Never Let Go - Geralt of Rivi...

By PossumLaufeyson

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Y/n L/n, the Queen of Dragons. But the thing is, she thinks no one knows she is queen... •🏹• When Y/n runs a... More

~Aesthetics & Information~
~Bonus: Interview with Henry Cavill and Y/n L/n~
~+Second Book+~


2.2K 66 9
By PossumLaufeyson

You were thrown to the ground, face scrapping at the stone floors, causing your face to bleed.

"What's the difference between a Sorceress and a tub of dung?" The guard asked, pulling you up and kneeing you in the chin, causing you to groan.

With your hands chained together, it was hard to use your magic to stop him. 

You started laughing. 

"I know that one," You said, before getting pulled onto your feet and clocked in the stomach, then across the face, causing blood to pour from your mouth.

"What is repulsive, deviant...and cannot smell?" The guard asked, grabbing at your chains and pulling you towards him. "A Sorceress without a nose!"

He punched at you, missing your nose and hitting your cheek.

You collapsed onto the ground, groaning, Chireadan watching with horror.

"Last words, Sorceress," The guard hissed. "Make them good."

"Fuck you!" You spat, before spinning around and throwing out your hands, the magic wrapping around his throat and snapping it, before he collapsed to the ground.

You grabbed at the keys, unlocking your chains and Chireadan's, before unlocking the cell doors and running out.

You ran straight into Geralt, who grabbed you by the waist and pulled you against him, planting his lips on yours.

"Oh my God, Y/n," Geralt said, as he pulled away. "Who did this?"

He gently touched the blood on your face, causing you to wince.

"Well, the person who did it is dead now," Chireadan said. "She snapped his neck, and now he's dead."

Geralt wrapped his arms tightly around you, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, placing your lips back on his.

"You can never do that again," Geralt said. "Let me go with you next time. It didn't feel right to me."

"Me neither," You whispered. "I felt so unprotected."

"You're safe now," Geralt said, tucking hair behind your ear.

"Oh, Geralt! Y/n! Thank the Gods," 

You and Geralt turned, to see Jaskier running out of the house with flailing arms. 

"I might live to see another day!" The bard cried. "We need to go."

"Jaskier, you're okay!" You said, relieved, as Geralt led you to follow Jaskier.

"Oh, I'm glad to hear that you give a monkey's about it," Jaskier said. 

"Let's not jump to conclusions," Geralt suggested.  "What happened?"

"Well, I was having a rather lovely dream which then turned into a nightmare," Jaskier said. "There were naked women in both parts. The first one was loving, tender, very generous. The second, significantly more terrifying."

You stopped walking.

"Tell me about the second one..." You said, and all three men turned to face you. 

"Well, black hair, devilish eyes, was painting an amphora on her abdomen," Jaskier said, and your eyes widened. "You know, the usual."

"She wants to be the vessel," You whispered.

"What, you know this woman?" Jaskier asked, as you turned to look at the house. 

"She wants to become more powerful," You said. "But she'll die."

"Well, let's pray for her on our way out of town," Jaskier said, eagerly. 

You then slipped out of Geralt's hold and raced towards the house.

"No, Y/n!" Geralt shouted. "You can't go back in there!"

"Are you perhaps short of a marble?" Jaskier asked, as Geralt grabbed your arm and spun you around. 

Chireadan grabbed at your other arm, staring at you with worry.

"You have to go in there, don't you?" Chireadan asked. "I recognize the look. I know how you feel."

"You're both making me uncomfortable," You said, before slipping out of both the Witcher and the elf's grasp.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no," Jaskier said. "Do not tell me that this is finally the moment you've decided to actually care about someone other than yourself or Geralt? Leave the very scary insane witch to her inevitable demise!"

"She saved your life, Jaskier!" You hissed. "I can't let her die."

You pushed past the men and slipped into the house, ignoring Geralt's yells to come back.

You ran up the stairs, into the bedroom where Yennefer sat on the seal marking on the ground, cloth covering the bottom of her legs, but her chest exposed.

"Don't!" You said, as Yennefer raised her hand at you. "I'm here to help you."

"I don't need your help," Yennefer said, putting her hand down and supporting herself. "You're free. No longer under my spell."

"And yet," You said, stepping closer. "Here I am."

"You seem to want to meet your end," Yennefer said, with a mischievous smile. 

"As do you," You hissed, and Yennefer's head tilted back, as she yelled out.

"The djinn isn't weakening," Yennefer gasped. "The bard expressed his last wish but it's-AUGH! It's getting stronger!"

There was cracking in her stomach, and she cried out.

"GO!" Yennefer shouted.

"That's because I'm the one with the wishes,"

You turned to see Geralt, at the door, rushing in.

"You?" Yennefer asked, her eyes widening at Geralt. "You're the djinn's master?"

"Yeah," Geralt said, sealing his lips together.

"Well, what are you waiting for?!" Yennefer screamed, as there was more cracking, causing you to wince. "MAKE YOUR WISHES!"

"Becoming the vessel for the djinn will have you lose control!" You shouted. "Not gain it! CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT THIS IS DOING TO YOU?"

"True transformation is painful!" Yennefer yelled. 

"RELEASE THE DJINN!" You shouted, as Geralt grabbed you. "Make your wish, Geralt! MAKE IT!"

"You are both heroic protectors!" Yennefer hissed. "...noble dog! Permitting my success so long as you command it yourself! FUCK OFF! I'll do this myself!"

"DAMN IT YENNEFER!" You shouted, throwing yourself out of Geralt's arms. "TELL HIM WHAT YOU WANT!"

"I WANT EVERYTHING!" Yennefer cried. 

She threw her arm in the air, and you went flying, hitting yourself against the wall and falling to the ground. 

You saw Geralt's eyes widen as he fell to his knees and shut his eyes.

The ground beneath you started to crumble, and you looked up at Geralt. 

His mouth stopped moving, and Yennefer fell to the ground. 

Geralt rushed to you, pulling you into his arms, as you both stared at Yennefer.

"The djinn..." She wheezed. "Wh-where did it go?"

More creaking from the house, and suddenly, the ground beneath you opened, and you went flying down. 


"Y/n? Y/n, love, please please open your eyes. I can't lose you. I won't fucking lose you!"

"She's alive, Witcher, calm yourself."

Your eyes opened, and you were met with a pair of purple and golden eyes.

You struggled to sit up, grabbing at your head.

You looked down at your hands, before gasping.

The tips of your fingers were becoming black. Just like from your dream.

"No, no, no!" You shouted, standing up, causing both the mage and the Witcher to look at you with confused eyes.

"Y/n, what's-"

"Her hands," Yennefer answered. 

Geralt grabbed at your hands, seeing the tips of them.

"What does this mean?" Geralt asked, turning to look at Yennefer.

"She's becoming a monster," Yennefer said, quietly.

"No, no!" You cried. "I didn't do anything! I-I don't understand!"

"How can we cure this?" Geralt asked.

Yennefer sighed.

"I'm afraid I don't know," Yennefer said. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I truly am. You two must leave now. Thank you for...everything."

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