The Empress of his Heart

By Eclip_seria

139K 9K 1.7K

RIDHAAN VEER SHEKHAWAT A 30-year-old billionaire ruling the country with his intelligence and strategic manip... More

The Two Halves of a Puzzle


5.7K 508 90
By Eclip_seria


In a beautiful garden full of colourful flowers and swaying trees, two kids Rivaan and Sanvi were playing with a cool toy dragon, shining in the sunlight like it was real magic. With lots of giggles and whispers, they made up stories about the dragon having exciting adventures, flying high and fighting make-believe bad guys.

Sanvi laughed and danced around the dragon, imagining riding one of them while Rivaan was humming a song, watching her laugh as he made a story of an evil dragon, and represented himself as a prince, Sanvi as a princess and the toy dragon as an evil dragon. 

''Sanvi'' a voice retorted in the garden halting them, they stopped playing and saw Sanvi's mother, Mrs Mehra come running in their direction. She stopped in front of the kids and glared at both of them.  

"Sanvi, it's time to go home, Don't play with this kid again" Her mother announced firmly, her tone brooking no argument as she reached for her daughter's hand.

''Mumma, please I want to play with Riv'' Sanvi spoke, holding Rivaan's hand firmly but her mother snatched her hand harshly, as her nail scratched the fragile hand of Rivaan, leaving it all red. 

''I am telling you for the last time, don't play with this motherless kid'' she yelled at her daughter who shivered and looked at Rivaan, who was rubbing his wrist with the tears filled in his eyes as a red mark appeared on his soft skin.

''Why- why can't she play with Riv'' he spoke slowly, his eyes filled with tears as he spoke in a harsh tone. Sanvi's face fell, and disappointed tears brimmed in her bright eyes. She cast a longing glance at Rivaan, feeling bad for her new friend.

''Because I don't want my daughter to have a negative influence, you don't have a mother and God knows what your politician father taught you'' she screamed at the Rivaan, his eyes brimmed with more tears which were ready to fall any moment. 

''But she likes dragons, I share my toy with her'' Rivaan spoke as he got to know that his new friend liked the Dragon stuff toy, and that is the reason she wanted to play with him and he was even ready to share it with her. Mrs Mehra snatched that stuffed toy from him and threw it in the corner of the garden making it dirty in mud. 

''I said you can't play with my daughter and the kids of our community'' she said and was about to push Rivaan harshly. 

''Stop it'' A voice boomed and a girl reached just in time, grabbing him securely, she was none other than Risha. She and Nitya were coming from a photoshoot when they stopped the car nearby and heard all this. Rivaan looked at her and burst out crying, his lips trembling with the continuous crying, She kneeled and gobbled up him in her arms shielding him with her body. 

''What the hell is wrong with you'' Risha screamed at Mrs Mehra, who looked unbothered after causing misery to an innocent soul without any fault.'' It's none of your business'' Mrs Mehra said making Risha grit her teeth in anger. 

''It is my business and he is my family'' she said while Rivaan buried his face in Risha's shoulder, his sobs growing louder as he struggled to contain his emotions. He was never someone who cried over little things, but he felt the warmth in Risha's arms which made him feel the love he had craved for, the security he longed for. Risha wrapped her arms around him, holding him close in a comforting embrace. Her presence was a soothing balm to his wounded heart.

''Mrs Maya Mehra, you work in Allure as a Sales Marketing head'' Nitya spoke while coming into their sight, with a stern expression etched on her face, Nitya stood tall, her voice cutting through the silence like a sharp blade.

''Ma'am you here'' Mrs Mehra, her demeanour became defensive, attempted to explain, but Nitya's glare silenced her protests. ''You pushed Rivaan'' she said flaring her nose, she hates when someone touches her loved ones let alone pushes them. Though she doesn't like kids Rivaan is different she knows her best friend has a warm bond with him and so as she has become her new favourite aunt who spoils him with a lot of gifts in such a short period of span.

Mrs Mehra's facade crumbled, replaced by a flicker of guilt and remorse. "I... I didn't mean to," she stammered, her voice barely audible.

With a decisive motion, Nitya took out her phone and asked for her email, Mrs Mehra shivered and didn't say anything. ''Consequences will be worse if you won't say anything'' she said warning her of the consequences, Mrs Mehra told her email, Id and Nitya immediately forwarded a mail to her. "Consider yourself lucky Mrs Mehra, I just suspended you because my mind was to terminate you " she declared, her gaze unwavering.

