๐“๐‡๐„ ๐–๐€๐˜ ๐ˆ ๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„๐ƒ ๏ฟฝ...

By myloudwy

78.3K 2.6K 1.6K

๐—ง๐—›๐—˜ ๐—ช๐—”๐—ฌ ๐—œ ๐—Ÿ๐—ข๐—ฉ๐—˜๐—— ๐—ฌ๐—ข๐—จ | outer banks "I live in a Taylor Swift's world" ๐ˆ๐ง ๐ฐ๐ก๐ข๐œ๐ก, the only... More

๐™๐™ƒ๐™€ ๐™’๐˜ผ๐™” ๐™„ ๐™‡๐™Š๐™‘๐™€๐˜ฟ ๐™”๐™Š๐™
๐€๐‚๐“ ๐ˆ, i miss you, i'm sorry
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ, eden blair winslow
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ, pretty girls don't cry
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฏ, love made me crazy
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฐ, the beginning of everything
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฑ, life is hell
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฒ, old friends, new start
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿณ, just a lost girl
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿด, the in-between
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿต, not dead just confused
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฌ, she couldn't let him go
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ, nothing is perfect for eternity
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฎ, when we were young
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฏ, lost in the labyrith of my mind
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฐ, lonely in her white dress
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฑ, the mask of secrets
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฒ, confessions under water
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿณ, the real behind the fake
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿด, opening up to the stars
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿต, girlhood
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฌ, when everything go down
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿญ, the beauty of danger
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ, the truth right in her face

๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ, dream summer

8.6K 221 195
By myloudwy


Chapter One
Dream Summer

EDEN'S FATHER USED TO SAY : Good things often come after the storm, while bad things come by invading us in one shot.

          She had been waiting since she was fourteen to see beautiful things come to wrap her in a strong embrace. The first good thing was her fake relationship with John B, then her new best friend, her love for strawberries ( well, it's been since she was one year old, but who cares? ), her improved relationship with her brother. But as Thomas Perez has often said, bad things come by invading us in one shot without worrying about all the blows that will pierce us.

          When the bad things started to invade her everywhere like a gust of wind so strong that it makes you move on the spot, Eden lost faith in luck. She believed that whatever happened to her was either because she deserved it, either because God just wanted to hurt her for some unknown reason. She never thought about the fact that everything that happened to her was probably because of all the sadness and the abuse she gave to her body since the disappearance of her father. For her, only evil could be the king of this misfortune. She didn't want to think there was a specific reason for these problems, she preferred to ignore them like a smoke of air.

As Taylor Swift said in a song : Everything you lose is a step you take. And yet. . . Even though Eden was the biggest fan of this woman, she couldn't believe these words. On the contrary, she always had the impression of walking in place as on an escalator. She couldn't reach the top of the hill, which would mean she had made it out. And it pissed her off that she couldn't get better. She wanted to get better, she was ready. Her heart was broken, but her head was still working perfectly. So why? Why couldn't she smile for real and stop crying?

Here is the answer : Because she lost the most important person to her. Not her father, not her old friend ( who was a bitch, by the way ), but because she had let go of the only person who really loved her. Like, really fucking loved her! Well, that's what she believed sometimes, and just sometimes. Every time she thought of him, she felt like she was just another normal person to him. She was worth nothing to him, to her dog, to her neighbor, to her friends, to anyone. But who said that? None other than her manipulative mind.

"You just have to see yourself as everyone sees you. That is, be the little rebel they think you are. Don't be the one who cries over boys." Josie Collins, Eden's best friend, said when she had found her lying on the bathroom floor, the box of tissues in her hands.

That's when Eden Blair Winslow realized that no one ever considered her as she was, so why be herself when she can be ten different personalities in one day? She wasn't a mean girl, she never was. But a rage grew inside her, a rage that few can understand, but John Booker Routledge was the only one who understood it. Until they screw it up.

