Dangerous Allies // Cato Hadl...

Por spacewalker11

189K 3.9K 1.5K

There was no volunteer to save Eve when she was plucked from her life in District Four and sent to The Hunger... Más

Part 1: The Reaping
Part 2: Show Time
Part 3: Day One
Part 4: Shit.
Part 5: Trapped
Part 6: Charmer
Part 7: The Evaluation
Part 8: Putting on a Show
Part 9: I'm Coming for You
Part 10: Let the Games Begin
Part 11: Helpless
Part 12: Day in the woods
Part 13: Venom
Part 14: Another One Bites the Dust
Part 15: Unexpected Alliances
Part 16: Nightlock
Part 17: Cooling Off
Part 18: The Sting of Death
Part 19: You and Me
Part 20: The Feast
Part 21: The Last Stand

Part 22: Aftermath

6.4K 146 85
Por spacewalker11

Smut warning 🚨

Eve cringed as she blinked up at the fluorescent hospital lights.

Finnick scrambled from his chair to squat down beside her bed. "Hey kid."

Her throat felt like sandpaper and a throbbing pain echoed through her skull. "Hey."

His hand squeezed hers as a small smile lined his mouth. "You did it."

Everyone was dead.

Well, almost everyone.

"Get the hell out of my way!" Cato barked at the guards on the other side of the door.

"Let me in or I'll snap your fucking neck!"

Finnick was on his feet, walking to the door just in time for Cato to burst through it.

The guards tumbled in after him. "I'm sorry. We couldn't keep him out."

Cato's blazing eyes met Eve's for only a moment before he was staring daggers at Finnick. "Move."

He didn't. "She just woke up. Give her some time."

She didn't need time.

Her voice came out in a scratchy whisper. "Cato."

His eyes were glued to hers as he brushed past Finnick.

He didn't hesitate to crawl into her hospital bed and take her shaking shoulders into his arms.

She could feel his calloused fingers running across her back through the scratchy hospital grown she was forced to wear. "You're safe now. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you."

He didn't understand.

"What am I gonna do?" She didn't care about herself. "They're all dead."

"You did what you had to." His words vibrated against her ear.

All she could see were Finch's lifeless eyes staring back at her. Her porcelain skin turned into that of a snarling monster.

They turned her into a monster.

As she laid in the volunteer's arms, she felt like a traitor. A traitor to everyone who died at the hands of the capital. A traitor to her parents.

His arms suddenly felt like a snake, slowly squeezing the life out of her.

"Let me go." She gasped the words out as she struggled in his grip.

"Hey, you're okay." There was a panic in his voice far more hidden than hers. "Calm down."

She thrashed in his hold. "Get the hell off me!"

Cato flinched back as if her words cut him to the bone. Finnick was there to drive the knife deeper, heaving him off the bed.

"I think you should leave." Finnick's rough voice didn't give room for argument.

Cato pointed a finger at the man. "Don't let her out of your sight."

Finnick's jaw was clenched tight. "Get. Out."

"You think I'm playing?" Cato's eyes were slits as he looked down at Eve's mentor. "If anything happens to her I'll kill you."

And then he was gone.

Eve wasn't sure where he was going and she didn't much care.

"Fira's waiting for you when you're ready." Finnick's voice was soft, as if he was nervous he'd spook her. "But if you need to rest first, she'll understand."

Eve stared down at her freshly cleaned hands. "I've been asleep long enough."

"She'll be happy to see you."

And happy she was.

The second Eve stepped through the door she was pulled into her designer's arms. "Oh thank God you're alright!"

The dark circles under her eyes showed through her bright smile and the thick makeup on her face. She had grown fond of Eve in the short time she had gotten to know her. Fira spent her nights glued in front of the television, praying to a God she didn't believe in that Eve would make it out safe.

Eve was silent as she relaxed in her arms.

"I told you I'd see you soon." Fira huffed before pulling her towards the changing area.

"You'll meet the President, then you have an interview with Caesar."

Eve stopped listening after those first four words. She would meet President Snow.

The man who sent her into the arena. The man who killed Finch. The man who killed her parents. "I can't."

Fira's hands were gentle on her shoulders. "I know how much you must dislike him, but for all of our sakes you need to be strong."

Dislike? She hated him. But it didn't matter. She didn't have a choice and they both knew it.

"Now let's get this hideous thing off you." She scowled, gesturing to her hospital gown.

Eve had never seen a more beautiful dress than the one she wore then. It flowed like the ocean in waves of the palest blues and purples she had ever seen.

"President Snow's gonna take one look at you and drop dead."

Eve forced herself to smile. "Thank you."

Cato was dressed in black from head to toe. With a chill running down her spine, Eve couldn't help but think he looked like the grim reaper.

