A Soul To Servitude (Fgo x Ma...

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For as long as you can remember you have served under someone whether it be a king or queen general or captai... Más

Part 1: Disaster At Chaldea
Part 2: City In Ruins
Part 3: The Trouble Ahead
Part 4: A Friend Long Ago
Part 6: A Duel of Spirits
Part 7: The Future

Part 5: The Sound Of Metal

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In the land of Britannia, the Iceni tribe in Eastern Britain was one of the eleven Celtic tribes that allied themselves with the powerful Roman Empire, under their king Prasutagus and his young wife, Boudica.

The royal couple was blessed with two healthy daughters, and for a time, there was peace. Such a bright and beautiful future one could only hope for the best. However, the king became ill.

Hoping to protect his people, he came up with a plan for his daughters and the Roman Emperor Nero to become co-rulers of Iceni... then he passed away.

This brings us to now. It's been a while since the plan was delivered to Rome, yet they haven't responded yet. So this leads to paranoia and concern from the people of Iceni. To put an end to the rise of concern, a soldier stepped forth and decided to make a journey to Rome and see what has happened.

Let's begin.

3rd P.O.V


The horse cried and struggled as it moved against the man back and forth.

???: "Stop being such a brat and let me put this on you!"

The man shouted at the animal, only to receive another neigh in defiance. The horse struggled against him.

???: "You're such a baby when it comes to long trips."

Woman: "Maybe it's a sign not to leave?"

Turning around, the man saw a woman standing before him. She had scarlet hair and teal eyes. She sported a kind smile, one that would warm the coldest of hearts. A red cloak draped over her body, and she wore a red skirt and white corset.

???: "Boudica."

The man said before kneeling down to the ground. His head lowered down as if he wasn't deserving to look up at her.

Boudica: "Come on, stand up (Y/n). I don't know why you insist on doing this display."

The man wore interwoven metal plates over chainmail and blue cloth, topped by a visored armet helmet made to protect against a stray arrow or blade strike. The partial plate is segmented along the torso, arm, and leg joints to provide great dexterity while still granting plenty of protection in balance.

(Y/n): "My apologies. It's just something I was accustomed to over the years. It seems like I can't break that habit."

He stood up and readjusted himself. "Come to see me off?" He questioned in a friendly manner. Boudica only shook her head in a 'No'.

Boudica: "I was hoping you would stay."

(Y/n): "I sadly can't... Iceni deserves an answer from Rome."

Boudica: "Perhaps they are just a little late in sending their messenger?"

(Y/n): "Maybe, but it would put Iceni at ease if we could at least get some sort of confirmation or agreement to Prasutagus' letter."

Boudica: "But why you? The journey to Rome is a dangerous one. Why not send another?"

(Y/n): "I'm the one going because said journey is dangerous. It would be difficult for the average soldier."

Boudica: "I suppose you're right. I'm just worried that something might happen."

(Y/n): "Worry not. I'll be back before you can say curds & pump-"

Boudica: "Pumpernickel..."

Boudica finished your sentence with a smile on her face. You could only gaze at her face. You cherished everything about this woman. Her smile her voice her appearance her personality...

(Y/n): "Ahem.. I uh guess I should get going."

Flashback Over

-(Y/n) P.O.V-

The archer's gaze held onto mine. We circled around each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. My sword dug into the ground as I dragged it with me.

I turn my gaze to the group I've been following. "It's time we part ways," I solemnly say.

Ritsuka: "Are you sure?"

(Y/n): "Yes, go forward and take care of the anomaly. I shall take care of this man."

Mash: "Is this goodbye?"

(Y/n): "Goodbye's no. Think of this as a 'see you later'..."

And with that, Mash nodded her head, and the group you've accompanied were off to stop this event. Too bad the Archer had other plans.

Archer: "You're not going anywhere!"

The Archer releases an arrow from his bow, and as it flew, aiming straight for Ritsuka, but instead of piercing the flesh of a woman, it clanked and fell against the rusted metal plate of the knight.

(Y/n): "This is a battle between you and me!"

I lunge forward, my sword whistling through the air. Archer swiftly evades, narrowly avoiding the blade.

Our dance of battle begins, each move calculated and precise. Archer fluidly dodges my attacks, rolling and gracefully sliding under my swings. And with his expert archery skills, he sends a volley of arrows towards me.

Archer: "Can that rusted metal handle this?!"

I parry Archer's arrows with my sword, my strength still evident despite the decayed armor. Gritting my teeth, I begin to speak.

(Y/n): "My armor may be rusted, yet your mind and heart are far worse! You've lost yourself."

Archer: "Don't give me that crap."

The Archer's eyes gleam with determination as he retreats, creating distance between us. He pulls an arrow, its tip glowing with an ethereal light.

Archer: "Don't start with any heroic speech and believe it will stop me from killing you! So stop while you're ahead!"

Archer releases the glowing arrow, soaring through the air with uncanny speed. I raise my sword to defend, but the arrow pierces through my weakened armor, leaving a radiant burst of red light.

I stumble backward, gasping for breath. The blast caused severe damage, but determination flashes in my eyes. With a roar of defiance, I charge forward, swinging my sword with renewed effort.

Archer: "I can't tell if you're rusty or you just want me to kill you."

The Archer's weapon dematerializes as if it never existed. In its place are two twin short swords. He blocks my sword from slicing through him.

