boundless (Amit Thakkar x OC)

Da luvoratorrrrrry

618 9 4

Experiencing growing pains after coming to Hogwarts as a fifth-year, Emilia finds the transition much easier... Altro

The Library (or, the time between)
Astronomy (or, the connection)
Hippogriffs (or, the leap of faith)
Night walk (or, the realization)
Christmas (or, embarrassing family)
Hogsmeade (or, the confession)
Wandering (or, pride and vulnerability)
Amit (or, my bright star)

Potions (or, the meeting)

69 2 1
Da luvoratorrrrrry

Hogwarts was one of the most overwhelming experiences of Emilia's life. Granted, she wasn't alone in feeling this way, but none of the other students jumped when a painting spoke to them or seemed the slightest bit fascinated when the upperclassmen flew past on their brooms. But, determined to show the school's population that she deserved her spot, Emilia stepped far outside her comfort zone, resolving to directly introduce herself to others in hopes of a better reputation than one built on rumors.

Unfortunately, despite her best (and exhausting) efforts, the majority of the other students either didn't click with her, were only interested in the gossip concerning her, or actively avoided her gaze. It wasn't a devastating blow: she had plenty of schoolwork to catch up on and often lost track of time wandering the grounds, as well as doing a few errands with her fellow Hufflepuffs, but she'd be remiss to pretend she wasn't disappointed.

Emilia beetled into the Potions classroom just before Professor Sharp and took her spot by the station near the front.
Gathering the class, the professor gave Emilia the impression that she would have to do more than try her best if she wanted to win his respect.

"What is the importance of the brewing of a Wiggenweld potion?" The professor asked the class. Emilia wasn't sure and very much hoped he would not call on her.

"Mister Thakkar."

Emilia's gaze turned to a far station, where a tall Ravenclaw boy stood at the ready.

Without a moment of hesitation, he responded, "Yes, Professor Sharp. The Wiggenweld is widely used to sterilize and even heal a variety of injuries."

Professor Sharp tilted his head in admission. "It can heal some, not all, injuries. Points to Ravenclaw."

The boy seemed properly pleased with himself, and, as the professor continued with the lesson, caught Emilia's gaze in his own. He grinned excitedly and shot her a double thumbs-up, which Emilia bemusedly returned.
Refocusing on the lesson, Emilia chose to hope that show of character was a sincere one and would try and make friends with him.

Focused as Hippogriffs, Emilia stoked the flames under her cauldron as her partner, a Slytherin named Ominis Gaunt, crushed dittany leaves in a mortar. Picking up his wand, Ominis located the cauldron top and carefully dumped the crushed dittany in. Emilia snatched up the ladle and stirred the mixture as evenly as she could muster.

Ominis waved his hand. "That's probably enough."

Emilia extracted a ladleful of lush green potion, pouring herself a bottle and plugging it while Ominis filled his own. It reflected wonderfully in the light, and Emilia couldn't help but squeak with delight.

"All right, calm down, it's a perfectly passable Wiggenweld," Ominis lightly reprimanded. "But, you were a good partner. Listened to me when I needed you to."

"Thank you, Ominis. That's very kind." Emilia responded softly.

"Mm. Now, we're doing Edurus. Professor Sharp has your missing ingredients in his office. Since you're good at listening, you should already know what you need."

Emilia left her tablemate to his own and walked toward the back of the classroom, where the Ravenclaw boy was hard at work.

She opened her mouth to speak to him, but faltered. He was finished with his Wiggenweld and was steadily working his way through the Edurus potion. Watching him concentrate on his cauldron was rather entrancing to the girl.


Surprised, Emilia turned to see Natty's tablemate leaning conspicuously (though she suspected he believed inconspicuously) against the office door.

"Hi. Garreth. Listen, I heard you have permission to get into Sharp's office so can you please get me a Fwooper feather for a really cool potion?" The boy muttered all in one breath.

Emilia blinked. "Pardon?"

Garreth huffed and moved a little closer, eyes darting toward Professor Sharp's location. "Promise he's got plenty and it'll look really cool, I'll get you back for it and you can get a cut of the profits if I sell it-"

The professor's voice cut in. "Mister Weasley, if you would stop accosting Miss Valent and return to your station."

Garreth nodded, slinking past Emilia and turning to mouth one last "really cool" in her direction.

Emilia, slightly overloaded, entered the office and collected her ingredients.
She spotted a glass jar of bright Fwooper feathers and decided there was no harm in taking one; after all, he certainly did have plenty. Plucking a feather in the back and tucking it into her pocket, Emilia left the office.