Why did everything end up linking to John B? See by yourself : Disappearance of Thomas Perez ( and Big John's ), change of attitude of Eden because of the end of their friendship, JB being jealous of Rafe Cameron. . . And there are more! God, why did this guy have to always come back in the life of this dear Eden? She wanted nothing more than to forget him and finally live without worrying that he was among those people watching her pass, and admiring her all the more. He was still somewhere in that crowd of people, looking at her like he had only her, but still, he was a real asshole when they passed each other. He hated her, she hated him. That's it. But damn, she missed her best friend.

          She missed the days when they spent their nights talking about treasures, she missed the nights when they had horror movie nights and she could take the opportunity to take his reassuring hand without being afraid that he would reject her. She missed the candy pizzas they made on the sly. Eden missed John B, and yet she couldn't see him anymore. She couldn't see his perfect hair, his smile so beautiful, and his sparkling eyes. She didn't want to see him anymore. She would love to hate him as much as he hated her, but it was an impossible feeling that refused to happen. Her heart refused this childish hatred for this boy.

She was the cause of why the fire had ignited between them. Eden knew that nothing would have happened if she hadn't asked John B for this little service which was only to be used for one summer. If only she had known that this service was going to cost her the loss of her best friend, she would have thought twice before embarking on this adventure.

But! For now, she just wanted to have the best summer of her life. It was her summer, her and no one else's. Ever since she was young, Eden has always said to herself that the summer when she turns sixteen, she should live it as if it were the last of her life. And that's what she was doing. Alcohol, parties, the beach, kissing, flirting with one-night stands, shopping. . . Eden had planned everything for this summer since she was eight, she just had to live it and be happy.

She felt so powerful when she was able to enjoy without worrying about the Pogues and not thinking about them, as they did so well. Eden wanted to show them that even if they had been the best part of her life, she was living her life very well without them now ( lie, but nobody cares because she doesn't care ).

"Rafe, put me down, you asshole!" Eden ( Blair ) Winslow yelled, patting him on the back, hoping he would put her down, but he just laughed harder, striding toward the ocean water. "I swear, I'll kill you if you don't put me down!"

He froze suddenly, letting his bad boy gaze fall on hers. "Would you kill me? Me? Great. Too kind, Eden."

          "Rafe Cameron, put my friend down!" Josie Collins exclaimed in the distance, sitting on a long deckchair. Eden raised her eyebrows as he rolled his eyes, then put her down. She made her way to the lounger between him from Josie and Sarah, thanking the girl with a look.

          Sarah turned her head towards her, sighing, "Are you trying to have something with my brother?"

          Eden shook her head. On the contrary, that's what she wanted to avoid, but at the same time, she didn't hate seeing a man like Rafe Cameron at her feet. Rafe never stopped loving Eden, and maybe it's not even love at this point, but an addiction. He couldn't help but find her different from the others, and never understood that she didn't want him. He just kept chasing her over and over, like an endless race, and never getting her. She found him annoying but so appealing.

"In that case, you should let him know." Josie commented, lowering her sunglasses as a pretty surfer walked past her. "Thank you for making me come, I don't regret it at all." She continued, her eyes still fixed on the tall, muscular guy.

"Josie, you really need to find a dude, you can't do that anymore. You stare at guys like they're Chris Evans." Drea Alfieri added, dropping her head back.

She just shrugged as if it didn't bother her, then stood up. The other three girls didn't even have to ask where she was going, they already knew. She quickly joined the boy in the distance, smiling like a child.

Sarah shrugged in turn, looking at them. "Who knows, maybe she just found the love of her life."

Eden shook her head, "You know what the 'love of your life' means? You spend your whole fucking life with him. Personally, I'd rather stay single and end my life with my dog."

          Drea let a laugh escape between her teeth. "Your dog is exactly like Rafe Cameron. He's the definition of a lapdog. He follows you everywhere." She wasn't wrong, in fact, she was totally right. He was Eden's lapdog, literally a kind of bodyguard. He followed her as if she was risking her life in everything she did.

          Sarah threw a towel in her face, frowning. "You're talking about my brother, girl. He may be addicted to drugs, but he's. . . He's nice. Well, sometimes."

          "Sometimes which boils down to never, or just to Eden. She's his little darling. Huh, Ed'?"

