Blast: The Teenage Hero

By Redfork2000

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Alex was just an average high school student who stumbled through life with many hardships. He frequently fin... More

1. Rise of Blast - Part 1
2. Rise of Blast - Part 2
3. Fame and Glory
4. The Best Sleepover Ever
6. Queen Glamour
7. Will Work For Jewels
8. Canine Catastrophe
9. The Girl Next Door
10. Hothead Havoc
11. Just Like You
12. Pair Pressure
13. Watt a Party!
14. Dress For Success
15. The Attack of the 50 Foot Teenager
16. Operation Clover

5. A Rocky Rivalry

26 2 0
By Redfork2000

It seems like a regular afternoon at Peachwood's largest jewelry store, Gloria's Jewelry. A few customers are inside, looking at the jewelry and making their purchases, and everything seems peaceful and calm as usual. However, that sense of calm and tranquility doesn't last for long, as a trio of masked men attempts to rob the jewelry store. The security alarm begins to ring, and the customers start to panic.

One of the men is tall and slender, the other is a bit shorter, but with a heavy and wide build, and the third is actually quite short in stature. Their facial traits are all concealed by the masks they're wearing. The tallest one approaches one of the employees, with a large sack, and points a knife at the employee. "Put all the jewels in the bag, now." He commands.

The employee, frightened for his life, gives in and starts putting jewelry in the bag, while the other two masked men threaten the customers with their knives, intending to hold them hostages for extra insurance.

However, just as the robbery seems to be almost done, someone speeds into the store. A teenage boy is seen floating in mid-air, looking at everyone. "Never fear, Blast is here!" He exclaims cheerfully. The masked men look at the teenager floating in the sky, somewhat confused.

"What's that kid doing here?" The shorter one asks, to which the fatter one just shrugs. "I dunno... I'd rather ask how he's floating like that." He adds.

Alex just looks at the criminals, frowning at them. "Ok guys, playtime is over. Let go of the hostages, and return the jewels." Alex tells them.

This causes the tallest one of the three to turn around and look at Blast, with an annoyed scowl. "Get lost kid, this is none of your business!" he tells Alex, pointing the knife at him.

Alex just shrugs. "Look guys, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Whichever you prefer." Alex tells them, pretty confident that he can handle the situation easily.

The tallest one of the trio growls, and attempts to stab Alex with the knife, but Alex dashes out of the way, quickly moving through the air until he's behind the man, in just a split second. The other two men watch, their jaws dropping as they see him move so fast. Alex just smirks. "You missed." He says, startling the man as he realizes Alex is behind him now.

The shorter man of the trio slaps the other one. "What are we waiting for? Let's get that kid!" He exclaims. The two of them run towards Alex, trying to stab him with their knives as well.

Alex just sighs. "It always has to be the hard way..." he says, and then he starts zooming around at lightning speed, avoiding their attacks, and pummels all three of them repeatedly, until all three of them go down. He then just cleans the dust off his clothes, and looks at the trio that's now lying down on the floor.

The employee that was at the counter rushes over to Alex. "That was unbelievable!" the employee tells him. "You saved us all!"

Alex just chuckles. "It's nothing really. Glad to help!" Alex replies, smiling. "Who are these goons anyway?" Alex wonders.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a familiar redhead teenager pops out from behind some of the furniture, with her trusty notebook and pen. "These three are a notorious criminal team." Lily begins, startling Alex as she came out of nowhere. "The Bandit Brothers, I think they're called." Lily adds.

Alex just tilts his head. "Ok... how do you know that?" Alex asks her.

Lily just giggles. "I read the Peachwood Daily every day. I always keep up with the news on everything." Lily explains.

Alex looks back at the criminals. "So the Bandit Brothers, huh? Well, my job's done here, the police will show up soon anyway." Alex says, shrugging. "Hey Lily, what time is it?" He asks her.

Lily looks at her watch, and then replies. "It's 4:42 pm." she tells him. Alex's eyes widen as he realizes what that means, and lets out a frustrated groan.

"Now I'm gonna be late to Alice's place again..." Alex complains, rolling his eyes as he can already imagine what Alice's expression will be when she sees him arrive so late.

Lily just looks at him. "Oh yeah, you're on her team for the science project, aren't you? How's that going anyway?" Lily asks him.

