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Da Sanzuscumdump

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๐‘ฒ๐’‚๐’•๐’”๐’–๐’Œ๐’Š ๐‘ฉ๐’‚๐’Œ๐’–๐’ˆ๐’๐’– ๐’™ ๐‘ช๐’‰๐’–๐’ƒ๐’ƒ๐’š!๐‘ญ๐’†๐’Ž๐’‚๐’๐’† ๐’“๐’†๐’‚๐’…๐’†๐’“ ๐’™ ๐‘ฐ๐’›๐’–๐’Œ๐’– ๐‘ด๐’Š๐’…๐’๐’“๐’Š๐’š๐’‚ ๐‘ฐ๐’ ๏ฟฝ... Altro

Info and A/n


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Da Sanzuscumdump

"Alright children, you have everything ready?" You asked, looking back at your kids.

"Yes ma'am!" They shouted in sync.

"Then less get to moving! Everybody to the bus!"


It had passed a week and a half already and here you and your kids were on your way to the zoo as promised, Along with Kimberly who transferred to your class a few days ago.



"Snapping turtle!"

"You look like a snapping turtle."

"Be nice everyone."



"Alligators!" All of the children turned to the masculine voice. Staring blankly at the two men wearing baseball caps walking towards them.

"Oh. You're here." Elijah said looking the two men up and down.

"Mrs L/n, are they the guest you said were coming with us?" Mei tugged on your pants slightly.

"No, they're not.." You looked at the two with a raised brow, wondering why they were here. "Don't you two have hero work? Why are you here?"




"Wow tough crowd!" Izuku laughed it off but was silently crying on the inside. Unlike other kids their age, your children didn't like him. They didn't like Katsuki either but he wasn't too worried about that.

"Well, I originally planned to come with you on my own, so I called out of work. But this dumba-"

"Watch your mouth Katsuki."

"-Dummy, decided to follow after me." He said, ignoring the three kids punching and kicking his legs.

"Well there isn't enough room on the bus for you." Danny spoke before kicking Izuku in the shin. And damn, for a child that shit hurt.

"Oi! Stop hitting and kicking!" You told the children who immediately rushed back to the line, smiling and batting their eye lashes like they didn't do anything wrong. "And, I'm sure there is more than enough room on the bus-"

"HEY SIS!" A voice called out to you. You turned to see your younger brother running in the direction of your group. When he finally made it to you he hunched over, panting as he was out of breath. "I hope.. I'm not- late! The train was delayed!"

"Hehe, not at all! You're on time actually."

"Whew.. good. And you look really nice N/n!"

"Aw thank you Hachi!" You looked at the kids who just stood there before-

"MR HACHI!" All but one of the children ran up to your younger brother in excitement, some climbing on him and attaching themselves to his leg as he laughed.

"I didn't know you were coming with us!"

"Can I wear your glasses?!"

"Do you like lions or penguins?!"

"Pick me up- pick me up!"

"Look at my pink light up shoes! Aren't they pretty?"

"I finally got my quirk!"

"Look! My tooth fell out!"

You laughed at how excited the children were to see your brother while Izuku pouted. "Okay everyone onto the bus!"


"Okay, so what do guys wanna see first?"

"I wanna see the Seals!"


"I wanna look at the Monkeys!"

"Why go look at the monkeys when we have one right there?" Chiyo, another one of your female students said, pointing her thumb at your green headed husband, causing both Katsuki and Hachi to laugh.

"Hey! That's mean!"

Ignoring what he had to say she looked at the blond. "And I don't know why you're laughing. You look like a life-sized pomeranian. Do you bark like one too?"

"You fucking-!" Before he could finish that a random squirrel came out of no where and shoved a bunch of nuts in his mouth.

"Language." You glared at Katsuki making him stiffen up instantly along with Izuku who the glare wasn't even directed at but was still scared for his life.

"I'll take that as a yes." The child stuffed her hands in her pockets, her tired eyes moving themselves away from the two men.

"Pft. Good job" Hachimitsu told Chiyo before walking to your side.

"Thank you.." She turned pink from the compliment.

"Hm.. who wants to feed the goats?" For the children didn't know they could feed the animals they all got excited. Their little voices all shouted me repeatedly you just giggled and silently awed at their adorable faces.

"Then it's settled! Follow me and make sure to hold hands children so you don't get lost!" After you finished speaking, a smaller hand grabbed onto yours. Looking down you see Kimberly who looked amazed by everything she saw, looking eager to see just about anything. You almost wanted to tear up at the adorable sight but held yourself back.

While you were walking in the front with your brother and the rest of the children the two heroes stayed in the back, admiring your backside.

