Wings of a Wizard (Harry Pott...

By IroniumToy47

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"I died in my sleep. I'd lived a good life, despite my less-than-stellar upbringing, and my teenage years. Ha... More

Prologue (PLZ READ 1ST)
New Life
An Unexpected Event Pt.1
An Unexpected Event Pt.2
An Unexpected Event Pt.3
An Unexpected Event Pt.4
More than High School Pt.1
More than High School Pt.2
More than High School Pt.3
More than High School Pt.4
Save the First Dance Pt.1
Save the First Dance Pt.2
Save the First Dance Pt.3
Save the First Dance Pt.4
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.1
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.2
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.3
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.4
Miss Magix Pt.1
Miss Magix Pt.2
Miss Magix Pt.4
The Swordsmith Pt.1
The Swordsmith Pt.2
The Swordsmith Pt.3
The Swordsmith Pt.4
A Job for Bloom Pt.1
A Job for Bloom Pt.2
A Job for Bloom Pt.3
A Job for Bloom Pt.4
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.1
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.2
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.3
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.4
Mind of a Child Pt.1
Mind of a Child Pt.2
Mind of a Child Pt.3
Mind of a Child Pt.4
rejected sections pt.1
Darko's Plan Pt.1
Darko's Plan Pt.2
Darko's Plan Pt.3
Darko's Plan Pt.4
Day of the Lily Pt.1
Day of the Lily Pt.2
Day of the Lily Pt.3

Miss Magix Pt.3

269 17 15
By IroniumToy47

A.N.: I decided to expand a little more on the talent show. Not sure how good a job I did, to be honest. Hopefully, you all like it. 

Plz enjoy: 

X - normal text

X - text where Bloom is not present

'X' - thoughts

'#$X#$' - Parseltongue

Chapter : Miss Magix Pt.3: 

"I already know how this is going to end," Musa muttered. 

After a quick stop for dinner at one of Magix's cafes, we'd snuck through an alleyway to reach the place where the contest would be. 

The Event Hall was glowing and shining bright with music coming from the illuminated, open doorways. There were all sorts of girls, parents, and other locals from Magix standing just outside, or walking in and out of the place, up and down the stairs. 

Single strobe lights moved beams of color across the ground and high into the sky. Spotlights planted into the ground in front of the small floral decor (bushes and a few trees) illuminated the great metal dome. 

"Let me guess, in a disappointment?" Tecna drawled sarcastically (in a surprisingly good imitation of me from two days ago). 

"Aw, don't be such a wet blanket." Stella scolded the other girls, looking ready to have the time of her life. 

"A whole arena packed with beauty queens," Flora said nervously as she eyed some of the--hot bombshells, sexy ladies, and extremely beautiful--girls going into the Event Hall. "I'm a little afraid to go in." 

"Me too." I wrapped an arm around Flora's shoulder in a show of support, giving her a reassuring smile. She smiled back, seeming to stand straighter. 

"Roll back those shoulders and let's make an entrance." Stella declared. "Big smiles, ladies, let's psyc out those wannabes." 

I giggled at her silliness. This was one of the few moments when this was pure Stella. Happy, excited, and energetic, but not overdone. Still spoken carefully and slowly, with natural charisma and in a way that made you want to listen. 

Musa's lip twitched upwards as Stella linked arms with her and me. Musa linked arms with Tecna and Flora did with my free arm. 

"Roll out," I said with a grin (referencing my favorite show), and we walked out, passing by all sorts of girls, some of whom stopped to stare at us as we all walked with grace and unity. Our steps were in-line, and our faces all had the same practiced smile (that Stella had been teaching us). 

The man by the door checking in everyone paused at the sight of us, before smiling and bowing us in. "Princess Soleil, your servants have the dressing room V34." 

Stella released our arms to give a small curtsy. "Thank you." 

As soon as we stepped through, and beyond the earshot of those outside, Musa broke composure. "Why does this feel so official?" 

"Because I had to sign in as myself, not under any pseudo-names," Stella explained with a surprising amount of patience, considering the row the two had this morning while I was still asleep. "News about any sort of royalty in Magix City always makes it into the papers, and news travels across the realms rapidly." 

Great. This means that once the truth about who I am comes out, as the last princess of Domino, I'll be hounded by the media. Bloody fucking awesome...not. 

"Which means that the Solarian king will see your activities," Tecna said aloud. 

Stella's eyes flashed with something at the mention of her father. "Yes," she said slowly. "Which is why I have to win this." 

"Let's drop this line of thought girls," I said as we entered our dressing room. "Tonight we're going to make Stella a goddess of beauty that none will ever forget." 

The other girls cheered and Stella slipped into a seat. 

"I'll start with some music that gets the facial muscles to loosen up." Musa pointed her finger at a radio that she'd brought in and cast a spell. "Zemix!" 

The radio immediately started to play a relaxing, soothing tune that had enough beats to keep you awake but also eased the tension from your face and body. I was relaxing just from hearing it. Which wasn't good for me, because I need to be alert, in case the Trix or any other groups with hostile intentions try something. 

"This might sting a little, so hold still," Flora said while holding a face brush and some paste. 

"What is it?" I asked curiously. It reminds me of some of the creams that Fred and George made in their line of beauty products (entrepreneurs, they were). 

"Oil of Arebetola, and crushed leaves of Ranko Fibbus," Flora replied. "It's a freshly made paste. It's commonly used on Linphea to boost natural beauty, instead of adding to it with blush or lip gloss or something else like that. I made it myself this morning." 

"Fret not." Stella leaned back in her (very comfy-looking) loveseat. "You're talking to a girl with many years of pluck-and-groom experience. I surrender to whatever tortures you prepared for me." 

"Is that what they call it nowadays?" Tecna asked me quietly. 

I shrugged. "Must be a Solarian thing, or it's just Stella," I whispered back. 

"You will have the smoothest skin in the whole dimension," Flora promised as she began to brush portions of the paste on Stella's skin. The sun fairy winced a little, before relaxing each time Flora's brush slid over her face, starting to create a face mask. 

"And your hair will be like soft silk," I added as I gently and methodically massaged portions of Sleekeazy into her scalp and hair. 

"So, remember what we practiced," I said as I made Stella's hair look all shiny. 

Worry not, it's a temporary effect, it'll go away before she is asked to come out. Sleekeazy's hair potion basically allows you to manipulate hair in any way you wish while allowing it to retain its strength, softness, smoothness, etc. Yes, Sleekeazy works better on messy, wild, or tangled hair, but in Stella's case, it will help to prevent her hair from getting all tangled as she does various performances. It also has the added effect of moisturizing the scalp and vanishing any and all dandruff. 

Also, did you know that my--Harry's great-great-great grandfather, Fleamont Potter, was the original creator of the Sleekeazy hair-care potion? 

"When they ask you what you would do for your first act as Miss Magix, you say..." I couched her. 

"I would help any young girl, privileged or underprivileged, achieve their dreams so long as it is within my power and authority," Stella replied automatically. 

I nodded in satisfaction. We hurried when putting the curlers in her hair (enchanted so as to make her hair look naturally wavy and sexy when they were taken out) since we had limited time. Stella was due to come out on stage in an hour, with all the other contestants. Then, one by one, through each round, each girl would be redressing, changing, and looking around. 