Alex just sighs. "Oh, you don't wanna know." Alex tells her. He then rearranges his hairstyle with his hands to mimic Alice's hairstyle, stands upright and then makes a serious, with a haughty frown. He then begins to speak, imitating Alice's tone of voice. "Oh Alex, you're so irresponsible! You're always out saving people instead of focusing on our science project!" He exclaims lifting his index finger up high, causing Lily to giggle a bit.

"Wow, does she really sound like that?" Lily asks him.

Alex lets his hair return to its normal style, and then shrugs. "Well, most of the time at least." Alex replies. "Don't get me wrong, she can be nice at times, but heh... sometimes she does get a bit annoying." Alex adds, chuckling a bit.

Lily giggles along. "Well, in that case I'd better let you go do your work. I've got some news to write about. See you later!" Lily says, as she keeps writing down the events that took place at the scene. Alex nods, and flies away, heading for Alice's house.

Upon arriving, Alex knocks on the door. A few seconds later, the door opens, revealing a not very happy Alice. "I thought you weren't going to even show up today." Alice tells him.

Alex chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his head. "I'm sorry, okay? There was a robbery in Gloria's Jewelry. A group called the Bandit Brothers." Alex told her.

Alice just sighs. "Well, at least you're here." Alice tells him. "Come in, we've got work to do. Tommy and I were already making some progress in the meantime." Alice explains, letting Alex in.

Alex follows Alice to her basement laboratory, where Tommy is finishing one of the parts they need for the project. "Alex, you're here!" Tommy exclaims, smiling wide as he gets up from his seat and runs over to where Alex is.

"Yeah, sorry for being late. I went to stop a robbery at the jewelry store." Alex explains.

Alice, however, seems to be thinking about something. "You know, it's kind of weird that only you have powers." Alice finally said, catching Alex and Tommy's attention.

"I think we all agree it's kind of weird that I could get super powers in the first place." Alex replies. "But since it happened, I'm just gonna make the most of it." He adds with a grin.

Alice shakes her head. "No, I mean... that lab accident that caused you to gain your powers in the first place." Alice tells him. "That radiation hit everyone in a wide radius. I get that the chances for someone's DNA to be as drastically affected by it to develop powers aren't exactly high, but one would expect there to be more than one instance of it happening." Alice explains.

Alex just shrugs. "Well, what can I say? Maybe I really am the only one that got powers." Alex says. "Just because it's unlikely doesn't mean it's impossible, right?" he adds.

"I guess so..." Alice responds, though she looks at her computer. "I might want to do some more research about it later." Alice says, before looking back at Tommy and Alex. "Ok guys, let's get back to work. There's still a lot to do." Alice tells them, and the three get working on their project.

Meanwhile, in another area, on the outskirts of Peachwood, a tall, muscular teenager is relaxing under a tree. Just an inch or two over six feet tall, with dark brown hair. As the teenager rests under the tree's shade, he looks at the clouds in the sky, but he notices something strange coming closer to him. Something that looks almost like a flying saucer.

"What in the world?" The teenager thinks to himself, having no idea what that is. But it looks rather suspicious.

The flying saucer lands nearby, and a man with spiky gray hair, wearing a lab coat, comes out, catching the teenager's attention. The man comes towards the teenager, and talks to him. "Good afternoon. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Dr. Zachary Robinson." The man introduces himself.

The teenager looks at him, a bit puzzled. "Uh... hello?" The teenager asks him, in his low, rough voice. Why is this man talking to him, he wonders.

The answer comes soon, as Dr. Zack continues. "Listen, there's not much time, but I need your help." Dr. Zack tells him.

The teenager raises an eyebrow. What could this man need help with, and why come to him out of all people? "Why do you need my help?" The teenager asks him.

"A few days ago, there was a lab accident. Something went wrong, and it caused high levels of radiation that spread across Peachwood." Dr. Zack explains to him. "Most people saw no major effects, but my devices detected that there were some that suffered alterations in their DNA, giving them unique abilities." Dr. Zack adds.

The teenager nods silently, and then gets up. "So, you're the one who caused this?" The teenager finally asks, as he walks over to a large boulder, and punches it, shattering it into pieces with just one blow. A malicious grin appears on Dr. Zack's face as he sees what the teenager is capable of. "I was already strong, don't get me wrong, but this is... different. And it happened overnight." The teenager explains.

