Silence in New York - Book One

By Sicilian-Sensation

4.3M 155K 20.6K _______________✏ “It really is a beautiful piece” he murmured before disa... More

Welcome & Warning!
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
Important Authors Note
~Chapter 38~
~Chapter 39~
~Chapter 40~
~Chapter 41~
~Chapter 42~
~Chapter 43~
~Chapter 44~
~Chapter 45~
~Chapter 46~
Thank you & Book Two

~Chapter 19~

75.7K 2.9K 587
By Sicilian-Sensation

Can't help myself here's another chapter for you beautiful people :)

Love you all xXx

"Salvo, I did what you said and found a guy"

"A willing guy?" Salvatore asked stretching himself back into his leather chair while tentatively listening to Luca. He nodded, "yes he's willing. He will need proper protection though, the only thing he asks, besides the pay check is that he stays out of prison. He says he's not going back there for this" Salvatore chuckled to himself, how could he possibly promise no prison time. After all he was not the justice system. He waived his hand in the air dismissively, "tell him whatever he wants to hear Luca" he nodded obediently but did not leave his home office. "Is there something else?" Salvatore queried when Luca stood his ground. "Yes. What exactly are we doing here?" Salvatore was very surprised, Luca had never questioned him before. He was always so obedient and willing and never had a problem with finding out about plans last minute. "Salvo I only ask because this is the strangest request you've ever asked of me. Finding a gay criminal willing to-" Salvatore quickly cut him off, "Luca I know I've been a little vague about this one. Yes it's a strange request I get it. I've been thinking about it for a few weeks now and I've only just decided to go ahead with this"

"Does this have something to do with Ade?"

"Adriana? You guys are on nick name basis I see?" Luca squirmed a little, he was on nick name basis. He was also indulging in her exceptional baking skills. "How is she?" Luca nodded and smiled a little, "she seems good. I've tried on numerous occasions to get her to call you but-"

"but I fũcked up with her" Salvatore finished the sentence for him, "it's ok Luca you can say it. I pissed her off and now I'm spending my days plotting plans to get her back to me. Just keep doing what you're doing and take care of her" Luca nodded and turned on his heels to exit the room before hearing Salvatore's voice once again, "oh and Luca one more thing"

"Hmm?" He spun back around, "when were you going to tell me about Mike?" Luca was completely dumfounded, he did not expect this at all and suddenly regretted his deceitful ways.

"I ah... Salvo look Mike is nobody. I didn't tell you because there was nothing to tell so why upset you unnecessarily? You have enough to think about"

"Let me clarify Luca, you decided it was unnecessary to tell me that someone else was trying to get into her pants? You thought it would benefit me to not know?"

"I promise you Salvo, nothing has happened between them. They're just friends who live in the same building"

"A dangerous combination wouldn't you say?" Salvatore shook his head in disappointment before taking a sip of his drink. "You're lucky that she's so fond of you Luca, because if she wasn't I'd pull you off this right now and really let you have it for keeping secrets from me" Luca nodded before letting out a slight sigh of relief, he had really dodged a bullet there. "It won't happen again Salvo. I'll report everything from now on and let you decide what's important and what's not"

"Sounds like a better plan Luca. You can leave now".


Angela Abandonato sat silently on the closed toilet lid in her bathroom. She had been sitting in this same position for about twenty minutes just marvelling over the pregnancy test in her hand. All she wanted was a baby. A baby to help her regain her connection with her husband. She was madly in love with him but cracks had started to show in the last few months. They were so desperate to have a child that it was slowly tearing them apart.

"Angela you in there?" Matteo knocked on the bathroom door before realising it was unlocked and walked in to find his wife just sitting silently. "Everything ok? I've been waiting for breakfast" He asked curiously wondering why she was still in the bathroom and not in the kitchen. Angela stood up and nodded, "yes, everything is fine. I think we need to go to the Dr. though"

"Are you sick?" She smiled while holding up her pregnancy test, "I'm pregnant"

Matteo had a look of a deer in headlights plastered on his face before realisation kicked in and he swooped his wife up into his arms. "Fũck Angela. We're having a baby" she laughed while he spun her around excitedly then wiped a stray tear or joy from her eye. Although she told herself she did not want to get too excited without seeing the Dr. first, it was impossible. Just seeing the joy radiating from Matteo was all she needed to bring tears of joy to her eyes.