All of the 'handmaidens' had their own viewing box on the right side of the stage. It would be interesting to meet the other girls helping, especially since I was certain that some of them were her friends. 

I paid serious attention to my surroundings, especially my pocket, which felt heavy from the weight of the Scepter of Solaria, resting in its ring form. Stella had handed it to me just as we left Alfea. 

I really needed to get to work on my own projects--anti-summoning and anti-locating runes would come in handy right now. If I could inscribe them on all my clothes, I would in a heartbeat. 

A loud, shocked, wailing cry from outside startled us from our work. 

"The bloody hell was that?" I swore, nearly dropping the mirror I was holding up. I really hadn't expected to hear something like that, and it instantly kicked in my fight-or-flight instincts. 

"Let's check it out," Musa suggested. 

We opened the door and peeked out. To the left was nothing, but standing outside of the adjacent door in the hall were two girls, one of whom was holding up a mirror and trying to console the other girl. 

Both girls were slightly dark-skinned with dark hair, reminding me of a lighter-colored set of Patil twins. 

The one holding up the mirror had had her hair done in a simple bun. She wore a licorice green and white striped half-shirt and a long, flowery skirt in the same shade of green. She wore boots that were knee-high, in white. 

As for the other girl...I gaped at the sheer amount of hair on the other girl's head. That...did not look natural at all. It looked like she'd consumed a hair growth potion and then trapped it in a petrifying ward field. Like someone stacked a bush of hair on her head. 

She wore a teal blue crop top that left much of her skin bare--as much as a bra would. She wore a light lime green miniskirt and a mini jacket. The bottom half of the jacket was the same color as the skirt, but the top half was regular lime with a small collar at the top. She also wore thigh-high boots and a choker of the same blue color as her crop top. 

"Oh, I'll never win now!" the girl sobbed while the other girl patted her shoulder gently. 

"It's ok. You still have the rest of your looks." That seemed to be the wrong thing to say, as she only cried harder. 

"What happened?" Flora and I walked out, the other girls lingering by the door. 

The girls turned to us, one in surprise, the other tearing and drying tears. "We don't know. One second Lolina--", so she's another girl in my year, huh, "--and I were pushing a cart of hair curlers down the hall, and the next..." 

Lolina waves her hand in an explosive gesture. "And then my hair poofs up like a balloon." 

I winced. Flora moved to comfort her. "It's ok, it's just a different kind of style." 

"Does it hurt?" I asked, glancing up at her stacked hair. 

"Maybe, a little?" Lolina pressed her hand to her hair, the whole mess tangled and built upward. It shifted and moved under her hand like rubber, fluffing out when the pressure was released. She choked back another sob. 

And then Stella had to open her mouth, "Oh my god! That's awful!" 

Lolina misinterpreted what Stella said, or Stella was really just talking about her hair. Either way, the girl released a loud sob before running down the hall and around the bend. 

I facepalmed. The Winx 'aw'ed sadly. 

"I didn't mean it like that!" Stella called, looking embarrassed. "Your hair's not that bad! The judges probably won't even notice, it's really not that bad!" 

The other girl (handmaiden) glared at Stella until she sheepishly retreated inside. "Poor Lolina," Flora said with a sympathetic look in the fleeing, crying girl's direction. 

I frowned. "Hair doesn't just poof up like that on its own." 

"True." Tecna looked worried. "I know Stella said that we wouldn't run into the infamous trio again, but could it be possible?" 

"I don't know." I shook my head. "You girls keep working on Stella. I'll check on Lolina. I don't know if I can...brute force undo whatever curse got used on her, but I have to try." 

It was Musa's turn to frown. "What makes you think it was a curse?" 

I rolled my eyes, thinking back to the list of prank hexes I still have to write down in the grimoire book I wanted to publish (assuming that I can even use this kind of magic). 

"Name something else that isn't an extreme case of static electricity that could cause that." I pointed in the direction that Lolina vanished in. 

"You make a logical argument." Tecna agreed with me. 

"Ok." Musa shrugged. 

"I'll see you girls in a hot second," I said before hurrying down the corner, ignoring the girl's asking whether or not it was another Earth phrase. 

I cursed as I couldn't find her down the hall, she must've run further away...oh Merlin. She better not have run for the exit. 

I really should've just pursued her instead of stopping to debate, but oh well. Hopefully, I can catch her before she decides to bail out of the contest entirely. Theoretically, I should be able to cast a counterspell that I knew from my last life.  

I rounded the corner and spotted her running down the hall. I made to go after her but froze and ducked behind when I spotted three girls that most definitely weren't like everyone else in this place. 

One had straight white hair, one had long wavy brown hair, and one had auburn hair that was slightly frizzy. One wore a light blue crop top and a miniskirt that looked like it came from a thrift store. Another wore a purple crop top and flaring purple pants. And the final girl had a magenta crop top and a reddish-pink miniskirt. 

All three girls were pale-skinned, and their eyes carried barely hidden bemusement and disgust for their surroundings. 

The similarities were startling, even though the girls' hair was different, and they weren't wearing goth-like makeup, I still recognized them. 'The Trix! They must know that Stella is competing tonight, and are after her ring!'. 

Digging into my core, teasing my Flame, I dumped a load of my magic into my body and senses; enhanced my hearing to eavesdrop on the mini-conversation. 

"Ex--ex--excuse me." Lolina choked out, clearly seeking to flee. 

"Nice hair." The one with free-flowing white hair drawled sarcastically. Cold and disconnected from the world, that's Icy. 

"You'll be sure to win the competition with that mop." The one in magenta added mockingly. Blunt and cruel as a bolt of lightning, Stormy. 

Lolina froze for a second, then burst into a new fit of tears and pushed past them, sprinting away. 

'Dammit!' I thought. Aloud, I muttered as I glared in their direction, "The usual suspects." 

I spun around before Darcy could detect me spying on them as they had back in my first evening in Magix City and hurried back to the others. 

Hot-footing it, I rushed back inside to find that Stella's hair had set, and the girls were helping her into the skin-tight, one-piece, light pink bodysuit, and a darker pink miniskirt over it. Then there are high heels (I don't understand how she can even stand up straight, let alone walk in those) resting on a stool for her to put on, and a crystal-white brooch with her lineup number. 

My blatant unhappiness must have been visible, because when Stella spotted my face she asked, "Bloom, what's wrong? Did you not catch Lolina in time?" 

I shook my head grimly. "No, but the problem we're worrying about is here." 

Both Tecna and Musa groaned. "Not them." 

I sighed and flopped into the nearest open loveseat. "Yes. The Trix are here, minus the goth makeup." 

"Goth?" Flora looked confused. 

Oh, right. Only Stella and I knew what that was. Earth thing. 

"Just a term for dark and broody," I explained while fisting into my pocket and tightly gripping the ring. "Stella, they must know that you're competing." 

Stella frowned, looking worried. I would be too, if a trio of witches had made several attempts on my life just to seize an heirloom in my possession. "Are you sure it's them?" 

