poorly made intergation room. Sustaining only a table and two chairs on each side....and that's about it.

Parasoul: A bit unrefined, I know. But we weren't expecting to catch anyone. Now sit.

Y/n did as he was told now, feeling the numbness leave his legs.

Y/n: ( Thoughts: Finally!) So what do you want to discuss about princess?

Y/n asks while Parasoul sits down, motioning her guards to stand outside while Adam and Panzerfaust stand behind her.

Parasoul: First off, what's your name?


Parasoul: Last name?

Y/n: Sorry, but that's all you're going to get.

Adam immediately gave Y/n the stink eye after his blunt answer.

Adam: How rude! You know you're speaking to -

Y/n: Princess Parasoul of the Renoir royal family. Yeah, I know. Can we just -

Parasoul: (slams fist into table) Oh! Enough with your mockery! Who were those two you were with?!

Y/n: Hmm. Well, one of them is named after a bird, and the other is named after a group of people who play instruments. That answers your question?

Y/n answers while Parasoul faces the teen with unamusement.

Parasoul:...How old are you?

Y/n: Seventeen...why?

Y/n's answer leaves Parasoul and Sam slack jawwed learning about the teen's age.

Parasoul: S-Seventeen?! You're nothing more than a mere child!

Adam: You do not look seventeen! I thought you were in your twenties at least!

Y/n:...Did you two just bring me here to insult me?

Parasoul only ignores Y/n's question as she gazes at him as if he were a kid who was caught stealing from a convenience store.

Parasoul: You're this young and already involving yourself in secretive affairs?! Do you think this is a game?!

Y/n: I can take care of myself. Besides, I've already fought a couple of Medici's and won.

Parasoul: You're even involving yourself with the Mafia as well?! I've never heard of such a thing!

Sam: Well, wasn't there that one case in Italy with the 15-year-old and the Italian Maf-

Parasoul: That's their problem! Besides, he's involving himself in both the Anti-Skull Girl Labs and the Medici Mafia! He's doing nothing but stirring up trouble!

Parasoul yells as Y/n pays no mind.

Y/n: Sorry, but it doesn't matter what you say; I'm far in too deep at this point to give up now.

The princess mearly sighs at this as she pinches the brink of her noise in frustration.

Panzerfaust: I believe the princess is stressed.

Sam: Gee, you think big guy?

Parasoul then looks into Y/n's eyes as she harbors a look of disappointment.

Parasoul: What could possibly drive you this far to endanger your own life this way?

Y/n:....Two people.

Parasoul: So that's what this is all about ......revenge?

Y/n: Revenge? I don't care about getting back at the Medici. They can go to hell. I just want to find my friends.

Y/n answers her while Parasoul looks back at the boy with suspicious eyes. Y/n keeps his stoic look on.

Parasoul: Are you sure that's all?


Parasoul: (sighs) Well, I'm sorry to say, but your search ends here. I can't have you running around stirring up more trouble with the Mafia or the Skull Girl.

Y/n: So what? You're just locking me up because I'm trying to find my friends?

Parasoul: I know there's more you're trying to accomplish in my kingdom. So I'm putting you under strict supervision. Adam!

Y/n suddenly feels the hand of someone clasp on his shoulder. Adam holds an apologetic look on his face.

Adam: Im sorry, but there's too much going on.


We see an open cell stand in front of Y/n as Adam holds the boy's shoulder firmly while two soldiers stand by the door.

Parasoul: I want you three to watch over him. Call if he tries anything.

The three gave a solute as Parasoul exited the room.

Adam: Alright....In you go.

Adam attempts to push Y/n forward, only to feel as if he were pushing against a brick wall.

Y/n: Hey......Adam, right?

Y/n then glances over his shoulder toward the confused Egret.

Y/n: You seem like a nice guy.....Sorry about this.

Adam: Wha-


Parasoul: (sighs) How draining.....

Parasoul sighs to herself, sitting in her  desk area as she holds a wine glass in her hand. She would then sigh again as she began to drink, only to be interrupted by a soilder barging in.

Soilder: Princess!!!

Parasoul would then spit out her drink in surprise before coughing harshly.