''If I found you again near him, I will chop your tongues and feed them to dogs'' Risha stood up, comforting 

''As if dogs would like it, they have much better things to eat'' Nitya commented, making Mrs Mehra flare her nose in anger, she was about something but Nitya cut off her in the middle."You're suspended for a month, no leave." Mrs Mehra's eyes widened in shock, her mouth opening and closing wordlessly as the weight of Nitya's words sank in. She ran from there holding Sanvi in her arms.

As Nitya turned her attention back to Rivaan, her expression softened, a reassuring smile gracing her lips. She knelt beside him, he looked at her, and she opened her arms offering a comforting embrace as she wiped away his tears. His favourite toy lay abandoned on the ground, tossed there by a woman's careless hand. She crumbled her palm into, fist seeing tears in her marshmallow's eyes. 

 ''Give me a moment'' she mumbled and left all of a sudden leaving both of them confused and and returned with a cone of ice cream in her hand to cheer him up. "Here, A sweet ice cream for my sweet marshmallow" she spoke and handed it to Rivaan who became happy with the sight of his favourite ice cream. 

''My little baby, do you want to get new toys'' she said as he continued to chug on his ice cream, but hearing the name of new toys his eyes twinkled in excitement. He nodded exictely and gobbled up the whole ice cream in one go making it smear on his face. 

''Aww you are such a cutie'' Risha mumbled while wiping the ice cream off from his lips, Rivaan hid his face in his little hand controlling his smile. He became full red hearing her compliment, she instantly wrapped her hands around him pulling him into a hug. 

Same Night


Standing before the decrepit facade of the brothel, I felt a surge of bitter memories floods back, memories I had buried deep within me for years. The sight of the building, once a chamber of torment and suffering, now stood as a grim reminder of the pain I had endured within its walls.

As I gazed up at the faded sign, the words mocking me with their familiarity, I felt a fire ignite within me—a fire fueled by years of anguish and a desire for retribution. This place, with its dark corridors and sinister secrets, was the reason for my pain, and now, standing before it again, I vowed to take something back.

I remember it all being stuck in there, trapped against my will. It's like I'm reliving every painful moment all over again. But I'm not letting it break me. My fists clench so tight, that my nails almost draw blood. But I stand tall, refusing to let this place crush me again. I was here to find that woman, who ran this brothel, who was the one who bought me years ago. Mona, it was her name, but reaching here I got the information that she is replaced by some other woman now she runs a brothel in Delhi. No problem, she has to die it's either today or tomorrow. 

Run as much you want to Run, but I will fucking hunt my culprits and give them the worst death they deserve 

I was about to leave when I looked around and saw all these young girls, way too young to be here. Something stopped me from moving from there my legs froze. Some of them are quiet, and some of them are seducing men, I know it's not their choice but a compulsion for them.  

The body in which they live, which itself provides them with a kind of protection, is not there now, those monsters have possessed over them. Leaving them to live a life with their buried soul and hopeless heart It's like they've lost something precious, their innocence taken away too soon.

''You are so pretty are you new here'' a little girl approached me and looking at me curiously, she made a cute face as if she was admiring me. ''You are so pretty they won't beat you, unlike me'' she exclaimed and I looked at her tiny figure in front of me.

Her voice and her body structure don't match, I thought this in my mind. 

''Don't tell anything to her, what if she is one of them'' Another little girl came running to her and whispered lowly, being scared of me and I kneeled in front of resting my hands on her swollen cheeks, a tear rolling down on my cheek and looking at their condition. 

''I am here to help all of you, you can trust me'' I said and pulled her in a gentle hug within no moment she burst out crying, I could feel the burden of her tears on my shoulder. She needed a hug, and everyone here needed a hug, I am here for them.

Ironically no one was here to soothe me in their arms a year ago.

Other girls started gathering around us, I took all of them in a group hug, as they let their guards down talking quietly about the terrible things they'd been through. They talk about being given weird injections and stuff that makes them look older, all so those awful people can use them however they want. It may be hormonal injections. 

''Yes didi, because here no one is above 16 years, they all give us injections which make us look, adult, some of us are even 12'' the girl said and I took a deep breath, it had been happening this for years. People here give hormonal injections to girls who haven't even reached their teenage to make their physical features grow more prominent and most of the men here prefer young girls, which makes these little girl victims. 