"Apart from the fact that I recognized their voices and laughter, and witnessed them bully Lolina to a new wave of tears?" I pointed out. "On Earth, we have a saying. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck." 

"Those witches are just awful!" Flora brushed her arms and shivered. "Why can't they just leave us alone?" 

"I don't know." I actually did have an idea, but I couldn't voice my suspicions, not without revealing that I knew more than I should. And not without risking the exposure of my identity. "But chances are if they know about you competing, Stella, they might know about the swap." 

Her eyes widened. "Point." Stella then slumped. "But I can't take my ring out there." 

I tapped my jaw thoughtfully. "What if...we duplicated your ring?" 

Tecna gaped at me. "Bloom, that's completely irrational! We would need to find a power source capable of generating enough energy to create duplicates with similar power levels to the Scepter of Solaria!" 

It took me a second to realize the conclusion Tecna had drawn. "Wait, no, no, not like that." I shook my head. "No, what I meant was that we make fakes, copies that look exactly like the original, but are just that, fakes, duds. They have no real power, they can't change forms, they're just ordinary rings." 

The girls exchanged thoughtful looks as I gave my proposition. 

"That...could actually work," Tecna said. "If we create a fake ring form of the Scepter of Solaria for each of us, with Stella being the exception, the odds of the Trix being able to discover who has the real ring fall from a hundred percent to twenty-five percent." 

"Those odds are still rather high." Stella looked nervous. "I feel like I should quit..." 

"Too late to back out now," I said firmly. "And besides, this is how you want to pave the way for your future, Stella. Fashion is your best friend, and it is what you love working with most. Becoming Miss Magix has been a dream of yours for ages. Are you really going to give up, right when you have a fresh chance to beat out your competition and claim the crown?" 

Stella brightened up, her expression filling with determination. "You're right, Bloom. I won't back down, regardless of wannabe thieving witches." 

"You know, you give really good inspirational speeches," Musa said to me as Stella finished getting ready. "You'd make a great public speaker. Or a queen." 

I snort to hide my small flinch, ignoring how uncomfortable her words made me. "Doubt it. I was just channeling my inner Optimus Prime." 

Musa's lip twitched upward. She patted me on the shoulder. "Then do more of that." 

"Princess Soleil?" 

We turned to see another girl in one of the outfits of the event's staff. "The show is about to begin. I am here to escort you to the backstage." 

"Very good." Stella assumed her 'princess' mask (emotional facade, purebloods do it all the time). "Winx, do find good seats." 

With that she left, walking with the elegance and grace expected of her station. 

"Well, shall we duplicate the ring while we wait for our escorts?" I asked. 

Tecna nodded. "I know a duplication spell, but it will require a lot of power, especially to make three copies." 

I forced myself to volunteer, ignoring the curious looks that the girls gave. "Tell me, and I'll cast it." 

"Duplico--anatrasas--ring." Tecna pronounced while Flora and Musa exchanged an unreadable look. 

"Duplico--Anatrasas--Ring." I said while I tapped into the Dragon Flame, feeling its heat envelop me. 




Heat began to glow in my palm. The ring floated out of my pocket, the glow of my flames surrounding it (not damaging, just levitating). I felt the Dragon Flame guide my intent, and he roared. 

In a burst of flames, there were suddenly two rings in my hand, one that felt powerful, and one that just felt empty. 

Tecna held up both rings while I recovered from using magic in such a way. "They appear to be identical in shape and design, but one's power level far outstrips the other." 

"Wait, power level?" I frowned, I hadn't intended to put the Dragon Flame into the rings. 

Tecna nodded. "Its power is already waning, likely, all remnants will vanish at the end of the night. It should fool the Trix." 

"And they won't be able to draw out any power from the fakes?" I asked urgently. The last thing I need is for them to get their hands on a spark of the Dragon Flame. 

She shook her head. "Any magic that is drawn out now would dissipate in the air before it could be utilized." 

I sighed in relief. My powers were safe. "Alright." 

I duplicated the ring two more times, and I pocketed the real one while the girls pocketed their fakes. "Musa, you should wear your copy," I suggested. 

She raised a brow. "Why?" 

"If the Trix are here to steal the Scepter of Solaria, they'll want a visual," Tecna explained before I could. "Bloom would be the more logical candidate, considering how close she and Stella are. But by having you wear the duplicate, it will appear as though we are filling the stereotypes of fairies, as you and Stella have been publically seen arguing." 

"Which they'll likely be expecting, but by Musa wearing the ring, they'll be thrown off-balance," I nodded. "Good call." 

"Winx, it's almost time." Flora pointed to a clock. "We should get to our seats." 

And at that moment, the door opened to reveal another member of the Event Hall's staff. "Girls, if you would follow me, please. I will take you to your seats." 

We agreed and followed her to a box up above. The audience hall was built much like an old-style opera theatre, with seats down below and private boxes up top. Much of the seats were filled, and as we watched more people found places to sit on the sides, and in the boxes up top. 

I glanced at the box across from us and did a double-take. "Girls! It's the headmistress!" 

Sure enough, Headmistress Dowling was seated with a serene expression, Professors Katherine and DuFour sitting next to her in a box diagonal from us. 

"We're screwed." Musa groaned. 

"There is the possibility that they're just here to watch the show?" Tecna suggested. 

I shook my head. "I doubt it. Likely, they spotted Stella's name on the entry list and came to keep an eye on her. And since they know we've become a tight-knit group since day one, they probably assume we're sneaking around here somewhere." 

"I don't think that our headmistress would show up just because of Stella," Flora interjected. "There are other girls from our school here too." 

"That's true. Viewing our appearance with their presence like that is rather self-centered." Tecna agreed. 

"Stella would like that." Musa snorted. 

I rapped her shoulder gently. "Behave. We're here to support our friend, not mock." 

Musa smirked at me. "Ok." 

A spotlight turned on, and a young man with a boyish appearance (despite being dressed up in a white tuxedo and dress pants and looking rather stylish) and energy bounced onto the stage. His hair was dark brown and clearly had been an afro that took hours to make. 

I forced down my giggle, unlike Musa. Flora gasped and hissed to us, "The Trix." 

We followed her subtle finger movement to another box, two down and to the right of our own, where the Trix were sitting, alone, sneers and mocking smirks on their faces. 

"What are the chances that they can sabotage Stella's performance or any of the others?" I asked quietly, mindful of the other 'handmaidens' also in our box. 

"Depends," Tecna replied back, just as quietly. "If they're here for just the ring, likely they'll be keeping a low profile. If they're here to mess with the contestants, that chance goes up extremely high." 

"Either way, I suggest we keep an eye on them," Flora said, sounding a mix of nervous and annoyed. She must be as worked up by their presence as we were. Not that I blamed her. 

The man in white conjured a microphone, and we turned to watch the show. "Ladies and gentlemen, princes and princesses, students and staff, commonfolk and nobility, welcome to this year's edition of the one & only, Miss Magix Pageant--sponsored by Jenny's Magic Cosmetics!" 

"Typical," I muttered with a smirk. Figures that this contest was only still going because of sponsors and businesses. I guess they had to fund the contest somehow. 