Parasoul: W-What?!

Soilder: The boy!!! He escaped!!!

Parasoul eyes widened before standing  up quickly from her chair. Grabbing her umbrella, she heads off to the holding cells, only to find one of her soilder's laying right outside of the broken door with a shattered helmet. While the other was slumped against the wall.

Parasoul: H-How did he?

Parasoul continues into the room to find a motionless Adam lying outside of the holding cell with a bruise on his head.

Parasoul: A-Adam!

Parasoul shouts, quickly running over to aid her friend before Adam stirs awake.

Parasoul: Adam, what has happened here?!

Adam: (groans in pain) Right after you left, he broke his cuffs and then slammed my head into the bars.... that's all about I remember.

Parasoul: Egrets! Get the medics!

A soilder gives a brief solute as he rushes out of the room. Parasoul quickly taps on her earpiece in the meantime.

Parasoul: Molly! Where is the boy?

Mollyl: He's heading down to the lower levels of the castle!

Parasoul: Then why hasn't he been stopped by now!?

Molly: He's tearing through them like paper! Princess Parasoul!

Molly responds before a dead silence takes place.....Parasoul then speaks up in disbelief. 

Parasoul: So you're telling me that the highly trained, hand-selected, top-of-the-class Egret men! Can't apprehend a mere TEENAGER!?!

Molly: Y-Yes......

Molly responds in a whisper as Parasoul deeply sighs to herself while she pinches the brink of her nose before shouting.

Parasoul: Blair the alarms! I want Egrets storming every hallway, and I want a whole army in the main lobby by the time I get there!!!

Molly: Y-Yes princess!

We cut back to Y/n running through the hallways of the castle. Taking sharp turns around each corner, he went by.

Y/n: So you didn't keep track?!

Ddraig: Don't blame me! There's too many hallways!

Y/n: I guess we've got to wing it!

Y/n shouts before swiftly grabbing a chair and smashing it into a soldier, shattering it into pieces. Y/n then quickly grabs another soilder and uses his head as a battering ram to smash through the door, knocking it off its hinges.

Y/n: We might be going backwards!

Y/n shouts before running again.

Ddraig: Just keep running, partner!

Y/n: Shit!

Y/n yells while leaping out of the way of a bullet. Taking cover behind a pillar, he finds an Egret soldier at the end of the hallway holding a smoking pistol. Quickly thinking Y/n picks up a table and uses it as a shield. Running at full speed Y/n hears the Egret empty his magazine.


The teenager uses the table to ram the soldier through a door behind them. Dropping the piece of furniture riddled with bullets. Y/n pants as he catches his breath.

Y/n: Well, that worked......

Ddraig: Quickly the stairs!

Ddraig yells, prompting Y/n to head down a flight of stairs before jumping and tackling a soldier into the ground.


Goes the now broken gas mask as Y/n strikes down. Getting back up to his feet, he finds a hallway splitting into two directions.

Y/n: Right is right!

Y/n said as he took the right hallway before grabbing a vase.

Egret Soilder: Wait!!! That's a family-


The soilder body goes limp before slumping onto the ground.

Y/n: A-Alright I think we should -

Ddraig: Y/n! A kid!

Y/n pauses before glancing down to find a small child there wearing yellow pajamas.

???: (yawns) Um...who are you, mister?

Y/n:U-Uh Y/n......

Ddraig: Why'd you give her your name?!

Y/n: (Thoughts: Shut up! I'm a bit shaky right now, okay!)

???: You're not a bad guy, are you?

Y/n: Huh? No-No-No! Of course not!

???: Then why did you knock out that Egret?

The little girl said, pointing toward the unconscious soilder. Shattered glass all around him.

Y/n: Uhhhh......He....scared me?

???: Oooooh...are you lost?

Y/n: Yes, I am! Can you tell me where the exit is?!

???: Will it annoy my sister?

Y/n: What?

???: Will it annoy my sister, Parasoul?

Y/n: (thoughts: She has a sister!?) Uh....I guess?....

The little girl then smiles.

???: Good! My name is Umbrella, by the way!