''Didi, please save my friend'' a girl pleaded to me, her face dried with tears and slap marks, making my heart clench, I approached her carefully, feeling a mix of sadness and anger, I nodded and asked her where is her friend. 

She grabbed my hand and led me to a dark room, just a small bulb was there and it was smelly, I could feel I would vomit anytime soon because of the unpleasant smell wandering there. 

As my eyes adjust to the dim light, I see her - a young girl, lying unconscious on the floor, her body battered and bruised. My heart clenches with anguish at the sight of her, and I rush to her side, my hands trembling as I reach out to touch her.

Her condition is far worse than I imagined. Her skin is pale, pale, bruised, bloodied, and her breaths are shallow and uneven. Her skin is the evidence of the merciless brutality she's endured. But it's not just the bruises and cuts that catch my attention - there's something else, something darker staining her clothes. A cruel reminder of the inhumanity she's suffered.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I realize what it is. It's her period blood, mingled with the blood from her injuries. They didn't just beat her - they beat her while she was on her period. 

Just like they did to me years ago
Everything is the same, the beatings, the assault, treating girls like toys, nothing changed.

Anger boils inside me like raging lava, threatening to consume everything in its path. But instead, I swallow my rage, pushing it down deep inside me. Right now, this girl needs me. She needs someone to help her, to take care of her. And I won't let her down.

I removed my blazer tying it around her waist and with gentle hands, I lifted her into my arms, cradling her close to my chest. She stirs slightly, her eyes fluttering open for a brief moment before closing again. I whisper soothing words to her, promising her that everything will be okay.

I won't let any girl become a Nitya Roy again.

''Stop right there'' a man who was probably the guard, stopped me. I turned and; looked at him. He came forward to snatch the girl from my arms, and I gripped her tighter in my arms and kicked his chest making him fall on the floor. Getting up he was seething in anger this time, I looked at the girl who was with me and asked her to close her eyes and ears. Taking my gun from my boots, I shot him right straight in between in eyes.

 Hearing the gunshot, many people gathered around us, and I knew they wouldn't let me take this girl from there, because according to them now this girl was their commodity. 

''Hey you cannot do this'' A woman comes running to me, and looking at her I understand she is the one who runs this brothel. My body hit the waves of anger. 

''Watch me'' I said and shot the two guards straight in the chest who were coming for me.

''Girls, run'' I ordered and all the girls froze in their places, their legs didn't move as they were scared of running. My bodyguards held all the men on their hostages, I smirked looking at the men who were crying pathetically just by looking at the gun on their forehead.

They are scared of death still they reward all the girls here with cruel death every single day. Some people believe that hell is empty because all the devils live here.

''Run from this hell, I will protect you'' I said easing their hesitation, and in no time they all started running towards the exit, my lips curved into a smile looking at them getting their freedom. The faint noise of the lady who was the owner kept getting louder, she was threatening the girl not to run.

''If anyone more one step, I will give you the cruellest punishment'' she yelled loudly, making every girl shiver in fear they stopped in their places, crying. I looked at her, gritting my teeth. 

I called one of my bodyguards and handed the girl in my arms to him, he instantly took her to the hospital and I marched my legs to this bitch. ''You are doing wrong'' she said and I grasped her hair tightly, and eyes my man to leave her. Now it's just her v/s me.

''I love doing the wrong things'' I mumbled and punched straight into her jaw. She cried in pain, struggling to get rid of my harsh grip, my inner demon watched her struggle but it didn't give me satisfaction, only her death could calm me now. 

Clucting her jaw I slapped her hard, which left a deep cut on her cheeks because of my ring, but did I care, absolutely not. I kept punching her making her lose her balance. With each punch, each kick, I push back against the darkness she represents, refusing to let her prevail.

''You love money, so bad that you are ready to trade girls, now the money will be the reason for your death'' I said while kicking her knees and making her bow in front of me.  As I stand over her, her knees trembling beneath her, a rush of anger surges through me. She's the one responsible for all the suffering, for trapping these innocent girls and making them live in fear.

I want to end her, to make her pay for every tear shed and every scream silenced within these walls. I want to set the girls free from this prison of terror, to give them the freedom they deserve.

''Girls, don't you have to give want you have earned today to her'' I said turning my head to the girls and he nodded, hesitantly with their tears stricken face. 

