My GirlFreen (FreenBecky)


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Rebecca Armstrong never thought that she would return to her mother's homeland for good when the Armstrong fa... More

Chapter 1: The New Girl
Chapter 2: Nose Bleed
Chapter 4: A Game
Chapter 5: Once & Twice
Chapter 6: Of Butterflies and Shoelace
Chapter 7: Mine
Chapter 8: Straightforward & Undecided
Chapter 9: Little Bunny
Chapter 10: GirlFreen
Chapter 11: Known
Chapter 12: Bad Things
Chapter 13: The Human Anatomy
Chapter 14: Sports Day
Chapter 15: Catfight
Chapter 16: Glimpse of The Past

Chapter 3: BABY

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Chapter 3

Both Freen and Becky ended up at the school infirmary. While Becky disagreed with the idea, Freen insisted that to seek medical attention was the best thing to do. Most importantly Freen did not want to hold any responsibility if anything gone wrong.

The school nurse examined Becky while Freen comfortably made herself seated on the adjacent bed, watching every move and procedure.

"I have never seen you before. I suppose you're the girl that everyone has been talking about." The school nurse began, trying to start a conversation, breaking the dead silence between them.

"And you Freen, I see that you get acquainted with a new student." The school nurse added.

"No, I'm not. She's not my friend." Freen was fast to deny. She stole a look at Becky and saw the girl pouted again with that gloomy look. How adorably annoying.

"Then, is she your girlfriend? I see that you have such a good taste." The school nurse teased.

"Auntie Mhee!" Freen recoiled, her face reddened uncontrollably. Becky saw it too but pretended that she did not notice it.

"I'm just joking around. Why are you so serious?" Auntie Mhee laughed, amused at the fact that she managed to tease the girl.

The school nurse or whom everyone called Auntie Mhee has been in charge for the infirmary for more than a decade. Besides taking care and treating students, Auntie Mhee also loved to take care of other matters – gossiping around. She knew everything that happened anywhere around the school. She got her eyes and ears everywhere. If you need any information, just go and find Auntie Mhee. She got everything covered.

"She's such nuisance." Freen complained, did not even care that Becky was listening.

"Yet you still care and took her here." Auntie Mhee added.

"It's just the right thing to do. What if she bleeds to death?" Freen said.

"Dear, don't take it to your heart. Our Freen here might look a little cold and mean on the outside but she's really a good kid." Auntie Mhee said to Becky as she finished her procedure.

"Be nice to each other, okay?" Now Auntie Mhee shifted her attention to Freen.

"Do I look like a bully here?"

"Well, honestly when you girls came in earlier, I thought that both of you caught into a catfight." Auntie Mhee stated.

Freen ran her gaze back to Becky who was resting on the bed, quiet as ever. Auntie Mhee was right. Becky looked like a mess; she did not get the chance to change her clothes just now. If anyone saw them without knowing the whole situation, they might conclude just the same.

"Now please have some rest. I'll put you under observation for some minutes before you can go." Auntie Mhee instructed.

"Thank you Auntie Mhee." Becky who has been quiet for the whole time finally spoke.

"Welcome dear. God, you're so adorable. Just like a Barbie doll."


Freen and Becky was left alone. As strange as it sounded, both were comfortable with the dead silence, staring at each other like one must win a staring contest.

"Where is she?" Freen heard a familiar voice. Somebody entered the infirmary in hurry. There was none other than her gossip gang.

"Becky! Are you alright? Look at you, you look horrible!" Kade was first to approach, followed by Tee and Jim trailing from behind. The three girls surrounded Becky, totally ignoring Freen who was also there.

Becky remembered seeing those faces last night especially the flirty Tee. She smiled awkwardly, not sure how to react.

"Ah, so now Becky is your friend..." Freen spoke, gaining her friends' attention.

"Oi, you're such a kid! Are you jealous?" Tee said, always with the intention to irritate Freen.

"What happened here?" Jim interrupted before Freen and Tee began their catfight.