Y/n: Nice to meet you, Umbrella. Can you tell me where the exit is now? I'm sort of in a rush!

Y/n said urgently, hearing hundreds of footsteps getting closer.

Umbrella: Oh! Just go down those set of stairs and go forward. You'll see two big doors. Just go through that, and it'll take you into the main lobby, where the exit is!

Y/n: Alright! Thanks!

Y/n quickly, said. Before making his way down stairs where he uses his foot to kick a soldier, causing the man to roll and tumble down all the while Umbrella waved goodbye.

Umbrella: Bye-bye!

Y/n now making it downstairs, he quickly rushes towards the doors like  Umbrella said so, only to find practically a whole army waiting for him on the other side. Parasoul locks on the teen with a threatening glare.

Parasoul:Stand down! (raises her umbrella) Or else!

Y/n: I made it this far! I'm not giving up!

Y/n yells, rushing toward the army as Panzerfaust suddenly appears.

Panzerfaust: Hello!

Y/n only slides through between his legs as the giant reached for him.

Panzerfaust: I think I missed him.

Panzfaust mumbles as Y/n was now dashing toward Parasoul, who held a defensive stance.

Parasoul: Ongaird!

Y/n summons his boosted gear as he speeds up his pace.


Parasoul, quickly alarmed at the possible weapon, holds her umbrella tighter. Waiting for the attack....Only for it to never come.

Y/n: Sorry, but I'll be taking my leave now!

Y/n said before expelling a shot onto the floor,springing him forward, avoiding the entire army down below as Parasoul is seen looking up while tracking the boy flying overhead.

Y/n: This is going to hurt!

Y/n braces himself as he smashes through a window before falling down, rolling, and tumbling down the flight of stairs.


The young man groans, finding himself at the bottom and halfway through the front garden.

Y/n: O-OW.......

Ddraig: You got out. But how are we getting away from them?

Y/n: F-From wha -

Y/n looks over his shoulder to find Black Egrets flooding out the front doors, trying their hardest not to trip while running down the long flight of stairs.

Y/n: O-Oh shit!

Y/n strains as he stands up. Now limping towards the gates, he looks back to see Egrets now reaching the bottom.

Y/n: I can't run like this!

Just on cue, a familiar white van stops right outside of the gates, its sliding door opening up to reveal Peacock on the other side.

Peacock: Come on, newbie! Before the coppers catch us!

Y/n gave a small nod as he threw himself inside before Peacock slammed the door shut.

Peacock: Floor it, Big Band!

The van gave a loud screech before driving off quickly. Parasoul now outside of her castle's gates only scowls towards the van direction while her men are seen panting in exhaustion.

Parasoul:.....It looks like we have another problem on our hands now.

Y/n: I.....I can't believe I actually made it out.....

Y/n pants heavily as he lies down on the van's floor.  Peacock only smiles down at him while smoking a cigar.

Peacock: You just keep on surprising me  more and more new guy! How did you even manage to get out in the first place? The place must have been swarming with Egrets!

Y/n only closed his eyes as he tried to regain his breath.

Y/n: I just got lucky, I guess... A bit of unconscious people, too..... But how did you guys even know when to come get me?

Big Band, who was driving the vehicle, glanced at the rearview mirror and spoke.

Big Band: Remember when I patted you on the back in the alley?...I sort of put a tracking device on you.

Y/n's eyes widen as he turns his head to face Big Band.

Big Band: It was only something for caution reasons, that's all.

Y/n sighs in response, focusing his gaze back toward the ceiling, before Peacock gets in the way of his vision.

Peacock: Say, what's that thing on your hand?

Y/n: What are you -

Y/n quickly raises his right hand to find his sacred gear still there.

Y/n: Oh shit.....

Y/n mumbles as Peacock began to poke the gauntlet's green orb in wonder.

Peacock: It sort of looks like a horseshoe crab.

Y/n:.....It really does.

Peacock: Is it a parasite?

Y/n: A parasite? Ew! I don't have a parasite!

Peacock: Not that parasite! This parasite!

Peacock said while extending both her arms out to jiggle them in a wave like motion. Y/n only looks confused before Big Band spoke up to explain.

