Secrets & Magic || Arthur Pen...

By 20aimeel15

53.4K 1.1K 29

Destiny...Fate...Call it what you will, has everyone set on a certain path. Merlin's destiny is to protect Pr... More



1.5K 56 0
By 20aimeel15

Mira's p.o.v

"Gwen? Could you pass me the white and silver dress please?" I called, taking off my towel and throwing it onto the screen. "Gwen?". Nothing. I popped my head round the screen and saw her looking at something. "Gwen?" I called less loudly this time. I'd noticed her and Sir Lancelot a lot lately, I don't know why they caught my attention, they just did. Something in the way they looked at each other, I suppose it was love. She heard me this time and hurried over getting the dress at the same time.

"I'm sorry, I was miles away" she blushed.

"Its fine, thanks" I smiled taking the dress off her. It flowed down to the floor and had a v-neck and tight sleeves, it shone different shades of silver in different lights, it kind of glowed and shimmered when you walked as well. I loved it! Gwen helped with the fastening and then we went out into the corridor. "I thought I might go see Gwaine" I stated closing the door.

"I'll walk with you" she smiled.

"Are you sure? You don't have to"

"No, I'll come" Gwen insisted.

"Thank you" I replied gratefully, I still found it tricky finding my way around the castle even though I'd been here a few weeks. "So what were you looking at earlier?" I asked sneakily. She blushed and showed me a lovely bracelet. "Oh, its beautiful!" I gasped looking at it,"Who gave it to you?"

"Please don't tell anyone! It was Lancelot" Gwen whispered with a smile.

"You love each other?" I asked. She nodded.

"From the day I met him I knew he was different, I was right"

"I'm happy for you" I whispered.

"Thank you" she grinned. It was odd how comfortable I felt around Gwen, I'd only met her and I felt like I could tell her anything, I don't know what she thinks of me but I consider her a friend.

We kept walking and accidently took a few wrong turns when we weren't paying attention. Eventually we were walking along a corridor when to our right down another passage we saw Lancelot, the very man. He smiled and bowed his head to us. "Go to him" I whispered.

"No its fine" she shook her head.

"I'll find my way, go" I insisted. She smiled gratefully at me before walking down to Lancelot.

"Right" I murmured and made my way in the direction of Gwaine's chambers, I guessed anyway. Eventually after fifteen minutes of searching I found it, I knocked and popped my head round. "Gwaine?" I called. But he wasn't there. I sighed and tried to find my way to the entrance to the courtyard. Unsuccessfully. I tried opening a door, twisting the knob this way and that, pushing against it but it wouldn't budge. I tried another one which did open but it was dark inside. I rubbed my forehead tiredly, it was amazing how, in such a big castle, there weren't many people where I was. I was officially lost!

"I'm not sure that you'll find anything in there"

The voice startled me and I jumped, turning towards the sound. Prince Arthur stood in the corridor! " was looking for Gwaine, Sire" I stammered.

"In a cupboard?" he asked, his eyes showed slight amusement.

"N-no. I...I got lost" I replied, embarrassed. I dropped a curtsy after realising I hadn't already.

"Well, I think he's on the training grounds. I'm going now, I can show you...if you like" Arthur suggested. I felt relief wash over me, and slight nerves. This was probably the longest conversation we'd had, and I'd seen him around the castle quite a bit.

"Thank you, if you wouldn't mind" I smiled.

"Not at all" he returned my smile and we started to walk down the corridor in the opposite direction to where I had been wandering.

"How are you finding Camelot?" he asked after a minute.

"I like it here, my Lord" I answered, clasping my hands in front of me.

"That's good" the Prince stated,"Is everyone treating you well?"

"Yes, extremely. They're all very kind"

He nodded and we were quiet again. I bit my lip. "Do you often look in cupboards for Gwaine?" Arthur asked jokingly. I laughed and he laughed, I felt my nerves melt away.

"How did you meet Gwaine?" I couldn't help asking, I'd wondered for a while. Why did I ask?

He. Is. The. Prince.

You don't ask questions like that! I wanted to hit myself.

"In a tavern" he laughed again,"Merlin and I got into trouble with some men, he saved my life"

I smiled at the thought. "He does that a lot"

"Saved you too?". I nodded, remembering the night he got me out of Llydaw.

We eventually got to the part of the Palace where more people were walking around. "Sire" people would greet and bow to Arthur. Occasionally they would nod at me saying "My Lady"

"Do you train every day?" I asked, I was beginning to feel more comfortable around Arthur.

"Most days" he replied,"You really got lost didn't you?"

"I suppose I did" I laughed.

"I was looking for Merlin, he's probably down with the Knights though" Arthur told me.

We talked for a while longer and I found myself finding it easier and easier to talk to him. We walked down a flight of stairs and through a door that led out into the courtyard. The sun was out and people went about their daily business. The Prince led me down some steps and took a right where, walking out of some gates, we saw the training grounds. I spotted the Knights, Merlin and Gwaine over on the far side.


"Thank you for showing me here Sire" Mira smiled warmly at Arthur and he took her hand and kissed it softly.

"It was my pleasure" he smiled back at her,"Be careful not to get lost again"

That made her laugh for the hundredth time that day, he liked seeing her laugh. It made him feel like he could just talk to her without worrying. "I will, my Lord" Mira curtsied before looking over to see Gwaine smiling at her. "Thank you again" she added. Then she turned and started walking over to the Knight. Both Arthur and Mira couldn't help feeling disappointed when they'd reached the training grounds as they had enjoyed each others company. She glanced over her shoulder to see him standing watching her leave, she smiled again, one which he returned.

After catching himself staring, Arthur headed over to the table that Merlin was standing at. He took off his cloak and put it on the table, grabbing his sword. "So, I'm guessing you're going to try and win this fight in training?" stated Merlin, his eyebrows raised and a smile spreading on his face.

Arthur scowled at him. "Shut up Merlin!"

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