"Fifteen beautiful young women will compete over a variety of rounds, experiencing different trials and enduring different challenges where a second is all the difference. Will these girls knock out their competition, or will they go down in tears? Who will be the best singer? The best dancer? Who is the most athletic? The talented? That's why we're here--to find out! And you are all here for the thrilling ride that it will be!" 

I heard faint mocking laughter and glanced to see the Trix snickering. Wonder what is so amusing to them? 

"There is only one rule: no magic!" He then lifted his clipboard to read off a list of stuff from Metamorphosis to glamors, incantations to transformation potions, spells, and invocation magic--which we haven't covered yet because the rest of the Winx looked as confused as I was. 

"Using any of these will result in disqualification." He finished dramatically, clearly enjoying himself in the spotlight. "Miss Magix will be chosen for her natural beauty!" 

He leaned towards the edge of the stage like he was going to whisper a secret, "That means natural, not supernatural!" 

I risked another glance at the Trix's box (actually, we all were doing our own checks and glances), and spotted them glaring at the curtain from where the lineup of girls would emerge. 

"These girls will be competing for the crown and title of Miss Magix!" The commenter said with his cheery grin. "Also, the additional certificates which, if won, will guarantee any of these young ladies an instant spot in multiple business industries! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, tonight is a night of not just beauty, but also enterprise!" 

His grin somehow began wider. "And speaking of beauty, here they come now. From near, and far!" 

Slow, sexy saxophone music began to play as each girl walked in line, one after another onto the stage. 

Some had practiced smiles, some held neutral expressions. One girl even had a very awkward, cheesy grin while showing all her teeth (eugh!). Stella walked out with a small, patient smile and a naughty wink to the audience. 

Girls of all sorts of colors and hair colors (there was a blue-skinned girl with blue tentacles for hair and huge hips!), done in various elaborate hairstyles, were now on stage, their hips swaying in sync with each other, their slender shoulders shifting with each step they took. 

The crowd cheered, clapped, and whooped when each girl emerged, with the encouragement louder for certain girls over others. The whole charade honestly felt more sexual than a beauty pageant, in my personal opinion.

The commentator continued. "You can see it right here ladies and gentlemen! These young ladies don't need magic, they inspire magic! Yes, healthy, young, nimble, and with bright futures ahead of them. Oh, look! It's Ms. Narcissia, last year's Miss Magix!" 

"And look here! Returning from last year with newfound hope and courage, holding her head up proud and tall, radiating the stunning beauty that can only come from Solaria, it's Princess Soleil!" 

Stella's patient smile never flickered, and I'd guess that she was secretly enjoying the attention of the audience, which had exploded into cheers, whoops, and catcalls when they saw her. 

"Wow, I didn't know that Stella was THAT popular," Musa muttered in surprise. 

"Seeing is believing," I replied, shocked myself. 

"Ms. Statuestquia is also here, look at that height! Amazing legs!" 

Flora leaned towards me with a small blush. "Uh, is he supposed to be commenting on their bodies like that?" 

"It's sexualizing," Tecna said with a snort, crossing her arms and frowning. "Illogical, not only due to the problems that it causes. But not illegal, which makes it allowed." 

"You can say that again." I agreed, frowning in the direction of the man. "Rather unprofessional of him." 

"It's sexualizing," she repeated. I facepalmed. 

"Uh, Tecna, I think that was another Earth phrase." Musa laughed as Tecna's cheeks pinked in embarrassment. 

"Girls, look at number ten!" Flora hissed at us. 

We refocused, just in time to see a bombshell ravenette walk out with a little extra hip sway, drawing much of the audience's eyes, and verbal attention. "And coming from a realm on the outer ring, we have Ms. Popularis!" 

"Popularis?" Tecna frowned, studying the girl's expression. "She doesn't look all that happy, like reports of people from her planet state." 

I frowned but for an entirely different reason. "Hold on. Why did they call Stella out with her last name, but not give that girl's name?" 

"It's a matter of status. Stella is a princess, so her full name and title have to be stated. Those who come from smaller nobility or are common folk can request that their last name be removed from the list," Tecna explained. "Their first name and their realm origin will be the only ones given to the public." 

"Politics," I muttered, my hands twitching in my lap (I was itching to go and set something on fire). A moment later, I felt eyes on me, multiple pairs in fact. I had to restrain the urge to glare in the eyes owners' direction. 

Something told me that there was going to be something bad that happened soon. And judging by the three girls two box seats down from us, I had little doubt that the trouble would come from there. 


"--Ms. Popularis!" 

The announcing of her name caused the crowd below to whistle and cat-call up to her. 

"Who would have even thought it possible?" Isobel said, causing her sisters to burst into snickers and quiet mocking laughter. 

"We really have created a masterpiece." D'arcy giggled while leaning on Isobel's shoulder for support. 

"Hey, Isobel, notice a familiar group?" Beatrix recovered, glancing at the box two viewing boxes down from them. Sitting in the front row were four fairies, all in the pale blue outfits of the 'handmaidens' for the personal staff of the contestants. 

"Indeed." Isobel's eyes locked onto the redhead, who was shifting in her seat, likely nervous on behalf of her princess friend. Her eyes scanned the rest of the girls in the row, before pausing when they settled on the music fairy's finger. "Ladies, look at the music lover." 

It took D'arcy and Beatrix a second to spot the sparkling gems on a faintly blue-glowing ring, rising on her left ring finger. "She has the scepter!" gasped Beatrix. 

"Interesting." D'arcy frowned thoughtfully. "Every time I've scryed on those pixies, I've noticed a sort of passive-aggressive tension between Stella and the music fairy. Why would she give the ring to her?" 

"Likely because she can trust her rival? They're pixies, too trusting and willing to see the good in everyone," Beatrix shrugged dismissively. "What matters is that the scepter is within our grasp." 

D'arcy frowned, eyes narrowing at the quartet in suspicion. "Something is not right. I'd have thought that Stella would've given the Scepter of Solaria to Bloom since she can use it." 

"We can debate later. If we're to continue with our plan, right now we have to be careful." Isobel reminded, pointing with a hidden finger at the box reserved for staff of the schools. "The old bint is here." 

"A pity Headmistress Griffin couldn't show," D'arcy muttered. "She'd provide a suitable distraction." 

"Regardless, we'll be exposing the blackmailing bitch shortly," Isobel said, cooly. "Which means that we need to enhance the pendant's effective radius, and prepare our own spells for the challenges." 

"Don't forget our convergence summoning spell," D'arcy added. "To get the ring." 

"The power within the Scepter of Solaria will be ours!" Beatrix snarled. 

"Shhh." The sisters shushed Beatrix. "A little louder and all of Magix would know of our plan." Isobel hissed. 

"Yeah, I don't think Faragonda heard you," D'arcy added. 

The currently dysfunctional trio of young women continued to mock and quietly argue, unaware of their eavesdropper listening from two boxes down, whose cyan-blue eyes widened with fear and worry the more she overheard with her own spell. 


