My Love (Slow Update)

By AmeliyaSky

28.7K 1K 444

Vegas and Pete in a happy relationship. They live happily after war between main and minor family. Now two fa... More

The beginning
01.Hurt so good
03.Little do you know
05.Brotherhood - part 2
07.Back to....
08.Is it too late?-1
09.Is it too late? - 2
11.Broken Friendship
12.Nothing more-1
13.Nothing more-2
14.Lean on my shoulder-part 01
18.Only can him

15.Lean on my shoulder-2

1.4K 48 21
By AmeliyaSky

Third one's Pov

"P.. Kinn?" Pete mutterd unsurely, his vision blur with tears.

In the next second Pete on Kinn's strong embrace crying his heart out. Pete don't know how Kinn find him but he don't care. All he needs now a shoulder to lean on.

"P'Kinn.... P'hhh"

"Shhhh... Petie. Breath." Kinn sit-down on the bench taking Pete along with him on his lap. Kinn cradles Pete slowly patting his back.

"I'm pregnant." Even before Kinn asking "what happened' Pete droped the bomb.

"Huh?" Kinn was surprised and it took some times to register it on his brain.  Looking at Pete's face he knows there's even more left to say.

"And they said I need to do an abortion quickly." Pete said imotionlessly.

"P__Pete." Kinn stuttered and his hold around Pete tightened even without him realising. He doesn't know what to say, his mind became blank.

Kinn understood only one thing and it was that what Pete needs right now is someone who would listen to him. He held Pete's chin looking directly at his eyes and mutterd "You can still lean on my shoulders as you wish, Petie. It is still your own place that no one can reach after you."

As soon as Kinn finished he quickly wrapped his hands around Kinn's neck and rest his head on Kinn's left shoulder. Pete slowly started to explain what happened in the hospital almost drenching Kinn's shoulder with tears of pain.

"After I waked up in a strange place I immediately recognised it as a hospital room. Lastly I remembered I was in a Cafe so I get little bit tense but then I saw Phi Top. I don't know why but they seems to be tense... specially Phi Top... So I asked what's wrong with me?"


"What's wrong with me doctor?" Pete asked.

"Mmmm.... You're pregnant Mr.Pete" Older doctor said removing his stethoscope.

"What? Are you kidding me?" Pete chuckled not getting this seriously but when he saw Top's face his smile faded little by little.

"You're already 10 weeks pregnant, son. Here, look at this." The doctor handover file to Pete. Pete clumsily opened the file and his eyes met with the line printed in Red 'POSITIVE'.

"But...." Doctor cleared his throat to get Pete's attention.

"But what?" Pete's voice barely above a whisper.

"Sit first, child and have this." Doctor offered a glass of water to Pete but Pete shook his head.

"Don't get too tense child. I'll tell you this directly.. there's no need to hide this from you. Maybe what I'm about to say will be a little hard for you to accept.

It's true that you are already 10 weeks pregnant... but son you can't keep this baby.

As you know you was in a coma nearly one month and that whole time your life depended on strong medicines and medical care. I don't know how they missed your pregnancy during the medical care but... already your baby's heartbeat started to get weakened.

So You have to get an abortion as soon as possible before it's too late. If you keep this baby it will definitely endangered your life too." Doctor explained slowly.

"No... noo..... it's not true. I'm not gonna kill my baby." Pete shouted absent mindly... he stands up while clutching his belly protectively. His whole body trembled like a leaf. Doctor Top quickly reached trembling figure. Doctor sighed looking at Pete

"Even you decided to keep it... it's too late for that. As my experiences I don't think the baby will survive after receiving most strong medicines.

It's a miracle he's still breathing. I have to admit the baby is a fighter as his mother but even he survived he will be abnormal.

I hope You know how pregnant ones be careful more than thousands time even before taking a single paracetamol. So... so.... I hope you get my point." Doctor don't know what's to say anymore. Even Doctor Top's face became pale.

"I know as a mother you can't accept this.... but sometimes we can't go against our fate, child." Doctor left the room immediately because he can't keep up with his imotionless face anymore.

>>>>flashback ends<<<<

"The moment Doctor said I have to get rid of my unborn bab~~ no, no, actually I have to kill my unborn petal__ I can't describe how I felt at that moment. For a moment I wished my breath left my body forever, Phi Kinn." Pete blabbered nonstoply.

"How? How... I ever gonna kill my own love for my own sake? I already know it never gonna happen. Audacity of that doctor get to tell me such a thing. I'm  gonna end my life first even before thinking kil__" Pete's words get stucked in his throat

"Easy Petie easy." Kinn tightened his grip around him more securely. Pete was crying so much that he could barely breathe.

"Phi please.... I can't... ki..ll my..child.... please.... my" Pete eyes widend and his chest became up and down faster and faster. "Shhh... shhh... breath"

"Hey... hey..." Kinn's voice trembled and he felt so useless and scared when he saw Pete trying to breath normally while closing his eyes from pain.

"Hey hey Petie... look at me." Kinn patted his cheeks to keep his consciousness. Pete wants to tell him don't worry he is fine but nothing came out of his mouth.

"Don't close your eyes. Hey... Petie... Damn it." Kinn screamed as he stands up with Pete in his hands. He run quickly towards his car while carrying Pete in bridal style.

"Open the damn door." Kinn barked at his subordinates

"Y..yes Khun."

"To the hospital." Kinn said without taking his eyes off from Pete. The driver started car and Chan and other bodyguards followed them with another car.

"Petie baby.... please.... please don't close your eye.... please." Tears began to flow down his cheeks without realizing it.

"Don't cry... I'm fine." Pete wants to tell him as he saw Kinn's tearing eyes but he lost his consciousness making Kinn evenmore scared and worried.

"Petie... no no nooo... Petie.... don't play with me Petie..." Kinn's heart stopped for a moment when Pete's neck falls between his hands.

"Speed up you idiot... what the fuck you're doing?" Kinn roared at the driver all the way to hospital.

As they full overed to the hospital Kinn rushed out with Pete in hands. There are already medical team waiting for them. Not wanting to deal with Kinn's anger, they don't waste a second and rush Pete to the emergency ward.

Pete's Pov

"Why baby I'm so useless. Why I can't be selfish like others. Why? Why? Why?" Pete questioned himself

"Didn't you say you would be happy with his happiness.

He don't need you Pete. He has Porsche now. Your baby also gonna left you." Then Pete's own mind reminded him but he didn't care.

"Hai little one! I'm..... I'm your Mama. Don't worry Mama not gonna gave up on you till my last breath. If we survive, we survive together.  If we die, let's die together. There's no me without you since this moment my little fetal."


Hellow Friends...❤️❤️❤️

After long time.....
I hope you guys doing fine.
My exams finished and now I'm a free bird.😁😁😁

Thanks waiting for me patiencely...🥰

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Please let me know your thoughts about this chapter🙈

Love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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