Begin Again

By missjzhan

12.9K 940 121

Xiao Zhan (30) and Wang Hao Xuan (30) have been together for over 10 years and married for 5. They were abo... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 End

Chapter 03

654 59 3
By missjzhan

Zhan was upset. Something felt off. In the 10 years that they were together nothing like this had ever happened. Zhan was used to getting sex almost daily. He always got his way no matter what. It didn't matter if either of them was tired or sick. Which made him feel even more badly for his husband. The extra work hours and now a baby.  It must all be too much for him. 

He finished his hot steamy shower after releasing his seed and went to the living room. He started to check the different syllabuses for each of his classes and began to look for the books he would need on Amazon. 

When his husband finally awoke three hours later, Zhan began preparing their lunch. He decided to make a chicken soup full of veggies that his husband loved to eat and hoped that it would help him feel better and relax a bit. As he poured two bowls of soup and filled two small bowls with white rice he began to think of ways to make his husband relax.  A massage? He decided that after lunch he'd massage his back and feet. 

His train of thought was interrupted when the door to their bedroom opened and Xuan walked out dressed in his work clothes. "Are you serious?" Zhan said angrily as he slammed the bowl of rice on the dining table. "You're going to work?"

"I know... but we just need to go through the contract one more time and make sure everything has been done," he replied as he finished tying his tie. 

"But it's Saturday," Zhan said running his fingers through his hair. He sighed and crossed his arms.

"Zhan Zhan, this is why I didn't want to tell you last night. I don't want to start an argument. I already told you; we're having a baby soon. I need all the overtime I can get, and I've been seeing the bank statements. The baby isn't even here, and you spent a fortune already."

"Then let me work too, babe. I can work. I'll get a job...,"he said with a pleading voice, " with my college hours I can even get a management job. I'll help take a load off your back. Please." He tried to grab his husbands arm, but Xuan pulled away. 

"We've talk about this. I said no and that's my final answer," he said trying to end the conversation. He continued to button the cuffs of his black button up while looking at the mirror by the entry way.

Zhan walked back to the kitchen to quickly prepare his lunch bag. "I'll start looking for a job. What about the hotel? I'm sure I could get something there. You know I've always wanted to own a hotel or manage one. I could go this afternoon and ask for an application," he said as he now poured soup into a thermos for his husband.

Xuan slammed his fist on the entryway table, "What don't you understand about the word no? Do you not know what it means?"

Zhan almost dropped the thermos. The unexpected bang made him lose his coordination while pouring the soup into the thermos that he ended up spilling it all over his hand. "Ow." The thermos and pot spilled all over the kitchen sink splattering Zhan's clothes.

"I've told you time and time again. Just stop fucking asking. Sometimes I feel like a married a woman. Can't you just be a man for once and just accept no for an answer?" Zhan didn't respond. Instead he began to cry.

Xuan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Man up for once Zhan. Stop acting like a girl that doesn't get her way." He finished putting on his shoes and said, "I'm really late. We'll talk tonight."

When the door slammed shut Zhan cried out in pain. Never had he yelled at him like that before. Never had he hit anything to intimidate him like that. He quickly turned on the faucet and ran cold water on his hand. His wrist and part of his hand was stinging and turning red. The skin began to swell up. They didn't have anything to apply to burns, so he had to endure the pain. He grabbed a hand towel and drenched it with cold water and wrapped it around his burned hand.

He laid down in bed and cried. Most of it was because the burn fucking hurt like hell, but also because his husband had never yelled like that before. It scared him. What hurt the most was him calling him a girl for crying. He had no idea how we would bring up the college courses now. He decided to wait until Xuan saw the bank statements. It would be too late then to get a refund and he would have to let him finish. Eventually he fell asleep with swollen eyes and a swollen hand.

His husband came home around 7 pm. He walked into the bedroom to find Zhan fast asleep on the bed they shared. He gently sat down next to him and carefully took the small hand towel off. He took the burn cream he bought at the pharmacy on the way home and gently applied it to his hand and wrist. Zhan woke up suddenly due to the pain he felt. "Ow."

"Shh... Zhan Zhan I'm almost done. It'll make the pain go away and bring down the swelling." He put the cap back on and stood up, but Zhan held onto his hand tightly.

"Don't go...," he begged him. Xuan saw how red and swollen his eyes were and felt even guiltier. "I'm.... so..."