''But today we will change this ritual'' I said to them, taking out the cash from my pocket and stuffing it inside her blouse with throwing the rest on her face, ''Load your owner with all the money she needs for the last time'' I said and they all looked quite sceptical about it, but I blinked my eyes assuring them that everything will be fine.

Every girl came and threw their money on her, some tucked it in her saree, and some tied it on the knot of her saree. Perfect as I expected, now just one thing is left. I signalled Akarsh, my right hand to get some petrol, and he exactly followed my instructions. Dripping every inch of the petrol on her I smiled and whispered ''This is your end, hope the hell won't accept you too''

She kept pleading with me, but I gave a deaf ear to her pleading, turning over to the girls I asked them to leave as they wouldn't be able to see what would be happening next but to my shock, all of them didn't leave the places. ''Didi, we want to see our culprit dying in front of us'' one of them said and I smiled, I could see the Nitya Roy in her, one who was burning for her revenge.

Mona's eyes widen in terror as she realizes the fate that awaits her. She pleads for mercy, but her pleas fall on deaf ears. There can be no mercy for someone who has caused so much pain.

Smiling at her, I lit up the matchstick and threw it on her body, which install caught the fire. I watched her body burning badly which gave me ultimate satisfaction. As the flames grow higher, consuming everything in their path, her screams fill the air, a chilling reminder of the suffering she has inflicted.

''You all are free now'' I announced, kicking her burning body with my heels and she fell, the happiness passed through every girl's face. Looking at their faces, I realized one thing 

We had failed as a society.

Next Day


In a sleek conference room adorned with polished wooden furniture and floor-to-ceiling windows offering glimpses of the bustling city below, a meeting was underway, the meeting was supposed to be confidential. I walked inside the room, opened the buttons of my blazer and took my seat at the table, which was the highest posh chair, made for me. I glanced around at the other leaders of different states. These were the faces that held sway over the underworld in India, each one a master of manipulation and danger, but still I kept them under my control. I braced myself for what was to come.

My mind was not in my senses, as I hadn't had a glimpse of my precious yet, last night I had to flew Lucknow because of an emergency and I couldn't even capture a single sight of my precious but now all I wanted was to have a glimpse of her. I kept getting lost in memories of moments I shared with my precious, her smiles her face adorned with the pair of jhumkas I gifted her kept coming in front of me. It was like I was in my little world, and I couldn't snap out of it to pay attention to the meeting.

They all keep saying something but my mind wandered around y precious, Damn the urge to see her, hold her is getting more prominent. Just one glimpse, I want to have her one glimpse otherwise my body won't function.

Fuck with the meeting, All I want to see her

Hurriedly, I opened my mobile and watched her through the cameras, as she was working in our office in our cabin, on our seat. A month ago if some would have said that there would be a girl who would be taking my chair as she owns it, I would have emptied my gun in his head but here, my girl is already claiming my position as hers without even knowing.

As I watched her more, a warmth spread through my chest, and I couldn't suppress the rush of emotion that washed over me. I was in love with her, completely and irresistible. I am well aware that I am fallen in love with the the moment my eyes met hers and now all I know is that I belong to her.

I was so involved in looking at my precious that I didn't know they had put the contract in front of me and the terms of the contract were clear – that they wanted to establish their human traffic business in Jaipur and wanted me to help them. There's only one thing in my business that I opposed, Human trafficking as it's straightly against my ethics.

One of my rivals leaned in close, his voice dripping with arrogance as he made his offer a smirk playing on his lips as he whispered "I'll sweeten the deal for you" he said, his voice dripping with malice. "I'll throw in a girl of your liking, free of charge. She is Sweetie, Consider it a bonus for sealing the deal."

Suddenly a girl came and I looked away instantly, I gritted my teeth as anger rushed through my veins. I could feel the girl's presence as she just stood beside me, ''I will give you all you want'' Whispering this she was about to place her hand on my shoulder, I stood up pushing her away from me.

''Just shut the fuck up, I belong to my precious, dare you even try to touch me I will burn you alive'' I screamed with a clenched jaw, pushing back from the table, my fists trembling with rage. Everyone there stood scared, as I removed my blazer which might be touched by that girl and threw it in a corner. Pathetic I don't want anything on me, which doesn't belong to my precious.

''Get that straight in your head I, Rana Riddhaan Nitya Veer Shekhawat, solely belong to my precious only she has the right to touch and lay a claim on me, if any fucking woman other than her dare to look or try to touch me, I won't hesitate to skin them alive'' I growled making everyone clear of my words and left the meeting room. On my way, my phone rang without looking at the caller ID.

