๐…๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ž๐ [Katsuki B...

By Ttea_pot

21.4K 615 349

Born with a dangerous quirk you couldn't control, you were sent to Juvenile Detention, only to be released wh... More

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1.1K 33 8
By Ttea_pot

"What the hell." All the blonde brat could do was stare down on the grin plastered over your glitching face. "Where did you come fro-"

His eyes shot open in shock, realization setting in. He couldn't believe someone took down such an enormous villain bot in under a minute.

Red eyes stared deep into your glitching ones, blood vessels popping in his sclera. The boy knelt down to you, gripping you by the colour of your shirt and forcing you face inches from him.

"How the hell did you take that villain down? What kind of weird fucked up quirk have u got?!" He spat at your face, screaming into your ears with every words.

All you did was let out a tired chuckle, staring up at him with grey fuzzy eyes and grin.

"You jealous?" You laughed in his face. Fury setting into him.

"Times up y'all. Get a move and clear out of here future hero's!" Present mic shouted on top of the gates round the fake city.

'Dammit, I could've destroyed a few more villains if this brat didn't distract me.' The boy thought to himself, grip tightening rough your collar.

"Well done everyone-" His head spun round to see a small lady, grey hair tied in a bun, wearing a nurses uniform walking towards him and the other contestants standing around him. "- you all did so amazing! Come here and take a reward." The lady opened her hand up to reveal several gummies.

"Woah, that's the pro hero Recovery Girl!" A basic looking boy with short brown hair pointed at the hero with others gawking at the little woman.

The nurse slowly made her way to you, the sound of her cane knocking the floor getting closer to your ear with every second. "Oh my what a strange quirk." She peered down at you. "Is this normal deary? Can you walk?"

Turning your head to the old lady, your eyes started to go back to their normal colour, the boy still gripping your shirt anchoring your torso in the air. "Yeah this happens don't worry about it, I'm fine." You flashed her a little smile. "I'll be able to move just fine in a minute."

Recovery let out a relieved sigh and turned her attention to the boy holding you up. "Well you look unscathed, that's good. Whats your name sunny?"

"Tch. Katsuki Bakugou." He threw his head to the side, disregarding the lady but still pulling at your clothes.

"Could you be a dear and take this one to the entrance till she can walk for me?" The lady grinned at Bakugou, hoping he would comply.

"No way! I'm not helping a brat who lost me points!" He shouted back at the lady, only to receive disapproving looks from the people surrounding the two of you.

You could feel your legs by now, you didn't need his help but wanted to see how he would react to people looking down on him so desperately. You tired your best to pull back the smirk creeping into your lips.

Bakugou looked around at the students who scowled at him, hearing their remarks on how 'un-hero-like' he was acting.

"Ugh whatever. He stood up, hand still wrapped round your shirt and started dragging you to the entrance. Eventually picking you up harshly grabbing your torso instead, the sweat in his palms making it hard to drag you without smashing your head down on the paved roads.

Days passed by with no word from UA. Aizawa wasn't allowed to spoil the surprise for you as instructed by Principle Nezu.

Aizawa walked through the hall, holding a hot mug of coffee for the two of you, yours having chocolate powder mixed in. "You can't sleep here kid." He chuckled when he saw you curled up on the couch with his purple cat Hiro sleeping on your shoulder.

"Maybe." You snuggled your head further into the pillow brought down from your room. "But I can't disturb the sleeping baby." You hummed.

You never failed to make Aizawa chuckle, which was rare for such a stern hero like himself.

He pulled the cat off your shoulder, plopping it down on the cat tower just beside the velvet seating, then taking a seat next to you.

"I'm proud of you (Y/N)." Your pupils dilated at his affirmation, not used to the words of approval just yet. "You did exceptionally in the exam, taking down the 0 pointer with such ease." He kept a serious face, staring down into the warm liquid between his hands.

"If you saw me in the exam... you would be able to tell how much I struggled Aizawa." Not wanting to take the praise, you tried your best to turn it away.

"But I did see you. I watched you through the monitors in the judges room." Lifting his gaze onto you. "I was the one to send the 0 pointer out, when I saw you nearby."

You were about to go off on him, how he endangered lives, till he cut in before you could get a word out.

"I knew you'd be able to take it down, I had so much faith placed in you. You proved me right, proved yourself to every staff member at UA." The corners of his mouth curled up ever so slightly. "You were so strong in your first real battle, using quick thinking and logic to save the lives of others. Only one other managed to take down the robot you did."

Your ears peaked, wondering who else could have had the strength to destroy such a machine. "Who was it Aizawa?"

"His name is Izuku Midoriya. I'm not sure if you saw him at all but he has deep green hair and freckles." Sparkles grew in your eyes, delighted that the boy you saved was able to save others in the exam.

"When do I get my acceptance letter?" You took a sip of your mocha, peering into the mans tired eyes.