They felt blessed seeing the way your thighs moved in the flared leggings you wore. Not to mention you looked absolutely beautiful today, which wasn't new since you looked beautiful everyday.

Izuku's mouth watered and Katsuki's face was flushed pink thinking about all of the dirty things you both could do. And in their head they were thinking the exact same thing. That thing? Seeing you in your swimwear.

Whether it be a one piece swimsuit that hugged your curves perfectly or a two piece that revealed more of your skin and still kept you looking sexy as ever. They were going to be all over you either way.

Izuku would rather see you naked though.

Back with you, you were just talking to your brother as he and you lead the kids (and the two daydreaming men) down the path of where the goats should be.

"So how are things going with that little crush of yours~" You teased, wiggling your eyebrows. Hachi began blushing, the thought of his crush filling his head.

"Things are going alright, no progress really.." You pouted at the newfound information.

"Aw man.. I thought you would've confessed by now"

"Me? Confess to him? Never in a billion years."

"And why not?" You stopped, watching as the children ran up to the fence that was blocking the goats from escaping.

"Because compared to me, he's so 'Wow!' and I'm so 'oh'. Majority of the school is in love with him!"

"You really think those other kids have anything on you? Come on. You're my brother."

The younger smiled at your somewhat encouraging words. "So wait, if I wasn't your brother you think I'd still have a chance?" You tapped your chin while thinking.

"Well, I don't know..."

"N/nnnnn! You're so mean!" He pouted. You laughed then turned towards him.

"I'm kidding baby, of course you'd still have a chance" You pinched his cheeks a bit before kissing both sides of his face. Suddenly feeling something go between your legs you yelped as you were lifted up into the air and onto someone's shoulders, that someone being your blond haired husband. "Katsuki."

"What? You looked hot to I picked you up"

"It's not that hot out here"

"It's not but you are" He smiled and leaned his head on your thigh. You could only sigh and ruffle his hair.

"You're lucky I love you."

"Ahem" You looked to the side to see Izuku batting his long lashes and snickered.

"Yes, yes. I love you too Izuku." Leaning over a bit, but not enough to fall, you kissed his forhead making him giggle like a school girl. Hachi, who witnessed this all scrunched his face up in disgust at the men who were taking over his sister's life

"So N/n, our anniversary is coming up soon. What do you want to do?" Katsuki asked while enjoying the fact he was between your plush thighs. You thought about it for a second.

"Hmm.. I want to do something small this time, maybe a picnic at our favorite spot?"

"Anything for you!"

"Aw you're so sweet-"

"HeLpppPpP!" You looked over at the laughing children and Mei who somehow got onto a goat's back and was now going in circles.

"Oi! Mei-Mei how in the world did you even get over the fence?!" You asked as a few blades of grass grew in size and snatched the little girl up, putting her back on the opposite side of the fence. You tapped Katsuki's head, causing him to sigh and let you down

"I think I got my quirk! I was feeding the goat then WOOSH! I was goat back riding!"

"Oh I'm so happy for you sweetheart!" Lifting her up from the ground you spun her around as she giggled. "What do you want to see next?"

"ZEBARAS!" She said with lots of excitement. You laughed as she practically vibrated in your arms.

"Alright everyone, hold hands!"


"Did everyone have a good day?"


"Sweet baby zebaras..."

"Time for ice cream!" You laughed at the last two comments.

"Okay let's do a head count before going! You know the drill, count as I go down the line" With that being said you began going down the line as the children counted.


Not hearing the last number you furrowed your brows. "Nineteen? I'm one hundred percent sure I had twenty.." You double counted yourself making sure not to skip anyone, only to find you were indeed missing one.

Scanning your eyes through the children you tried to figure out who was missing. '- Niylah, Mei, Danny, Chiyo, Elijah, Kimberly..Kimberly...' You jumped slightly when you didn't spot the small child. "Kimberly! She isn't here!" You looked around worriedly hoping to find the ginger headed child somewhere but to no avail.

"She couldn't have gone far" Hachimitsu said, also looking around.

"Mm.." After looking one last time you turned towards your younger brother. "Hachi let's split and look for her, we'll cover more ground that way"

"Will do!" He ran off, and just as you were about to do the same you were stopped by Izuku.

"I'll help" You nodded.

"She has a curly ginger puff in her hair and her eyes are a light shade of green. And she's about uh-" You held your hand up to your upper thigh. "- this tall"

"Got it!" He hopped off of the ground using his quirk.

"Katsuki, watch after the children!" The said male watched as you jogged off to look for the lost girl.

Feeling a slight tug on his pants he looked down at Danny. "Mr L/n? Are they going to find Kimberly?" He was shocked the child was even talking to him, but seeing as he, along with the others looked worried, he pushed that aside.

