a magic bond

By F3nixx_Ac3

1.3K 37 64

what if sun never went to Golden Freddy's? What if Moon happened to be farther than he originally was? What i... More

a different plan
i give up on title names

The price to pay

285 6 32
By F3nixx_Ac3

He had finally reached his destination. After who the heck knows how long of walking and reliving memories he had finally reached the end. This can finally be put to an end.
KC must know he’s here already, all he needed to do was hurry and cast the spell. He moved his hand and had started to say the incantation and-

His…his magic..Why wasn't it working?! This shouldn't be possible!

He could finally feel the effects of his magic being completely gone. No. No no no. Something must of happened to his magic source. But how?! Why? If he didn't have magic then that meant he couldn’t get back out..He was trapped again.

No. No it had to work, he just needed to keep trying. It has to work..He won’t be stuck here again..


The runes were clear as day in Sun’s head, they seem practically engraved into his mind now. He had finished about a quarter of the circle after a few minutes inside the magic pool. With both the runes and Eclipse's…help, It was simple and roughly easy to rewrite the runes circle. Mostly.
Sun had almost messed up a few times and, as much as he hated to find out, Eclipse was able to 'point it out' and set him back on the right track. So it seemed He not only could still talk in Sun's mind, he could see out of his eyes too. Sun hated it, he hated the whole thing of Eclipse still being somewhat a part of him, screw the fact he's actually helping.

He must really want KC gone with how…'Out of character' he's acting. Eclipse seemed like he was monitoring every small detail in the runes sun had been drawing, making sure it was perfect and he didn't screw it up. Sun knows though, that if this were any other situation he would have never helped this much. Heck. He might have even tried to make it worse, maybe watch him suffer for some sick entertainment.
He suppose the unknown limited time factor could also be why Eclipse is watching so closely. One mess up would cause Sun to have to restart entirely. He couldn't risk it. If the rune circle doesn't get finished moon will be trapped forever…going insane within his own mind as KC does who knows what! And it would be Sun's fault…he's already been inside the pool for a while now, slowly but effectively making progress, he can't dwell on time or anything else right now. He just needs to focus on finishing the circle and getting the heck out as soon as possible. For Moon.

A few more minutes, the rune circle was almost half complete. Before Sun could even reached the halfway point a yelp came from the celestial animatronic. Pain flooded into his systems as he reached for his arm. There was a cut that went almost all the way around his upper arm, small pieces of metal had been bent around it. Oil had started to surface and bleed out. Sun pressed his hand against the cut, the pain was almost too much. It just barely rivaled the time when sun and moon still shared a body. When it was a fight for control..

Why did it hurt this much?

There wasn’t anything inside the pool that could have hurt Sun unless… the protection was starting to wear off. Sun's time was running out, and he still had-

'Focus Sun. If you don't, you'll ruin the circle and have to restart from scratch. And judging by that cut on you arm, your running a bit thin on time right now~'

Sun really hated hearing his voice in his head, but Eclipse had a pretty good point. He had quickly placed the hand that was holding his injured arm back on the circle, which had begun to flicker. That was too close, if Sun hadn’t of replaced his hand, or if Eclipse hadn’t of said anything-
No, he can’t dwell on that now. He doesn’t need to spiral into what if’s, just finish the circle. And get out. It’s already halfway complete already, so it should be easy from now on. He thinks so at least. With a deep breath he continues to redraw the runes.

From his newly injured arm, a few droplets of oil had slid down away from the open cut. Dripping onto the Runes, before being absorbed into the dirt.

He tried and tried. Why won't his magic work!! He was starting to get frustrated, KC had showed up no too long ago and now he had to try to not die from him and get his-

His magic…sparks of to had started to appear within his hands. Finally!! He still has a chance. A chance to get rid of Killcode and a chance to get out. He can try to talk with Sun, god he hoped he was ok. Maybe trapping him in the box wasn't the best idea, but it was the best he could do for now. Next time, next time they can have an actual proper talk. Find a different way to get rid of Eclipse, maybe investigate the weird high magic signals from earlier-

His magic had now been going in and now, stronger each time it returned. He can worry about all that when he’s no longer inside his own head. He just need to wait a little longer, for his magic to fully return. Just a little longer…

Just a little longer, that's all Sun needed. The protection had started to wear thin now. Cuts were littered along his faceplate and upper body/arms, he was lucky his eyes hadn’t been damaged during all this. As if he needed more reasons to rely on Eclipse! He most likely would have left Sun to be torn apart if that had happened.
But he can't dwell on things that could happen, he was so close. So close to saving Moon. the protection just needs to last a little longer…

‘Watch yourself there Sun~ don't get too ahead of yourself. Don't want to mess up now do we~?’

Has Sun mentioned how much he hated this? Or just Eclipse in general? Because he does, but damn is he helpful right now. It freaked him out honestly.

Only a small section of the circle remained; Eclipse, sadly, had a point. Again. Sun couldn't rush this last bit. There's not enough time to re-do the entire circle, he can't afford to make a mistake. He can't- there was only a little left. He was so close, so close to saving his brother, he-


"...it's complete!"

The entire rune circle had begun to glow as sun drew the final piece missing. He did it! He saved moon!
Sun grunted in pain, the protection..he needed to leave now.

'I'd hurry if I were you'

Sun stood up quickly, taking a few wobbly steps backwards to balance himself. Holding onto the arm injured most, he turned around and started to run back to where he first entered.
The magic seemed to be swirling around him, quite literally. Sun looked at his arms in shock and slight horror as hues of blue magic could clearly be seen around his arms and legs. He started to have a difficult time moving, but he needed to leave. He had to. The magic seemed to only get stronger as it swirled around his entire body. It's once blue hues flickering to a yellow at times.

The protection itself had begun to flicker as well. it was going to wear off, but sun had only barely made it away from the rune circle. No! He will make it. He will!
Sun had started to fight harder against the magic, but it only seemed to make things harder. He could barely move as the magic had grown more intense. A burning sensation had started to fill the sun themed animatronic. It burned. God, it burned so much.

The magic around Sun only seemed to go faster, pulling him back. He was only able to take a few more steps before everything crashed down. The protection had been broken, completely gone..

The only thing Sun was able to do was grab into his faceplate as the most agonizing scream tore through his voice box while the magic tore him apart.







"Well…I guess that takes care of one thing~"


Something was wrong. He could sense a disturbance in the magic, more specifically a certain moon animatronics magic. It had a familiarity to the blast not too long ago, He may need to investigate this situation...

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