Vicious || Aomine D.

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[ Aomine x OC ] "Love is vicious, it tears you apart as soon as you start to believe you could have it all." ... Більше



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[ Fucking amazing ]


"You," the ref pointed a finger at Riyo, "are banned from all Winter Cup games, effective immediately."

Her face fell. She hadn't thought it through. Hadn't even considered the consequences of her actions before slapping Hanamiya. Luckily, she wasn't a player and Seirin's success didn't depend on her. They would still win. She just couldn't be there to cheer them on.

"Wait. Kirisaki Daiichi has been playing a dirty game the entire time, injuring Seirin players worse than what she did and you're banning her from watching the tournament? Come on. There have to be security cameras or something that would prove exactly the kind of shit they're pulling and how incapable you've been at stopping them," Aomine said, staring down at the ref, using his height to his advantage.

"I'll leave the bench and go to the stands. If you let me stay, I promise I won't cause any more trouble," Riyo pleaded, going along with Aomine's insane plan.

The referee shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "This is your first incident..."

"Please," said Riyo.

The ref sighed heavily. "Fine. But if there's a single complaint about you, even if it's just someone shorter sitting behind you not being able to see the game, I will kick you out of this stadium and you'll never come back. Am I clear?"

Riyo nodded. The ref glanced at her disapprovingly one more time before disappearing in the direction Kirisaki Daiichi had gone to a minute ago. The Seirin boys who had been watching the situation unfold also trickled out the door and toward the locker rooms. In passing Kagami offered his fist to Riyo which she bumped with hers. A secret Atta girl! if there ever was one. There was also a tense glare between Kagami and Aomine as he passed but it could've been worse.

"I didn't see that coming," Aomine said. The corners of his lips twitched upward but he wasn't quite smiling.

Riyo couldn't believe she'd slapped Hanamiya in the face in the middle of the stadium where everybody could see. It felt like a faraway dream.

"To be fair, neither did I," she said running a hand through her hair, in disbelief.

The smile on Aomine's face broke free. "I'm proud of ya, Ri-chan."

His words sent a warm fluttery feeling through Riyo and her cheeks heated. She walked out of the court with Aomine following close behind.

"I can't believe I just did that." Riyo spun around to face Aomine. "And you! I didn't know you were here. And when did you get from the stands to the court?"

He shrugged. "I didn't like the way he was looking at you."

"So you sprinted from the audience to my aid?"

In one swift motion, Aomine scooped Riyo up in his arms and spun her around. She let out a small squeal as she flung her arms around his neck for support. The look in his deep blue eyes made her heart beat faster. She landed softly on the balls of her feet when he set her down.

"I'll always come running for you," he said, leaning in close. His breath was warm against her skin. "You're my girl. My person. My best friend. I'll never let anyone hurt you again."

Her breath hitched. They hadn't exactly spoken the words yet even though they'd been spending more time together. She'd even had dinner at his house when he'd been dogsitting Iverson, and like always, his family had made her feel right at home. Her heart fluttered as she replayed his words in her head. His girl, his person. Riyo could get used to hearing that, and if she dared to admit it to herself, she felt the same way about him. She'd been feeling it for a long time.

She melted into him, her body pressing against his as a soft smile curved her lips. "You're my person too."

Riyo closed the distance between them, her mouth covering his. The kiss was soft and sweet until her lips parted and his tongue tangled with hers. His hands on her waist pulled her closer.

"Oi! This is a public space, you know!"

The sudden sound had them breaking apart instantly. Riyo was blushing as she took in Kise and Satsuki. Kise was scratching the back of his head, avoiding looking directly at them while Satsuki was grinning at them like a lunatic.

"I'm so happy for you two!" she exclaimed before flinging her arms around the two of them pulling them into a group hug. "I've waited so long for this," she said when she pulled back.

"Shut up," Aomine grumbled.

Riyo threw her head back with a laugh. The moment reminded her of the old times when the three of them used to hand out like that all the time. Minus the kissing of course.

"Uhh... So, this is new?" Kise said, still awkwardly standing there, a little unsure of where to look.

Riyo walked over and ruffled his hair. "You're so cute."

"Hey!" Aomine protested, scowling at Kise who took a not-so-discreet step away from Riyo.

Satsuki giggled and poked Aomine in the shoulder. "Are you jealou--"

"No," he denied a little too quickly.