"Shh Zhan Zhan... don't say that. It's not your fault. I'm the one that should be sorry. I've been really stressed out especially now that we are on the next step of the surrogacy, but don't worry I talked to my boss, and he promised me that I'll be done by 6 the latest all next week." More tears began to spill from Zhan's eyes. Xuan used both his thumbs to wipe the tears from his face and then bent down to kiss each cheek. "Now get up... I brought us dinner and desert. I know it's not the type of date you wanted on a Saturday night, but..."

Zhan's eyes lit up. "It'll be perfect."

They both walked hand in hand to the living room area. From there Zhan could see a beautiful arrangement of pink, white and purple flowers wrapped in shiny purple paper and on the coffee table a charcuterie board with all his favorite fruits, nuts, cheeses, meat and wine.

"Babe! I love it," he said in tears. "I'm so sorry about how I acted all week," he went in and wrapped his arms around his husband. "I'm sorry." He kissed his cheeks over and over.

Xuan kissed him and pulled him towards the couch. He sat him down and poured a glass of his favorite red wine.

They both had an amazing weekend together after a long and exhausting week. On Sunday night they were both laying in bed naked after a few rounds of crazy sex thanks to Zhan. Zhan laid happily over Xuan's chest and with his finger gently traced the veins on Xuan's forearm.

"So when do we know if we have a baby on the way," Xuan asked as he gently caressed the back of Zhan's head of hair.

"The doctor said it takes about 2 weeks to know for sure, so hopefully the middle of next week we'll know."

Xuan gave him a chaste kiss. "A little Zhan Zhan. My little Zhan Zhan." Zhan smiled at him and snuggled closer to him.


The next day after Xuan left for work Zhan logged into zoom for his first class. It was a 9 am class that met twice a week on zoom. There were 50 people in the class and only about half had their cameras on. He felt very awkward with the camera on, but the professor did say he wanted the students with them on.

The professor began to call row. If the students weren't on camera they would type in the chat that they were present.

"Wang Yibo," the professor said getting to the last two names on his list. Zhan waited for the person to appear on screen or see his message in the chat, but nothing came. The professor again said, "Wang Yibo?"

WY : Here.

The message popped up in the chat. Another one without his camera Zhan thought. He counted and only 18 students had their camera on. He wanted to turn his off, but he would wait until the next class.

"Xiao Zhan," his professor finally called.

Zhan unmuted his mic and was about to say here when a loud echoing sound began to blast through the speakers. Zhan quickly muted himself and turned beet red. He tried one more time and the same thing happened again. With shaky hands he decided to type instead.

XZ : Here.

XZ: Sorry about that.

His face was really red. He could tell from the small screen that showed his face. He was even more embarrassed. He slumped down in his chair avoiding looking at himself. Then he saw that he had gotten a direct message from Wang Yibo.

WY : it helps if u use headphones. This professor is dum with tech he has his speakers really loud so anytime anyone talks that is also using speakers it makes that sound

XZ : Thank you for the suggestion.

WY : yea np

Zhan looked for his ear pods and connected them to his laptop. He felt dumb as well. He was good with computers. He basically grew up with them since he was young, but this whole Zoom thing was new for him.

For the next two hours Zhan took notes and listened to everything the professor said. There were many assignments due weekly and there would be a group project that needed to be completed by the end of the semester. 

Zhan began to think that maybe he was in over his head. It all just seemed like too much.  Last time he was in school was almost 6 years ago.  He began to bite his lip and then his nails.  

WY: y r u so nervous?

When Zhan read the message he stopped.  It freaked him out a little that Wang Yibo could tell right away how he felt, but also why was Wang Yibo staring at him and not the professor's presentation?  On the screen was the presentation the professor was going over and in the edge of the screen you could see the few cameras that were on, but they were so tiny.  How could Wang Yibo see what he was doing so clearly?

XZ :  It just seems like so much work. I don't know how I'll manage to finish it all by the end of the semester.

WY : its easy.  don't worry. i can help u. 

XZ :  Thanks!

Zhan didn't say much anymore.  He needed to be 100% focused.  Once in a while Wang Yibo would message him again either making fun of the professor or telling him that the professor was boring. It made Zhan laugh.

By the time the class finished he was already regretting it. He had a ton of homework and research that needed to be done, but it was manageable since he had nothing else to do.

Before he logged out he messaged Wang Yibo.

XZ : Thanks for helping me out. Not only about the headphones, but making the lecture a little more entertaining. See you.

He smiled into the camera and logged out. 

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