Big Band: Parasites are creatures who bond with people. They gain nutrients from their host's body to survive, and in exchange, they grant the person supernatural abilities.

Y/n: uh....Venom from Spiderman, right?

Big Band: A good way tp put it.

Peacock: (fake cough) Nerd!

Hearing that insult, Y/n gazes toward the child with an annoyed look as she glances away while whistling to herself.

Big Band: So what's the deal with that gauntlet? I'm betting it helped you escape the warehouse.

Y/n: Your right, it sure did...... but can I explain what it is tomorrow? My whole body aches right now.

Y/n groans lightly as Big Band nods.

Big Band: Yeah, sure. Relax a bit; you've earned it.

Y/n: (deeply sighs)....Where we heading?

Big Band: Lab 8. You'll be safe there.

Y/n: But what about my stuff?

Peacock: What stuff? When we raided your grummy apartment, all we found was a phone, and that's it.

Y/n quickly sat up at this, looking pretty angry.

Y/n: You raided my apartment!?!

Big Band: We couldn't risk you going back there. So we saved you the trouble of going yourself.

Y/n: (sighs).....Where's my phone then?

Peacock: Back at base.

Peacock answers while taking a drag from her cigar. Y/n gave a quick nod in response while noticing they were driving more and more into the bayside area of the kingdom.

Y/n: Lab 8 is near the coast?

Big Band:(nods) Yup. On this side of the kingdom, its inhabitants are mainly fish folk; they call the place Little Innsmouth, so it's safe here.

Y/n: How come?

Bigband: There's still a bit of tension since the great war and the king's brutal expansion of territory. So it wouldn't be a good idea to send Egrets here, though that still doesn't stop the Medici from making their dealings in Little Innsmouth.

Y/n: (mutters) Oh great, just what I need...

Bigband: Just try to keep a cool head, kid. We don't want attention drawn to ourselves out here.

Y/n: I'll keep that in mind.... so Little Innsmouth, huh? Is that like a Chinatown or something?

Bigband: I guess that would be a good way to describe the place.

Y/n: Hm.

Y/n hums, keeping his gaze toward the window before finding a dock town down bellow.

Y/n: That's it? A bit smaller than I thought it would be.

Big Band: You notice all those lights  in the ocean? That's Little Innsmouth. The tide rises at night and lowers in the morning. So you'll just have to wait until tomorrow if you want to explore the place.

Y/n: Huh....that's actually really cool.

Peacock: Ner-

Y/n: Shut it.

Y/n quickly shuts the girl up as Big Band  gave a slight chuckle before he steered the van through an abandoned road tunnel. Stopping the vehicle in a specific place, a part of the wall slides down, revealing another tunnel inside.

Y/n: It's underground?

The van steers into the secret tunnel before the entrance closes. Y/n suddenly notices that they were now driving down a slope before going flat again, and with that, the vehicle came to a halt.

Peacock: Home sweet home!

Peacock cheered as she got off, with Y/n following not long after.

Big Band: Welcome to Lab 8 Y/n.

Big Band said as the lights turned on, revealing -

Y/n: (whispers) This place is massive. I see why they built this place underground.

Bigband: (chuckles) Impressive, huh?

???: So this is the boy Big Band?

The new voice questions. Y/n turns around to find an old man there with his hands in his pockets.

Peacock: Yo Doc! Where the others at?

Avian: They all went to bed. You all came back at a late hour, you know?

Peacock: Huh.....I guess we did.

Bigband: Y/n, this is Lab's 8 head scientist, Dr. Avian. He's running the whole show here.

Big Band introduces Avian, who only focuses his attention to Y/n. Giving the teen a smile, he stretches out his arm for a handshake.

Avain: Y/n, is it? It's a pleasure to finally meet you.

Y/n quickly returned the gesture and shook his hand.

Y/n: That's me. Thank you for the getaway.

Avain: (chuckles) Now don't just thank me! Big Band and Peacock went out of their way to pick you up!

Y/n gave a light chuckle and a quick smile.

Y/n: Still, thank you.

Y/n bows respectfully, just like how his aunt Ena taught him to.