"These young ladies are not only the most beautiful representations of each of their realms, but they're also extremely talented! And in just a few moments, they will share their talents with us! But first, you must know the names of your contestants! Number one: Ms. Solaria--" 

I ignored the announcer giving every competitor a proper introduction while I pondered what my enhanced hearing had just overheard. 

The Trix were being blackmailed and were going to ruin someone's chances here. They were also after the ring--surprise, surprise. I scanned the girls down below, trying to figure out which could be a witch in disguise. 

"--Number fourteen: Ms. Miyaksis! And Number fifteen: Ms. Nadia Koria! Another warm round of applause for all our contestants, please!" 

The audience gave thunderous applause. 

The announcer beamed. "And now, a moment if you please, while each of our unbiased, honorable judges gives each of these girls their ratings based on their initial beauty and grace!" 

The crowd roared with more applause, cheers, cat-calls, and whoops. Some of the girls on state started to turn pink from the attention, but not Stella. Or 'Lucy Popularis'. 

After a moment, the girls turned and began to walk off the show stage. Girls in our box began to rise up as well, 'handmaidens' hurrying back to help them prepare their appearance for the next round: dancing. 

"We better get back," Musa said. 

"Agreed." I stood up. "Let's go, Winx." 


"Did you hear the audience's reaction when number ten came out?" Stella looked close to hyperventilating. We'd only just gotten back when she launched herself at us, vulnerable, scared, and without hope. 

I threaded my fingers through her hair while Flora rubbed soothing circles on her back. "Looks are one thing, Stella. Personality and talent are another." 

"True." she agreed. 

"That's odd." Tecna was frowning as she looked at her screen, showing an updated roster of the contestants for Ms. Magix. "Ms. Popularis wasn't on the list that I pulled two days ago." 

We turned to her in surprise as she stepped back and crossed her arms. "Something's off," she concluded. 

"But what?" Musa asked. 

"Maybe...she signed up late?" I shrugged with an 'I don't know' wave of my hands. 

Tecna shook her head. "That's not possible. The list is completed a month in advance." 

Flora and I raised our brows in suspicion. "So how did she get in then?" 

"Illegally," Musa said like it was obvious. "Probably with the help of magic." 

"And since our three least favorite witches are here..." I trailed off as our eyes all widened in surprise. 

"The Trix must've helped her to get in." Stella sighed, surprise and confusion on her face. "But, why would they help anyone?" 

I thought back to what I overheard. "They're being blackmailed." 

The Winx turned to me in surprise. "How do you know that?" Musa asked. 

"Perceptive listening spell." I shrugged. "Learned it from Ms. Ofelia when I was in the infirmary." 

Tecna looked thoughtful. "That would give a logical explanation as to why they're here, apart from the presence of the Scepter of Solaria, of course." 

"And they spotted the ring on Musa's finger," I added as an afterthought. 

"So they know that it's here, but they don't know that it's a fake." Stella surmised. She crossed her arms. "What do we do?" 

"You focus on the beauty pageant." I pointed my finger at Stella. "Let us worry about the Trix." 

Flora suddenly gained a look of horror. "What if the blackmailer is a contestant who's using magic to cheat their way in? And the Trix are here to help ensure that they get the crown?" 

Stella, Tecna, Musa, and I all exchanged alarmed looks. I had not considered that at all. "Please, please tell me that the pageant has some sort of protection wards around the stage?" I turned to Stella and Tecna. 

Stella frowned, looking more worried than before. "They should have some form of protection...but..." 

"We don't know how effective it would be." I sighed, pinching my nose. "And since we're stuck here until it's time for each round to begin, we won't know if the Trix do something to the stage during intermission until the girls go out to perform." 

While the girls were preparing Stella's dress and makeup for the dance round, I hurried out to grab some cleaning supplies (Musa accidentally knocked over a can of some beauty product, so we needed to clean it ASAP), and ran into Ms. Popularis herself. 



I stumbled back, while she fell on her shapely ass. 'Lucy Popularis' glared at me, her expression marring such a gorgeous face. "Watch where you're going!" 

"Sorry." I tried to help her to her feet, but she brushed me off. 

"Are you having a nice time?" I asked awkwardly. "The crowd really liked you." 

She glared at me before giving a haughty sniff and walking off. My eyes narrowed in her retreating direction. 

As I opened the closest storage closet and began to pull out cleaning towels, I thought, 'She can't be from Popularis, they're all friendly. And happy.' 

Aloud, I muttered, "Seems like we found our blackmailer." 

"What gave that away?" 

I froze in place, as still as if the owner's voice had trapped me in ice. My heart began to pound, and the Dragon Flame within me growled, eager for a rematch. 

I forced down my more primal urges (praying that my eyes weren't glowing orange) as I dropped the towels I was holding and spun to see none other than Icy herself standing with her arms crossed. 

Young, pale skin, pale purple lips that almost looked frostbitten, icy blue-white eyes, and silver-white hair that fell behind her shoulders, past her thighs. Her half-shirt had been undone to show a little of her modest cleavage, and her belly button had an ice-blue diamond piercing. Spiky heels and bare, slim, long legs that a ragged, yet cute pale sky blue miniskirt wrapped around lush thighs. 

She's like Daphne Greengrass living up to her persona as the Ice Queen of Slytherin. 

"Oh, hi," I said awkwardly (keeping my eyes on her face and hands, and not on her subtle curves), unsure of what to say in this situation. 

Really, Bloom? Hi? 

She smirked at me, clearly aware of my uncomfortableness (and maybe wandering eyes?). Her breath chilled the air when she spoke. "Hello, little pixie." 

I shivered, her tone was laced with ice, and the room felt somewhat chilly. 

"So," she cocked her head to the side, her eyes glinting dangerously, "How much do you know?" 

I raised a brow, wondering how I could put some space between us, at least a few feet. We were close enough that all she'd have to do was take another step for us to be in each other's bubble spaces. "Enough to know that you'd never willingly spend a night in this place, Icy." 

She studied me carefully, her expression unreadable, giving nothing away. "You're not afraid of me? That I'll freeze you into an icicle again?" 

I snort, crossing my arms. "If you wanted to, you'd have already done that," I replied bluntly. "And once you did, I'd burn my way out." 

"Like before?" she raised a single brow, reminding me of Daphne Greengrass more and more. I didn't know what she wanted, but it wasn't to fight, at least, not yet. 

Information gathering then. Fuck. 

"I will." I leaned forward, my glare meeting her neutral stare. 

She tilted her head slightly, in acknowledgment. It was impressive how her face gave nothing away. I wonder if the witches of this universe have something similar to Occlumency. "You've intrigued us." 

I glanced at her in confusion, ensuring that I was facing her as I picked up towels, my body tense, coiled, and taut, like a spring ready to be unleashed. Guess I need to brush up on my Occlumency again if I can't control my body language. "What do you mean?" 

My heart was pounding. Here I was, having a civil conversation with a witch who'd frozen me in ice twice. The first purely out of amusement, the second from cold, irritating spite. A witch who I strongly suspected was connected to the Ancestral Witches, maybe even reincarnated from some bastardized ritual, without their memories, but with their same goal. I did NOT want them prying into my life and my secrets any more than they probably already were.