Dr. Zack nods, still grinning. "Yes, it was caused by the lab accident. That's why I came looking for you." Dr. Zack adds.

The teenager just looks back at him, and still seems a bit intrigued. "I don't get it. What do you need?" The teenager asks him.

"Listen, I need you to come with me to my lab to run a few tests on you, and then-" Dr. Zack begins, telling the same tale he told to Alex, but gets immediately interrupted by the teenager.

"You want me to follow you to your lab just like that? I don't even know you!" The teenager tells him.

Dr. Zack's smile quickly vanishes. "Why does this one have to have common sense?" He mutters to himself, frustrated. He looks back at the teenager, frowning. "Listen, I'm going to make this quick. I tried to be friendly, but you're going to be coming with me, like it or not." He says, before pulling out a control remote, and pressing a button.

"What is that?" The teenager asks Dr. Zack, but suddenly, he hears something behind him. Dr. Zack just smirks as the teenager turns around, seeing a drone flying right behind him. Before he can even do anything, the drone releases a purple gas in his face, causing his vision to start getting blurry. "No! Leave me alo-" he exclaims, but soon, he falls back, landing on the ground, sleeping.

Dr. Zack steps closer, and looks at the now sleeping, tall teenager. He shakes his head. "You should've just done as I said, things would've been much easier. But anyway... I'm bringing you to my lab. Maybe that pesky 'Blast' got away, but you'll serve just as well as my weapon." He said, as he used the controller to get the drone to grab the now sleeping teenager by the shirt, and pull him into the flying saucer.

Soon after, Dr. Zack is back in his laboratory, and has the teenager on a metallic bed, strapped to it by some metallic belts. The teenager wakes up, and tries to break free, but to no avail. "What's going on!? What are you planning to do to me!?" He yells, but Dr. Zack is just calmly sitting behind a computer screen, as a robotic arm with a syringe stretches towards the frightened teenager.

"Oh, you finally woke up. Just in time to enjoy your last few moments of free will before I turn you into my weapon." Dr. Zack tells him.

This gets the teenager to move around even more, trying to break free. "What is that supposed to mean!?" He yells, trying to get out, but seeing the robotic arm approach him slowly. "Get that thing away from me!" He exclaims, but the robotic arm finally reaches him, and injects him in the arm. The teenager slowly stops moving, until he is now perfectly still.

Dr. Zack comes closer. "Now let's see if it works. Now listen-" he begins, but then stops as he realizes he never asked the teenager for his name. "Uh... well, you destroyed a boulder with your hands, so I'm going to call you Boulder for now. We'll come up with something better later." Dr. Zack says.

"Yes, doctor." The teenager responds.

This makes Dr. Zack smile. It seems the experiment was a success! "Perfect, it worked! Very well, Boulder. From now on you will do everything I tell you, without fail." Dr. Zack tells Boulder.

"Yes, doctor." He responds.

"Hm... there's probably more of you out there, waiting to be found." Dr. Zack says, thinking to himself. "Perhaps this accident wasn't such a bad thing. If I can get all of you to be under my control, then I'll have an army that no one can stop!" He adds. "Looks like we'll be starting a search party." He concludes, followed by an evil laugh.

Back in Alice's lab, she, Alex and Tommy are working on their science project, with Alice guiding the other two in what steps to follow. However, as they work, Alex tries to put two parts together, but they don't seem to fit. He tries again, but to no avail. "Oh come on!" He says, as he tries again, but uses a bit too much strength, accidentally breaking one of the parts.

Alice hears the sound of the breaking part, and immediately turns her face towards Alex, as she suspects he was the one who did it. And she wasn't wrong, as Alex makes eye contact with her, and lets out a nervous chuckle. "Oops..." He says.

Alice just rolls her eyes, and sighs. "We're going to have to buy a replacement." Alice tells him. "You're going to buy it." She tells him.

"W-What? Why me?" Alex protests, but Alice just stares at him, unamused.

"Well first, you're the one who broke it. Second, you can fly there, so you'll get there faster. After all, you said you were going to put your powers to good use, didn't you?" Alice tells him.

Alex sighs. "Alright, I'll go." He replies. Alice hands him a piece of paper with the specifications for the piece they need, and Alex flies out of the house to go get the replacement.

