* 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾 *...

By livelaughl0vebermans

10.5K 117 63

Bella (Bea) Roberts, younger sister to Jill Roberts, is now living with her cousin Sidney Prescott. But what... More

1. 𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓃𝓉 𝓂𝑒 𝒶 𝓅𝒾𝒸𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒
2. 𝒢𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝓌𝒽𝑜'𝓈 𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀
3. ...𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃
4. 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓼
6. 𝒟𝑒𝒿𝒶 𝓋𝓊
7. 𝐼'𝓂 𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝑜𝓃𝓁𝓎 𝓎𝑜𝓊
8. 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒'𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝒶𝓃𝓎 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒
**not an update lol**
9. 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝓇𝒾𝓁𝑜𝑔𝓎 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓈 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒

5. 𝐹𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓁𝑒𝑔𝒶𝒸𝓎 𝓉𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇

676 12 7
By livelaughl0vebermans

T/W - blood, stabbing, murder :(

"Bea call Tara!" Sam raised her voice, starting to panic.

"Where's your phone? I don't have her number" the teen replied. Suddenly, a vibrating tone can be heard coming from the pocket of Bea's hoodie.

The brunette immediately pulls it out, already having a gut-wrenching feeling as to who could be on the other end of the line.
Shit, shit, shit is all the teen could think as her eyes were met with 'Unknown Number' on the bright screen of her phone. Dewey and Sam's eyes widening as they too come to the realisation.

Without thinking twice, Bea swiped her trembling thumb across the answer button and raising the phone to her ear with her shaking hand.
"Hello, Bella" the iconic yet petrifying raspy voice spoke.

"Fuck you, where are you?" The teen questioned, not sounding as scared as she looked. The girl had always been good at hiding her emotions and bottling them up, showing that clearly now.

"I think you know" ghostface replied. "Put me on speaker, I want Tara's bitch of a sister to hear me" he demanded.

"Fuck you" bea replied through a whisper through her teeth and she selected the option for the call to be on speaker.

"What do you want asshole!" The older girl shouted, trying to keep her eyes on the road. "You see Samantha, I'm with two veryyyy special people" he started, Tara's cries could be heard in the background.

"You lay a finger on them and I will slit your fucking throat!" The older girl threatened, clearly dead serious.

"Not if I get them first!" Ghostface snapped back at the girl. "Now, I'll give you a choice. Who will it be? Your helpless pincushion of a sister? Or your precious boyfriend?" He snarled.

"No, no you won't touch them!" Sam replied, earning a wide-eyed look from Bea.

Was she really not gonna pick her own fucking sister?

More screams could now be heard, even more clearly, the phone assumingly held up to Tara's face.

"Sister or boyfriend? Sister or boyfriend? Sister or boyfriend? Sister or boyfriend?" The killer taunted, speeding his pace up each time he repeated the question.

Sam couldn't get her words out, or even form any words due to her ever trembling voice, however, the three were already 10 steps ahead of ghostface.

"Come on Samantha, whats taking you so long?" He taunted.

"Maybe I'm just stalling for time, Fuckface!" The older girl shouted as the elevator door pinged, signalling it was open.

All their eyes immediately met with a black figure standing over a helpless Tara, knife up, ready to kill. Luckily, three clear shots were taken from Dewey's gun, making the figure run down the adjacent hallway.

"Tara!" Sam screamed, upon seeing her helpless sister bleeding on the floor.

"I'll get her Sam, go get Richie!" The younger girl said, using her 'survival instincts' Sid had always made he practice.

"Oh my god Tara" be whispered through her teeth, paired with a sign of relief. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Sam dragging Richie towards the elevator doors, immediately resulting in here grabbing Tara's un-injured arm and wrapping it around her shoulders, making herself act as a crutch for the girl.

"Fuck" Tara said through her teeth out of pain.

"Sorry, sorry. Hold on Tara, I'm not gonna let you get hurt again I promise" Bea whispered into the other girl's ear as they were limpind down the hallway of the hostpital, towards the elevator.

By this point, Sam and Richie were in the elevator waiting for the two girls and Dewey. "Sam, take Tara!" Bea shouted. Sam then left her boyfriend in the elevator to come and aid her sister.

"Wait here" Bea added, leaving the three in the elevator.

"No Bea!!" Both sisters screamed, not wanting the younger girl to do anything stupid.

By now Bea was swiftly but cautiously making her way down the corridor towards the commotion heard between ghostface and Dewey, armed with nothing except her arms that could deliver strong punches.

