That Feeling When. • Lee Hees...

By beautifultwilight-

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Why do I always feel so goddammn inferior? I shouldn't be feeling like this. She is my little sister after... More

twentyone. (last chapter)


57 4 1
By beautifultwilight-

It was saturday. The day Heeseung would visit the Haneda family in their Family home. The day Eri would officially re-introduce him as her boyfriend.

Kyoka was very skeptical. She wasn't sure if this Heeseung was really her sisters boyfriend or if it was just a bluff. Deep inside her heart she knew it was true. Especially after she actually took another look around Eri's room and she really spotted pictures of her sister with a tall male who definitely wasn't Riki. Instead it was the boy Kyoka got toknow briefly at the Embassy dinner back then. She also found a framed a picture of them kissing on someones couch. The picture was in her bookshelf right next to her romance novels. It seemed like her sister really had a boyfriend.

„I am so excited to meet this lovely boy once again." Mrs. Haneda said and made some Soup. She also prepared a bunch of Gyoza for the dinner and some for Heeseung and his family. Since they gave Eri really good Kimchi, she wanted to send something back.

„He is also very excited and nervous. I am going to pick him up okay?" Eri said and her mother nodded. „Alright. You two won't take long right?" Her mother than asked. „No his flat is half an hour from here." She said and Mrs. Haneda nodded. „Get going love." she said and Eri took her little purse. „See you later." she said before leaving the house.

Eri arrived quickly and Heesung opeded the door of his flat with a bright smile. She went inside and he quickly kissed her. He was very passionate and Eri needed to smile into the kiss.

„Missed me?" she said and the young man nodded. „We've been so busy this week that we haven't had time to meet up." He said and pulled her close to him one more time.

„I really missed you and you pretty lip gloss." he sighed before kissing her once again. She melted into him and he held her tightly because her knees got weak.

„I missed you as well." she said once he let go of her lips. He smiled. „I knew you missed me." he laughed and liked his lips. Eri smiled.

„You ready? My mums really excited to meet you again." Eri said and Heeseung smiled. „I'm ready." he said and Eri nodded. „Ah one more thing." she smiled turned to her boyfriend and got rid of the translucent lip gloss on Heeseung's lips. „You don't want to meet my parents wearing my lipgloss." she laughed. He giggled. „Are you sure?" The male laughed and they left Heeseung's flat while holding Hands.

„By the way, I told Kyoka about you." Eri suddenly announced and Heeseung looked at her. „How did she react?" He asked knowing that Kyoka was a complicated person.

„I told her because she was rummaging through my closet and found one of your Hoodies. She thought I was dating Riki. I told her that i'm dating you but she was't sure. She is really curious seeing if you really are my boyfriend." Eri said and Heeseung nodded. „Glad that I am." Eri nodded. „She's still not completley over Riki." Eri stated.

The two of them arrived at Eri's house half an hour later.

„Now I am getting nervous." Heeseung said squeezing Eri's Hand. Eri looked at him. „I am afraid of your sister by the way." he announced and Eri needed to giggle. „They will be fine. My mother really wants to see you again. She was making Gyoza all day just for you and your Family. And don't worry about Kyoka. It will be fine." Eri then got out her House keys and opened the door.

The first thing Heeseung recognized was that someone was playing the piano. Then he smelled amazing food and he saw beautiful Japanese art on the walls of the Hanok house.

„It looks beautiful." Heeseung whispered. He didn't wanted to ruin the mood. Eri laughed. „It's a little bit more chaotic usually." she said before announcing that she had arrived.

The first person to come to the door was Eri's father. He looked serious. Heeseung was a bit scared of the man infront of him. He greeted him politely.

„Its so nice to finally meet you again." He smiled and Heeseung bowed. „It's a pleasure to meet you again Sir." He said and swolloed his heart was beating really fast now. Mr. Haneda laughed. „You can look up again. This isn't a formal meeting. You are our daughters boyfriend not some business partner." he laughed and Heeseung looked up really flustered.

Mr. Hanede took the two of them to the living room where the piano was. Heeseung spotted Kyoka sitting infront of it playing a really classical but sad sounding song. She was really good.

„Kyoka, your sisters back, and she brought her boyfriend." the girls father than announced and the piano stopped. Heeseung felt like his heart stopped the same way as the piano. Eri felt a bit nervous when Kyoka turned around. She had watery eyes when she looked at her sister and the man next to her. She looked hurt. Even Heeseung could say that something wasn't right with the younger girl. Something was really wrong. 

She stood up bowed and excused herself. She then walked to her room.

"I'm sorry. She's very dramatic." Erisaid and Heeseung nodded. He didn't had the feeling she was beeing dramatic tho. Mabye she simply didn't like him. 

Once in her room Kyoka sat down on the floor. She was swollowing her tears because she didn't wanted anyone of her family, especially Eri and her Boyfriend hear her cry. 

Eri really has a boyfriend. Kyoka was glad that he wasn't Riki but Eri had a boyfriend and Kyoka didn't. Because she messed up and Riki left her. She missed Riki, her first love.

