I'm The Princess's Twin?! (Lu...

By read_write_work

173K 6.9K 3.5K

"Who Made Me A Princess?" was a story which was for the Lovely Princess Athanasia. I loved as how she had gon... More

Author's Note.
1. What Kind Of Farce Is This?
2. Ara and Athy.
3. Claude de Alger Obelia.
4. The Boat Scene.
5. (Athanasia) I Love My Sister!
6. His Sleeping Face.
7. What A Spectacle!
8. You're Awake.
9. I Became An Aide For The Emperor.
10. Mr. White.
11. I'm Called What?!
12. Holy Beasts and A Pretty Mage.
13. My First Ride.
14. Recovering From Near Death Experience.
15. Overwhelmed.
16. The Deal.
17. Escorts.
18. Happy Birthday.
19. Debutante: Part 1.
20. Debutante: Part 2.
21. Into The Darkness.
Q & A
Q and A 0.2
22. Tea Party.
23. The Most Charming.
24. My Private Library.
25. Jeanette.
26. You're Cheesy.
27. Final Goodbye.
28. Is She Gone?
29. Roles Reversed?
30. The Forgotten One.
31. Place Where She Died.
32. War.
33. Birthday Celebration.
34. This Is My Ara!
35. A Swordsmaster.
36. A Festival?
37. Outing.
38. A Demon.
39. Don't Show Me Your Face!
40. Worry.
41. Who Did She Take After?
42. Reconciliation.
43. Pinky Promise.
44. Lucas?!
45. She's Dying!
46. Athelinda and Lucas.
47. Meeting the Alpheus Boy.
48. Creepy and Cheesy.
49. Premonition.
50. I Think I'll Die Soon.
51. Bring Her Back.
52. Ara's Memories.
53. I'm Sorry.
54. The Council Meeting.
55. What Next?
56. Manipulating Kindly.
57. Welcome Home, Jeanette.
58. Towards The Last Step Of The Plan.
59. Let's Get The Show Started.
60. Punishment And Praise.
62. Everything Is Turning Good.
63. Final Showdown.
64. End of Final Act.
65. Back To The Tedious Office Work.
66. Ara's Guide On How To Be A LadyKiller.
67. Date.
68. Why Do You Like Me?
69. I Don't Need Anything Else!
70. I'm Happy!
71. Epilogue: Content.
Q & A
Bonus Chapter.
Bonus Chapter 2.

61. My Cute Second Sister.

1.3K 60 28
By read_write_work

I found a lot of stuff in my room as I entered it and I just groaned leaving it to go to the drawing room but when I got there I was tempted to burn everything in the room.

"What the fuck is all this?! Even my room is full!" I hissed as I walked up to Athy who was reading letters.

"Well, since you imprisoned the former Emperor and punished those who had treated me badly so, everyone is on edge that they might get caught up because of their behaviour with me. And to gain some brownie points they had sent me and you all this."

"Didn't you read the letters?"

"I stay away from the useless people and their fake shit." I spoke and she sighed.

"Anyways, except for the curry favours, there are letters accusing Duke Alpheus." She said and I took the letters from her hand and burnt them away.


"I'll ask the knights to bring Duke Alpheus and your Ijekiel." I said and she flinched.

"What do you mean my Ijekiel?!"

I laughed at her funny expression before I turned and spotted Jeanette who had arrived.

"Oh, look who's here, another cutie." I said and she smiled as she walked over to us.

"Hello, Your Highness Amara, Princess Athanasia." she smiled and then looked at Athy.

"Princess, did you call for me?" She asked.

"Yes, it'll be hard to talk here so, let's go to my chambers. Ara, come along." Athy said and I shrugged my shoulders.

We started walking towards Athy's room and I spotted some maids looking at us, to be precise at Jeanette and whispering.

I didn't get to pay more attention as I spotted some knights and called them over.

"Blessings and glory upon the Star of the Obelian Empire."

"Go to the Alpheus manor and bring Duke Alpheus and his son." I ordered and they bowed.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"Ah, one more thing, Duke is keeping sick so be a bit more gentle, in case you would have any hard feelings against him, okay?"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

They left and I walked over with Jeanette and Athy and then frowned as I noticed Jeanette's hair tie and the way her hair was.