As she turned the corner she was met with the two fighting, except ghostface with a knife in hand and Dewey's gun at least 4 metres out of reach. Bea immediately sprinted towards the gun, unknown to her, Ghostface had already heard her coming.

As she bent down to grasp the gun, she was kicked backwards onto her back, trying desperately to scramble to her feet, but she was out-paced by ghostface who kicked her back down for a second time, armed with both a knife and a gun.

Gostface was now straddling the young girl and raised their knife only to recieve a slightly weaker than usual right-hook from the teen. Her reaction was fast, after seeing the gun fly out of his hand, she slid it across the floor towards Dewey, who was able to immediately grab it.

Dewey had been cut by broken glass on his leg, so was slow at getting himself back fully onto his feet.

This gave ghostface an open oppurtunity to 'get rid' of Bea, so as the young girl was getting back onto her feet, Ghostface came face to face with the girl, knife in hand.

"Bea watch out!!" The older man screamed as he was watching the scene play out, still struggling to get to his feet, his wound now severly bleeding out.

Before Bea even had a chance to react she could feel the cold metallic sharpness enter the flesh on her shoulder, making her scream in pain and grasp her shoulder.

"Fuck you asshole!" The teen screamed as she delivered an even stronger punch to ghostface, square in the face. Ironically, she managed to produce a stronger punch with a stabbed shoulder than with two perfectly functioning ones.

Her punch caused ghostface to fall back away from the pair, Dewey was now on his feet and dragged Bea's unijured shoulder next to his to ensure she wouldn't be caught again, her white crop top now at least 70% a crimson red.

Just as ghostface was scrambling to his feet, Dewey immediately let out 3 clear shots to ghostface's chest, forcing him to collapse backwards into a glass bookshelf, causing a huge crash and leaving ghostface motionless in a bed of shattered glass.

"Cmon, we need to get out of here!" The man said sharply, rushing down the corridor towards the elevator, with Bea cluching her shoulder in agony through cold tears streaming down her face, but showing no signs of crying, still not wanting to show much emotion.

The pair finally reach the elevator, to be met with a slightly more awake Richie, and Sam and Tara with wide-eyed expressions upon seeing Bea's injury.

"Come on get in!" Sam shouted. Dewey ushered Bea into the elevator before himself, as soon asboth of her feet were comfortably on the elevator floor, the man paused outside the metal doors.

"They always come back" the man sighed.

"What?" Sam questioned, Bea giving the man a confused expression through her sharp intakes of breath.

"You gotta shoot them in the head, or they always come back" the man admitted, making Bea's eyes immediately widen.

Richie starting to lean forward to press the shut button for the elevator doors.

"Dewey who gives a fuck?" The older girl questioned.

"I do" the man stated.

The doors started to close.

"No Dewey! No! Open the fucking doors!" Bea screamed, as Richie held the girl back while she was banging on the metal doors in an attempt to try and stop the elevator somehow, although it had already started to retreat to the bottom floor.

"Let me go asshole!" Bea shouted to the older man, him now releasing his hands from her waist.

"Dewey!" She screamed through her sobs, filling the elevator with her pain-filled voice, her body now collapsed into Sam's, sobbing into her shoulder.

The elevator was slowing down, reaching the bottom floor.


Upon hearing the sound of the elevator doors screech open, Bea used the rest of the adrenaline left in her to speed out of the crampt elevator and run as fast as her legs would take her to the stairs.

Her shoulder was switching between throbbing with pain and numbness, her vision slipping in and out of bluriness.

"Dewey! Dewey I'm coming!" She screamed through her sobs as she was running up the last flight of stairs to the third floor that they were all previously on.

When she eventually made it to the top of the third flight of stairs, she burst through the double doors, to be met with the sight of nightmares.

There was blood, a lot of it. More than there was just minutes ago.

A body with a brown leather jacket, soaked in a pool of crimson roses lay perplexed in the centre of the hallway, no movement to be seen or heard.

"Dewey!!" The girl cried, I full gut-wrenching scream this time. Not like she cried for him in the elevator, this was different. This was the kind of scream you would hear in a horror film, a scream only describible to those who have heard it first hand.

Bea sprinted over to the lifeless body, her whole body now completely numb as she dropped to her knees infront of the man who had been the teen's rock for her entire life, her green cargos darkening by the second and the liquid seaped through onto her skin.

No words. Just cries and screams from the young girl, her bottled up emotions now being let out as her head lay onto the lifeless mans chest.