He stood beside her in the crowded elevator. "You look beautiful."

He spoke beneath the sound of Brutus and Finnick's bickering.

Eve could barely look at him as she nodded her thanks.

"Will you all please shut up?" Fira hissed. "They will be standing in front of the president in less than a minute. They need to focus."

Enobaria bared her chiseled teeth. "Cato will do just fine. Worry about your own before I take away your ability to voice your grievances."

Eve's eyes shot up to the woman threatening one of the few capital citizens she could stand. "Watch your mouth."

Enobaria's eyes snapped to hers and a forced laugh echoed through the elevator. "You think because you won you can talk to me like that?"

A scowl lined her jagged mouth. "Without Cato you wouldn't have made it past day three. You got lucky."

Eve's fists clenched at her sides. "Would my chances have been better if I trained for ten years like you?"

"You were created in a facility." Eve sneered. "Don't talk to me about my luck."

The woman lunged, but Cato was faster as he slammed her into the wall of the elevator.

She clawed at his suit clad arm, but it stayed unmoving. "You try to touch her again and it'll be the last thing you ever do."

Eve wanted to say something. Anything. But the only thing she could think about was her racing heart and the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Enough!" Brutus barked, pulling the two apart.

"Fira's right." He grumbled as he scolded his co-mentor.

Fira pulled her painted lips into a small smile. "Thank you."

"Oh, shut it." Brutus grumbled as the elevator doors opened.

Eve's eyes flashed to Cato's, who was already staring her down. His chest rose and fell steadily as he tried to calm his growing anger.

In front of Eve stood a set of double doors. Peacekeepers lined the small room, staring the group down as they continued to bicker amongst themselves.

Eve's feet felt like they were stuck in cement as everyone poured out into the hall.

Cato's hand was gentle on her back. "It's okay. I'll be right beside you the whole time."

She wanted to pulled herself away from his gentle touch, but instead her heals clicked softly against the tile as he guided her towards the doors.

His hand didn't drop from her side until they were standing under the president's steel gaze.

Coriolanus Snow looked down his nose at Cato as he placed golden crown on his head. "You fought well. All of Panem is very proud."

Cato nodded. "Thank you."

Then he turned to Eve. "You put on quite a show."

She looked into the eyes of the man responsible for her parents' deaths. "We're similar in that sense."

He hummed as his eyes moved back to Cato's. "Keep her in line."

Cato straightened. "Of course."

When Snow paced the crown on Eve's head, a small smile twitched at his mouth. "You have your mother's eyes."

She stilled.

She felt her blood run hot as she looked up at the twisted grin on his face.

"And your father's fleeting spirit."

Cato was fast as he replaced his hand on the small of her back and led her away.

She forced her tears back as she promised herself she would make him regret the words he spoke with such indifference. She would kill him.

Neither victor said a word as they were taken to their next stop.

She sat in front of Caesar, rewatching the worst moments of her life in front of the entire nation.

She watched Cato snap Ethan's neck.

"Wow!" Caesar laughed. "There is some serious power behind those arms!"

"Six kills." He marveled. "Is that where you were hoping to be?"

"The more the merrier." Cato laughed.

Caesar's smile landed on Eve. "But there was one tribute you couldn't seem to kill."

"How could I?" Cato's voice was quiet as he studied her face. She looked pale.

He knew why.

He wanted to snap Snow's neck. But he knew that would ultimately lead to Eve's death. Instead they had to make it through the day. Then it would be over and she could live the rest of her days in peace.

He placed his hand on her thigh in hopes of giving her a soothing touch while the crowd erupted in awes.

"Eve?" Caesar's voice brought her back to reality.

She jerked her head to meet his eyes. "Yeah?"

Laughs erupted from the crowd and Caesar joined in. "I was saying how well you did in the arena."

"Oh." She wouldn't say thank you.

"Looks like that twelve wasn't just for show." He smiled. "The Gamemakers always know best, huh?"

Eve averted her eyes to her hands. "Right."

"Would you like to watch some of your highlights?" He asked excitedly.

"Am I allowed to say no?"

He erupted into laughter with the crowd. "Eve, everyone!"

Then her eyes were locked on the screen, watching as she took life after life.

It was a surreal feeling, listening to the gasps of the crowd as she watched more and more blood stain her hands.

Then Clove was on screen, screaming out in pain as her hand was pinned to the tree behind her. Then everything stopped when Cato slashed his sword across her neck.

"Wow." Caesar shook his head. "That was just beautiful."

He turned to the crowd. "What do we think?"

A chorus of cheers echoed coldly through Eve's chest.

He turned to Cato. "What were you thinking in that moment?"

"I was so happy." He rubbed his thumb over Eve's thigh. "I knew I was going to get her out of there. No matter what it took."