Heeseung knew something was wrong between the sisters. Eri looked slightly worried but at the same time she looked like it was normal to see her sister like this.

„Is she okay?" Heeseung asked silently and Eri nodded. „I think she needs to calm down. Its not your fault. She cries very easily when she's playing piano. I think it reminds her of Riki." Eri explained and sat down with him. The conversation ended with this statement and Heeseung didn't bring up Kyoka another time. 

They were sitting on the sofa and talked when Kyoka came out of her room. She still looked very sad and her eyes were still glossy but she walked up to Heeseung and bowed.

„It's nice to see you again." she said sounding like she just cried, then she disappeared in her room again.

Heeseungs first impression of Eri's Family back when he met them at the embassy dinner was the one of the perfect family, then he quickly realized that they were not super perfect. Now he thought they were a very normal and a bit chaotic family. Eri's parents were really happy to meet Heeseung again and they were head over heels with the boy. They were very happy for their eldest daughter to have such a lovely boyfriend.

Kyoka was friendly but distant. Heeseung wasn't sure if she was just sad or if he did something to make her angry or sad. He wasn't sure if it was his fault. He had the gut feeling that it was his fault tho.

After dinner Eri took Heeseung to their small garden. Since she loved it there. It was her favorite place in her house. They sat next to each other talking about their day when Kyoka also stepped outside.

„Mum needs us both for a second." she said with a tired voice. Heeseung looked at the young girl. She looked at him angrily. Heeseung swolloed. He was sure Kyoka hated him. She despised him.

„I'll be right back." Eri said to Heeseung who just nodded looking after her.

„Why did you bring him here!" Kyoka asked as soon as she was sure Heeseung couldn't hear her. Eri bit her lip. „So you are in a bad mood because he's here?" Eri asked and Kyoka scoffed. „No I am angry because you have a boyfriend and mine broke up with me." she said. „You know its not Hee's fault that Riki broke up." Eri said feeling slightly uncomfortable. Kyoka shook her head. „You don't understand." She now started to cry. „Its not only that Riki broke up. Its much more." Eri didn't understood what her sister was saying. Kyoka stomped away. „Please don't bring him home anymore. He is nice and He's not like Riki at all." She screamed and stormed off. „Mum still needs you in the kitchen." Kyoka said and walked away.

Kyoka wanted to walk to her room but her feet carried her another way. She made her way to the garden. She didn't wanted to go to the garden because she knew he would be there. But now she was so sad and angry that she didn't care. 

She walked right past Heeseung who was a little bit shocked to see a crying Kyoka walk towards the set of swings. She let herself fall on the swing and bawled her eyes out.

Seeing the young girl crying her heart out in the middle of the night made him feel bad. It reminded him of his best friend Hana. She was crying so much when she was bullied in school because of her fears and her looks. Heeseung beeing in his awkward phase of puberty didn't knew how to console his friend. But the older, wiser Heeseung wanted to try to console the younger girl. 

Heeseung looked around. Eri didn't seemed to come. He bit his lip. He felt sorry that he was the reason Kyoka was crying more than once today. He felt really guilty and sad.

The male stood up and carefully made his way to his girlfriends little sister. He carefully sat down on the other swing next to her. He looked at the girl crying and sniffling.

„I am sorry if I did something wrong today." He suddenly spoke up catching the attention of Kyoka. She looked up. Her eyes filled with tears and already red. She shook her head. „Its not your fault." she said and hugged herself again. She looked tiny sitting there like this and Heeseung realised that this girl was just 17 years old. She was still so young and everything must be confusing for her.

Heeseung looked at her softly. „Is it because of your sister?" he then carefully asked. Kyoka looked at him once again. His voice sounded soft and comforting. Completely honest and worried. And the complete opposite of her sister. 

Kyoka knew that she was giving her sister a hard time. Shewas aware and she tried so hard not to but it was hard because everything Kyoka said offended Eri. Kyoka couldn't understand the way her sister thinks and how she ticks because her moods change so very often and Kyoka is just a mess herself. Kyoka feels like a mess very often and Eri dosen't seem to see that she is as stressed about school and as stressed about her friends just like her older sister. Kyoka tried to be the perfect little sister. But she couldn't because in Kyoka's oppinion Eri was so great and such a wonderful person that she could never reach her sister. That made it hard for Kyoka to be with Eri and thats the reason she started to bring her own sister down because she just wanted to be on the same page as her sister. 

Heeseung was a good guy. Kyoka knew the second he walked in today.  He was friendly, nice and his atmosphere felt like a comforting sweater. It was making her angry that Eri found such a good guy. He really cared about Eri. He was really nice and he even seemed worried about Kyoka. Otherwise he wouldn't sit here right now.

„No. Its my fault. I am stupid." Kyoka said. Heeseung looked at her. „I am stupid because I was angry at Eri for bringing you here and I am angry at myself because of my ex boyfriend." Kyoka suddenly said. Heeseung looked at her suprised. He did not expect Kyoka to actually say something. Kyoka also didn't expect to talk to Heeseung but it felt comforting letting everything out to a person who wouldn't judge her like her sister and her parents after they got to know about what happened.