"I don't know. Ask her yourself." Freen shrugged, obviously sulking.

All attention were then shifted to Becky. "Perhaps it's just too warm here." Becky explained yet she knew the reasoning was not entirely true.

"Ah..." The Incredible Three responded in union.

"Didn't you go back with Freen to get change?" Jim pointed out, realizing that Becky still has the dirty shirt on but this time with additional blood stain on it.

"Uhm..." Becky's eyes searched for Freen, hoping the girl would help to explain the whole situation.

"Do you think that you got the nosebleed because you saw me half naked just now?" Freen asked casually causing Becky to choke on her own breath.

The Incredible Three cringed inside, throwing their loathing look at Freen.

"Nah, let's just ignore that." Kade took over the awkward situation.

"This shirt seems to be ruined badly and needs to be cleaned." Becky said. "And it's not mine."

All gazes then shifted back to Freen spontaneously.

"What?" Freen recoiled, offended by those looks from her friends.

"No wonder..." Tee squinted her eyes, waiting for Freen to blurt the truth.

"What's wrong with lending a uniform to somebody else?" Freen stuttered, avoiding the eyes that were staring at her.

"That's the problem. You never let anybody touch or use your belongings." Tee stated. Freen's eyes met Becky's again saw the girl blushed uncontrollably. Perhaps acknowledging the fact made her shy.

"Eh Kade, this girl needs help. I bet she doesn't know anything." Freen directed them to another topic.

"Sure! Let's help her together." Kade played along.

"Don't include me in that plan. I'm not interested." Everyone knew that Freen meant it otherwise except Becky.


Becky's nightmare has somehow come true. She knew that she was incapable of surviving on her own. Growing up as the youngest among only two siblings, she has always been the spoiled child. Her lavish life back in London added more damage to that. She was literally the princess in the house. Everything was either being prepared or served for her. She has never done anything by herself – even the simplest chores.

"How I'm supposed to do this? Should I put the detergent or the bleach first?" Becky talked to herself. She has been standing in front of the washing basin for quite some time, indecisive of her own action.

"Are you done thinking?" The familiar voice startled her. It's none other than Freen, the one who always appeared out of nowhere when she least expected it.

Becky shifted her gaze to where the voice coming from. There, Freen was standing with her arms crossed from a distance, watching her every move with her signature judging look.

"Didn't I tell you that all you need to do is to ask if you're unsure of anything?" Freen walked to her direction.

"I supposed you're an introvert. You didn't talk much."

"Could you please help me? I have never really gotten anything done by myself." Becky finally spoke, gazing at Freen with her puppy dog eyes.

"Why would I help you?" Freen looked away, pretending not to care.

"I just want it to be you." Becky answered in her low voice.

"What do I get in return?" Freen suddenly asked.

Becky was trapped, realizing that she has nothing to offer in return yet there was one general answer that anyone could say in such situation, "I'll do anything you want."

Then as if it was one of Freen's signature habits, Becky saw Freen leaned in closer until their gazes locked with each other.

"You really mean it? Anything?"

"Aha..." Becky took a step backward, nervous, and shy all at once.

"Very well. I don't usually offer anything to anybody, but I guess, I could make an exception for you." Freen said, stressing her words on the exception part.

"From this day and onwards, you'll do as I say. Is it alright for you?" Freen added.

"How do I know that you mean no harm to me?" Becky instantly regretted her decision.

"Do I look like a bully here?" Freen's eyes widen in disbelief.

"Uhm honestly you do." Becky did not hold back. Freen's dissociate characters puzzled her every single time. She could not get a grasp of anything and everything about Freen yet.

"Ugh never mind. Just forget about it." The irritated Freen was ready to leave the scene.

"Wait...Alright, I trust you. I put myself under you care, okay?" Becky managed to stop the girl.

"Please...?" Becky spoke again in her low baby voice.

Hearing that sent goosebump to Freen's entire being. She turned around so that she could face Becky again. There, Becky was looking at her with that pleading puppy dog eyes for the countless time.

