Legends of Asana: Book 1

By StrongerThanILook

233 14 10

Zuko wasn't the only one banished when he was a young teen. Along with his Uncle, his betrothed was sent alon... More


Chapter 1

76 5 0
By StrongerThanILook

Six months passed in the bink of an eye. Zuko's wound had healed as it should, leaving an angry red scar on his eye. He had opted to leave his hair shaved back instead of allowing it to grow back.

Asana on the other hand struggled to heal the much larger burn to her side. She battled infection after infection over the months While the wound was healing, it was open and bleeding frequently. Due to the nature of the wound, she hadn't seen daylight in weeks. Zuko refused to let her out of her room, fearing she would take on another infection. The last fever had nearly taken her in the middle of the night, after stopping at the Western Air Temple to search for the Avatar. She had gone out with him to search. The temple had been breathtaking to behold but she had fallen into an old pool of water despite her best efforts to be careful. She had laughed it off and simply cleaned the wound when they got back to the ship but by the end of the night she was feverish.

Zuko had been irate with her and banished her to bed rest. Guards were posted outside her room day and night. At first she didnt care since she could barely move much less leave her room. But as she got better she got stir crazy. The first time she attempted to leave, guards had escorted her back in and then stood inside her room for half an hour to make sure she wouldn't leave again.

The second time Zuko was there and clearly annoyed with her. They had talked for a while and come to an agreement. She would stay on bed rest, if he brought meals to her instead of a guard. He had agreed to it begrudgingly, but hadn't failed to bring her food yet.

Two weeks had gone by, and she was ready to get some fresh air. Currently she was polishing the bow Zuko's mom had gifted her before disappearing. It was made of iron spruce, like any other bow one would find in the fire nation army. Only this now had been ornately carved and etched. The designs were floral in nature with fires licking either end, bathed in gold. It was her most prized possession. It had been a longtime since she had last cared for it, and after reading all of Uncle Iroh's books, it was the best thing she could do to occupy her mind.

She had already removed the string allowing the wood to relax. One of the guards had brought her oil and some rags, as well as a new string for when she was finished. So she sat on her meditation pad with a few scented candles lit, oiling the wood until it looked brand new. Though she hated to admit it, fixing up her bow didn't take as much time as she had hoped it would.
Even though she took ner time, it only took her half an hour to ensure her bow was oiled properly. With a sign she placed the unstrung bow in it cradle to dry, later that night she would rest reach the bow with the new string.

Next to the cradle was a large box. She smiled to herself, and placed the box before her on the floor. She'd had the box for as long as she could remember. Her mother had gifted it to her before they had been executed. No one had ever told her what they had done but at a young age, after she had been publicly betrothed to Zuko, Ozai had caused her parents of traitorous acts and had them killed. Ursa had saved her from that same fate. As long as she remained loyal to the Fire Nation she was allowed to court Zuko until Ozai found a more suitable bride. Now Ozai had what he needed to be rid of her should she ever return to her country.

She stared at the box in front of her recalling the day they were executed. It was in the morning of her birthday. Her parents had been ripped from their bed and brought before Ozai . She could still hear her mother's protests as they had drug her through the halls. She had naturally chased after them in confusion, but Ursa had stopped her from entering the throne room to spare her the details. In the end, Ursa's actions had only left a pit in her stomach.

Shaking her head at the memory she opened the box where hundreds of feathers were neatly bundled and packed into the small space. The box was divided into four sections. One for each nation. Each nation had an assortment of birds they were known for and she had made it her mission to collect as many as possible. She already had every bird from the fire nation. In fact, she had so many took they took up two sections in the box. There was only one other section that had any feathers in it so far. They had visited two Air Temples so far. The Western Air Temple and The Northern Air Temple. Each temple had an abundance of yellow and white feathers that came from the local birds, that she had brought back to the ship.

Eventually, she would use the feathers to fletch. her own arrows but she did not have the tools. Iroh had promised her on their next stop she would be allowed to join them in the market for the supplies she would need. They were currently headed for a Fire Nation village not too far from the Northern Temple. There they could restock and continue on their search. She needed an abundance of bamboo and arrow tips of either rock or obsidian. Obsidian was preferred but harder to came by as it came exclusively from Fire Nation soil. The only place to get it was from a smuggler, since Ozai had ordered a cease shipment to the other nations.

Digging through the box, she pulled out. her favorite feathers, from an Eagle hawk. They were brown with white specs but when she held them up to the candlelight the brown parts almost glowed gold. They were the first set of feathers she wanted to use as fletchings.

A knock on her doar brought her out of her admiration. Placing the feathers back in the box, she stood to get the door. On the other side stood Iroh, with bandages and ointment in hand. She opened the door fully for him.

"How are you feeling today?" Iroh asked as he came into the room.

"Ready to leave this room." She sighed closing the door and joining him by the bed. Since she hadn't left the room in so long she had been living in her robe, seeing no point in putting on normal clothes if she wasn't allowed to leave. She slipped it off, turning her back to him so he could help her out.

