The CEO's happiness

By kevinn135

19 0 0

Louis is a 24 year old man who works as the CEO of the Tomlinson company. No one can deny the fact that he's... More



7 0 0
By kevinn135

I was standing in the middle of my living room, staring at the baby now on the sofa, and trying to decide what to do. I had come to the conclusion that it literally was impossible for me to take care of her as I had absolutely nothing a baby needs. I didn't have any milk, diapers, baby clothes, a bed. Nothing. Because why would I?

Then the best idea struck my mind. I could call Harry. I could call Harry and have him drive by the store to by all the things. That shouldn't be much of a trouble. Knowing him, he would be happy too and excited even, and besides he's always been good with babies. Unlike me...

The phone rings for a few seconds before I hear a "Hello?". "Hi, Harry. Sooo sorry to bother but I really need help with something." I answer desperately. "Alright," He lets out a chuckle. "What's it you so badly need help with Lou?" He continues. I was trying to figure out how to say this without it sounding insane, but like I can't because IT IS INSANE!!

I hadn't noticed I've been quiet for too long, until Harry let out a "Lou?". Shit, this was a bad idea. I started contemplating wether to just hang up or to have him help me while thinking I'm a maniac. I was gonna answer when I heard the now familiar sound of crying. My eyes widened in shock as I stare at my phone. But Harry was soon forgotten and I threw my phone away to try to make her stop.

I was now bouncing her on my chest while walking around the living room whispering small 'shh's and 'its okay's. Remembering that I was still on a call with Harry when I stepped on my phone while walking.

"Shit." I say as I pick up the phone putting it to my ear. "Harry?". I really hope he didn't witness all that... I'm never a softie around the boys, nor with anyone for that matter. Well, except for my family and now apparently some random baby I just met.

"Lou? Was that- Is that a baby?" I hear Harry ask, sounding shook. I was hoping he'd think it was some friends or family members baby. But Harry knows I don't have any other friends than the ones in our friend circle. And that I only keep in contact with my mum and sisters. And if any of them would have a baby, Harry would be the first to know, trust me.

"I-uhm...yes?" I finally answer, though it came out sounding more of a question. "Can you just come over? And I'll explain everything to you once you're here." I say after another awkwardly quiet moment. "Yeah, I guess but I want everything, in detail." He answers. Yesss thank god. "Of course, yeah everything. Oh, and also could you stop by the store and get me some things?..." I carefully ask, not risking him saying no. "Ehh..yea, sure. Just send me a list of all the things." Harry says skeptically. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I owe you one!!" I thank him, if you didn't notice. "Yea no, you will have to owe me more than just one, Louis." Harry says. Where did he get all that sass from? "Yeah, yeah. Just come over already, please."

It's not until we hang up and I send that list(which I by the way made based on my Google search of what babies need) I finally look at her. And I mean look, look, at her. I take in all of her features and realize she's beautiful. She has soft brown curls, hazel brown glossy eyes, a cute little button nose, and small red lips. I caress her chubby little cheek as I think to myself. How could anyone give up such a beautiful little girl? Do people not have functional minds nowadays?

I had been sitting there for awhile, when I heard knocks in the door. It must be Harry. I walk up to the door with a fussy baby in my arms and open it so he can step in.

"Thank god you're here, did you get everything?" I asked as he walked inside the house, eyes glued on the baby. "Can..can I hold her?" He asked too not answering my previous question.

He put down the bags full of baby stuff when I moved the baby closer so he can hold her. He gently picked her up and instantly cooed at her cuteness. I close the door before picking up the bags and making my way to the living room, having Harry and the baby trailing behind.

"She's the cutest thing ever!! How did you get her?" He asked. And so I explained everything. How I found her outside laying in a basket and deciding to take her in not knowing shit about babies. But I have taken care of my small siblings when they were babies..if that counts.

To say that he was shocked was an understatement. He was starting to get really scared. "What if the parent just lost her?" "What if it's a set up?" "What if you get reported to the police for bloody child kidnapping?!" "What if-"

"HARRY!" I yelled, cutting him off. "Calm down yeah, it's alright" I tried to soothe him. "Nothing is gonna happen, I will report this first thing tomorrow morning. I haven't kidnapped a baby, I saved her. So there's nothing to worry about."

We sat there in silence as he, or both of us were trying to take all of this in. Well, uhm, yeah....shit.

I took out everything out of the bags, immediately starting with putting on a new diaper. I never changed my siblings diapers so I had Harry teach me. After about 5 minutes I figured it out, kinda..

Next up, was feeding her. Harry had gotten some baby formula. "Ugh, this is so complicated" I said as I let out a whine. Uhm, no I mean growl. I had been sitting there for ages trying to figure out how to make her a damn bottle, while Harry was happily dressing her in a tiny, pink, flower printed onesie. 

"Louis, how hard can it be to mix some powder in a bottle with Luke warm water. You have all the measurements written there." He says pointing to the bag of formula in my hands. How does he know all that shit?

I went to the kitchen after finally figuring out what to do, and making that bottle. When it was done, I brought it to the living room where Harry was sitting on the couch hovering over Isabelle while snapping his fingers and calling her name in a babyish voice, trying to get her attention. I mentally cooed at that sight.

"Alright, time for food." I say with a soft smile on my face. "Yeah, you must be really hungry aren't you." Harry continues, talking to her in that same baby voice. Which by the way sounds very amusing, considering I'm only used to his manly, deep voice. I always thought his voice doesn't match his personality all that well.

Harry hands her over to me and I try to make her as comfortable as it can get. When I finally have her settled in my arms, I send Harry a nervous glance which he only answers with an encouraging smile and a nod.

I slowly lift the bottle up to her mouth and she immediately starts sucking, finally relaxing and looking content. Though she is one really calm baby. I smile and look to Harry as I think to myself. Yeah..I could get used to this.

Sooooo?? Thoughts??
This one was waay longer than the first chapter but oh well. Hope you enjoyed, byeee lovelies.

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