''Chucks, I am at your house come soon'' It was Rivaan from the other side, I hummed in my answer and before I could say anything he screamed ''Bring some chocolates for me'' and I answered him positively, and drove back to the house. It was a hell hectic day, first I had a great shower to even gid rid of the fragrance of that girl which might have lingering on me. 


''Sit down baby girl'' Risha said for the last time, munching on her favourite glazed doughnuts as she was now irritated, he didn't come to the office today, but Ekansh didn't come too which was very weird and I was getting worried for them.

I called Riddhaan almost 10 times but each attempt went unanswered, increasing my worry. I pace back and forth, glancing at my phone with growing concern. I even called Ekansh but he didn't pick too, what is wrong with both of them?

Should I go and check on his home, hell yes it's returning a favour he came to my house checking upon me so I should do the same. 

I straddled my heels to visit him and grabbed Risha along with me. She sulked as the doughnut fell, I will buy her the whole cafe later. But now this is important.

Racing my car I covered the distance in just 10 minutes, I looked at Risha who was cursing me badly but I ignored her and made my way inside his penthouse.

Fuck, what the hell

I couldn't believe my eyes. There sat Riddhaan accompanied by Ekansh, Rivaan and Yuvaan, on his cozy couch, with their legs spread wide on the table in the centre, wearing different face masks on their face and sipping on their wines and apple juice for Rivaan. The TV in front of them was playing blasting music of Baby Shark Do Do, making their shoulder move in a rhythm. My hand flew to my mouth, stifling a gasp of surprise as I tried to comprehend the scene before me.

Should I disturb their princess moment or not?

Before I could do anything, Rivaan noticed us and screamed making everyone jolt. Riddhaan noticed me and hastily straightened up, a flush of embarrassment colouring his cheeks. He opened his mouth, likely to explain, but I was too stunned to process anything. I just stood there, rooted to the spot, silently staring at him. His face still has the mask on and I tighten my lips not to laugh at the situation. Hurriedly Yuvaan, turn off the TV and stood there as Risha gawked him like no tomorrow. 

Realising the situation Riddhaan motioned towards the mask, his face now a deep shade of red. We heard a hiss and looked in the direction where Ekansh had removed the Yuvaan's mask harshly, it was a charcoal peel-off mask that caused a sensation on his face. Yuvaan glared at Ekansh and he just smiled sheepishly while removing his mask carefully. 

Who will say these are the three guys who keep the political, business and Mafia world under their feet?

Shit, I cannot control it anymore

I looked at Risha who was trying to control her laugh too and as soon as our eyes met we both burst into laughter uncontrollably, I was unable to contain my amusement at the sight of Riddhaan with a face mask on. He was looking like a cute baby, so adorable.

''We just want the glow on our face, you know the dirt and pollution'' he said trying to find the right words and I laughed more as I struggled to catch my breath, the sheer unexpectedness of the situation overwhelming me. Riddhaan's embarrassed expression only fueled my laughter further, his cheeks flushed crimson as he tried to maintain his dignity. Despite my attempts to compose myself, each time I glanced at him, another wave of laughter washed over me.

Everyone was looking at me, I looked at Risha who had now stopped laughing which made me a little bit embarrassed now, I bit my lips to control my laugh. They will think I am a demon who laughs like this. Out of nowhere Risha came and hugged me so tight that I could not understand.

''Finally, a genuine laugh on your face, I was dying to see you happy'' she said, and the realisation washed out me, it's been ages since I had laughed so much, I never knew I could laugh too but today it feels like I can live again. This 

''I am sorry'' I said embarrassed now. 

''Glad to see you happy Miss Roy, be happy it suits you'' Ekansh said smiling so brightly, this man is a total sunshine. He knows how to make people happy in his surroundings and he is a vibe who would deny him.

''And be silent, it suits you'' Ridhhaan retorted making Ekansh sulk, I looked at Ekansh who was looking like a baby. I bit my lips, as I saw him coming towards me. His expression softened as he took a step closer.

'' I don't know how to say this, but your laugh, it's incredible, I mean it,  it's like a melody of a song I can hear the whole day'' his voice filled with genuine admiration, tucking my hair behind.



 I am surely in heaven. My precious laughed for the first time, wholeheartedly. 