My eyes widened as soon as I noticed what was going on and I looked at the maids and the servants. Were these idiots bullying her?

I reached out and got Jeanette's hand stopping her, she looked a bit gloomy, why didn't I notice it at first?

I sighed and then smiled, "Aigoo, my dear sister is so cute!" I spoke loudly and Athy frowned as she looked at me.


"It seems like the maids were so distracted by your cuteness that they messed your hair." I said and Athy gasped before she looked at the maids around us.

I smiled at Jeanette as she smiled not saying anything, I turned my head and spotted two maids.

"Get me a comb." I ordered and the two flinched before they bowed and scurried away.

"Jeanette, are you being mistreated?" Athy asked as she grew concerned and Jeanette shook her head.

"N-No, it's not like that."

"Jennie," I said and she looked up at me.

"You can't lie well, so, don't try." I said and the maids returned with a comb and I pulled the chair from nearby and made Jeanette sit on it.

"Wha... Your Highness, I can do it myself!" Jeanette said as I started removing the hair ties from her hair gently and noticed the tangles in her hair.

"Ara, what do we do?" Athy asked.

"Treat her like our sister and make sure people know that we cherish her despite everything."


I lifted the strands of her hair and gently combed her hair making sure to not tug hard, she seemed a bit hesitant.

"You-Your Highness, it's okay. I will ask someone to help me." Jeanette said and I sighed.

"Call me, Ara, Jennie. You and Athy are my sisters so, I will dote on you just as much as I dote on her." I announced in a louder voice.

"And how great it is to have another big sis for me!" Athy grinned.

"Ah, Ara, it looks a bit askew." Athy said as I was making plaits in Jeanette's long hair.

"Oh, okay," I said as I ran my fingers through Jeanette's long hair.

"Wow, your hair is really soft and silky, Jennie!" I said and Athy also touched them.

"Oh, it's really soft!"

I managed to tie her hair in plaits and tied a ribbon to finish the work.

Once done I walked over to face her and smiled as she looked really beautiful.

"Ah, look at how cute she looks!"

"Remember how you used to tie my hair when we were young, Ara?" Athy asked and I recalled the way I used to comb her hair and try and style her hair but mostly failed.

"You made my hair look so weird," she giggled.

"Well, that's because you moved a lot."

"No, I didn't!"

"Considering how I managed to make our sister look prettier, I can say that my skills were fine enough, Athy."

"Just because Jennie is cute, it's not your skills." Athy said teasingly and I rolled my eyes.

I looked down at Jeanette who looked up at us with tears in her eyes and smile on her face.

"Waah! What did you do Ara?!" Athy asked as she saw Jeanette crying.

"What did I do?! Jennie, did I hurt you? I'm sorry, did I tug hard somewhere? Tell me, where it hurts I'll fix it!" I said and she shook her head wiping her eyes.

"I-I'm just happy!" She said and I and Athy exchanged a look before smiling at Jennie.

"Thank you." She smiled before she stood up and threw her arms around me.

I hugged her and then looked at Athy spreading my arm to her and she giggled before she stepped in hugging me and Jennie.

I held both my sisters and then looked at the people around looking at us.

"From now on, if anything happens, Jennie, tell me, I'll take care of everything, okay?" I asked and she nodded as she kept hugging me and I smiled at just how cute these two are.

"Oh, God! I must have really been blessed to have such cute sisters!"

"Ara, you're being cheesy again!" I laughed as Athy commented that.

"Now, just go ahead to Athy's room, I'll be there in a minute." I said and the two looked at me.

Athy understood my gaze as I placed Jennie's hand in her.

"Don't kill anyone please." Athy spoke in my head before she left with Jennie and I turned to face the people who were working close by.

"Listen up!" I called and they flinched before turning to me.

"Bring the maids who are assigned to take care of Princess Jeanette." I ordered and some of them scurried away.

After five minutes, I saw a line of maids bowing before me.

"Can you tell me why I've called you all here?" I asked and they shivered, none of them uttering a word.

"Geez, I haven't called you all here to punish you." I said as I ran my hand through my hair and notice that I still had a comb in my hand.

