Total Drama preferences

By NoahsWittyTales

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Romantic scenarios of some of the characters from total drama! Since preferences are a bit complicated to wri... More

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Character list
How you met
What dating them includes
The first date
When you're sick
The first kiss
When they get jealous
New characters (Updated Scenarios)
How they hug you
The type of couple you are
When you get jealous
How they ask you to be their girlfriend
When they walk in on you changing
When they see you upset
Annoying couple things you both do
Going to a dance
Would they kill the spider?
When you see them upset
New characters (Catchup chapter)
When you are on your period
Their love language
They wake up first
The little things they do for you
A day at the carnival
Height difference?
How they react to you having a pet
Who made the first move?
How they celebrate your birthday
When the girls are on their period
How they would help/react if you struggle with mental illness
How they introduce you to their family PART 1
They react to you drawing them
When you're upset with them and they notice - PART 1
Beach days with them

Movie nights

3K 31 63
By NoahsWittyTales

Requested by: Zlurpii

- He prefers to watch Sci-FI, action and dramas.

- He likes to let you lean on his shoulder or his chest while he holds you throughout the movie. If he needs to get up, he will let you know because he's blunt like that.

- His favorite snacks to eat during the movie are chips and sour candies.

- He finds it cute when you get invested in the plot. He enjoys listening to your rants.

- Afterwards, depending on the plot, you both get into debates about what the characters did and what you both would do in the situation they're in.

- He has trouble deciding on the movie, but he likes to watch romantic comedies, and action films.

- He likes to wrap his arm around you and hold you close when you watch movies with him.

- Sometimes he will suggest a horror movie just so you can get scared and he can cuddle and calm you down. It makes him feel good to be protective of you.

- He makes sure you're as comfortable as possible, so he brings a lot of pillows and blankets.

- Of course, Duncan is into action, horror and thrillers. He wants to be hyped up during the movie.

- He finds it cute when you get scared. He puts his arm around you, and kisses your forehead. "Don't worry, beautiful. You're safe with me." He'll tease you afterwards though.

- He likes to snack on chips and beef jerky.

- When you fall asleep during the movie, he puts a blanket over you and carries you to bed.

- Courtney likes Crime dramas and romance movies (Even if she won't admit she's into romance).

- She likes to lean on your chest and play with your hair. Sometimes this makes you fall asleep during the movie, which she finds so cute!

- It's hard for her to focus on the movie sometimes because she has reminders on her phone on things she needs to do.

- "Y/N," give me back my phone!" Courtney whined.

- "No, babe. You need to allow yourself to relax."

- Courtney would pout for the first twenty minutes you have her phone but will relax and cuddle you the whole time.

- Alejandro likes romance, action and drama films. Sometimes he would also be up for comedy if he needs a good laugh. His laugh is contagious.

- He likes to hold you in his lap when you get sleepy in the middle of the movie.

- If a scene gets heated in a romance film, he would want to make out.

- Sometimes the romance films give him ideas for more dates. That sort of can explain why your dates can be the cheesiest.

- Heather likes to watch films like mean girls, and other types of dramas. She's also into romance and 'Feel good' movies.

- She wants to cuddle you throughout the movie but won't tell you that. You'll have to cuddle her first.

- Heather gets invested towards why the characters make the decisions they made. She'll keep asking questions throughout the movie and point the flaws out. You learned to just let her rant.

- She gets irritated when you fall asleep first but softens up because she thinks it's cute.

- Emma likes crime dramas, romance and feel good movies. She typically watches them when she's done with her work.

- She loves to cuddle you throughout the movie and refuses to let go. She just likes being close to you.

- She watches your expression every once in awhile when there is a plot twist. She always asks what you think of it.

- When you fall asleep first, she thinks it's adorable and obsesses over it for hours.

- Kitty's favorite movies to watch are dramas, comedies, and Disney films.

- She talks a lot throughout the movie because she likes having conversations with you more than being silent. This can annoy you sometimes.

- She takes a lot of pictures of you both cuddling on the couch.

- When you fall asleep, she takes pictures of that too and keeps it even if you say to delete it.

- Mike's favorite type of movies are romance, comedies, and dramas.

- He always insists that you can lay on him the whole time. He even covers you with a blanket and holds you close.

- He blushes during the heated scenes in a romance movie. You often tease him about this, which makes him even more flustered.

- He always asks if you're okay when you doze off or get tired during the movie. If you are getting too sleepy, he pauses the movie then carries you to bed.

- Mal likes thrillers, horror and action.

- He thinks it's cute and teases you when you get scared. He'll either do something to make you more scared to make fun of you or will cuddle you close to calm you down. It really depends.

- He loves it when you lay on him. It makes him feel like he's doing a good job at protecting you, even if it's just a movie.

- If he's in the mood, he'll want to make out during the most inappropriate scenes.

- He always insists on you falling asleep on him.

- Scott's favorite movies are dramas, action and comedy.

- He finds your laugh so adorable when you keep laughing at the characters. It makes him want to laugh too, and he pulls you closer to him.

- He eats a lot during the movie and will keep getting up to get more food. He tells you not to pause it though so you can keep watching.

- Scott gets embarrassed to admit he is invested in the plot.

- Trent likes watching musicals, dramas, and romance films.

- He gives you a kiss whenever there's an emotional scene to make you feel better.

- He often buries his face into your hair when he holds you close to him. He cuddles you a lot during movies.

- He likes to hear you sing along to the musicals and records you so he can watch it later.

- Gwen prefers horrors and thrillers. That's what she's always been into. She will only go for romance if you convince her enough. She thinks romance movies are too cliche.

- If you get scared, she'll tease you a lot. She also thinks it's funny when you complain that the characters keep making dumb decisions.