Tara had been put into another room at the hospital, she needed to have her hand re-stitched and was therefore under a lot of different drugs to try and stop the pain. Sam and Richie were just outside the hospital, they had to speak to deputy's and officers and re-call the events so they could then try and peice together how this happened, the pair hadn't seen Bea since she took off towards the stairs in search of Dewey.

Gale was sat in the hospital waiting room after having seen the black body bag rolled out on a stretcher, still trying to process the news. "Oh my god.." a familiar voice sparks up.

"Sid" gale sighs with relief at the sight of her. They embrace each other in a warm, comforting hug.

"I came as soon as I heard" Sid whsipered, a tear slipping out of the woman's eye. "I'm so sorry Gale" the woman spoke.

Gale just dropped her head slightly, not wanting to belive the recently unfolding events.

"Where are Mark and the kids? Are they safe?" Gale asked after pausing, part of her wanting to cange the subject.

"They're fine, and safe" she replied.

"Bea was supposed to call me if anything went wrong, do you know where she-" Sid started to panic until she saw a familiar figure of a short brunette girl, now covered in redlimping through the hospital waiting room after her eyes registered the two women.

"Oh my god, Bea" Sid said softly, opening her arms for the teen.

"Sid I was too slow, I should have saved him I could have stopped him it's all my fault Sid, it's all my fault." The girl was rambling words out of her mouth at a fast pace through her sobs, trying her best to make sense of herself.

"Hey, shhh its okay I've got you" Sid comforted the young girl, tears now leaving her eyes aswell.

Bea couldn't manage to produce any more words out of her mouth, instead just sobbed into Sid's shoulder, cries leaving her mouth, Sid continued to hold the girl.

The truth was, Sid saw herself in Bea. Dewey always told her she was a mini version of her. She couldn't help but see Bea as a third daughter, their bond had grown stronger and stronger over the past years, and she had been living with the family since the last series of attacks.

Gale soon joined the embrace.

"I'm sorry gale" Bea muttered, tears still streaming like a river.

"Come here sweetie" Gale offered as she opened her arms for a hug with the teen.

Their hug was slightly short lived as Bea caught sight of Sam out of the corner of her eye. Sam just sent a soft smile towards the young girl.

"I'm really sorry about Dewey, I didn't know him well but he helped me. He saved my sister's life." The older girl said, earning a slightly soft smile from Bea.

"Thats what he did, he helped people" Gale responded, still clearly very upset from the situation.

"Bea?" Sam started

Bea didn't say anything, she just lifted her eyes up towards Sam's.

"Tara asked for you, you don't have to come" she said, softly

"Ok" the teen responed, with a soft nod and sniffing her nose.

The teen then followed Sam to Tara's room, which was on the bottom floor with a closed door. Sam stopped the younger girl before entering.

She just wrapped her arms around the younger girl, and gave her a soft kiss on the top of her head, no words were exchanged in the moment, no words were needed.

As Bea turned the door handle her face was the first thing to peer around the door, meeting Tara's eyes softly.

Tara's gaze immediately softend at the sight of Bea, which was reciprocated by Bea.

Tara patted her hand next to her on her bed, inviting Bea to lay down with here, which she did without thinking twice.

Bea sat to Tara's right, the other opposite side to her injured hand. Tara put her arms around Bea's shoulder, comforting the girl.

"I'm sorry" tara eventually spoke.

"Me too" is all Bea could manage.

"Your so brave, I'm proud of you" tara responded, which was slightly unexpected but nevertheless, Tara could feel Bea let out a small smile at the comment.

Tara placed a soft kiss on the girl's head, just like her sister had done just a minute ago.

"Don't die on me now, Carpenter" Bea said, without letting out a laugh.

"I don't plan on it" Tara replied, resulting in the two girls making eye contact for a brief second, both could feel their faces start to heat up, until the door opened, interupting the brief moment the two girls had.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, can I talk to Tara quickly?" Sam softly spoke.

"Ofcourse, see you later, Tar" Bea whispered slightly, making her way out of the room. As she passed through the doorway, sam brushed her hand on the younger girl's shoulder to show a sign of thanks.

Bea soon made her way back to Gale and Sid, meeting them with a soft smile.

"What did she want?" Sid asked softly.

"Just to say sorry" Bea said as her eyes fell back to the floor.

"So what the hell do we do now?"


A/N  i'm sobbing for bea
Please don't be silent readers :))))
! Not proofread lol !
2530 words

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