Second Chances!!

By Kaav08

2.6K 77 29

Determined to get over Kitty Song Covey, Min Ho throws himself into a world of adventure opened up by his cou... More

CHAPTER 1: A surprise
CHAPTER 2: A party, the precursor
CHAPTER 3: A secret
CHAPTER 4: An escape
CHAPTER 6: London
CHAPTER 7: A debacle

CHAPTER 5: A preparation

188 8 2
By Kaav08

Waking up after such an insane night wasn't fun. However, waking up after such an insane night with Kitty Song Covey in your arms definitely made it better.

Min Ho blinked sleep out of his eyes as clatter and music filled Ara's house. He peered around curiously to find Q cooking something in the kitchen as Almira danced around him. As picturesque as it felt all he wanted to do was sleep more. However, less than two seconds later Kitty was waking up and Min Ho was quickly scrambling away to avoid any awkwardness.

"Good morning?" Min Ho said, accidentally making the statement sound like a question.

"Good morning." Kitty responded, or at least she tried to. In truth it sounded more like, "Gah- *yawn* Moning." She slowly got up, stretched, and without another word walked to the kitchen.

Slightly confused by her nonchalance, Min Ho followed suit and was suddenly met with a twirling Almira. "Sleep well?" She asked with a wink. She then proceeded to ruffle his hair and hand him a plate of waffles before floating away to Kitty.

It all felt like a fever dream.

They had been doing absolutely nothing all day and Min Ho couldn't be happier. First, they all played mario kart on Ara's xbox until Q was yelling that he rightfully won while Kitty was chasing Min Ho who stole her controller.

Then Almira accidentally tripped and fell head first into an old timey laundry chute and started screaming about spiders.

And after they rescued her, Min Ho proceeded to make the most mouth watering lunch known to mankind, or that is in Kitty's opinion at least.

And through it all Min Ho was beaming. He couldn't be happier and he was weirdly grateful to Ara knowing that she probably orchestrated this. What he did not account for however, is the letter.

It was probably slipped under the door sometime during the afternoon and no one had noticed. It was nothing special on the outside. Just a plain, cream envelope with the name Min Ho written in loopy handwriting. No return address nor sender's name was written but Min Ho knew who this was from. He knew that this was what Ara had been talking about.

And so it was with a great deal of impatience that he began ripping the envelope open. As soon as he got the letter out Min Ho sat down and began reading, as did the other three who stood behind him, leaning over.

Dear Min Ho,

I never expected what had happened to happen. I was perfectly content with my life and I would've remained so if I didn't acknowledge the hole in my heart. As cheesy as it sounds it's true that I always felt like I was missing something. Not an object or a person, but a feeling. A feeling of being home. And so I kept traveling, searching and searching, but always returning to the world.

But then I found Adisa. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about them earlier. I just needed to keep them to myself because otherwise it didn't feel real. They truly are what makes me capable of saying the words, "I'm home." I couldn't imagine life without them. So when oppa said it's time for me to get married, I made my plan to run. But there's more to it than that. I can't put it in this letter so instead I'll send you on a journey.

I have no rules. In the spirit of keeping this adventure true to me, you have my absolute permission to not embark upon this at all, or if you do, stop any time. I'd honestly prefer if you brought along friends, or if you made more along the way. Whatever you do it'll be the right decision because it's your decision.

However, I must emphasize the importance of the journey I'm sending you on. I'll talk more about it in the next letter in hopes that you go searching for it.

To find it, your first stop is London. Head to the apartment above the bookshop from Notting Hill. There you'll find your next step.

Love from your cousin Ara,

P.S. have fun

Min Ho looked up from the letter feeling slightly dazed. He blinked a couple of times looking up at Q. No one was saying anything, they're waiting for me to speak, he realized. However, as soon as he said, "So..." Min Ho was interrupted.

"I'm coming along of course." Said Q with silent determination and a set jaw. He stared Min Ho in the eyes as he repeated, "I'm coming along."

"So we're going?" Min Ho asked.

Q looked at him in surprise. "I thought you'd want to."

"I do."

"Then we'll go."

"It's that easy?"

This time it was Kitty who responded, "It's that easy." She nodded and continued. "And I'm coming too." She looked to Almira who looked confused at the dramatics of it all. "Will you come too Almira?"

Almira grinned brightly. "I'd love to. Actually, I have a friend who I think you'd like. He'll pick us up in London." Then with a finality, Almira walked away to the kitchen. "Want a snack?" She called back.

Well, I guess that's that, Min Ho thought. He was usually one for spontaneity but this decision held a lot more weight than what he was used to.

They were calling Almira's private pilot in the next hour and then gathering resources afterwards. "We need portable batteries." Kitty said. "In case we get lost and there's no electricity."

"Yeah, yeah," Almira agreed. "And we need to pack food too."

"We're not going camping." Min Ho groaned.

Kitty shoved him in response, "We don't know where we're going, you cannot be talking."

"Fine." Min Ho said, grinning, "But I don't know anything obviously so you can all teach me."

"Good job trying to escape the work, dumbass." Q laughed while forcing a bunch of clothes onto his chest, "Fold. I'm sure you remember how to do that from when you watched your maids do it for you."

"Hardy har har." Min Ho said sarcastically as he began to fold a new pile of clothes.

It was oddly therapeutic as they all four sat around trying to devise this random trip to nowhere. Amira and Kitty's happy energy kept Min Ho and Q's grumpiness at bay when things began to get annoying and technical. However, they finally had enough rations and supplies for each of them to last 5 days without anything else. When Kitty asked if that was enough Almira laughed, saying, "If it gets any worse, we'll eat Min Ho." And for Min Ho horror, they all agreed laughing.

The next morning, the four woke up at 6 in the morning. Well, at least Kitty, Almira, and Q woke up. After they got ready they dragged Min Ho out of the door and all embarked on a journey to a private airway strip where Almira's private pilot awaited them. It was a 7 hour flight out to London but it felt like almost no time passed with the way they slept for half the time. For the rest of the fight they all entertained themselves by making fun of a very grumpy Min Ho, who in the end went back to sleep.

In his cheeky, dream-like state he slowly slipped his head, hoping for it to be Kitty's shoulder but woke up later to realize he had fallen asleep on an annoyed Q.

As they trudged through the airport, Min Ho reminisced about Dae and Yuri. Little did he know that they too were headed down to surprise Min Ho. They had been very excited to do so when Q texted them. "It was to be a reunion!" They said. No one stopped to realize how important this might've been for Min Ho. In fact, Min Ho himself refused to acknowledge it. Truly, it hadn't sunk in that Ara had left for maybe forever, and Min Ho refused to sit still for long enough for it to sink in.

I'm so sorry I lied about posting June 2. School has been more hellish than usual. It's a shorter chapter and kinda filler but it starts them on their journey!!

Remember to vote and comment! I love reading y'all's comments <3

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