However, while he's on his way to buy the part he needs, he's spotted by the other teenager with powers, who is currently on the search for more superpowered humans as Dr. Zack ordered. "That's... one of the superhumans the doctor is looking for!" He says. He cracks his knuckles, and gets ready.

Alex continues flying, and all of a sudden, he gets punched in the stomach as another teenager, taller than him, flies into him and punches him, sending him flying into a building. Alex crashes into the building with his back, with a pained expression as he slides down the wall until he hits the ground.

"Ugh... what just happened?" Alex wonders. But then he looks ahead of himself, and sees the other teenager coming towards him... flying! "W-Whoa!" He yells, as he flies out of the way of the teenager's next punch.

"You have powers too!?" He exclaims, visibly surprised to learn that there's another person with powers like him.

The other teenager keeps a serious face as he goes after Alex. "No time for games, you're coming with me." he replies as he continues to chase Alex around in the air.

"No way!" Alex responds, trying to avoid the other teenager's punches. "Who are you anyway, and what's your problem?"

"I'm Boulder, and I must take you to the doc. It's his order." Boulder replies as he continues trying to chase down Alex. Alex is definitely a bit faster, but Boulder is persistent and keeps chasing him around.

Alex stops for a moment. "Boulder, what kind of name even is that?" He says, chuckling slightly. But then he stops. "Wait, did you say the doc? Don't tell me you're working with Dr. Zack!" Alex exclaims.

Boulder closes in and punches Alex straight into a tree. "That's right. Now stop running away already!" Boulder tells him as he comes closer, clenched fists ready to throw another punch.

Alex gets back up, trying to ignore the pain and keep on going. "Why are you even helping him anyway?" Alex asks him, but then flies to the side to dodge a punch from Boulder. "Whoa!"

"I must." Boulder replies, and as that happens Alex notices a weird, greenish glow in Boulder's eyes. Something is very fishy, that's for sure...

Alex turns back, and tries to fight. He flies towards Boulder, and dodges Boulder's punch, returning one of his own to Boulder's face. Boulder flinches after getting hit, and Alex tries throwing another punch, but Boulder reacts just in time, blocking this punch and then retaliating with another punch, sending Blast flying straight into a lamp post, which he hits head first.

Alex sits there for a bit, his head spinning as stars spin around his head, dizzy after that hit to the head. He's so dizzy in fact, that he suddenly sees two Lily Bakers right in front of him. They move and speak in unison.

"Hey Blast, what's up?" The two Lilys ask.

Alex, still dizzy, replies. "My head is spinning..." He then shakes his head a bit, and the two Lilys he sees combine into a single Lily.

"Hey, what's with that other guy with powers? Is he your rival or something?" Lily asks him, with a notepad in her hand and grabbing a pencil with the other.

"I don't even know him." Alex tells her. "But he's working with Dr. Zack, so that's not good." He adds, scrambling to the side to dodge an incoming attack from Boulder.

"Oh, so he's another villain? Awesome! This is going to be such a good story for the newspaper!" Lily exclaims cheerfully.

Alex continues dodging Boulder's attacks, but then gets punched in the face again, sending him flying into another building. Then Lily stops, and realizes that this actually could be a big problem. "Uh... do you want me to go get your sidekicks?" She asked Alex, referring of course to Tommy and Alice.

Alex gets up again, still recovering from the last hit. "Sure... they're at Alice's place." he says, before flying out of the way as Boulder approaches again.

"Alrighty!" Lily tells him as she runs to go get Alice and Tommy. Alex just looks as Boulder continues relentlessly. While Alex is a bit faster, Boulder is without a doubt much stronger, and that's a problem. But he can't give up now. The best he can do is try to keep stalling, and hopefully Alice will know what to do.

Meanwhile, back at Alice's house, she's starting to get impatient as Alex still hasn't returned. She sighs and looks at the time. "What's taking him so long?" She asks with frustration. "I'd already be back with the piece, and I don't even have powers." Alice adds.

"Maybe he got distracted with another bad guy?" Tommy suggests, but this answer doesn't seem to make Alice any happier.

"He really thinks he's a some kind of comic book superhero, doesn't he?" Alice says, a bit tired of Alex doing this all the time.

Tommy shrugs slightly. "I mean, I guess he just really wants to help people." Tommy answers. "Isn't that a good thing though?" Tommy asks back.