          She hated when Drea did that. When she was right and Eden couldn't answer anything, but only lie as always. By being Kook, that's what everyone does. They lie. They all lie. They may seem like a big family full of rich people, but in fact they seek the respect they deserve every day, and they end up finding it by lying.

"Rafe is nothing but flirtation to me, I won't make him the love of my life." She answered, not even knowing if her answer answered what Drea had said, she just wanted to avoid the details. "Whatever. I'm gonna get me a cocktail. Want one?" They nodded, then Eden turned her back on them and went away.

She felt the gazes of the boys on her body only covered with a white shirt over her pink bikini, but she didn't really pay attention. She just wanted to drink that cocktail as soon as possible, and stop thinking so much when she should be having a blast.

Her heart was beating way too fast as she walked slowly like a turtle. Every eye she found gazing at her was like a thousand stars imprisoning her in its darkness. Her vision ended when she ran into someone's chest unintentionally. She fell easily on the ground, cursing under her breath.

"Shit, Eden." That was all the person found to say, taking her hand to help her up. She froze, recognizing that hand on her soft skin. She could recognize it even if it were destroyed, this hand was the hand she had tried to hold all her childhood.

She untangled herself from his grip, pushing him away, then slowly stood up. Eden refused to look at him, so she just turned her body to the right, finding the cocktail bar right there.

"Always so polite." He commented, the irony ringing perfectly in his voice.

She finally turned to him after ordering three cocktails, rolling her eyes. "Always so annoying. Next time watch where you're going, dumbass."

          "Not my fault you keep your pretty eyes down, Winslow." He replied, leaning against the counter and motioning for the bartender to come over to him. "Four beers. Thanks, man." The man nodded, turning to pick them up, and gave them to John Booker Routledge. "What was on your mind, huh? Rafe Cameron?"

          Eden pinched her lip, liking the way he acted when he talked about this guy. "Aw, you're jealous, JB. So cute."

"Jealous of what? Of that blond-haired jerk? Yeah, you wish." She narrowed her eyes as he gave her a smirk.

"And you would wish that you were in Rafe's place, which would allow you to spend the summer by my side. But sadly, you lost your chance, sweetheart." She replied sharply, clicking her tongue.

          As he was about to answer, his breath hitched when someone came up behind him, throwing his arm over his shoulders. "Dude, we're waiting for you. Pope really needs a beer, he's flirting with a girl and tha. . ." The blond's gaze fell on Eden, and a smile appeared instantly. "There's my princess Kook!"

          He released John B, and threw himself to surround the girl with his arms. She remained surprised, but a small smile formed on her face. JJ Maybank was probably the one who resented Eden the least for leaving and dropping them. Their relationship remained intact, although she spent far more time with the Kooks than with him ( and the Pogues ). He was the only one who really cared about her since she had changed sides, the only one who came to see her when he met her at the beach, like now.

          JJ pulled away from her, laughing like crazy. "That's Eden, man! Your ex best friend, and ex fake girlfriend. Funny, isn't it?"

          John B scratched the back of his head, nodding uneasily while Eden sighed, taking the cocktails in her hands. "Do you want help?" A voice behind her startled her. And here it is again, always. Rafe took two drinks in his hands, and left the others to Eden, then his gaze fell on the two Pogues. "Do you need anything, Pogues?"

          John let his gaze wander between Rafe and Eden, then he sneered irritably. "Cool to see you, pretty girl. Next time try not to run into this." He added, circling his chest, causing her to roll her eyes sharply.

          They left with their beers, joining Pope and Kiara. "We're doing a mini surf competition, come if you want!" The blonde offered, shrugged, raising an eyebrow, then turned to continue walking.

          A smirk appeared on her face as Rafe was confused as always when he saw her talking to the Pogues. "I don't understand why you talk to them."

          She exhaled, dropping her head and rolling it. "I don't talk to them, they talk to me. Not the same thing."

          Rafe stopped to look at the Pogues in the distance, leaving Eden to walk alone to the deckchairs, and he met John B's gaze. He frowned, before making the decision to just turn around and join his friends. It wasn't in his habit to do nothing when a guy got too close to his crush, but he knew that if he fought with John B, all his chances with Eden would no longer exist ( even if they never existed ).