„I had this boyfriend. Riki." Kyoka suddenly started. „He and I were best friends before we became a couple and it was really perfect. I loved him so much. And then...." she made a pause. She looked at Heeseung who was looking at her intently. „And then I messed everything up." she said and cried even harder.

It was the first time she actually told someone appart from Eri how she felt. It was the first time she was actually honest about her feelings because she only told Eri like half of the story. Everything that happened after the break up was a big secret no body knew because Kyoka felt to ashamed to even think about telling someone. And even tho she never thought about it she felt safe around Heeseung even tho they actually just got to "really" meet him today. Kyoka felt safe to talk to him. She had the feeling that he would hear her out without judging her immidatley. 

„I was jealous. I was a horrible person to him and our other friend Taki and I've been so mean to my sister. I can't even tell her how happy I am for her that she has you. Just because I am jealous. I hate myself for being such a obsessive, jealous and mean person. I don't want to be like that anymore but I don't know what to do." she continues and Heeseung nodded. Kyoka looked at him. „I am very sorry to bother you with all of this but I can't talk to anyone about this. Especially Nee-san." she said. Heeseung shook his head. „It's okay. I won't tell her or anyone else." he said. Kyoka nodded before she continued.

„I have been so mean to Riki that he broke up with me just because I was scared that he would fall for Eri or someone Else. Because everyone loves Eri. She is just so lovable. I mistreated Taki just because I didn't wanted him to know were in a relationship and the worst thing is I broke Rikis heart even more than he broke mine." she said and Tears streamed down her cheeks at this point. Heeseung was now sure that she wasn't hurt just because of the break up and that the conflict the sisters have or had was really hurting the younger girl. She seemed absolutley miserebale.

 „What do you mean?" Heeseung carefully asked and pulled out a packet of tissues out of his pocket. He handed one to the crying girl. Kyoka started to wipe his tears.

„I ruined his life. I ruined Rikis life. I was the one who made him abandon Nee-san and Taki. He had no one left and then he broke his own heart by breaking up with me and now everyday I see him at school it breaks my heart." Kyoka said and cleaned her nose. Heeseung nodded. „Its hard seeing the person you like the most being sad. Its one of the worst feelings in the world." Heeseung answered and Kyoka nodded.

„He is depressed. He is going through a wave of depression. He doesn't want to come to school, he isn't eating he's getting thinner and thinner, he stopped talking to everyone and he's always alone. He looks so dead inside an out. I want to help him but I know I am the cause of it. I don't want to loose him completely." Kyoka said and broke down all over again. She then grabbed Heeseung's hand hand held it tight like her life depended on his hand. „I am so sorry for everything i've done to him and my sister but I don't know what to do. I feel so sorry towards him." Kyoka said and Heeseung caressed the back of Kyokas hand. 

Kyoka thought that it was really calming. Heeseung then realised that it was way more than just a regular break up. It was worry guilt and the feeling of not beeing enough bottled up in this 17 year old girl and the bottle was about to explode in form of a massive mental break down just because the world was just to complicated for this small girl. 

„I understand that you are really worried. I would be too. But I guess right now you need to look out for him from afar. He doesn't want to talk to you, so you should keep your distance even tho its very hard. Mabye you could talk to your teacher. Tell them that you are worried about his health. Maybe they can help. You should support him from afar. That would be the best for him. And for you. Take some deep breaths and if you feel that your heart gets heavy once again. Talk to someone. It could be a friend, a teacher or your Family." Heeseung said Kyoka nodded. „Can I also talk to you?" She suddenly asked.Heeseung smiled at her. „Just tell Eri that you want to talk to me. I think we can arrange that." He said Kyoka smiled slightly. It was the first time she looked at him like this for the whole evening. He returned her smile.

 „Thank you. Not only for listening but also for being such a nice guy and a good boyfriend to my sister." Heeseung nodded. „Youre Welcome. It was a pleasure meeting the real you today." he said and Kyoka nodded.

Heeseung was really impressed by Kyoka. She was very different. Eri always showed one side of Kyoka but there was much more in this little girl. Heeseung really liked the real Kyoka. She was full of emotions and a really thoughtful person.

„There you are." Eri suddenly said. She had a worried face. She walked up to Kyoka. „I've looked everywhere for you. Mum asked if you wanted some Ice cream." she said and Kyoka dried her last tears.

Eri looked to Heeseung who just smiled at Eri. „We just got to know each other a little bit better." He said and Eri pouted. „Okay." she said sounding skeptical. „Your ice creams in the kitchen." the older than said Kyoka stood up and looked to Heeseung. She mouthed „Thank you." before heading inside.

Eri sat down on the swing her sister was sitting on just seconds ago. „What was that?" she asked handing Heeseung his ice cream and Heeseung shook his head. „Nothing important. She just needed a tissue." He said and started eating his ice cream. 


A.N.: First of all Ihope you made it through this one becasue this is quite a long chapter. And secondly The next Chapter will be the end of our journey with Heeseung and Eri. 

Happy Reading! 

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