Satsuki raised her brows at him. "Oh, shut up!"

Kise let out a nervous laugh while warily glancing at Aomine. "When exactly did this happen?" He motioned between Riyo and Aomine.

"A few weeks ago when I got injured at the street tournament," Riyo explained.

Kise's eyes widened. "You got injured?"

She winced. "Yeah... It was actually a similar game to today. The opposing team was playing dirty, so I subbed in for Teppei. Got into it with their point guard and got my knee twisted. Nothing too serious."

"He injured you on purpose because you were kicking his ass on the court," Aomine threw in, residual anger lingering in his tone.

Kise raised his brows in question. "He did?"

"Like I said, it was a dirty game," Riyo said, shrugging it off. No use in getting upset over it. Again.

"You always were protective of the people you cared about," Kise pointed out, shifting the conversation. "Speaking of... I can't believe you slapped Hanamiya! That looked, and sounded, painful." He pulled a face, probably imagining what kind of a sting her palm had left.

"You were amazing! He totally had it coming," Satsuki gushed.

Riyo hid her face in her hands. "I don't know what came over me. I'm usually way more controlled than that."

Aomine threw an arm over her shoulders. "I agree with Satsuki. You were fucking amazing."

Leaning her head against his chest, Riyo relaxed. With him there, it was as if nothing bad could ever happen. No matter who she slapped, he'd stand by her "Without you, I would've been banned from entering the stadium for the rest of my life."

"Maybe for the Winter Cup," he agreed with a chuckle.


Aomine lead Riyo into the stands to watch the second half of the game since she was no longer allowed to sit on the team bench. Unfortunately, there were no available seats left where he was leading her. Well, there was one but considering there were two of them, it wouldn't be enough. And because it was just her luck, the seat was between Imayoshi and Satsuki. The latter of which kept smirking at Riyo as if she knew something she didn't.

"Aomine-kun?" Riyo asked and instantly caught her mistake as his shoulders tensed. He hated when she called him that.


"I don't know where you think you're going but there's no room for me here," she said, pushing past the tinge of guilt she felt for using his last name.

He plopped down in the available seat and patted his thigh. "Yes, there is."

His expression was pure evil in Riyo's opinion.

"No way. Nah-ah. I'm not doing it," she declined the idea instantly.

Satsuki clasped a hand over her mouth but her shoulders were shaking.

Traitorous woman.

"Come on." Aomine leveled her with a daring look while Riyo was racking her brain for other options.

She could always leave and go home but she wanted to be there for her team and watch the rest of the game. She could climb higher into the stands looking for a free seat or just stand by the door...

"Just sit down," Imayoshi ordered shooting her a sideways glance. "You're blocking the people behind us."

While Riyo was distracted checking for disgruntled people in the audience, Aomine reached for her waist and pulled her into his lap. She tried to wriggle out of his hold but he hugged her tighter against him.

"Stop moving," he whispered in her ear. "Or we're gonna have a whole different kind of a problem."

Riyo stopped instantly, her face suddenly hot from thinking about what he was insinuating. Yeah, that would be no good at all here.

"You're the one who took me prisoner, Ahomine," she argued, refusing to let him see how flustered she was.

His chuckle was soft against her ear. "Does that mean I can tie you up and have my way with you?"

It was a stroke of luck that Riyo wasn't drinking water or a soda or anything, because if she had she definitely would've choked on it and died on the spot. She could've sworn her heart actually stopped beating for a second.

Satsuki ended up in a coughing fit, a water bottle in her hand. Apparently, she hadn't been quite as lucky. After she cleared her throat, her voice still hoarse, she said, "You do know we can hear you, right?"

Riyo was wrong. Satsuki wasn't unlucky, she was the lucky one. Because Riyo was so embarrassed she wished she had been the one drinking water so she would've actually died and wouldn't have had to face Satsuki or Imayoshi or anyone else ever again.

"Thank you," Imayoshi said to Satsuki from the other side of Riyo and Aomine.

Kill me now. Please.

"I should've gone home," Riyo muttered, twisting in Aomine's lap so she could bury her face in his shirt. She breathed in his scent but it was little comfort.

He laughed, his body shaking beneath her. The sound made her feel slightly better, it always did. "I hate you," she mumbled into his shirt but her words lacked intention.

He ran his hand gently through her hair before saying with a smile in his voice, "No you don't."

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