The Young Queen of Red River...

By xxsweetdreamsxx

978 50 85

Hyper, unlady-like, spoiled, and noisy 16 year old Beth had always dreamed of becoming something more human... More

Chapter 2

The Young Queen of Red River Valley

668 31 52
By xxsweetdreamsxx

ok, this is my first story! E-V-E-R! so give me a chance. you know? 'GIVE SUGAR A CHANCE! GIVE SUGAR A CHANCE!' hallelujah! Anyway, pls vote, fan, comment, tweet, like and do whatever you want! I mean, you can even eye rape this story! :D

have fun reading!

Chapter 1

My little pink pony - I mean, big black horse galloped as we sped towards the stables at home. "Go Ponini! Faster! Mother is going to kill us - wait! scratch that, she's going to fry me if we don't arrive home just in time for lunch so gallop Ponini! Gallop!" I yelled through the wind.

Ponini galloped faster and wind blowed my strawberry blonde hair into different directions. I grinned and let go of Ponini. And shit, I fell. You see, I wasn't wearing any harness or bullshit. I was just simply sitting above Ponini.

I groaned and looked up and found my sister Maria looking down at me - her arms crossed above her skin-attached-melons. I grinned at her and got up. I didn't know Ponini and I were already at home. Wow, the horse is fast!

She sighed. "Go catch your horse before it gets lost. I'll think of some excuse for mother," she said and turned around to go inside the house.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed and chased Ponini who was galloping towards the stables. When she stopped, I hurriedly grabbed onto her and led her inside. I patted her back and said, "Now that was very bad of you to let me fall down but what can I say, you don't think!" I laughed and led her inside her room.

With a kiss on her muzzle, I left her and sprinted towards the dining room. I dusted off my dress and let the butler open the double door for me.

"Your Highness," he said and bowed.

"Yo!" I replied and sat down beside my mother.

She glared at me. "Sorry?" I muttered. She sighed and looked at me pleadingly.

"When will you learn, darling? That was so unlady-like," she said and shook her head.

I blew my bangs out of my eyes and said, "I'm sorry, okay? Now, if you don't mind - I'd like to eat now."

My mother shook her head once more and we - me, mother, and Maria - ate in silence. Mother is a very strict person but even though she is like that, I still love her. I know I don't act like I love her but believe me, I do. It's just that I'm too cool to act like one. Hehe. I'm so awesome.

After eating, my mother told us to stay gathered around the table because father was arriving with a news. I hope it's good! Maybe he'll tell me that I'll finally get to leave Red River Valley! Wohoo!

The double door opened and my father came in. "Papa," I said and grinned at him.

He smiled and kissed the top of my head. "Hello my pretty lady," he said.

"Oh papa, you flatter me too much!" I said and grinned.

My father kissed Maria and mother and sat down on his chair and looked at us with a smile. Oh dang! This is going to be great! I bet FluffyCheesecakeTurtle - my turtle stuff toy - will jump and down in delight when he hears this news! "So...... What's the news?" I asked excited.

Dad cleared his throat. "The Queen," he started. Oh My Holy Puffy Purple Cheeks! "Invited us to come over tomorrow evening at the palace."

I squealed. "You're joking, right?" The Queen was the Queen - duh! Well, she's just perfect. She's pretty, elegant, nice and most of all she's a freaking vampire!

I know, a vampire. Red River Valley is the largest Kingdom in the whole world and the Royalties are vampires. Other Kingdoms are led by Wolves, Fairies, Shapeshifters and Fallen Angels. Anyway, it is always a great honor to meet one of the Royalties in any Kingdom so I'm kinda hyped about this.

For more information about this, humans can be turned into vampires. But it rarely happens since most of the time, the Queen doesn't give her consent to it. What a shame! I'd really like to be a vampire.

But sometimes, there are rare occasions that the Queen let some humans become vampires. Wealthy and powerful humans in the society gets that privilege so I'm not losing hope here! Yay! As you can see, my father is a baron and my mother is the baroness - duh! So, hello 50-50 chance to me! What if the Queen wanted to see us because she wants to turn us into vampires? That would be epic!

"But why?" my lovely mother asked.

My father grinned until I was sure that if he grins anymore further, his cheeks will be tear apart and I'll have to sew them. Eww. "Well, the Queen wanted to arrange something," he said.