For a moment, everything else faded away as I found myself completely entranced by the sound of her laugh.  I found myself drawn to her beautiful giggles as if they possessed a magnetic pull that demanded my attention.

It was a melody I had never heard before, a beautiful blend of innocence and genuine happiness which is the real personality that she hides or is afraid to show people. But now this personality of hers is limited to me, only I can make her laugh she looks so adorable while laughing. As I listened, I couldn't help but be captivated by the sheer delight in her voice. Each laugh seemed to sparkle with a light all its own, illuminating the space around us with its infectious energy.

As her laughter subsided, a soft smile tugged at the corners of my lips, and I realized that I had been utterly captivated. It was as if her laughter had cast a spell over me, leaving me spellbound and longing for more. At that moment, I knew that my precious laughter would be the only music I  would love to cherish my whole life.

I complimented her and she looked at me with a small smile on her face. But before I say anything more, Rivaan started calling her and she moved towards him making me groan in displeasure. 

''My sweet marshmallow'' she cocooned him in her arms and he peppered kisses all over her face. See I love this little guy to my core, I have seen him growing up in front of me, I am like a godfather to him but this guy is hell behind of snatching my precious from me.

''I am happy that I met you here, wait I have something for you'' she said with a gleam of excitement in her eyes, Nitya ran back outside and came back within a few minutes with her hands behind her as if she were hiding something. Rivaan eyes were gleaming in excitement as he tried to look at what is she hiding from him, she giggled at his curiosity and pulled out a plush toy shaped like a dragon. Its vibrant colours and intricate details sparkled in the sunlight, capturing Rivaan's attention immediately.

"Wow!" Rivaan exclaimed, his eyes widening in awe as he reached out to touch the toy. "It's so cool, I lobe it!'' His face lit up as he pecked that little toy again and again. Let me tell you this guy has weird taste in stories, he likes Dragons that too in pastel colours. 

But it is beneficial for me as now he has other things he can kiss, peck or do whatever but won't touch my precious again.

What the hell he proved me so wrong as he jumped in excitement extending his arms and asking her to pick him up, which she did without any hesitation, she pecked his nose which made him shy and he hid his face behind that dragon making her laugh. 

"I'm glad you like it, marshmallow" my precious said, her voice filled with tenderness as she ruffled Rivaan's hair affectionately. She never touched my hair like this, I looked at that little mouse with so much envy. 

I want her to run her fingers on my hair, I want to be the one who will keep his head on her bosom, wait I will be the only one because no one else would dare come in her sight as long as I am breathing. 

''Ridh Chucks come'' Rivaan called me and I moved my legs in his direction, sensing her struggling to hold him, I reached out to her and delicately lifted Rivaan from my precious arms, cradling him securely against my chest. He snuggled closer to me, his head resting against my shoulder as he gazed up at me with innocent eyes telling me how much he loved his new toy.

''What should we name him champ'' Ekansh questioned and I rolled my eyes, these kids never change. Rivaan placed his finger on his cheeks tapping it slowly trying to indicate that he was thinking which made me smile, this little man has my heart. I can only share my precious with her.

''Dodo Thakur'' Risha screamed unexpectedly and all of us looked at her weirdly but Ekansh, and Rivaan squealed hearing the name.

''Yesh, dodo, he is Riv's brother now'' he exclaimed in happiness clapping his hands, I placed a gentle kiss on his cheeks, and he bit my cheek in return. This is his old habit of biting my cheek, I am the first one he bites after getting his milky teeth. 

''Congratulations you became a father once again, but the difference is this time you didn't do anything'' Ekansh teased Yuvaan, who face palmed himself looking at Rivaan, he smiled and said ''Welcome new Thakur''  

Everyone started chit-chatting and I could feel a sudden pain in my chest, it started again. I feel this every single time she is around. My head flashes many images of me being happy with a girl, her smiling at me, her crying, people talking about her, her ending her life in front of me. I don't know what are these but I know I have never been to these types of places I saw in my dreams. 

Passing Rivaan to Ekansh I went to my balcony, the images kept getting prominent, and I was having a headache from all these images that were flashing in my mind like a film going on. I took out my cigarette and started to puff it. 

I stood leaning against the wall, a cigarette dangling lazily between my fingers. As I took a long drag, lost in my thoughts the smoke curled around me, a comforting haze that offered solace amid my inner turmoil. Suddenly my heart beat and I sensed her presence, turning around I looked at her coming to my side. 