The Ravenclaw, in the short amount of time Emilia had turned her back, had already completed his second potion and was waiting a little impatiently for Sharp's review. Emilia decided this was as good a time as any and approached him.

She cleared her throat and he turned to face her, brightening slightly.

She started, "Hello, I'm Emilia. I wanted to say, I admire how confident you were in answering Professor Sharp's question."

The boy smiled. "Thank you so much! I've been looking forward to this year; Potions, Beasts, and Astronomy, of course! I think we have that together also, actually. You'll love it; there's so much we can learn from the stars, and they connect us to the past in such interesting ways!"

Emilia took all his words in quietly, watching his expressions and rapid hand movements as he spoke. She felt relieved that she would not have to struggle her way through a conversation with him.

"You really have a passion for Astronomy, um..." She realized that she still didn't know his first name and didn't know how to ask organically. "Is that your favorite class?"

The boy nodded eagerly. "Oh, by far! It's one of my favorite things about Hogwarts. But- you know- my parents almost didn't let me come this year, because of the goblin war rumors?"

"No! Really?" Emilia asked incredulously.
The boy made a grandiose shrugging motion, which made Emilia laugh for a reason she wasn't sure of.

"Really! Luckily they came to reason. I think all the speculation is just fearmongering Gobbledegook. Which," the boy added, puffing up slightly, "I can speak, by the way."

Emilia gasped sharply, clapping her hands together and bounding on the balls of her feet with excitement. "You can speak-"

A loud, gross-sounding cough interrupted the two's conversation. Emilia turned her head toward the source- Garreth's table- and gave a quick "bless you" before refocusing on her conversation.

Garreth grunted, leaning his head in his hands and tapping his foot impatiently. Natsai, halting in the middle of her potion, fixed him with a concerned curled-lip stare.
"Next time, please cover your mouth."
Garreth grunted again.

Emilia resumed. "You can speak Gobbledegook?! I've been looking for another good language to learn for ages!"

Her conversation partner let out a bark of laughter. "You absolutely should learn! It is such a beautiful language that doesn't get nearly enough recognition!"

Emilia felt as though she had finally found another person that understood her.

"Have you read the Zinnia Tranthar 'Squib Friendly Guide To' language series? She's done a hundred books by now, easy, and she is SO funny! We could meet in the library after class and-"

Emilia felt two hands clap around her shoulders, causing her to tense. It turned out to be Garreth, finally giving up on his method of fake coughing to grab her attention.

"Yes, after class would be great. Thank you, Amit, have a nice-"

Finally aware of his name, Emilia interjected, "I'm happy I could make your acquaintance, Amit! I hope you'll like the books," she added, resisting Garreth's attempts to drag her away.

Amit seemed a little shocked at the intrusion, but quickly responded, "Of course, yes! Um, I did tell you my name, didn't I? It's... Amit!"

Emilia's shoes were now scraping slightly against the stone as she tried to stay in place. "Yes, I know- see you later!"

Turning away, she shot Garreth a sour look as she slipped the Fwooper feather into his hand and walked away. Ominis had little time to ask after her long absence before a loud bang followed by a putrid smell came from Garreth's workplace. Emilia sighed, resigned.

After a stern reprimand from Sharp, Emilia watched, deflating slightly, as Amit was the first out the door once class dismissed.

Returning to her shared table to clean up her things, the last thing Emilia expected was an inquiry from Ominis.

"Why are you cleaning so slowly? Surely Professor Sharp wasn't that hard on you?" the boy asked.

Emilia could tell her pale skin was reddening quickly, and felt slightly relieved Ominis could not catch her on it.

"No reason. Why did you stay behind?" She asked, glancing at his organized station.

"I also have no reason," the blond boy replied, a slight hint of humor in his voice.

Never mind where he stood was as close to the professor's desk one could get, thought Emilia.

"I guess... I was just hoping I could talk a little more to Amit. The one I was talking to before."

Ominis indicated his head toward hers. "You needed more time?"

Emilia resisted the urge to throw something at his head.
"I just don't know if we'll get another opportunity to talk after today. I think he's interesting, sure, but..." Emilia wasn't quite sure how to finish that sentence.

With a snort, Ominis picked up his wand and started for the door. "You'll get another chance to talk."

Emilia jogged to catch up to him. "How do you know that?"

"You two weren't exactly being quiet over there, you know. A, if I may, connection like that isn't a temporary one. Good day."

Emilia stopped in her tracks, watching Ominis until he left her sight. She felt her face color again, and again she really had no idea why.

But she had an idea for one thing; that Ominis was likely correct.

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