Alice sighs slightly. "I guess it is. I just wish he could be more focused, that's all. We're running really behind schedule, and this really isn't helping." Alice explains.

Tommy smiles and comes closer. "I'm sure we'll get it done in time. We're a great team!" Tommy declares with a grin on his face. "I mean, if we beat Dr. Zack that other time, we can do this!"

Alice looks at him. "If you say so." she replies, still waiting for Alex to arrive. Soon, she hears a knock at the door, and immediately gets up from her seat. "That must be him." She says, as she hurries over to the front door. "Alex, what took you so long? We've been waiting for-" she says as she opens the door, only to realize that it's not Alex, but Lily who is here. "You're not Alex."

Lily giggles slightly. "Yeah, I'm not him." She replies. "Hey, Tommy is here with you, right?" Lily asks Alice.

"Uh, yeah. Why? And where's Alex?" Alice asks, confused as to why Lily is here and not Alex.

"Yeah, about that, he's having a super fight with another guy with powers, so he might need help from his sidekicks!" Lily tells Alice as if she's speaking of some epic superhero story.

Alice's eyes widen as she hears this from Lily. "Wait, another person with super powers?" Alice exclaims, surprised by these news. "I had a feeling Alex wasn't the only one, but I didn't really expect him to run into one! And they're fighting?" Alice asks Lily.

Lily nods as she replies. "Yup, Alex says the guy is working with that Dr. Zack guy." Lily adds.

Alice feels a shiver going down her back as she hears that Dr. Zack is involved. "This is not good..." Alice says, wondering what to do.

Suddenly Tommy comes to the front door as well, stopping behind Alice. "Oh hey Lily!" Tommy says, waving at her.

Alice looks at him, realizing they have to act soon. "Tommy, there's no time to waste. Alex is in danger!" She tells him.

Tommy immediately lets out a gasp. "Danger!?" He says, concerned for his friend.

Alice nods, trying to stay calm. "Lily, can you take us to where they are?" She asks her.

"Right away! Follow me!" Lily tells them, as she makes a run towards the last place she saw the two superpowered teens fighting, prompting Alice and Tommy to run after her.

Meanwhile, the fight between Alex and Boulder is anything but over, as Boulder continues attacking relentlessly, closing the distance and throwing haymakers at Alex, who tries his best to dodge and counterattack with his own punches whenever he can, but not only is Boulder much better at just blocking the incoming punches, but whenever Alex does manage to land a hit, it doesn't seem to hurt Boulder nearly as much as Boulder's punches hurt Alex back.

While the two teens continue flying around fighting each other, Alex continues to notice the strange greenish glow in Boulder's eyes. It's very strange to him, as he's pretty sure his own eyes don't glow like that.

Alex spins around Boulder and tries to punch him from behind, but Boulder just grabs Alex's arm, stopping his attack completely, and then tosses him into a wall. By now Alex is pretty beaten up, with his hair all messy and his clothes torn and dusty from the fight.

Boulder walks up to him, seeing that Alex is struggling to get up again, and cracks his knuckles. "Any last words, before I take you to the doctor for an appointment?" Boulder asks.

Alex sees his opponent approaching, and tries to get up, but it's hard to do so, his entire body aches by now, and it seems like he's at the mercy of this tall, muscular teenager now. However, before he can say something in response, a familiar voice is heard from a distance.

"Alex!" Tommy yells, concerned for his friend. He's about to run up to Alex, but Alice stops him from doing so, grabbing his arm.

"Tommy, it's dangerous!" Alice tells him. "Alex, what's going on?"

Boulder turns his head to see Lily, Alice and Tommy standing nearby, but then turns his head back to Alex. "None of you three have powers. He's the one I'm after." Boulder says, walking even closer to Alex.

"Leave him alone! Why are you working for Dr. Zack anyway?" Alice exclaims, catching Boulder's attention.

"That's none of your business. Now get lost." Boulder replies, looking at Alice for a moment, enough that Alice notices the green glow in Boulder's eyes.

"That glow... I think I know what might be going on." Alice says. Lily and Tommy both look at her, confused, as if waiting for an answer. "Every time we've seen Dr. Zack so far, he tried injecting Alex with some kind of substance to control his mind and use him as a weapon." Alice explains to them. "My hypothesis is that Dr. Zack injected Boulder, hence the glowing eyes." He tells them.