Awes echoed once again through the room as Eve stared at the blue eyed man beside her.

She didn't know what to think.

Caesar's hand rested on her other thigh. "And you?"

Now she was supposed to say she loved him. How could she with her district watching? With Ethan's parents watching?

She felt sick to her stomach. "I couldn't imagine life without him."

With a squeeze of her thigh Caesar looked back to the crowd. "Ladies and Gentlemen, your Star Crossed Lovers!"

The second his hand released her she was on her feet, walking as fast as she could off the stage.

"No doubt what they're in a hurry for!" Caesar laughed with the crowd. "Have a nice night you two!"

Eve ignored the sounds of the crowd as she walked down the hall with Cato at her heel.

Finnick stepped in line with his new Victor. "Let's get to the train."

With his hand on her back he led her down the empty hall.

Cato's eyes were glued to his tan hand splayed across her back and felt his own fingers twitch at his sides.

But he kept his mouth shut for Eve's sake.

When Finnick finally disappeared into one of the many rooms on the train, the silence became unbearable.

"You can't ignore me forever."

Eve's eyes shot to the large man leaning against the wall opposite her.

He looked so nonchalant. It sent her over the edge. "How could you joke around up there?"

Her hands clenched at her sides. "They're dead and you were laughing about it."

Cato scoffed. "Was I supposed to mope around like you?"

"Yes!" She laughed. "Didn't you learn anything in that damn arena?"

"I learned more than you know." He scowled. "Everything I'm doing is for you."

"Right." She wanted to punch him in his beautiful face.

"They want a show." He spoke through his teeth. "It was either that or they come down on both of us."

She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared daggers at him. "I hate you."

"No you don't." He was sick of her. Sick of her thinking he was some kind of monster.

He stepped forward as she stepped back, trapping her between his arms and the cold wall behind her.

He knew she didn't hate him. He felt it in the way she relaxed at his touch. It was always only for a moment. Before she remembered she was supposed to hate him.

"You volunteered." Her voice came out in a whisper.

His fingertips pressed into the cold wall on either side of her head. "And I'd do it again."

He leaned close, letting his words fall onto her lips. "I'd do it over and over again if it meant I got to know you."

His hand drifted up her neck. "If it meant I got to touch you."

He pressed his fingertips into the veins below her jaw. "I'd snuff the life out of anyone just to hear your voice."


She didn't get to finish her sentence before his mouth was on hers.

He didn't give her time to think before his tongue was dancing with hers, taking up her every thought.

He felt like a storm raging through her mind. Should she be letting him touch her? If it was such a bad thing, why did it feel so good?

Why was her heart pounding and her fingers aching to touch him?

He pulled away to rest his head on her forehead.

His breath fanned gently over her face as his shoulders rose and fell like the swells of giant waves. "I'm sorry for everything."

He squeezed his eyes shut. "If you tell me to stop, I will."

Her heart was beating so fast she feared he could feel it.

Her fingertips drifted over his face. His deep eyes told her that he needed her just as much as she needed him. "I won't."

His hands shot down to the backs of her thighs and pulled, wrapping her legs around his waist.

He used every ounce of restraint he had not to tear into her then and there as he pressed his fingertips against her skin and connected his lips with hers.

It felt as if he was trying to mash their bodies together as he carried her blindly down the hallway.

His hands were firm on the backs of her thighs as he kicked open the first door he could find, revealing an empty bedroom.

It was dark, with the only light coming in through the hallway or peaking through the small windows.

Neither of them seemed to care as they fumbled with their clothes, discarding them across the tile floor.

When Cato looked at her, he froze. His jaw was slack and his eyes looked glazed over in the pale moonlight.

Eve lifted her arms, suddenly feeling exposed in front of him. "What?"

He was silent as he shook his head.

Her face was on fire as she held her arms crossed over her chest. "Well if you don't have anything to say maybe you should just g-"

"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

Eve's mouth was stuck in the shape of the o she was about to utter as his words sunk into her chest.

Did he mean it?

The look in his eyes as he moved closer told her he did.

His hands were gentle on the sides of her face as he looked down at her. "Let me take care of you."

She nodded, praying he would. Not just tonight, but forever.

He was gentle as he walked her backwards to the bed, letting her sit down at her own will.

He dropped to his knees, ignoring the pain he felt from the hard tile floor.

His hands felt like they were burning the longer he held them away from her.

Their height was almost even as Eve looked up into his blue eyes.

She knew then who Cato was. A man turned into a machine from years of programming by his district. But like the rest of the people of Panem, he was breaking free.

His hands moved to her knees as he gently guided them open.

Eve felt timid for the first time in a long while. "You don't have to."

She had had sex before, but no boy had ever done this for her.