"I get it that you're really loyal to our family and you dote on me and Athy," I said and they hesitantly looked at me.

"Get up." I said and they rose not meeting my eyes.

"What happened with the previous Emperor has nothing to do with Jeanette." I said, "That child is innocent and I and Athy we both cherish her, so, I'll request you."

The maids gasped as I placed my hand over my heart and bowed to them, "Put your anger aside and treat that child well."

"P-Please, don't bow like that Your Highness!"

"Yes, please, don't request like that!"

"We-We really respect you, Your Highness, so please don't bow like that!"

I straightened up and looked at them with a smile, "I know you all work hard each day to make my and my family's life easier, so, it's only natural for me to request you for something when I know it might not sit well with you."

The maids looked at each other with anxious and worried expressions before they looked at me and then they bowed.

"We-We're sorry, Your Highness!"

"We were out of the way!"

"We promise we will treat Princess Jeanette well!"

"We won't give you any reason to be upset anymore!"

I smiled as I looked at them, "Okay, I'll leave it to you all now."

"Yes, Your Highness Amara!"

"I'll see you later then, have a good day." I said as I tossed the comb to one of the maids who caught it and turned to leave.

"Have a wonderful day, Your Highness Amara!"

I waved at them with a smile before I faced the front and then turned the corner to see Athy and Jennie standing there.

"Didn't I tell you to take her to your room?" I asked and Jennie threw her arms around me once again and I looked at Athy.

"We saw everything."

"Thank you so much, Your Hi- Ara." Jennie said and I patted her back gently.

"I'm so proud of you, Ara." Athy said and I patted her hair making her giggle softly.

After that we went over to Athy's room where we sat down with our tea and snacks.

"I'm sure you know about it already but, I will let you know myself," Athy started and gave me a glance before meeting Jeanette's eyes again.

"Uncle has been detained and is currently in prison."

Jeanette looked down as she spoke, "Would... Would it be possible for me to see my father?"

"Huh? That's too dangerous!" Athy gasped and the two looked at me while I sipped the tea.

"A-Ara told me that my father was being possessed by someone named Athernitas and that was the reason why he was doing those bad things..." Jeanette said as she looked really sad and I sighed.

It wasn't a good thing to let my sisters be sad about something like that.

"That's right." I spoke up.

"Let's go see your father." I stood up and the two girls looked up at me.

After a few minutes, we were out, heading towards the dungeons. I could hear the maids, servants and guards talking about my and Athy's relationship with Jeanette and how I had personally 'requested' that she be treated well.

Once at the dungeons, the guards outside bowed to us.

"We're here to see a prisoner." I said.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, please follow me." He said and led us towards the dark underground prison.

Jennie and Athy looked around as they stuck close to me, I had been here before a few times to interrogate some criminals who were politically involved and some prisoners had seen me use my techniques so they were just keeping away as I passed through their cells.

The guard stood at Anastacius' cell and then gasped.


I frowned at he looked at me.

"Your Highness, the prisoner...!"

Athy and Jennie gasped as they saw Anastacius lying on his bed with the blood staining his shirt and the sheets.

"Open the door." I commanded and the guard hurriedly opened the door.

"Stay back, you two." I said as I stepped inside to check Anastacius' condition.

His face was completely pale and haggard, I lifted his shirt to see the gash over his chest.

Was this from when Dad stabbed him?

"We'll have to move him, he needs medical attention." I said and the guard flinched.

I snapped my fingers and sent Anastacius to a spare room which was close to mine.

I further used teleportation on myself, Athy and Jennie to take us to that room.

Anastacius was lying on the bed groaning.

"Get Lucas." I spoke as I studied Anastacius' wound.

"Ara...?" Jennie whimpered behind me and I exhaled lowly.

"There's no need to worry, Jennie. He'll be fine."

After a few minutes, Lucas arrived and looked at me before he looked at Anastacius.

"Heal him," I said and Lucas stared at me with a look that said 'have you lost it?'.

"Lucas." I spoke and he sighed before he obeyed my order.

It was time that this thing ended.


Hello everyone!

How is everyone? I'm good.

Anyways, I don't have much to say except for thanking all of you for your support.

Tell me how you find this chapter.

Have a great day everyone!

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