- You both make forts under covers to watch the movie, which she finds very cute.

- She likes to lay on your chest while you play with her hair.

- Sammy is into romantic comedies, Disney, and other family friendly movies from different companies.

- She gets nervous when you ask her what she wants to watch, but you often encourage her to voice her own opinion.

- She likes to cuddle you a lot, and gets very affectionate. She used to be shy with affection but she's getting better.

- She always asks if you're enjoying the movie just to make sure you're having a good time.

- Jen loves to watch dramas and autobiographies of famous celebrities.

- If you're watching an autobiography, she critiques the fashion styles of the people in it.

- The both of you get freaked out over plot twists and you usually pause the movie to let yourselves freak out over it until you can continue the movie.

- Sometimes she will braid your hair or put it in different styles until you fall asleep.

- Don't ever play a scary movie or he will accidentally injure himself from freaking out.

- He likes animated films and comedies.

- Sometimes he'll laugh too hard then fall off the couch, which hurts his nose. You'll have to pause the film to make sure he's okay.

- He wraps his arm around you when you cuddle on the couch and plays with your hair.

- Never play horror movies around Jay either. He'll freak out so hard that he'll trip over his own feet and get a nose bleed.

- He tries to be romantic and cuddle you, no matter how awkward he can be.

- His favorite movies are Disney films and feel good movies. He blushes at the thought of romance. 

- To be safe, he would want a lot of pillows around the couch. However, he once tripped and fell onto the floor.

- At first, Jo thought it would be lame to watch a movie together but she's grown to like it whenever she comes over.

- Her favorites are comedies, dramas and action.

- It's easy to make her laugh when the characters act stupid. You find her laugh cute and contagious, so you always laugh with her.

- She acts like it's a coincidence when she cuddles you the whole time. She's still embarrassed about admitting she likes to be affectionate with you.

- His favorite films are of the world war and the military. He shows you it to help you understand the military better.

- Besides the military, he likes action and comedies. He always insists you choose the movie first though.

- He likes to hold you close and cuddle you. He would also give you a kiss out of nowhere because he likes spending time with you.

- He carries you to bed when you fall asleep first.

- Eva prefers action films and sci-fis. She's a nerd at heart but won't admit that to anyone but you.

- Don't put on horrors or thrillers or else she'll lose her temper at how dumb the characters are.

- She doesn't talk at all during the movie and would prefer to just focus on it.

- She's not very affectionate and will only put her arm around you. She'll just leave you alone and turn off the tv if you fall asleep.

- He likes romance, comedy and action.

- He prefers to watch romance the most with you so he can kiss you. He gets very affectionate when you watch romance movies.

- Sometimes he talks too much because he gets distracted about a party he's going to throw during the weekend.

- He likes to hold you to his chest and let you fall asleep on him.

- Justin likes Sci-fis, romance, comedy and action films.

- He gets so invested in the plot of any movie that you guys watch, so he prefers to not talk during it.

- When a romantic scene gets heated, he just shrugs then pecks your cheek.

- He lets you cuddle him and he puts his chin on your head, pulling you closer to him.

- Dj likes Disney movies and action. Sometimes he would be up for romance, but that's only when he's in the mood for it.

- He wants to be a gentleman, so he lets you lay on his chest or his lap.

- He pauses the movie when you get hungry in the middle of it to make you a snack.

- When you fall asleep, he just chuckles and puts a blanket on you, before kissing your cheek to say goodnight.

- Lindsay likes dramas, romantic comedies, and regular romance films.

- Sometimes she completely forgets what you're both watching and gets confused easily by who the characters are. It either fascinates or annoys you.

- She would want to do your hair or paint your nails while you watch the movie.

- She is usually oblivious if you fall asleep first but when she realizes it, she just smiles at how cute you are.

- Of course, Izzy is into horror and action films.

- She prefers horror movies the most and sometimes likes to act out as the villain afterwards for fun.

- She always insists on making out during the movie, even if the scene is inappropriate. Sometimes you both end up making out the whole time and completely miss the movie.

- When you fall asleep, she either admires how cute you look or wakes you up so you can make out with her more.

- Harold prefers action, animated and Sci-FI films.

- He tries to be romantic and will try to kiss you or hold you close. He would also want to make out. He'll respect you if you're not in the mood for it though.

- He explains the concept of the movie throughout it even if you get what's happening. He likes to discuss the facts about it too.

- He fanboys when you fall asleep first. He thinks you're very beautiful.

- Tyler likes romance, comedies and action films.

- He likes to hold you in his lap and put his chin on top of your head.

- When it gets too cold, he brings way too many blankets.

- He wants to be cool like the characters in the action films and talks about it, but you always assure him you like him for who he is.

- Chris likes comedies, dramas, actions and romance.

- Chris complains a lot about your movie choices. You both always argue about which movie to watch. To decide, you both settle it like adults; Rock, paper, scissors.

- He teases you when there's a heated scene in a romance movie.

-  "You want me to do that, don't you, Y/N?"

- He likes holding you close to make out and will whine if you get up to use the bathroom.

- Katie likes feel good movies, comedies and romance.

- You and Katie can never decide on the movie because there are a lot of options.

- She fangirls when you hold her close and kiss her during romance films. So you make it a point to do this a lot.

- Katie would want to recreate cute dates she sees in the movie then brag about it to Sadie.

- Sadie likes animated movies, action and romance.

- She secretly wants to make out during the romance movie but gets shy. She freaks out when you make the first move then she will brag about it to Katie later on.

- She wants your dates to be like how it is in the movies, even if you have to be realistic.

- She thinks it's adorable when you fall asleep first.

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