Tommy gasps. "But if that happened... how do we stop this?" He asks, worried.

Alice thinks for a bit. "I mean, I could be wrong, but I can't really come up with another explanation." She adds, trying to figure out what could be done. "I actually happened to get a small sample of Dr. Zack's mind controlling chemical last time we dealt with him. I thought I might as well try and analyze it and make an antidote just in case one day he actually succeeded in injecting Alex." Alice says.

"You've got an antidote!? Does it work?" Tommy asks her, surprised by this turn of events.

Alice nods slightly. "I think so. I haven't really had the chance to test it, but if Boulder is under the effects of that chemical, it's the best chance we've got at stopping this." Alice explains.

Alex is still lying on the ground against the wall, hearing the whole conversation. "Hey, I don't want to be rude... but I don't think there's much time left..." Alex says as Boulder approaches him.

Alice looks at Alex, and nods. "Don't worry Alex, I'll rush over to the lab and bring the antidote as soon as I can!" Alice tells him.

"I... don't know if I can wait that long..." Alex says, struggling to get up.

Alice looks at him, feeling bad to see him in pain like this. "Y-You can do it. You're Blast, right?" Alice tells him, hoping what she says will give him the motivation to continue. "Superheroes don't give up, do they? They have the strength to continue, even when it's hard. I know you can do it..." Alice tells him, hoping that's enough to motivate him.

Alex struggles, and manages to get back on his feet, though with great difficulty. He looks back at Alice, and smiles, nodding silently, and Alice smiles back, and then runs off to her house. Alex now knows that he doesn't need to actually beat Boulder. He just needs to keep Boulder busy while Alice gets the antidote. With this new knowledge, he now starts flying, and instead of fighting back, he just tries to dodge, flying away from Boulder.

"Hey, come back here!" Boulder exclaims as he flies after Alex, the two teenagers flying around the area. Tommy and Lily watch as Boulder chases Alex around. "What kind of stupid name is Blast anyway?" Boulder asks as he chases Alex.

"Is Boulder any better?" Alex replies as he continues to fly away from his pursuer.

Meanwhile, Alice runs back to her house as fast as her legs will take her, and runs inside, right past her brother Max who just sees her dash past him. "What-" Max begins to ask, but Alice doesn't have the time to respond as she goes into her lab, frantically searching among her table full of test tubes until she finds the right one. "Aha!" She exclaims as she runs out of the lab with the antidote, once again dashing past Max. "Sorry, no time to talk!" She exclaims as she leaves him behind again, and rushes out the door.

Max, having no idea what's going on, is utterly confused. "I wonder what got into her..."

Meanwhile, Alex is struggling to keeping flying, as he's exhausted and all beaten up. Boulder is gradually catching up to him, while Tommy and Lily watch in horror. "That guy's gonna get him!" Lily exclaims, writing it all down in her notepad.

Tommy just looks at Lily's notepad, and then back at Lily. "Sorry Lily." He tells her.

"Sorry for what?" Lily asks him, baffled.

Tommy takes the notepad out of Lily's hand. "Hey!" Lily exclaims.

"For this." Tommy replies, as he sees Alex and Boulder are passing by again, and Tommy throws the notepad, landing it squarely on Boulder's face, making him unable to see where he's going.

"Hey, what's going on!?" Boulder yells as he grabs the notepad with his hands, but before he finishes getting the notepad off his face, he crashes straight into a lamp post with a loud clang. Alex looks back as he sees that Boulder temporarily stopped thanks to Tommy, and gives his friend a thumbs up.

Boulder gets up with a frown, looking around. Tommy, believing Boulder is going to get angry at him, hides behind a trash bin. However, Boulder isn't looking for him. He just sees Alex again, and goes after him. Lily looks at Tommy. "Uh... I think he's only after Alex." Lily tells him, but Tommy stays behind the trash bin just in case.

However, the distraction gave Alex a lot of time to get further away from Boulder, who is once again chasing him. "Alice... please hurry..." Alex thinks to himself. And just as that thought is in his mind, he sees Alice coming back with the antidote. "Alice!" He exclaims, happy to see her.

Alice tries to get closer, but Alex and Boulder are flying around way too fast. "Alex! We have to inject him with this antidote!" She exclaims to him. Alex keeps flying away from Boulder in circles, so that he can stay within earshot from Alice.