"Your origins, your background, your powers." Icy listed off. I snapped up all my Occulmency barriers, forcing away the emotions before they could cause me to slip. 

Her eyes widened in surprise as she looked at me, her white-blue eyes faintly glowing. "So, the rumors are true. You can manipulate your aura." 

I rose to my full height (which still left me half a head shorter than her). "What's it to you?" I snapped. 

She chuckled darkly. "Oh, nothing important." 

"As is whatever your blackmailer is using against you?" I laced my tone with just enough curiousness to be considered an invitation to talk. I doubted she would though, all the encounters I've had with witches prove them to be rather...cagey. 

Her eyes narrowed. "She'll be taken care of soon." 

I swallowed down my nervousness, feeling the shiver that went down my spine. That was a dark promise that she just made, on the same level as Bellatrix during a random moment of sanity. "Why are you even talking to me? Witches and fairies don't exactly like each other, from what I've seen." 

She chuckled again, her stance relaxing, yet her posture still poised, confident. "Personal curiosity, pixie. I just wanted to see what is so special about you that keeps my sister up late at night." 

My eyes widened. The feelings I had of being watched...I hadn't stayed up late, the only exception being when the Winx watched the Transformers episodes. And when I'd felt the sensation of being watched...

"Well, I hope I've satisfied your curiosity." I took a step back, my arms loaded with towels. The Winx were probably wondering where I got off to. 

She smirked when she noticed my tension. "So long as you stay out of our way pixie, you don't have anything to fear from me." She paused, then added, "Yet." 

I stood stone still as she turned and left. The moment she was gone, I let out the breath I'd been holding, my tightened chest suddenly contracting. "Thank Merlin." 

I waited a moment, realizing that the sudden chill in the air had been from her presence, and then shook my head. 

Bloody witches. 

I paused. 

Now that's not something I'd ever think of with scorn. 


"Who could forget last year's acapella singing, ice skating, miming, and tongue twisters! Let's see what our contestants bring this year!" the announcer said while beaming. 

"First up, is our fitness competition! Which of these young ladies has the endurance their bodies shine of? Which young lady's skills outdo the rest?" 


"Where's the third one?" Lucy demanded when Beatrix and D'arcy showed up. "Where's Isobel?" 

"Right here," a chilly voice said behind Lucy, making the girl flinch. 

Isobel let the pleased hum die in her throat as she had managed to get under her guard. She allowed herself a small smile, surprising a pixie and a witch with her stealth, two in one night. That's a new record for her. "Are you ready to knock out your competition?" 

"Born ready." It was strange to see such a beautiful teenager bare her teeth in an aggressive manner. It looked more adorable than threatening, and amusing to the Trix. Not that they'd tell their blackmailing witch that. 

The Trix all cackled before they infused the pendant with their own magic, enhancing its bad luck aura. 

"That should do the trick."  Darcy sneered. "But just in case, we have a few more...surprises of our own." 


I rushed back to find Stella nearly ready, wearing a glittering silver dress that left her back bare and her lower leg had a slit. "Where have you been?" she asked in worry and relief as her golden eyes found mine. 

"Ran into Ms. 'Popularis'," I replied, out of breath. "And then Icy found me." 

The girls all gained looks of alarm, especially since they knew that I had the real scepter on my person. "Does she know?" 

I shook my head, biting my lip thoughtfully. "I don't think so. She was more interested in me." I hesitated, wondering what level of panic I was at before deciding that I didn't want to know. I added, "And get this, she confirmed that 'Lucy' is the Trix's blackmailer." 

"Which means that I should out her." Stella declared. 

"No," Tecna said, surprising all of us. "Likely, the Trix will be performing the sabotages, not Lucy. This means that you should be on your guard for anything that might trip you up. Bad luck spells, distance-based telekinesis, and such. Besides, I can't see the Trix letting 'Lucy' get away with blackmail, nor would a witch help another in something like this." 

"Tecna makes a good point." Musa agreed. "Either way, we're here for you if something goes wrong." 

"That's the power of the Winx," Flora said with a small smile. 


As soon as we settled back in our box, and all the contestants moved backstage, the announcer began. "And now, our first contestant in the fitness round hails from a realm that claims to be at the center of the universe, yes ladies and gentlemen, right here in Magix! She is number five, Ms. Heidi!" 

One of the girls from my class in a green and lime leotard that matched her eyes cartwheeled onto the stage. Her auburn hair matched her gymnastic slippers. She posed, waiting as boxes created from magic appeared on the stage around her. 

"She will present, a symphony of gymnastics!" 

As the lights dimmed and music began to play, Heidi sprang into action. She twirled in the air before landing on the first cube, playing notes that filled the rest of the music. 

As she progressed from various cubes, the leaps grew wider and more dangerous, and the music produced every time she touched or landed on a cube was only more awe-inspiring. 

"Wow," Flora said, echoing my thoughts. 

"She's good, really good," Musa admitted. 

We watched as she leaped up high--higher than before, and landed, balancing perfectly with one hand. 

"Awesome," I muttered, wishing that I had half the talent of these girls. 

What were my talents? Fighting. Cussing. Drawing and painting. Not awesome. 


"You know, every performance needs a grand finale," Beatrix muttered in annoyance. 

D'arcy chuckled. "Don't worry." 

She waved her hands, her eyes glowing as she concentrated her magic. The mat where Heidi would finish began to glow every time she landed on a cube, the subtle curse only growing stronger from the music generated by the cubes. 

D'arcy's eyes flashed purple. "It will be a 'grand' finale indeed."


Heidi jumped higher, spinning and twirling as she neared the tallest cube of the twenty-six or so. As she leaped to the last one, I saw something else on the stage glow in the corner of my vision. 

The mat at the end was glowing faintly, brighter as she reached the top. Heidi dolphin-dived off the tallest cube, falling and twirling around, moving down to land on her feet with all the grace of a ballerina. 

Instead, the moment her feet touched the mat, it launched up, sending her hurling through the air into the audience as a catapult would a rock. 

I glanced at the Trix's box and saw them falling on each other without even trying to hide their laughter. Bloody miserable gits. 

I turned back to see the cubes vanishing, the announcer looking sheepish and worried. "Uh, right, well then. While our highly trained medical staff care for Ms. Heidi, let's move on, shall we?" 

"Poor Heidi," Flora said sadly, watching as the unconscious girl was magicked onto a stretcher and carried away. 

Musa and Tecna were both glaring at the Trix. "This reeks of them." 

"But we can't prove it." I reminded them, feeling as helpless as they did. I'd long since outgrown the sudden urge to jump head-first into things, no matter my personal feelings or issues. Acting like that is what cost me--Harry, Sirius. "I don't like it, but what are we supposed to do?" 

"Our next contestant is Ms. Aquaria!" 

The beautiful, curvaceous blue-skinned girl with huge hips and tentacles for hair floated up to a conjured lake, and she began to walk on the water--dance on the water. 

"Bloody incredible," I breathed, the others nodded dumbly. 


"I'll handle this one," Isobel said with a gleam in her eyes. "She can dance, but can she skate?" 

She focused her element on the water and started to freeze the lake. As soon as the dancing girl's foot touched the ice, she started to slip and slide. 