"You have healed nicely. Bed rest was exactly what you needed Asana. The blisters have healed, now we just wait for your skin to thicken as it continues to heal." Iroh told her as unwrapped her torso. As he undid the top, she used her arms to cover her breasts.

"That's a relief. The sharp pains have stopped but it is definitely still sensitive to the touch." She explained. His hands were gentle as be applied the ointment and unlike before, it didn't hurt as it used to.

"When I am finished, you should get dressed. I will escort you to the deck for some fresh air. Prince Zuko is currently sparring with some guards." Iroh said. Her head whipped around in exciment. He gave her a warm smile and it took everything in her not to turn around and hug him.

"Thank you, Iroh." She told him, grateful for his kind heart. "How is he?"

"As hot tempered as usual. He struggles to remember his basics as he learns. He is as stubborn and unforgiving, as his element" Iroh explained, as he finished tying up her bandage.

"I miss the Zuko who was warm and
loving. I want to see Ozai suffer for what he's done."  She seethed feeling her anger rising. That man had traumatized both of them, Zuko more than her.

"You turn your anger inwards. Focusing on your anger will slow your healing. What Ozai did was unforgiveable, but you must focus on moving passed it and find some peace. " Iroh, told her as he stood from his spot behind her. She didn't have any words to describe the way she felt. She had such anger towards Ozai, it would consume her if she allawed it. Zuko was headed down that path.

"You said something about some fresh air." She looked over her shoulder at him and gave him a small smile.

"Get dressed, I'll be in the hallway." Iroh exited the room, leaving her in silence. She stood slowly, stretching side to side to check her mobility. Her side was still pretty stiff.
Iroh always did a good job to ensure that the bindings weren't too tight. Going to her.
dresser she pulled out a simple red tunic and a pair of lose pants. The clothes were comfortable and her bindings barely poked out of the top where it tied together. Next to the door was her long leather coat, with a white fur collar; a gift from Zuko since they had been banished.

True to his word, Iroh was waiting in the hallway for her. She nodded to him, letting him know that she was ready. He took her by the arm and let her lean on him a bit even though she didnt need the support. She smiled and leaned her head on his for a moment to shaw her appreciation.

"Did you tell him?" she asked, lifting her head.

"I did not." He gave her a sheepish grin to which she rolled her eves.

"This should be interesting. Annoyed or concerned?" She questioned.

"I bet you jasmine tea that he is concerned for you and angry with me." Iroh said with another cheeky grin. She looked at him pointedly.

"Now that is just an unfair bet." She chuckled. They were approaching the door to the deck and suddenly she felt a little nervous. She didn't want Zuko to be upset. She knew he was only worried for her health but she also knew he was in a dark place and she didn't want to add to that.

"It is only unfair because you know it is true. He is a hot head but he cares for you." Iroh opened the deck door. She threw her arms up immediately, blocking the lignt from burning her eyes. It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the sunset light. Iroh led her out on deck where she could hear Zuko practicing his bending with several of the quards. Once her eyes had adjusted to the light, she could see that Zuko was shirtless, sparring with six guards. The deck was hot from all the fire but she was glad for all the heat.

"He's getting better." She noted, walking over to the tea station Iroh had permanently place on deck. He helped her sit on the cushion and she grimaced as she leaned too far to the one-side.

"Indeed, he needs to remember his basics."
Iran poured her a cup of tea. "Zuko, your
basics." The elder man called out to his nephew. Zukos concentration broke and he ended up falling on his ass.

"How many times have I...."  Zuko started to
yell, until he turned around and saw her sipping her tea. She barely tipped her chin up to look at him over her tea cup. His emotions flashed across his face in an instant. Anger hit first followed by concern and she scoffed. Of course Iroh was right.

"How are you feeling?" Zuko asked clearing his throat. Her eyebrow twitched in curiosity.

"The blisters have healed finally, pain is down to only when I stretch, and my bow has been oiled and is ready to be restrung." She told him, happily. Zuko walked over to her and sat on the cusion beside her leaning in to her. His arm was behind her holding his weight on the palm of his hand. Heat rose to her cheeks at his proximity. Moments like these were rare and she sat compretely still, scared he would pull away from her if she even twitched. Iron's  surprised eyes found hers and she smirked.

"I believe you owe me a pot of oolong tea, uncle Iroh." She gently pushed the pot of tea towards him and he scowled. Without word he took the pot and made his way below deck to switch out the tea for her.

"What was that about?"Zuke asked, sitting up, his heat going with him. A shiver went through her spine.

"We may have bet you would be mad at him for bringing me up here." She chuckled, letting her eyes wander amund her surroundings.

There wasn't much to look at but it was better than the metal walls of her room. The sky was overcast, a wonderful mixture of dark and light clouds. The horizon was getting brighter, suggesting that they were close to sunset.