Avain: It's no problem, my dear boy. But I must say, you have quite a growing reputation here, you know?

Y/n:.......R-Really? Mind telling me how thats is?

Y/n asked, a growing nervousness beginning to grow inside him.

Avain: By making enemies with the Medici and the Black Egrets, of course!Simply a bold and astonishing feat! Some might say stupid even.

Ddraig: Congratulations on trying to be invisible.....

Y/n: (Thoughts: Oh, quiet you!!!)

Y/n suddenly felt someone's arm around his shoulder.

Peacock: Look at you gaining a bunch of street cred!

Y/n: (deeply sighs) So much on trying to be invisible.......

Avain then gave Y/n a pat on the shoulder keeping his smile on.

Avain: You must feel tired from all that chaos. Why don't you rest for the night?

Y/n:(nods) I could use some rest right about now.

Avain: Peacock. Can you guide him to his resting chamber, please?

Peacock: Eh! Why not! Come on, newbie! It's past your bedtime!

Peacock said prompting the teenager to follow her while Y/n grumbled.

Peacock: And here we are! Your new room!

The duo stood in front of a metal door before it slid up, revealing a standard bedroom.

Peacock: Now you better remember to tell us about that gauntlet tomorrow! I'll write it down so I won't forget!

Y/n walks inside as he notices his phone sitting on the nightstand.

Y/n: (sighs) Sure Peacock......

Peacock: Alright! Goodnight! Don't let the bedbugs bite and all that junk!

Peacock dismisses herself before the metallic door slid down, leaving Y/n free to sit on his bed.

Y/n: What a day, huh?

Ddraig: Tell me about it. We have to be classified as terrorists by now!

Y/n:......Hopefully that's not the case...


Y/n panicked as he glanced over towards his vibrating phone.

Y/n:Oh shit! It's my mom! W-Why is she calling me now?!

Ddraig: Well, you better answer it!

Y/n quickly grabs his phone, almost dropping it in the process. Taking a quick breath, he answers.

Y/n: H-Hey mom.

Emiko: Hi there, dear. How's your big trip going?

Y/n: Oh, it's uh... going great. Um, I really like what they've got going on over here.

Emiko: (chuckles) I bet you're having a wonderful time.

Y/n: Y-Yeah..a great time!..Met a lot of interesting people....

Emiko: That's good to hear. Erma says, Hi, by the way.

Y/n: Aww, really? Tell her I said hi too.

Emiko: Oh, I will. She won't let me live it down if I don't.

Emiko softly chuckled as so did Y/n.

Emiko: You know...... She's been missing you ever since you left. We all have.

Y/n: She does?....Well, I miss you guys too.

There was a slight silence between the two.

Y/n: Mom?

Emiko:O-Oh! Sorry dear It's just that... I don't know. The years went by so fast, you know? (sniffles) It feels just like yesterday when I held you in my arms and saw your beautiful eyes open up for the very first time. It was the greatest moment of me and your father's lives.


Emiko:(sighs) You don't know how much I would give to see you say your first words or see you off on your first day of kindergarten all over again.


Emiko: A-And listen, I know you are going through a tough time right now, but just know that we're always going to be here to help and love you. So please, don't you ever forget that.

Emiko said, voice ready to break as Y/n felt his free hand clench the covers ever so tightly.

Y/n: I.....I won't..

Emiko: (sighs) Then that makes me happy to hear.....I should let you rest. I'll call you again another time, okay?

Y/n: Yeah... I'll be looking forward to it.

Emiko: (giggles) I love you, sweetheart.

Y/n: you too, mom.

And with that, the call ends, leaving a cold silence in the young man's bedroom. Y/n only places his phone down before laying back. A little sniffle escapes him as he wipes the corner of his eye.

Ddraig: You alright, partner?

Y/n: Yeah....I'm just tired, is all.

Y/n responds while taking off his shirt and vest, then shoes. Turning off his lamp, he lies back down, closing his eyes. 

Y/n: Night, Ddraig.

Ddraig: You too, partner.

(Lez from the future: It was a pain in the ass to edit. Welp! Just one more chapter left.)

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