Her graceful movements gave way to panicked arm swings in a failed attempt to regain her balance before she was thrown off stage by her own momentum and crashed into the ground. 

The Trix burst into laughter. Maybe tonight wouldn't be such a waste after all. 


After another sabotage by the Trix, and a few more girls (who had impressive performances), it was finally Stella's turn. 

"And now, Princess Soleil of Solaria, with the Light Tango!" 

I raised my brows. That was a dance that was rather risque for Stella, considering how conservative the Magix Dimension claimed to be (which I honestly still doubted, considering the amount of skirt that actually covered the legs, important bits, and cheeks). 

She moved gracefully onto the stage, looking like a prim and proper princess. Her face was blank, devoid of emotion, but her eyes told a different story. Fear. Hope. Worry. 

Her eyes found us, and I waved dramatically. I saw her lips curve upward, just as the music started. 

Her eyes glowed, her hair rustling slightly as she called upon her magic for something complex. We all leaned forward, staring at the handsome young men created around her. All of their bodies bore a startling resemblance to a certain prince of hers. 

"Light constructs!" A girl seated behind me gasped. "That's complex magic!" 

Stella hitched up the skirt of her dress with one hand, her other smoothly extending, accepting the hand of one of the light-men. Music began to play, and they all began to dance. It was graceful, it was elegant, and it was awe-inspiring. 

Stella's hips moved, her legs shifting and bending at precise points, creating a vision of perfection. Each move was carefully and elegantly executed. The men moved with her, and soon she was being bent backward, lifting her legs, twirling in magically-created muscular arms, being lifted into the air by hands wrapped around her small waist. 

The men began to swap, as she changed, getting tossed or spun into the arms of one another. Though I never took ballet, I could see some spinning ballet toss and catches in between tamer spins and footsteps. 

Also, this 'Light-Tango' was definitely tamer than Earth's version. It had moved from at least three different dance moves. 

Then, Stella was lifted up, her doing the splits mid-air, and spun around three-sixty degrees by the light construct. Though her performance was not yet over, I joined those in the crowd already applauding. 

At one point, a light construct grabbed her and pulled her out of the way when several lights started falling. 

Stella's eyes glowed brighter, but she kept to her routine. She persevered, avoiding the falling lights that were supposed to illuminate the stage, adding her own balls of multi-colored light that rose up every time one of them fell, adding to the illusion that it was part of the show. 

I glanced at the Trix's box and could see all of them gritting their teeth, holding back their anger. Seems they were running out of ideas. 

I looked back to see Stella get lifted into the air by the constructs. She spun, pushing the limits of her flexibility to right herself before her four light dancers caught her, sliding her to her feet as the music ended. 

The crowd cheered, most if not all of them getting to their feet. Stella looked to be breathing a little heavily, her face flushed, elation and pride on her expression. She reminded me of myself after I finished my first song at the Frutti Music Bar. 

We all cheered, and the audience roared with applause. 

"What an amazing performance!" the announcer shouted happily, pleased that one performance had mostly gone right (apart from the falling ceiling lights). 

Stella bowed again, before allowing one of the guards to escort her offstage. 

Then, Ms. Popularis went up. 


"Let's hope she enjoys it." Isobel sneered. "Because she'll be paying for it for the rest of the year." 

Her sisters chuckled darkly, eager to see the bitch mess up. If not, well, there was always the crowning ceremony. 


"Lucy Popularis's realm is famous for their gracious, well-mannered folk. And, their dance: hair ballet!" the announcer shouted before moving off-stage. 

"Hair ballet?" I whispered to Flora as the lights dimmed. "What's that?" 

"Just watch. You'll see." Musa said before Flora could, both girls looking eager to watch. 

I huffed but turned to watch as 'Lucy' gave a croisé to the audience. Then, she began to dance, rather elegantly. 

It was like her long hair was suddenly fluffy and flag-like. She began to dance with moves similar to ballet, but it was her hair that was used instead of something like...a ribbon. 

Her hair moved around her legs, around her waist, in between her arms. It followed wherever she went, tracing the path she vacated from pirouettes, relevés, pas de chats, and more. 

The music that played complimented each graceful twist and arch. Then, she was spinning on the toes of her feet, her hair looping around her once, twice, thrice, four times! 

Then she was doing the splits, one leg supporting her whole weight, and her hair following her movement around like a snake. It was beautiful and (to me) eerie. 

Then, as the music reached it's climax, the girl's movements sped up, yet lacked none of the previous flawless and executed grace. 

My jaw dropped as I watched her finish. 

"I'm starting to have doubts that she's blackmailing the Trix," Flora whispered. 

"There are spells that can give you balance, support, and mimic gracefulness." Tecna reminded. "But, there are no spells that can help you learn how to dance like that." 

"That takes years of practice." I agreed quietly. "Still doesn't remove her from my sus list." 

"What's a sus list?" Musa asked me. 

I restrained myself from smacking my face, barely. "It means suspicion list. 'Sus' is for short." 

"Oh," she said stupidly. 


Much like with Stella, the audience roared and thundered with applause, cheers, whoops, and cat-calls. Unlike Stella, 'Ms. Popularis' broke her composure to smile warmly and wave at her audience, even going so far as to blow kisses, earning even greater cheers. 

It was sickening to watch. 

"Little do they know that she is Ms. Outcast-us." Beatrix mocked. 

"She's an outcast by choice." D'arcy reminded her younger sister. "I've done some digging around. There are at least a dozen covens who'd drop one of their own members if it means that they'd get Lucy on their team." 

"How, un--sportsmanship--ing of them." Beatrix snorted. She wasn't surprised. Lucy was a good fighter, and a vicious witch, despite being a loner. 

Unfortunately for her, she'd messed with the wrong coven. 

"Focus." Isobel reminded her sisters. "First, we expose the blackmailing bitch, then we corner the music pixie and seize the key to our destiny!" 


Once the rest of the girls went, the fitness round was officially over. There were two more rounds left: talent, and the questionnaire. 

It was time to see all the contestants reveal their special talents.  

"Ms. Lesta is a master jugglar! Which is why she will be proving her talent with the dangerous magical tool: Hallo-Claves!" 

I frowned. From my position, they looked like ordinary bottles, but the other girls winced or stiffened. "What's wrong with her juggling bottles?" 

Tecna sighed while Flora and Musa exchanged a now familiar look (they would do that whenever my ignorance of this dimension showed itself). 

"Bloom, those 'bottles' are training weights with a spell applied that makes it painful to hold in hand the longer you touch them to bare skin," Flora explained, and I winced. 

"When you put it like that..." I trailed off, staring at Lesta with a curious expression. "I wonder how she built up a pain immunity?" 

"Who knows?" Flora said, sounding sympathetic. "Not all parts of the realms are friendly. Some fairies come from less...savory places. It's why each fairy is assigned a mentor, so they can go and speak about their problems with them." 

Oh, was that a part of the mentor description? Oops, I think I missed that. Was I supposed to talk to Freddi about my problems? Uhh. 

"Stella would have a heart attack over her choice of wardrobe," Musa commented on Lesta's attire. 

