The land of the Renegades: A...

By IonelaRadu2

42 5 1

My story begins with Eva, a 15-year-old girl, living a normal life. On the evening of her 16th birthday, she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 24

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By IonelaRadu2

  The time with him was over, and I woke up from my sleep. But not before I tell him how much I love him and how much I will miss him.

  He replied the same and told me that he couldn't wait for the moment when he would return home.

  I was amazed at how sure he was that he would come back but when I asked him how he was so sure of that, he said he wasn’t sure but this is his biggest wish.

  Maybe he expected me to do something? I had no solutions to help him, I didn't know what to do.

  At the same time, I didn't want to disappoint him either. Or maybe he had a plan? I didn't see a way to escape from there either. I assumed we would let time tell us the way.

  When I opened my eyes I was much calmer. The longing for him was still there, but I had to fulfill his wish: to get up and move on.

   After all, an entire community was counting on me and I wasn't going to let anyone down.

   I got out of bed, tidied up the room a bit and decided it was time to take care of myself a little.

  I showered and got dressed in some clothes I adored: a purple backless T-shirt and a fitted white knee-length skirt.

  On top of that, of course, I put on Caleb's black leather jacket. I wanted to feel him as close to me as possible when I would speak in front of this small community for the first time in six months.

   I put my hair in a ponytail, put on a little makeup and was ready to go.

  I knew I would find Caty in the office, and she was the first person I needed to talk to.

  I entered the office easily and she, along with Karina, were amazed when they saw me. I gave them a little smile and they jumped into my arms.

  - How glad we are that you are here! Caty exclaimed. And happy birthday! You look amazing.

  - We know you don't want a party and stuff like that, but we bought a cake that we want you to receive, said Karina. We didn't tell the others about your birthday, but we wanted to do a nice little gesture.

  -You are the best! I exclaimed. I am very lucky to have such friends.

  -You look so good, I think you've recovered, at least a little, said Caty. Do you think you are ready to take on your leadership duties? Everyone knows you're the one Caleb trusts the most and everyone relies on you.

  -Before that I wanted to talk to you. I had a more special dream last night that seemed very real. I dreamed of Caleb saying it was real and I finally got to talk to him. What do you think? Is it possible that he was real?

  - Yes, I think he was real, Karina intervened. On special occasions, demons may allow the consciousness of the people there to meet the consciousness of their loved one. Most likely in a dream, or when they are in a coma.

  - I'm glad you support me. He was the one who gave me the strength to get out of bed and go on, but now I need you more than ever. You took care of these people while I tried to self-destruct...

  -About that... Caty said. I'm so sorry I didn't let you be near him, but we couldn't afford to lose you too. If that happened, Caleb's sacrifice would have been for nothing. You are the only person who can help us fulfill our destiny.

  -Now I know. I understand and I know it was very stupid to think about it. I wasn't thinking clearly anymore, I'm sorry.

  - It's alright, we're here for you. But before we join the others, there's one more thing you need to know: we have new colleagues!

  -How? Seriously? I can't wait to meet them!

  - More precisely, there are two teenagers: a girl and a boy. They grew up in an orphanage and when they got out, they committed horrible crimes. When I heard about these unusual murders, I immediately knew what they were and went looking for them. I found them, I told them about the fact that they are special, about me and about the community I belong to. It was hard to convince them to come here, but in the end they agreed. Now it is your duty to tell them about our great mission.

  -Good. Well, I know exactly how they feel, so I'd like to talk to them separately first.

  - I think it's a very good idea. We are going right now to call them.

  The two left and I was left alone, thinking about what to say to them, how to talk to them.

  Then I realized that it's better to tell them what comes to my mind then, at the moment, because it will come from the heart.

  After all, only someone who has been through similar situations can understand them.

  At one point the two entered the door, timidly.

  The girl was a very beautiful creature. She was blonde, with subtly wavy hair, eyes bluer than the sea, and on her face I could see all the innocence in the world.

  It is very ironic since she was a maenad.

   Maenads are said to believe themselves to be the brides of Dionysus. These were possessed by a mystical rage, causing them to enter a state of ecstasy and frenzy.

  In this state they did all kinds of heinous things, participated in uncontrolled sexual activities, performed all kinds of rituals dismembering animals, sometimes even people and devouring their raw flesh.

  With all the innocence on her face, you wouldn't have thought she was capable of such terrible things, but, most of the time, appearances are deceiving.

  The boy was equally handsome. He was red-haired, had freckles, green eyes (I rarely saw this combination of red hair with green eyes), but he didn't look so innocent.

  He was a combination of a goblin and a fairy. The two species are not exactly the best of friends, in fact they don't get along at all.

  He, along with many others here, is the clear example that love always wins, regardless of the supernatural species.

  He looked like a goblin except for the height. He had pointed ears and teeth, but was of normal height for a boy his age.

  The powers, however, belonged to his mother. He had his mother's light, but his father's drive and character.

  From what I understand from them, the girl was at a party where she had a little too much to drink and lost control.

   The party immediately turned into an orgy, and at one point, into carnage.

  People had completely black eyes and took great pleasure in hitting or tearing off certain parts of their bodies, such as fingers, tongues, or even genitals.

  She knew she caused it because she could feel her influence taking over everyone and it was like she could control them.

  The boy's case would not have been so terrifying if it was a simple theft.

  The goblin impulse drove him to rob a bank where there was a lot of gold.

  The problem was that when he smelled all that gold, he went crazy and started killing everyone around to make sure that no one and nothing could stop him from taking the gold.

  Luckily Caty found the two in time, before the human police found them, or worse, the Council.

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