"Right now." He ruffled through the pocket of his black hoodie and pulled out a sealed letter with the UA crest engraved on the front. A gasp left your mouth... you didn't know what to say. "Run to your room, I know you want to, and open up that letter."

Rushing through the room with letter in hand, the excitement bubbled inside you like a middle school experiment kit. "Take your damn drink wit you idiot." Aizawa snickered. You ran straight back, holding the mug in hand and glitching to the stairwell and ran up the stairs.

Slamming the mug on the desk, liquid spilling over the top, throwing everything else off your desk and jumping into the chair, you ripped the letter open without a care. You were just too ecstatic!

Out the letter a silver disk flipped over, landing on the desk. You stared deep at the thing with confusion until it shot up a projection with the number one hero All Might's face close to the camera, peering straight through to you.

"Booya! I am here as a projector now!" All Might beamed through the screen. "You are looking at the newest faculty member at UA, yes, yes hold your gasp because... I have GREAT news for you (Y/N)!" The hero threw his hands on his hips, his signature pose as the worlds symbol of peace. "You passed with flying colours in the practical exam... I can't say the same about your written exams, but you scraped by! Well done kid, you scored 53 villain points and 65 rescue points. That's right, the exam wasn't all about taking down wrong do-ers, it was about acting like a true hero, putting your life at risk to save others!"

Tears pricked your eyes, your body overflowing with intense heart ache. You believed you would get into your dream school, but deep down that doubt kept creeping through and dragging you deep.

"A panel of judges watched everyone through hidden cameras in the city, and they just couldn't keep their eyes off you (Y/N). Overall the judges placed you second in the entire exam of over three hundred students!" All Might threw his arms out wide, then his voice turned serious. "I can't wait to be your new teacher in class 1-A. You are going to make a fine hero. Now I must be off! See you soon young hero ha ha ha!" The projection ended with the hero's signature laugh and smile fading off the screen.

All you could do was stare at the wall, warm liquid pouring down your face and the salt creeping through your proud smile.

'I did it... Do you seem me mom? I'm going to become a hero, just like you always believed I could.' The image of your mother flashed through your mind, her hand resting on your cheek, caressing over your chubby cheeks when you so young. She never gave up on you, always pushing you to your best even when you sulked and wanted to quit.

You were driven to be a hero for her, to avenge her death. The murder that was blamed on you and cursed you, banished you into a cell. You wanted to bring justice to her name, then justice to all that were torn apart by villains.

Familiar knocking at your wall brought you out your trance. Aizawa standing in the doorway with a wonderful grin.

You ran towards, engulfing him into the long needed hug. The cold man froze at first, looking down at your shaking body and listened intently to your happy cries. Finally, he returned the embrace, wrapping his arms around you.

"I di- did it Ai-za-zawa." You cried into his chest, your voice glitching from the joy rushing through your body.

Hours passed though your eyes still puffed up with the stain of tears still on your face. You sat with Aizawa at the table just like every night before, but it felt warm this time. Yet another box awaited you on the side of the table, but it couldn't be the same gift as last time.

'please tell me it's not another cat... I think ill suffocate if he brings another into this house.' Sweat dropped down your face, the anticipation growing inside you.

"Close your eyes." You turned to face the voice, he looked at you with a blank expression like usual.

You did as he said, placing hands over your eyes. You listened to the rustling of the box, the flick of the light switch and light of a match.

'Is he going to burn me alive?' You couldn't help but chuckle to yourself at the funny image.

"Better not be peaking." Aizawa's hand tapped you over the head, walking round to his end of the table again and sitting down.

"No, no I would never. Just thought of something funny." You cleared your throat, trying to act as serious as possible for his big surprise.

"You can open now."

Hastily, you peaked through your fingers, your vision blurred by a warm glowing light. Pulling down revealed a large cake, frosting on top that read 'I knew you could do it." with a heart below it. It was Aizawa's handwriting.

"You- you made this?" You peered over the cake, chocolate sprinkles patted round the edges, the top smothered in purple frosting... predictable but so sweet.

"Yeah, thought you deserved something more personal than store bought." He shrugged it off like it was nothing, clearly not knowing how it feels to lack such praise in your life.

"I'm trying not to cry again." You giggled, holding back hot tears. "Thank you so much Aizawa I-"

"Call me Shota. You've been living with me for almost two months now." He looked deep into your eyes, the usually black iris shining through to a deep amber from the candle lights. "I'm starting to see you as more of family. Hope you feel the same."

How could you not? He was the closest thing to a father you had other than Chief Kanagawa. But even he couldn't have spoiled you and been as sweet to you as Aiza- Shota was.

"Thank you Shota. I think I am starting to see you as family too." You flashed a calm smile at him, a nervous laugh escaping your lips.

The two of you sat in silence for a while, taking in the moment, watching the wax slowly drip down the candles.

"Come on, let's treat ourselves." Shota couldn't handle so much emotion at once, desperate to pass the sweet burning in his heart away, though deep down he hoped it would never leave.

Word count: 2113

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