I had to agree. A white ballet leotard underneath a red and black magician's coat. Not that I would say anything aloud of course. That was reserved for my enemies. 

Speaking of my current enemies...

I glanced at their box in time to see Stormy's eyes glow with electricity. 

Alarmed I looked back to see all the bottles flash. As Lesta tossed them into the air, she did a pirouette and backflip before holding out to juggle. Instead, she gasped in pain, then again as her hands caught, then dropped the bottles. 

More of them fell, and because she wasn't paying attention, they all fell on her head, her arms, and her shoulders. The girl gasped and cried out each time until the last one smacked her in the face. 

Wearing an expression similar to a Looney Toons character after they'd been knocked silly, she slumped to the floor, unconscious. 

"Those girls!" Flora hissed, looking displeased, as close to visible angry as she got. "Sabotaging her performance, and for what?" 

"I think we should teach the Trix a lesson," Musa suggested angrily, her eyes glowing with her magic. 

"With what?" I asked helplessly, my irises also glowing orange, my anger amplified as the Dragon Flame roared in my heart. "Our focus is on protecting the ring, not revenge on behalf of our classmates." 

"Their unsavory attitude is ruining the competition," Tecna commented, sounding emotionless, were it not for the fire burning in her eyes. 


"And now, here is Ms. Jenny Melody!" 

The crowd leaned forward, eager to hear some beautiful singing from a realm they were known for. 

D'arcy cast the spell, and when the girl moved to sing, all that came out were harsh croaks and high-pitched squeaks, like someone who'd been singing too long had their voice give out. 

All three of them laughed. 


"And now, here is Ms. Lehonna, with her free-dancing doves!" The announcer was starting to lose his steam, not that I blamed him. Every other girl that had gone had failed somewhere in their routine, and the curses the Trix were using were subtle enough that it appeared the fault of the performers themselves. 

She began to whistle at various frequencies, sounding like music. And the birds spun in mid-air, twirling while flapping their wings with graceful, precise movements, in sync. They chirped and sang at specific points. 

"It's so beautiful." Flora breathed. "It's like a part of nature has just come together." 

Then, as the redhead in the white tux prepared to whistle again, the bird's tune suddenly changed. They were shrill, piercing squawks. 

The girl's expression turned to panic. Then, the birds were dive-bombing her, unleashing their own dung bombs. 

The girl fainted as her white jacket was suddenly covered in smelly brown spots. 


"And now, Ms. Sabatha, and her alpha rite!" A girl in a rather scandalous doggy outfit with little wings attached to her back led a circus of small dogs around. 

D'arcy leaned forward, her eyes gleaming maliciously. "If she wants to lead a bunch of half-mutt breeds, then she should know that to be an alpha, you have to submit to your omegas." 

A few moments later, the dogs all stop their tricks and bark and growl nastily at 'Sabatha', who squeaks in fright and runs around the stage, the various dogs nipping and biting at her heels. 

The Trix explodes into laughter. 

"Arcadia, that was the funniest thing I've ever seen." Beatrix clutched the stitch in her chest. 


Bera and Amaryl went without any sort of sabotage. Stella went up again and spoke the national anthem of Solaria backward. 

Then there were other girls, some that got sabotaged, others that had been sabotaged in the previous rounds and now were fine. 

Then there was a purple-skinned girl named 'Ms. Neoxis Andros'. 

"She'll be performing the neon-ring juggling act, with four-dozen rings!" The announcer said, looking very excited. 

She tossed all her rings up at once, then began to juggle. 

Not even a minute in, and suddenly her rings froze mid-air, before zooming at her. She let out a cry of surprise before the rings pinned her arms to her body and legs shut together. She fell down, grunting around the ring that was gagging her mouth. 

After her attempt came the final girl, 'Karen Magix'. She started a unique cheerleading routine that was crushed when the floor of the stage underneath her unexpectedly gave out. 

"Uh, heh, heh." The announcer laughed nervously, looking like a worried sweat again. "Alright, perhaps we should take an...intermission break! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we will reconvene in ten minutes!" 

"That's it." Musa stood up. "I have had it with these bitches." 

Flora and Tecna worked to hold her down. "No, stop! They need to be taught a lesson!" I've never seen Musa lose her cool, and boy did she look pissed. 

"We need to get back to Stella." I reminded them. It took some arm muscle, but we eventually pulled Musa away, and out of sight of the witches. We retreated back to our dorm to see her frowning, her knuckles white, her eyes still locked on the screen that showed the live feed of the stage. 

"Uh oh," I muttered to myself. "Stella?" 

She turned to us, her expression blank. "They liked her more than me." 

Musa and Flora winced. Tecna frowned. I walked forward and pulled her into my arms, letting her head rest on my shoulder. The stress of the contest was getting to her.  

"Stella?" The other girls moved closer, aware that her insecurities were fraying at her strength. 

"I'm not good enough." I'd never heard her speak like that before. It sounded quiet, with a hint of emotional despair. Her voice sounded like a weak child who'd been belittled and told they were good for nothing so many times, that was the only thing that they believed. 

It sounded so similar to a young boy that I was frightened. Just how much damage had her parents inflicted upon her? 

"You're not." I tightened my arms around her when she began to cry softly again. "You're Princess Stell Soleil, my best friend. You're an amazing young woman and a powerful fairy." 

"Powerful," She snorted through her tears. "Who relies on an heirloom if they're powerful?" 

Musa and Flora's eyes shined with a little wetness and sympathy. 

"Bad things happened to you, Stella," I said quietly, aware that the other girls could hear my every word. For Stella's sake, I omitted the details, sticking to cryptic terms. "Bad things were done to you, but none of it is your fault. You aren't a failure. You aren't weak. You aren't a disgrace or a powerless fairy." 

She lifted her head up, and I could see that her mascara was slightly messy. I could tell that she was hanging onto my every word. 

"You are strong. You are the girl who faced down an ogre and ghouls with barely any magic. You kicked a bloody troll in the face. You fought against witches who were leagues out of our own. Regardless of the outcome, you survived, you lived, and left them in the dust." 

I 'boop'ed her on the nose, making us all giggle a little. "You are more than just a princess. You are more than just a fairy. You are you, Stella. You are whoever you want to be. Look beyond the stereotypes and presumptions that you've been surrounded by all your life, and tear down your masks." 

I rubbed soothing circles into her back. "When you step out that door, and return to that stage, it will be as who you truly are, not what someone has tried to shape you to be." 

I stared into teary golden eyes, repeating what Harry wished others had told him. "Don't be anything other than yourself." 

As she processes my words, silent, her face shifting a little. 

I glanced at my friends and nodded silently. They began to prepare Stella's final outfit, something that I'd found in her closet and reminded me of a similar dress that a Veela had worn. 

A sparkling orange dress, similar to her fairy form, minus the softly glowing sun pendant. Two pale orange-gold gloves, matching the high heels that had little fairy wings on them. 

The other girls pried Stella off me and we changed her into the outfit we felt would have the best impact for the final round. 

Hopefully, everything would end well tonight, and there wouldn't be any fighting, and Stella would win her crown. 

(future me): I really shouldn't be optimistic anymore. I really shouldn't. 

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