You, Me, and your broken ankl...

By venturesomeScout

621 10 5

It seems as if Russia has a weird obsession with Poland's ankle. This story includes nsfw content. More



101 2 0
By venturesomeScout

What should one wear to a graduation ball? That was the question plaguing Poland's mind at that moment. He tried to think of an outfit that wouldn't make him stand out too much, which would suit the dress code and yet look nice enough for this special event. It took him a while to find something he felt confident wearing and even longer to decide whether or not he wanted to wear the outfit that he found. In the end, though, he decided to give it a try.

He decided for a black, short-sleeved shirt with buttons and a pair of black pants. He added a black belt with silver buckles. He also went for a white, long scarf to cover his neck, where Russia's hands had gotten yesterday. The choking seemed to have left marks and Poland felt self-conscious about his scarred neck. That's why the scarf was a must. He hoped that no one would notice it, but if they did, he could always just play dumb and claim he got hurt in a fight or something.

The door bell rang, making Poland jump and he got his crutches, so that he can get to the front door. Russia appeared at the doorstep, looking quite handsome and dressed to impress in a dark blue suit, with a white shirt underneath and a red tie overtop. Poland smiled, but kept his eyes focused on Russia's face. He didn't want to seem too eager.

The Russian looked over him, taking in his appearance, before giving a quick nod. "Very good, Poland." He said, sounding pleased. It wasn't much of a reaction from Russia, but Poland was glad he didn't make a fool out of himself. "Let's go." "Okay..." Poland replied, following behind Russia.


The graduation ball was held in the school gymnasium. It was pretty packed with people, mostly students with their dates. The boys were wearing tuxedos, the girls wore dresses, some of them quite fancy ones. Poland saw many familiar faces among those attending the party, though he didn't really was friends with any of these people. Russia has always been his only friend. They made their way inside and quickly one of the girls, China came up to them. She was a tall, thin girl with fair skin and long, wavy, light red hair, the same color as her flag. Her clothes were more revealing than most of the other girls' outfits, almost breaking the dress code. But she didn't care about that. The dress consisted of a rather low cut top, showing off her cleavage and a skirt that was quite long, but had a cutout at the bottom, exposing part of her thighs. It was a daring outfit and one that did nothing to hide China's large breasts. Poland wondered how she managed to fit into such a small dress. But for some reason, he did not care about her breasts at all. He was interested in Russia's hand instead.

"Russia, you're here!" China exclaimed, smiling. A genuine smile came over Russia's face and he nodded. "You look absolutely stunning China." Russia complimented China, who blushed and smiled shyly back. She then looked at Poland, eying the scarf around his neck. "Why do you...? Could it be..." Poland quickly blinked, nervous about the question he has been asked. China stopped talking and gave him a curious stare. "I got it from my grandma! She got it for me last year." He lied, hoping that China would not ask any questions.

"Oh, that's nice!" China said, but her face was expressionless. She then turned to Russia and spoke again. "You are coming with me tonight, aren't you?" She asked in a flirty tone. A chill ran down Poland's spine. What does she mean by that? "Da," Russia replied simply, giving China a warm smile. "But of course." China smiled at Russia, clearly pleased with his answer. Then she turned to Poland "Are you going to leave? I want to be alone with him," she said, pointing at Russia. Then she leaned closer to Russia, hugging him, her big breasts pressing against his chest. Poland frowned, but he couldn't do anything about it. All he could do was watch. "Sure" Poland replied, turning away and walking towards the free tables.

China laughed, grabbed Russia's hand and pulling him along with her. Poland sighed, feeling embarrassed for thinking Russia would want to spend time with someone like Poland at his graduation ball. He forced himself through the crowd with his crutches until he found an empty spot near the stage. The music started playing and the DJ announced the start of the ball. People began to dance, while others sat at tables, drinking and eating. Poland spotted Germany at a table close to where he was standing with a few other students. Suddenly, Germany noticed Poland, but all he did was glance at him briefly before looking away. Poland assumed that Germany didn't know what to say to him. After all, they were not really close. Poland sighed in frustration at the situation he was now in, the ball was extremely boring without Russia beside him. Not to mention that he felt seriously pathetic to be here alone.

Of course, he should have known better than to think Russia actually liked him. Russia had said it himself, that he despises the Pole. But Poland still didn't understand why he then went out of his way to bring him to the graduation ball. Why would he waste so much effort just to torment Poland? And that night... Poland squizzed his legs together at the thought of what happened that night. How the Russian has rammed his dick inside of Poland, penetrating him. His face flushed at the memory. He felt humiliated. The worst part was that Russia didn't even force it, Poland let him fuck him willingly. Now Poland was surely going to hell for enjoying homosexual sex. That was unforgivable.

The music suddenly died down and the lights dimmed slightly. The DJ spoke into the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our special guest, Mr. United Nations. Please give him a warm welcome." Poland's heart nearly jumped out of his mouth when he heard those words. He knew who it was. Everyone did. United Nations happily took the microphone and started to speak.

"Thank you everyone for coming tonight! You are all very important young countryhumans and I am grateful for your presence!" The audience clapped and cheered loudly, clearly excited to hear what the man had to say. "You will finally start your life as a representation of a country in the international community!" The audience cheered even louder, clearly excited about this prospect. "Now I know there is a lot of pressure being put upon you. But fear not, because if your parents were able to do it, so can you!" Poland was left with a bad aftertaste as UN said those words.

Poland's father was not really known for bringing it far, he literally 'died' until the Allies had come in and brought him back to life. To be the son of a countryhuman that was treated like the doormat of Europe was not really encouraging. Poland looked around, a sudden wave of anxiety overcoming him. He felt like everyone was staring at him, even if it wasn't true, making him feel uncomfortable. Poland felt his face burning up. He couldn't help, but feel like he will just be the new doormat of Europe, taking the same role as his father.

UN continued speaking. "There will be many opportunities in front of you and I urge each and every one of you to take advantage of them! You might think you are weak, but you are not. This is what makes you strong!" Suddenly, Poland felt a hand grab onto his shoulder. Poland turned and saw Russia sitting down next to him. "Poland, calm down," Russia whispered in his ear. "Don't make a scene, that's cringe." He apparently realized that Poland was close to a breakdown.

Poland felt his cheeks flushing redder than ever. He looked over at Russia, trying to act cool. "Why did you even invite me to go together if you were just going to hang out with China?" Poland asked. "My Dad told me I should invite you, to show we can have fine diplomatic relationships in the future, now that my father will soon retire." That was not the answer Poland had hoped for. Russia didn't want to be friends with Poland and probably did not even want to maintain diplomatic relations out of his own free will, but because of his father's orders.

"Come on, Poland. Don't look so sad. Just cheer up," Russia said, but his eyes were filled with amusement. "Don't be so pathetic, faggot." Poland felt his chest tightening. He lost his virginity to a guy that really couldn't care less and now he was mocking him for it. Poland wanted to get away from Russia.

As the ceremony moved forward, the crowd began to chant for United Nations. "UN! UN! UN!" "Kurwa, I don't give a shit about this" Poland muttered under his breath, but he said it loud enough for people nearby to hear. All the other students were cheering and chanting for United Nations, which made Poland even more embarrassed. He was no fan of the United Nations, though it was not really United Nations' fault. Poland just didn't want to get reminded of the awful future he probably has in front of him now.

The young country was about to leave, but he tripped over a chair and fell. He quickly got up, but was now surrounded by his peers. They weren't laughing, but it somehow felt like it. He didn't want to be looked at, he didn't want- He slammed Germany's offering hand away and quickly got out of the room.

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