"You have to stop seeing Mike" Adriana just about threw her head back in the car with Luca and started laughing. "I'm not joking Ade" Luca continued witnessing what looked like a hysterical laughing fit. He thought she was being completely unreasonable with her reaction. Why couldn't she just agree and shut up Luca thought angrily needing her to comply. "Not that it's any of your business Luca, but I'm not seeing Mike, we're friends at the moment"

"At the moment? See that's what I'm afraid of" Luca huffed now throwing a childish tantrum. "I'm not going to not see people Luca. I don't belong to Salvo, clearly you finally told him?"

"No I didn't tell him, he found out. Which means someone else is watching me watch you so you better behave"

"Excuse me? I think you should pull over now"

"Don't be ridiculous Ade" Luca protested absolutely refusing her request. He was not about to drop her off on the side of the street. "I better behave?" Adriana continued, "I'm a free woman and I can do whatever the heck I want to do. In fact if I felt like hooking up with you maybe I'd just do it. How do you like that?"

"Don't piss me off right now Ade" Luca replied through gritted teeth. "Salvo is head over heels for you so, so help me God, you will get over this little disagreement you both had and eventually forgive him"

"Is that so Luca? Well let me tell you, Elena sucking his cock is not a little disagreement! Oh and spare me your head over heels bullshĩt because if that were true he wouldn't need whores sucking him off" Luca shook his head in disbelief. "Firstly, knock it off with all this vulgar talk, it really doesn't suit you. Secondly, when that happened it was early days and yeah he probably wasn't head over heels at that point in time... Let me tell you though" he turned his head to face her while stopped at a traffic light. "He won't admit this because he is who he is. But he really cares about you Ade. He doesn't chase women and he's chasing you. That has to mean something right? Does it not count for anything in your eyes?" Adriana shrugged feeling deflated yet still a little angry. "It counts ok" she admitted sheepishly. "It counts but I just don't care about him. I don't trust him Luca and without that I feel nothing towards him. I know I screwed up, I pretended to be somebody I wasn't when we met. He still shouldn't have run off to her the same night he was with me ok?" Her voice went quiet as she did not want to elaborate. There was no way she was going to tell him what they did in the forest that night while he waiting in the car. They sat in silence the rest of the drive until they reached her workplace. Luca let out a loud sigh before turning to look at her one last time. "Adriana, just think about it ok? I know you're a reasonable person" she stepped out of the car and closed the door before bobbing her head down through the passenger window. "He doesn't want a relationship Luca and I think maybe I do. There's nothing else to think about" she turned away and left Luca to consider her last words carefully.


"Can you get her to Marquee tonight?"

"Is this the only reason we're fũcking?" Claudia asked as she rummaged through the messy sheets for her shirt. She was supposed to be having lunch with colleagues until Francesco made her a different offer she could not possibly refuse. "Did you plan to fũck me today so I could butter up Ade tonight and manipulate her into coming to Marquee?" Francesco laughed as he grabbed her around the waist drawing her back into him. His lips softly caressing her still bare shoulder. "Baby we're fũcking because you have the sexiest cun-"

"Don't say that word" she snapped instantly, "I absolutely detest it!" He laughed before sinking his left hand beneath the sheets and palming her still wet heat. "Hmmm, get your friend to Marquee tonight and I'll fũck you again now, then up against a cubicle door at Marquee tonight. How does that sound?" Francesco maneuvered her back into a laying down position before straddling her hips and teasing her entrance with his hard again member. She let out a loud sigh locking her legs around his waist and drawing him back inside her. "Deal" she murmured grinding her hips to meet his slow thrusts.

Claudia was well aware that Francesco was engaged. He had told her the first night before he fũcked her while they were tearing each other's clothes off. At first she hesitated when she heard the news, but when she looked him up and down and saw him in all his naked glory she instantly gave into temptation. She felt a little bad about it but not for too long once she told herself that she was the single party in the situation and she could do whatever she wanted. Francesco on the other hand felt extreme guilt. Yet it did not stop him from having mind blowing sex with her multiple times now. Every time he thought about breaking it off an image of Claudia writhing in ecstasy made him instantly go back on his word. In the last few days now he was even considering breaking off his engagement. If he was this attracted to Claudia was he really ready to start married life?

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