"Nice, but how do we do that?" Alex asks her. "It's not like he'll cooperate!" He adds.

Alice tries to come up with a plan, thinking about the situation. "We just have to get him to stay still for a bit." Alice tells Alex.

"And how do we get him to do that!?" Alex asks again.

Alice then comes up with an idea. "Stop flying away." She tells him.

"What!?" Alex exclaims in disbelief. "And let him get me?"

"Just do it! Trust me!" Alice tells him.

Alex still doesn't like the idea, but he decides to trust Alice, and stops flying, landing with his two feet on the ground. "Alright, I give up!" Alex tells Boulder, raising his hands up.

Boulder lands next to Alex. "About time you did so." He tells him, grabbing Alex's arm. "Now it's time to take you away."

Alice pulls out the syringe, and injects Boulder with it before he can react. "Hey, what's going on!?" He protests as he feels the sharp poke of the syringe. Alice hopes the antidote works as she intended. Boulder stays completely still for a couple of seconds, as the green glow in his eyes disappears. Alice smiles a bit, as this gives her hope. Boulder then shakes his head, and looks around. "H-Hey, what happened? Where am I?" Boulder asks, seemingly unaware of what is going on. He then looks at Alex. "What happened to this guy?"

Alex sighs in relief. "Dr. Zack injected you with some kind of mind control chemical to get you to work for him." Alex explains.

Boulder seems to not quite understand at first. "Dr. Zack?" He asks, but then the realization hits him. "Wait a second, is he that old guy in a lab coat with messy hair that came up to me earlier today?" Boulder asks.

Alice nods slightly. "Yes, that's him." she replies. "So you do know him?"

"He walked up to me earlier today and asked me to go with him to his lab. As if I'm dumb enough to fall into that trap!" Boulder explains, chuckling a bit.

Alex lets out a nervous laugh. "Yeah... who'd ever fall for that? Heh..." He adds, getting a stare from both Alice and Tommy.

However, their conversation is soon interrupted by Dr. Zack arriving in his signature flying saucer-like vehicle, the Z-Saucer. "Impossible! How did you neutralize my mental control formula!?" Dr. Zack asks, irritated that his plan didn't work out.

"So you're the one behind this mess!" Boulder yells at him, unquestionably furious over getting used by Dr. Zack.

"It's nothing personal. I did what I had to do to achieve my goals." Dr. Zack tells Boulder. "I just didn't expect you bunch of stupid kids to be so annoying." He adds, frowning at the group of teenagers standing below.

Lily pulls out a camera, and takes a picture of the Z-Saucer, giggling uncontrollably as she does so. "Oh my! I can't believe I'm actually witnessing this!" She yells, bursting with excitement. "I've heard of you before, but this is my first time actually getting to see you! The readers of the Peachwood Daily are going to go crazy when they see this!" She exclaims, taking more pictures. "So Dr. Zack, what are your thoughts on Blast?" She asks him.

"It's Dr. Zachary Robinson to you, child!" Dr. Zack groans in frustration at Lily's reaction to this whole situation, but decides to ignore her. "You may have gotten away with this, but you'll run out of luck soon." He tells Alex and his friends. "This is just one superhuman. According to my research, there's plenty more to find. I'll just find more of them, and make my own army out of them." He explains. "So you'd be wise to stay out of this. Otherwise, you'll regret ever getting involved with me." He threatens them.

"I think you're the one who's gonna regret getting involved with me, you hear me old man!?" Boulder yells at him, shaking his fist at Dr. Zack. He then flies towards the Z-Saucer, ready to smash it into pieces with his bare fists. However, Dr. Zack seems completely unimpressed, and just presses a button, causing the Z-Saucer to shoot an electric spark at Boulder, shocking him with a jolt of electricity, paralyzing him for a few seconds, and then watching Boulder fall back to the ground.

"You're either very brave, or very stupid." Dr. Zack tells Boulder. "I believe it's the latter. Either way, I've had enough of you all for today. So go home to play with your toys, I have work to do." He says, as he flies away in his Z-Saucer.

Boulder is still on the ground, twitching from the electric shock he just experienced. Alex walks over to him. "Hey, are you alright?" He asks Boulder.

Boulder finally gets back up, only to let out an outraged yell. "You're gonna pay for this Dr. Zack!" He exclaims, shaking his fist at the Z-Saucer as it disappears into the distance.