"What is it?" I asked - jumping up and down in my chair with my butt.

"Maria and the Prince's marriage," he stated matter of factly.

Maria screamed in delight! That was so awesome! Maria is going to marry the Prince! Hello 80% chance! I hugged my sister in delight and we spun around.

"My sister's going to be a Princess and soon to be Queen!" I squealed.

"Ladies," my mother said. We fell silent. "Sit down." We sat down. "Go upstairs now and relax - sleep and get your clothes ready for tomorrow. I want you all to be stunning, especially you Maria."

We nodded and ran to the stairs. My mother called me and I stopped midstep.

"Yes mother?"

"You're going to marry someone as great as the Prince too some day," she said and smiled.

I smiled. Oh I wish I would. I don't know the Prince personally but rumor says he's handsome and kind. Some even says he looks like an angel and that he's perfect. Ah, it would be epic to marry someone like him!

"And oh Beth, I want you to wear the gown I bought you last week," she added.

"The Italian Nude one?" I asked.

She nodded and turned to father. They started talking so I went upstairs and collapsed in my bed. Things are turning out great. I'm so close to my dream. Plus, I'm sure I'm going to be a vampire someday. When Maria becomes Queen, I'll just have to beg her and she'll eventually agree.

I can't wait for tomorrow.


I stared at the mirror and grinned at my sister. "You look amazing," I said.

"And so are you," she smiled at me.

"Nah, I look nothing compared to you," I disagreed. "Look at you, you look like an angel. I bet the Prince will fall in love with you when he sees you!"

She blushed. "Beth, don't flatter me too much!"

We laughed. Our laughs were then cut off because of Maria's phone. It was ringing. She looked at the screen and smiled sheepishly. "It's Sabrina. We're supposed to meet up tonight but I forgot to tell her I can't make it. Oh how stupid of me," she said.

"Forget about her. You're going to be the Queen! You know that right? Oh my gosh! My sister, the Queen! Then I'll be the Royal sister! Imagine Maria!" I said in delight.

There was a knock on the door. "Your Highnesses, My Lord already wishes for you to come down and join him in the car," a maid when I opened the door.

I nodded. "We're on our way."


The palace was so huge! It was the biggest place I've ever seen!

We lounged in the study while we wait for the Queen and Prince. Suddenly, I had this urge to go pee. So I excused myself and went to hunt for the bathroom. When I found it, I almost screamed in victory. I so needed to pee!

After my uhm - whatever, I went back to the study but my parents and Maria weren't there anymore. Ah shit, where are they?

I started running in circles while lifting my gown. Where to go? Where to go? Where to freaking to go?

"Uhm, Your Highness?" someone asked behind me.

"Yes?" I asked - still running around the room. I was panicking. Oh darn it. I'm lost! I was sure they were just here!

Someone grabbed my arm and stopped me from doing my ritual when I'm panicked. "Thank you," I muttered. "Now, do you have any idea where my parents are?" I asked the guy who helped me with my dilemma.

He pointed at the huge door in front of us. "They are behind those doors, my lady," he said.

"Oh," I said as my eyes widened. "Thank you."

I ran my hands down my gown and gulped. Yes, this is now or never. I'm going to meet the Queen and I'm going to ask her to turn me into a vampire. This is my freaking holy fudge ball chance!

Two guards opened the room and I glided in.

My parents, Maria, the Queen and the Prince was still standing when I entered. I curtsied and smiled. "Gosh, I'm so sorry I was late. I got lost! Phew! Thank the pigs in the pigpen that you have the most awesome butler ever!" I exclamied.

There was an awkward silence. Uh, wait? What did I do? Oh bollocks! What I just said was so inappropriate and unlady-like! Ah! I wanna cut off my balls now! Shit! I don't have balls.

Their jaws were still on the ground as I tried to think of something that'll break the tension. I noticed one little pink smurf with wide eyes instead of forming an 'O' with his mouth. How epic, he finds me ridiculous. Good job Beth! Good job! You just made yourself worthy of marrying Ponini or even FluffyCheesecakeTurtle!

Then suddenly, he took a step towards me.

Shit. I'm a dead bird.


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Love lots purple muffins! this is Sugar, saying hey hey! xx

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