As she stepped closer, a delicate cough escaped her lips, breaking the silence of the night. I turned, startled by her sudden arrival, guilt flooding my senses as I realized the discomfort my habit caused her.

Damn, Riddhaan What is wrong with you. Without a second thought, I crushed the half-smoked cigarette underfoot, extinguishing its ember with a hiss. I immediately felt a pang of guilt, realizing this might be the reason for her coughs. 

I turned to Nitya with concern etched on my face, I cupped her cheeks and mumbled. "I'm sorry precious," I said, my voice tinged with remorse. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

I noticed how she tried to brush it off but couldn't hide her discomfort. "I don't like cigarette smoke," she said, still coughing. 'I came to call you, everyone wants to watch movie'' she added and I felt so pathetic for causing her pain because of me. Such a bastard I am, I will leave this cigarette, my precious hate it. 

I vow to you precious, I won't ever puff a cigarette, not only me I won't let anyone puff a cigarette near you. 

''Why do you always call me precious Riddhaan'' she questioned and I looked at her, with a smile on her face. One day I will answer this question when I will have her in my arms, where she rightfully belongs. She is precious to me more than anything else in this world an dI can't afford to lose her. 

''I will tell you when the right time comes'' I answered she nodded her head, and we both moved to the 

 "But for now, just know that you are precious to me, more than anything in this world'' I spoke, Her gaze softened at my words, a warmth spreading across her features as she looked closely at my features our shared intimacy cocooning us from the outside world. In that fleeting moment, the unspoken bond between us spoke volumes, a silent promise of understanding and acceptance that transcended mere words. 

The next day, evening


"After careful consideration and consultation with medical experts, it has become evident that the use of cigarettes poses a grave threat to the health of our people I am announcing today that the government of Rajasthan will be implementing a ban on the sale and distribution of cigarettes within our state, the government finds anyone doing this malpractice they will be punished"

I declared through the TV screen, and I knew once I was done announcing this I would be getting a lot of curses. But my hands are fucking tied too. I got down off the podium and everyone present there questioned me about my sudden decision. What should I tell them I did because the king himself, wants to ban cigarettes from India? This man is fucking crazy, Gosh he made a Cigarette ban just because Nitya oops Bhabhi doesn't like it. He will kill me for calling her by her name. Initially, he asked me to ban cigarettes from India, but that was not in my hand, so I proposed the idea that once I am Prime Minister then I would ban it from India and he agreed, but ordered me to ban it in Rajasthan.

He is crazy or what, what if someday she says I don't like oxygen then he will cut all the trees down from the planet, well I shouldn't be testing his limits. Someone said true love makes people mad and Riddhaan is turning mad in love of his precious.

Reaching home, I instantly looked for Rivaan but didn't see a sight of him, then I ran to my bedroom and was mesmerised by the scene in front of me.

Risha was making Rivaan sleep on her chest while humming a lullaby for him, he is a lucky man. She acknowledged my presence and hushed me so that Rivaan could sleep peacefully. Oh how can I forget, When I went to the press conference, I called Risha because Rivaan wanted to meet her and she offered to babysit him for a few hours.

I feel jealous of my son. I don't know what I feel when she is around me. No doubt, she speaks a lot for my liking, that is the reason Riv likes her, and maybe I start liking her too. She is exactly like him as a baby.

Gosh, I have two babies to handle

''Hey, Riv was waiting for you but you were late so I made him sleep'' she asked, making Rivaan sleep on the bed while gently patting his back, I nodded at her and removed my blazer. Coming closer to them, I glanced at my baby who was sleeping peacefully. Pecking his forehead a little I thanked Risha for today.

Sitting on the couch I removed my shoes and tie, while I looked at her who was placing pillows around Rivaan, protecting him from falling. Her small gesture made my heart flutter. Honestly, she doesn't have to do this for me, she owns nothing to me, but still, she takes care of Rivaan like her own child. Why is so peaceful, like having her around me? I couldn't help to imagine that one day I would be coming home tiredly and then looking at these two waiting for me and as soon as they noticed my presence they would run to me and I would cradle them in my embrace. Did I mention that she will be having a baby bump, a small brother and a sister for Riv? She would look like the most beautiful girl with a cute bump.

I heard a throat-clearing sound and found her looking at me, and there was no baby bump yet. Fuck what happened to my imagination.