          Eden gave the cocktails to Sarah and Drea, and Rafe gave her hers. She had taken one for Josie, but she still hadn't come back, her shot had probably worked with the guy.

          "Um. . . They're making a surf competition across the beach." Eden began to speak, the cocktail hovering over her shiny lips because of her lip gloss. "Why not going, and win?"

          Eden was surely one of the best surfers in the Outer Banks. She had learned to surf with JJ and John B at the age of seven, and never stopped doing it even when she was no longer frequented the two boys.

          "Oh, my God! Yeah, you will, sweetie." Drea was the first to react, abruptly rising from her chair. "We're gonna show to these Pogues who the bosses are on this island." Eden frowned, while the girl smiled even more. Sarah and all the boys ( Rafe, Topper, Kelce, and Noah Winslow ) grew close to the two girls, already loving the idea. "You're gonna win this, Ed'."

          Topper chuckled, attracting everyone's attention. "Very funny. Eden may be good, but she won't win. She didn't even stand on a board properly."

          Eden's face remained fixed on the mama's boy, the competition reading in his eyes. "Do you wanna bet, Toppy?" He rolled his eyes at the nickname, but crossed his arms anyway, looking anything but provocative. "The one who loses must get a dick tattooed in the place where the winner chooses."

          "Oh, yeah. Go, sista!" Noah screamed, and just then, Eden knew he was drunk. "Whoo!" Drea punched in his chest to shut him up, giving him a death stare. "Sorry. Whoo. . ."

Eden looked back at Topper, smirking. "So, Top?" She said, waiting for him to take her hand and squeeze it in agreement. She knew exactly what she was doing. The one who couldn't stand on a board here, it's him. Eden was not going to lose against him, she couldn't.

Topper finally took the hand, squeezing it. "May the best win." The girls skipped beside Eden, each holding an arm.


IT WAS NOT EVEN A REAL COMPETITION, just two people jumping into the sea at the same time, and the winner won if he or she caught the first wave. They choose who they want to compete against, then they wait their turn. Eden found that odd, seeing that it was JJ who was in charge of managing this competition. He wrote down the names of the participants, and gave them a place to go, but Eden knew him better than that. He did that because he knew there were beautiful girls, so he took the opportunity to flirt. Like what, JJ Maybank is never serious.

Eden and Topper were the next to go, and she saw how stressed he was. As for her, she remained very calm, holding her a soft pink surfboard between her arm and her hip. She was never impressed or scared of Topper Thornton's wealth and reputation. The perfect boy who succeeded in everything, she didn't give a fuck.

"Hey, Top," She spoke, turning her head towards him. "Don't worry. I'll give you some chances." He gave a fake smile, as she tried to hold back her laughter. Her adrenaline rushed seeing all the people around her, clapping their hands, ready to see a show. That's what she was going to do, give them the best show of their goddamn lives.

"Whoo, let's go, Eden!" Josie yelled, the same boy from earlier by her side. She waved at them, laughing.

          A boy came to stand between them, examining the boards. "It's okay, John B. Get your hands off my board, dirty Pogue. We're not cheating, calm down." Topper said, pushing him away.

          "It's okay, dear prince. I didn't mean to disrespect you, Toppy." JB answered, examining Eden's board.

          Topper gasped, "What the hell did you do, Eden? You told them all to call me. . . Toppy?"

          Eden held back her laughter, like John B, then looked away. It could be that when they were hanging out together, Eden and John gave a nickname to each of the Kooks they hated. Topper was first on the list, so the first to get a nickname that earns him the ridicule he deserves. She was still surprised that he remembered that.

          "Good luck to both of you." John B sighed, and gave Eden a wink when he met her eyes. She rolled her eyes, and prepared to run to the ocean first. "Ready, set. . . Go!" He hissed between his fingers, giving the signal and the two Kooks ran towards the blue water.