"Forget about him for now." Alice tells Boulder. "We can't really do anything about him at the moment."

Boulder groans in frustration. "I guess..." he replies. He then looks over to Alex. "So, that old man made me fight you... no wonder you're all roughed up like that." Boulder tells Alex. "Sorry about that."

Alex shrugs slightly. "Eh, no worries. Nothing I couldn't handle." Alex says, before getting a loud 'ahem' from Alice, who just stares at him with her arms crossed. "With some help from my friends, of course." He adds, chuckling a bit.

"Oh my, so there's two superhumans now, that's so awesome!" Lily says as she grabs her notepad again and starts writing. "So Blast, and Boulder. Cool! So are you Blast's friend now?" She asks them.

Boulder shrugs. "I wouldn't go that far. I just met the guy." He says. "To be honest, I just want to be left alone."

"Fair enough." Alex admits.

"I will say though, if that old man ever shows up again, let me know. I've still got a piece of my mind to give him." He says, cracking his knuckles.

"As long as you don't give him your whole mind again, I think it's all good." Alex says as a joke, chuckling slightly.

Boulder rolls his eyes, and then starts flying again. "Well, I'm out of here. See you around, Blast." he says, before flying away.

Alex nods, waving at Boulder as he leaves. "I get the feeling that's not the last we're gonna see from him." He says, turning back to the rest of the group.

"Well, at least if Dr. Zack shows up again, we have a new friend that can help us!" Tommy says with a smile.

Alice thinks about the whole situation. "Still, if what Dr. Zack said is true, we do have something to worry about." Alice explains. "If Dr. Zack finds those other superhumans, he can make himself a whole army out of them."

"Well, I guess it's up to us to find them before he does, right?" Alex says, smiling a bit as he realizes this means they now have a mission.

"Yay! We're gonna make more super friends!" Tommy adds, cheerfully jumping.

"I'm going to have to figure out how to make some kind of radar we can use to track them with." Alice says, thinking about how she could go about doing that.

Lily takes a picture of all three of them. "Oh boy, this means you three are now a super team with a mission! How exciting is that!?" She exclaims. "If there's really new superhumans around, that's going to be limitless content for the Peachwood Daily!" She adds.

Alex smiles slightly. "Heh... who thought being a superhero would be so much work?" He says, chuckling slightly, but he stops himself as he feels some pain in his back. "I think I might need some rest first."

Alice looks at him. "Let's go back to my house. I'll treat those bruises you've got." Alice tells him. Alex nods, and the trio go back to Alice's house.

Lily stays writing about everything she saw happen today. "Boy, Blast and his friends are such a good team!" She says as she writes. "I wonder what superhuman will show up next."

Back at Alice's house, Tommy is working on the science project, while Alice is treating Alex's bruises, cleaning them and putting bandages on them. "There you go. Now just be careful, and you should feel better soon." Alice tells him.

"Thanks Alice." Alex tells her, smiling. "You're a good friend, you know?" He adds.

"Stop it." Alice tells him with a serious voice, shaking her head. "I mean, we're a team, aren't we? I might as well try and help. It only makes sense." She explains to him, a very slight blush forming on her face.

"If you say so." Alex replies, chuckling a bit. "So, what's the plan now, Alice? Do I get exempted from working on the science project until I feel better?" He asks with a playful tone, sticking his tongue out a bit. Alice just gives him a cold, silent stare, which Alex immediately understands as a no. "It was just a joke, come on!" Alex tells her.

Alice rolls her eyes. "You can rest today. Tomorrow I'll find something you can help with while you can recover." She explains to him. "I made some tea, so you can have some if you want." She tells him, offering him a cup of tea, before she leaves to work on the project.

Alex has a small smile on her face. He gets the weird feeling that Alice is much nicer than she likes to admit. She always acts in this serious, aloof way, but her actions seem to indicate that despite that coldness, she does care about him as a friend after all.

"I wonder if I'm ever really going to understand her." He says to himself with a small chuckle, and takes a sip of the tea, only to accidentally burn his tongue with it. "Agh, it's hot!" He exclaims, sticking out his tongue for a couple of seconds.

"Be careful with that tea, it's hot." Alice tells him from across the lab as she continues working on the science project with Tommy.

"Thanks for the warning..." Alex quips.

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