"I know." Cato assured her with a kiss to her inner thigh. "I want to."

She fell back onto her elbows as he continued to move up her legs, leaving gentle bites and kisses the whole way.

His large hands covered her hips as he groaned against her skin. "God, look at you."

He wanted to fuck her. He wanted to watch her face flush as he pounded into her.

But for now he wanted to get her ready.

Eve couldn't keep her legs from shaking as his tongue moved over her. He was good. How was he so good?

"God, Cato." She gasped as he sent a fresh wave of pleasure through her body.

She could feel him grin against her skin. "You like that?"

She hummed her answer.

"Use your words." He coaxed, continuing his mission to make her come.

Her head fell back and her lips parted. "It feels good."

Cato couldn't take it. The idea of her finishing on his mouth left his cock pulsing, but just the thought of her finishing on top of him almost sent him over the edge.

Licking his lips, he moved to look Eve in her eyes. "You ready?"

She nodded as butterflies swam in her stomach.

His hand moved to her cheek as a soft smile lined his mouth. "Tell me if it's too much, alright?"

Eve knew he was big. But she also knew she wanted this just as bad as he did. "I can take it."

"Yeah?" He grinned as he pressed the head of his cock against her entrance. "You think so?"

She nodded, missing the feeling of him being so close to her.

"What was that?"

"Ye-" Her voice cut into a gasp as he pushed forward, stretching her wide on his cock.

His head fell into the crook of her neck, softly biting down on the skin. "God, you're tight."

His bites turned into kisses, trailing their way up her neck and to the corners of her parted lips. "Are you okay?"

Was she? She didn't know. All she could think about was how good the stretch felt. How she loved being this close to him.

"More than okay." She said, connecting her lips with his as she bucked her hips closer to him.

He gasped as she pushed herself farther along his cock.

"Good girl." He mumbled, gripping her hips as he pulled her deeper. "Good fucking girl."

Her hands dug tightly into his forearm as the pain crescendoed into a feeling unlike anything she ever experienced before.

Full. It was the best way she could describe it. Her body, her heart, her mind. Everything was full. Full of him.

Cato held his breath as he looked down at her flushed face.

Simply looking at her, he could've came then and there.

The girl from district four. His competition. The girl who kept him sane during the games. Now she was his.

He pulled out halfway just to push it back in. "You're mine."

The continued pistoning of his hips pulled a gasp from her mouth as she felt him in her stomach.

His voice was deep and labored on the shell of her ear. "Tell me."

She wasn't sure she could as she felt the coil inside her start to wind.

"Come on." He gasped, pushing harder. "Tell me."

"I'm yours."

He bit down on her earlobe, sending goosebumps down her legs. "And I'm yours."

And then she came. Hard.

Her fingernails dug into the wide expanse of muscles on his back as he continued to pound into her.

"That feel good?" He asked, flipping them until she was resting on his lap with his cock buried deep inside her.

"Mhmm." She nodded, gently moving her hips as she let her hands splay over his wide chest.

She moved up and down slowly, watching as his eyes squeezed shut.

His hands were digging into her hips as his eyebrows furrowed and his breathing grew labored.

Up and down.

"You've got another one." He gasped, moving his fingers from her hip to her clit. "I know you do."

She felt like she couldn't breathe as all of her nerves felt like they were dancing.

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her chest to his. "Think you can do it?"

"Yes." She could barely choke the word out as he hammered into her.

With every jerk of his hips, her clit rubbed just right against his stomach. "Say my name."

Tears welled in her eyes as she grew closer to her second climax. "Cato yes!"

His arms were tight around her waist, keeping her right where he needed her. "There you go."

Cato's heart felt like it was on fire as he held her as tightly as he dared. "God, I love you."

"Say it back." He grumbled into her ear. "Tell me now or I'll stop."

"I love you." And she did. She loved the monster who saved her life. The monster who seemed to care about one thing. Her.

She felt his hands dig into her hips as his movements turned jagged. With one final thrust he came, filling her with everything he had.

With his arms still wrapped tightly around her, he kissed the side of her head. "You're stuck with me."

And as she laid on his chest, she knew there was no place she'd rather be.

The End

Thank you so much for reading❤️

Hey guys just wanna let you know I'm literally fucking pregnant so I think this is gonna be my last story😀😀😀

(Please manifest a miscarriage for me)

I have a bunch of stories started (Miguel Diaz, Robby Keene, colonel Quaritch, Daryl Dixon, Bellamy Blake, etc) so if I do end up miscarrying I might upload them someday so follow me if you want updated lmao

I also might post a story time about the guy that knocked me up if yall want because it's literally the craziest thing you will ever hear in your life lmao

Love you all❤️

Please wear protection.

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