Barely feet in the cold water, Eden jumped directly onto her board on her stomach. Topper watched what she did, and jumped on it too. She moved her arms in time, stepping a little further before stopping and sitting down on her board. Her eyes circled as she tried to find a wave. The scream of her name on the beach entered her ears, like she was the only winner there could be on OBX.

A smile settled on her face when she saw the big wave coming in the distance. She didn't even give an arrogant look to Topper ( who was amusingly running his hand through his hair, too sure of himself ), then lay down on the board and moved her hands as fast as possible to catch the wave before him. When the wave was close enough, Eden got on her feet, and took this magnificent wave. She let herself be controlled by the softness of this wave while keeping her balance. She saw out of the corner of her eye, Topper hitting the water, which made her laugh.

          She did a simple Roller before the wave started to rise, and made a hole for her to enter. She picked it up, receiving droplets of water falling on her, as she half-crouched on her board. When she reached the end of the wave, she let herself fall into the water.

          She knew she had won, but what was even funnier was that Topper was going to have to get a dick tattooed. She returned to the beach with a big smile, running towards her friends who were still clapping at the same time with laughter.

          "That's bullshit! She cheated, dammit!" Topper exclaimed, frustration ringing in his tone. Eden and the girls laughed at his reaction, looking at him stupidly.

          Drea clapped her hands, excited. "So? Where he's going to get a dick tattooed?"

          Eden pressed her lips together, trying to keep her laughter in her mouth, and Sarah understood immediately. "Aren't you serious? My boyfriend's gonna get a dick tattooed on his ass?"

          Josie put her hand over her mouth, gasping. "Ain't no way! He'll never accept." Eden shrugged before making her way to Topper who was still crying like a baby, moving his arms all sides as if pointing at invisible things, Kelce listening to him talking while Rafe and Noah had disappeared ( and Eden knew for what, for the drugs ).

          "Hey, Top! You are—"

          "Shut up, Eden." Topper cut her off in her words, turning too quickly, which caused his fist to land on Eden's cheek.

          Silence was heard around her, all eyes on her. Sarah ran towards Topper, starting to yell at him, while Eden held her cheek. Why did every good thing have to end badly, and why that idiot Topper Thornton is such a bad loser, damn?!

As people started to crowd around her and Topper, a boy came up to her again, holding out his hand for the second time. She hated John B for being there for her, despite not wanting him. She hated that he was always there to protect her, always the first to intervene when it came to her. She hated him for real.

But she still took JB's hand in hers this time. He picked her up, placing his hand on her back to hold her. "You okay?"

She growled, "Argh, it's fine, no need to be dramatic. I can easily kick that asshole." She backed away from John B, leaving him confused, then walked over to Topper. Eden didn't even bother to warn him, took the collar of his t-shirt in her hand, turned him towards her and hit him in the face with her fist, as he did.

          Sounds of startled people were heard, as Topper held his cheek. "What the fuck, Eden! Are you crazy?"

          She acted like she was shocked, leaving her mouth in an 'o' shape. "Whoops. I guess we're even now, dipshit." He looked at her with a look of rage as she smirked, ignoring Sarah who was in shock herself. "Oh, and don't forget to tattoo a dick on your ass, Top!"

With that, she grabbed her surfboard and made her way away from the herd of people still around Topper.

She had warned him. She was going to win, she couldn't lose.

She was never really competitive, and was never mean, but Topper was the limit for Eden Winslow. She hated this guy. She hated him even more than John B, because towards him it was true pure hatred. For John B, it was just a way of trying to live without him and never think about him.

But. . . Like today, and all the days of his life, JB would be there looking and seeking for his Eden, even if he preferred to ignore her as she did.


authors note: OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!! FIRST CHAP FINALLY OUT!! i'm so freakin excited for this fic like you don't understand iaksnnsndjjdks

best friends to ennemis to lovers is one of the best trope, HEAR ME OUT 😱😱

sooo... just like that, eden?? she's amazing, isn't she?? tell me your opinions about her <3

and i'm so sorry for the wait for this chap, i just restarted four times because i didn't like it. so, i really hope you like it guys, and welcome to my fanfic with jb my lover boy!!

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