The metals of the swords scrape against each other. Before I could take any actions, the Archer vanished into thin air. I was now alone in the cave, or so it would seem.

My training kicked in, and in an instant, I parried the blows with calculated precision. Sparks ignited with each collision. The clashing of steel echoed through the cave as the duel intensified.

The Archer revealed himself once again.

(Y/n): "Am I still rusty?"

Archer: "I don't know. You tell me?"

What could he possibly mean? Right as I finish that thought, I feel my skin tear open as a gash reveals itself on the left side of my hip. He managed to hurt me. Blood spills to the ground. I can only recoil in pain as I clutch my side, hoping to stop the bleeding.

I stand back up and ready my blade. The battle must go on. I rush for a horizontal slash, only for the Archer to throw his weapons in the air. Ducking under my sword, he then grips the underside of my cloak before pulling it and me, and tossing me to a wall.

I crash into the rocks, causing smoke and dust to impede his vision. This is my moment, and my cloak will help me.

-Archer P.O.V-

The smoke conceals him. He is free to do whatever he wants, or so he thinks.

Soon enough, a rock escapes the smoke and flies, aimed straight at me. I easily slice it in half before it could reach me. Looking back at the smoke, I can see fabric impeding my vision.

The fabric wraps around my head before I feel my chest get pummeled by fists. I try to remove the fabric, yet to no avail. I feel my feet lift off from the ground before my body slams back down into it.

Archer: "That's enough!"

I use my blades to slice through the fabric, allowing me to regain my vision. There I see it. I see him standing before me.

Archer: "You know, you fight dirtier than you ever have?"

(Y/n): "I've long since changed from the man you knew."

Archer: "You certainly have your a long far cry from the knight of honor I knew maybe that just means your getting smarter?"

He closes the distance between us I throw of of my short sword at him only for him to evade it and bring his sword down on me in a vertical slash I use my other blade to stop the blow.

(Y/n): "What was the saying about old dogs and new tricks?"

I was about to retort his comment until a bright light blinded both of us the direction of it came from the caves exit when the light subsided all that was left was a faint purple glow I look back at (Y/n) only to see him still gazing at it. He attention was drawn towards it he even loosened the grip of his blade he must be concerned for his little group. I should pull it back now.

Archer: "You've come so far and now your worried about someone else."

He turns his gaze back to me but it's far too late the blade I through at him comes back like a boomerang and before he even has a chance to react it penetrates his shoulder causing him to loose grip on his sword. As the blade falls to the ground I use this chance to kick him away from it.

(Y/n) falls to the ground he tries to get up but I put my foot on his chest making him unable to move.

Archer: "Any last words?"

To be continued

(1581 words)














-(Y/n) P.O.V-

Despite the pain I'm in I grab the archer foot clench my hands on it to gain a good grip I begin to pull it off my chest my shoulder aches in pain.

(Y/n): "I'm not letting you live like this any longer corrupted a shell of your former self!"

I rise from the ground the Archer prepares himself for the climax of this battle. I grip the blade lodged into my shoulder and pull it out it hurt but I can worry about the pain later. I toss the blade to the archer as he catches it.

Archer: "Planning to fight fair?"

(Y/n): "For the Archer I once knew I shall fight you without any tricks."

I pick up my sword it's steel reflected showing my image I tilt it to the side it showed the Archer... In a few moments I will have to kill a man I called friend

(Y/n): "Do you recall the words you asked me back then?"

Archer: "Of course this I told you this holy grail was coming to an end soon and then I asked you would you be ready when all is said and done would you strike me down?"

I look at him my gaze held onto his my sword firmly grasped into my hand this battle will be decided in a few moves.

(Y/n): "Finally I'll answer it... Without hesitation!"

Archer: "All I needed to hear."

Withing moments we clashed with deadly precision. Our blades danced through the air, each strike aiming to claim the life of the other. The clash of steel resounded, echoing the intense determination.

As the duel reached its climax, our movements became faster and more calculated. Sweat trickled down the Archers brow, and their breaths grew labored. We circled each other, eyes locked, searching for any sign of weakness to exploit.

In a moment of flawlessly timed offense, the Archer lunged forward with a swift thrust, aiming to impale me his adversary. The sharp tip of his blade pierced the air, hurtling toward my chest with lethal intent.

But in a breathtaking display of skill and reflex, I evaded the imminent threat. With lightning-fast agility, I sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the lethal strike. The air whistled where the blade had sliced through mere moments before.

Time seemed to slow I was victorious, seizing the opportunity, capitalized on my opponent's exposed position. With a fluid motion, I countered, the blade finding its mark. The metal tip plunged deep into Archer's chest, impaling him with a final, fatal blow.

The Archer gasped for breath, his eyes widening in disbelief. He staggered backward, blood staining his clothes, before collapsing to the ground. He looked to me coughing up blood as he muttered something.

Archer: "D-o..Do.. you really think.....you'll be able to t-take on who awaits you?!"

The Archer struggled to speak blood drowning his lungs I didn't answer

Archer: "......Good Luck....."

And with those final words I draw out my sword from his chest as his eyes gloss over and he dematerializes I put my sword back in it's sheathe.

(Y/n): "Goodbye...."

I shouldn't keep the others waiting. I turn around to the exit of the cave and begin my journey finally this corrupted holy grail shall be put to a close.

To be continued

(2107 Words.)

Authors Note: I finally got a working computer I've loathed working on my phone but now I'll be able to enjoy writing again.

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