"Of course they will." He pat the child's head. And being as though you were looking for his younger classmates Danny knew you would find her quickly. He holds a lot of faith in you.

"Kimberly!?" You went around, looking frantically for the girl as your heart started beating faster and faster. You couldn't spot her anywhere and was beginning to think someone took her- but you didn't want to think like that, so you shoved those thoughts deep into the back of your head. 'Where is she- wait! The last time I seen her was near the Flamingos!'

When you made it there Kimberly still wasn't in sight. Looking around you spot two people and decide to go up to them.

"Excuse me?" The two background characters looked your way confused to why a completely beautiful stranger would come up to them.

"Can we help you?" One of the two females asked.

"Yes, have you seen a young child, about this tall- ginger hair, brown skin wearing a kindergarten outfit?" The other perked up at the mention of the familiar description.

"Yeah! Just a second ago actually! She was walking with a woman who looked to be in her mid thirty's" Your eyes widened.

"Can you tell me where they went?!"

"Well- we can't exactly tell you where they went but we just seen them at the polar bear exhibit"

"Thank you!" Without wasting a second you sped off to the polar bear exhibit, manipulating the wind to help you get there faster. When you got there you frequently looked around the crowds of people trying to spot your child.


"Mrs L/n?!" The faint call of your name caught your attention as you turned in the direction of the voice.

"Where are you?!"

"Over here- AH!" Moving towards her voice you sped through the crowds trying not to knock anyone over. Finally spotting the girl who was being dragged by a woman you ran as fast as you could to Kimberly. It's crazy how a crowd of people direct their attention away from an obvious kidnapping.

You watched as the woman quickened her pace dragging a panicked and scared Kimberly.

Looking around, you caught sight of a group of pigeons. You pressed your fingers together and put them to you lips, causing a high pitched whistle to rip through the air. And immediately they took flight, swarming around the woman's head while she tried swatting them away, untill one stabbed her in the eye with it's beak making her yell out in pain and crouch down onto the ground in pain. When she let go of the child, Kimberly came running towards you with tears in her eyes.

When you reached her you instantly lifted her up off the ground and hugged her tightly. "Hic! I-I'm sorry!" Kimberly clutched onto your shirt and cried.

"Shh, you're okay now- it's okay" You then begin to check for injuries. "Are you hurt- did she hurt you?" She said nothing, the only thing coming from her mouth were sobs as she held up her arm. A second degree burn in the shape of a large hand on her hand and lower forearm.

The expression on your face turned blank as you looked over at the woman who was clutching her bleeding eye for dear life. Just then another group of birds came and lifted her up by her clothes and carried her to the alligator exhibit.

"Shh, it's okay.. I'll make it all better" Walking a nearby bench you sat her down then quickly grew a piece of Aloe Vera, breaking it in half and peeling it. "Can you hold out your arm for me?" She complied still wailing and draining herself. Kimberly inhaled sharply while you applied the plant onto her now raw skin. The coolness smoothed the burn a tiny bit but it still hurt badly.

After adding it to her skin, you dug into your bag and took out a bundle of bandages, beginning to wrap it around her arm. You've never been so happy for carrying around a mini first aid kit in your bag.


After a few minutes Kimberly rested semi peacefully in your arms. You had already called and told the other two you found her and to meet back at the bus. Now you were making your way back to the said place with her.

"OI G-GET OFF!" You spotted Katsuki and Izuku being attacked by your kids causing you to giggle a bit.



"Alright kids, playtime's over. On the bus." You spoke. And within seconds all of the kids were loaded onto the bus and into their seats. You looked at the other three guys and opened your mouth to speak once again. "Katsuki, Izuku. I need you to get the children back to the kindergarten safely- and Hachi could you go with them to make sure the children don't cause trouble?"

"Wait, why? Where are you going?" Hachimitsu asked with concern laced on his face and in his voice.

"I called a ride, I need to take Kimberly to the hospital to get her wounds properly treated. Someone tried to kidnap her and gave her second degree burns in the process." Their eyes widened at the new information.

"In an open place like this? They should've known they wouldn't have gotten away with it." Izuku said.

"That's the thing. They almost did get away with it. No one even bothered to help."

"Huh? What bullshit were they on? Seeing a child almost get kidnap in broad daylight and ignoring it?" Katsuki gritted his teeth in disgust.

"Typical anime background characters. "




Fun facts:
You don't like cussing incase it becomes a habit and you become a bad influence on your kids

Kimberly is indeed black

I wrote about three whole ideas for this (chapter 11) instead of this idea but deleted it all three times because I didn't like it

Howdy bitches. Sorry it took so long for this chapter to be posted y'all I didn't even realize until recently I haven't posted a chapter on this book since February-
But anyway how are you? :)


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