''Coffee'' she asked her, and I nodded scratching the back of my neck. Fuck that was very wild, I almost planned my whole future with this wild cat of mine. In no minute she came there with two cups of steaming hot coffee. I picked up the cup and she sat in front of me as if she wanted to discuss something. I questioned her if she had anything to say and she briefed the whole incident of today, how that woman behaved with my baby.

My anger rosed up hearing it, some piece of shit was about to push my baby and he didn't even tell me this. I will kill that woman, how she dares to make my son cry. I got up halting at the door but she held my wrist stopping my actions, I looked at her.

''It's not about her Yiuvaan, it's about Rivaan, today he was questioning me he is so bad that no one wants to play with him, he is a child Yuvaan he needs care and attention'' she said and my heart swelled listening to her being caring for my Rivaan. I understood what she was trying to say but Rivaan was never a child who mingled with people easily, other than me Riddhaan, Ekansh and my parents he is never fond of anyone and now Risha and Nit-Bhabhi are included in this list too.

''I know, I try to give him as much time as possible but my schedule is messed up'' I voiced out my worries to her, and she nodded her head in understanding.

''Do you mind if I spend some time with Rivaan daily, trust me he will be safe with me'' She proposed the idea and my lips curved into a smile, obviously I knew Riv would be fine with her. He adores her so badly, that once I will reveal that she will be coming here daily he will be over the moon.

''Yes, if it doesn't cause any trouble for you'' I answered and she said she would come at 7 after her working hours. Perfect, that means I have to be home before 7 too. Both Rivaan and I can spend time with her. We both heard a little sniffle, realising that Rivaan was waking up before I could reach her she beat me and sat beside him, hushing him to calm down. Feeling her warmth he instantly scooted closer to her and I could never be more happy looking at both of them.

After a week 

Risha's Insta Post

@YuvaanChaudhary -  Dare you both to eat ice cream in my absence
@RVSShekhawat - Keep him with yourself, he shouldn't be around my precious.
@NityaRoy - Aww, my baby is adorable
@Ekanshthegreat - He is stealing all the girls of the town


In the hallowed halls of the ancient Shiva temple, bathed in the soft glow of flickering oil lamps, two priests engaged in a whispered conversation. Their voices, hushed with reverence, carried the weight of tradition and ceremony as they discussed the upcoming union set to take place within the sacred confines of the temple.

Dressed in simple yet dignified attire, the priests stood amidst the ornate stone carvings and intricately painted murals that adorned the temple walls. Their faces, weathered with years of devotion and service, bore expressions of solemnity and anticipation as they deliberated the details of the impending ceremony. The ancient stones whispered secrets of lifetimes past as the priests exchanged words that carried the weight of the past.

"It's a fascinating twist of fate, isn't it?" one of the priests remarked, his eyes fixed on a distant point beyond the temple walls, which had a picture of a couple that seemed like a distant memory of another lifetime. 

The other one nodded in agreement, a calm expression gracing his features. "Their love has endured through the ages, think now that we've been granted another chance to witness the unfolding of their love."

As they spoke, the scent of incense filled the air, mingling with the faint strains of chanting echoing from distant chambers. The temple seemed to hum with otherworldly energy as if the spirits of the past were watching and waiting.

"And so," the first priest continued, his tone tinged with solemnity, "it falls upon us to bear witness to their journey, to see if their love can withstand the tests of this lifetime, this is their last chance, if not now in this lifetime they will be separate for eternity"

The other priest nodded solemnly, his gaze fixed on the flickering flames of the altar before them. "But will they be able to break free from the chains of fate that bound them in their past lives? Will they be able to carve out a new destiny for themselves?"

Suddenly, a far-off rumble of thunder echoed, signalling an upcoming storm. Outside, dark clouds gathered, matching the turmoil inside Riddhaan and Nitya, they didn't recognize each other yet still they were going to hit the first hurdle of their lifetime.

Hey guys.... A birthday present from my side... I did a lot of hard work on this chapter. Starting from the morning from 0 words to 7500+ words now, it took me approx 7 to 8 words to write this chapter.... I hope you understand the feeling behind my writing I want you to remember me on my birthday so... also please ignore all the grammatically error because I wrote it in very much hurry and with a blank mind, so apart from this please rate the chapter..

Here, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Your feedback means a lot to me. Please leave your thoughts and comments below. Don't hesitate to share your likes and dislikes, as well as any suggestions for future chapters. Thank you for reading!

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