"I probably would have been, had I not already planned to come get you when I was done here" Zuko said reaching over to drink her tea. His face scrunched up in response to the flavor. Unlike her and Iroh, Zuks couldn't stand tea.

"I don't know how you can drink that" He placed the now empty cup back down and met her amused gaze.

"Your bending is getting better." She complimented. He looked away from her and she sighed. He never  could take a compliment especially now that he was more insecure than he had ever been.

"Uncle is always reminding me of the basics. I'm ready to learn more but I've been stuck on the basics for weeks. Zuko grumbled.

"Show me." She stood from her spot beside him and held out her hand. He starred at her for a moment before he accepted her help. They moved over to the center of the deck and he started to go through the movements. His every movement was sharp, stiff and full of anger. She could tell that he wasn't breathing through the techniques. By the time he was done he was out of breathe. A memory of his stray hairs falling in his face crossed her mind.

Shaking her head, she approached him. In one
swift move, she jabbed him right below the center of his ribs. He stumbled back, coughing

"You are a tense mess zuko." She stated. Her feet moved on their own as she began to run through the basics without her flames. It had been weeks but they came easy like an old dance. Her breaths were deep and slow, creating a steady flow of steam to exit on her exhales. When she finished, her prince stood there with a look of admiration on his face.

"You're always made it look so easy." he came to stand before her.

"I'll do It again, slower. Follow my movements. No fire." she instructed, resuming her original stance. Zuko followed suit, but she could see the tension in his shoulders.

"Roll your shoulders, take a deeps low
breath and let out the steam that builds." Asana did the relaxation technique first before he copied her. That was all it took to calm his mind, allowing his shoulders to visably droop.

"Good, let's. get started."

Asana began the movements again. Her feet. danced along the deck, her arms flowing around her body. The motions were fluid, minch like a tree in the wind. Zuko followed her movements, choppy at first as he began to memorize what she was doing. Time began to flow together as Zuko requested she repeat the process over and over again, slowly so he could follow along. Zuko began to do the moves smoother and she began to pick up the pace.

As they maneuered around each other, lost in their own world, they didn't notice the audience that had built up. Iroh and some of the crew had come back to the deck with food and tea. They were surprised to see Zuko in such a calm state. It was certainly a sight to behold. The angry prince dancing around the deck, breathing consistently instead of huffing, and puffing in anger.

"What are they doing?" the helmosman asked Iroh as they all stood there.

"She is helping Zuko with his basics. Asana has always had a way with him." Iroh explained As children Asana had always been able to calm him down. Her firebending was also more refined than Zuko's, so they had usually practiced together. He nad watched them do this dance many times before.

"Ready to try it with the flames?" Asana asked Zuko as they completed the last round. Zuko nodded and she smiled. Asana took a deep breath and shook her hands out. It had been weeks and she hoped that bending wouldn't take too much out of her.

Without much thought she began moving her feet. The flames began to flow from her hands in warm waves. With each breath, her flames grew until she was fully bending. It was like stretching an unused muscle. There was a dull ache in the pit of her stomach, as if a fire burned within her That flame was giving her a sense of relief and she couldn't help but smile. The energy she was expending had been builling up for far too long. Her body sang as the flames left her palms and feet.

In her trance she hadn't noticed Iroh stepping closer to them, a look of concern on his face. He knew that after being cooped up for weeks her body grown weaker. It was going to take time for her body to catch back up to where she had been before. So Iroh stood to the side ready to intervene. Zuko noticed this and faultered in his movement's, catching his Uncle's eye. They shared a look and Zuko immediately stopped bending.

Asana on the other hand had her eves closed and had missed the interaction. She continued on through the moves and they watched carefully. Asana was in bliss. The dull ache in her abdomen had grown and she longed for it to release. She. had completed the set she had been teaching Zuko but it wasn't enough. She pushed forward urging her flames to burn hatter and stronger than ever before.

And then it happened. The string snapped and her eves fluttered open. She was face to face with Zuko who had a look of surprise on his face.
She blinked again and felt a crushing weight on her shoulders, forcing her to her knees. A moment of realization washed over her as her knees slammed into the metal deck. She had overspent her energy.

Normally, this wouldn't have been a problem but she had spent weeks with no sun exposure. Fire benders drew their power from the sun and with no exposure mixed with the sun setting, she had nothing eft to draw power from.

"Asana." Zuko cried out lunging for her as she tipped forward. He caught her before she hit the deck.

"I'm tired" she muttered, struggling to keep her eyes open. Blinking rapidly, she shook her head to rid herself of the blurred vision, with no sucess.

"Rest. It will be a few days before you are at full strength again." Iroh placed a hand on her shoulder giving a sharp squeeze to the pressure point near her collar bone. Within seconds she had passed out in Zuko's arms.

Here you go my lovelies. I'm going to try and get another chapter out here soon. It'll pick up right where this chapter left off. I want to try and get some chapters written of before ATLA starts. Let me know what you think!!

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