"If you keep making that face, I won't help you anymore." Freen said, chewing the inside of her cheeks, trying to supress the strange surge of emotion.

"Heh? Why?" Becky pouted.

Lub-dub, lub-dub – Freen's heart was beating rather faster than usual.

"Stop it. It hideous and it's hurting my eyes!" That was cute!


The Incredible Three gathered around as they observed the two girls from a distance. Freen has been neglecting them a lot more than usual lately which they figured out she was with the Halfling most of the time. Lily was there to witness the whole scene as well. Freen was teaching Becky on how to fold and arrange clothes in the locker. The General Inspection would take place tomorrow morning as part of biweekly routine where every dormitory will be inspected for their cleanliness and appropriateness. This would be Becky's first time to experience it.

"Freen has been acting strange." Lily began. "Two weeks ago, she didn't seem to care much about anything but look at her now. Isn't that weird?"

"Do you think she has been possessed?" Jim threw her blind assumption.

"Or perhaps that is not our Freen." Kade added.

"I'd say she got whipped by the Halfling." Tee said.

All of them exchanged their judging looks before they finally nodded their agreement. "That does make sense."

"Did you notice a change in Freen? She is livelier now." Lily pointed out.

"Huh? Why didn't I notice that earlier?" Jim exclaimed, causing the others to jolt in shock.

"Eh Jim! What was that about? You nearly cause me a heart attack!" Kade complained.

"Freen has finally shown some emotion. She starts to care about others." Jim exclaimed.

"Ah, there's finally something good happening to our Freen. This got me teary." Kade said, being dramatic as ever.

"We'll just wait and see." Tee added.


"This is how you do it. Make sure that you fold it this way before you hang it." Freen instructed while demonstrating on how Becky should arrange her clothes in the locker.

"Okay let me try it." Becky was returning the same energy and effort to learn.

"You're a fast learner. Well done." Freen gave Becky a thumb up, proud that the girl was able to cope well.

"Thank you. Please don't get tired of me." Becky said, her lips curled up into a sweet smile. The kind of smile that never failed to flutter Freen's heart.

"Whatever. Until you can master them all, you're still a nuisance." At this rate Becky was getting used to Freen sudden switch in mood. She just laughed it off, after she learned that Freen was just not good at accepting and expressing how she felt.

"May I ask you a question?" Becky asked, wanting to steer the conversation.

"You just did."

"Why you never call me by my name?" Becky queried.

Realization struck Freen. Becky was right, she never called the London girl by her name. She would usually go with 'you', 'hey' or none.

"Why? Is it bothering you?" Freen was smart enough to twist around.

"Nah, I'm just wondering. If it's difficult for you to pronounce Becky, you can just call me Baby." Becky said, followed by her soft giggling.

Freen was dumbfounded. That came out so smooth from an introvert girl.

"Nah, nah I'm just joking around. Look at your face, you turn red." Becky laughed as she witnessed Freen blushed uncontrollably.

"Stop! It's not funny at all." Freen pulled a sour face, feeling vulnerable at the thought that she has been showing too much expression and emotion lately. Something inside her has flipped over and she lost control over it.

"Ah, that's so cute of you." Becky added as she inhaled deeply. Laughing at Freen has caused her to be out of breath.

"Stop it." Freen protested.

"I'm hungry." Becky said, out of the blue.

"Huh? But we just had our supper a while ago." Freen was taken aback by Becky's sudden randomness.

"I'm still hungry." Becky pouted, acting like a child who was about to throw her tantrum.

"Okay, okay. Calm down kid. Instant noodle sounds good?" Freen suggested.

"Ah...My brother packed some for me. Shall we look at what choices we have?" Becky was delighted. She then opened a compartment from her locker and there Freen saw Becky has enough food supply which from her estimation could last at least for a month.

"Woah, you could open a pop-up store!" Freen was mesmerized.

"You can have any of them if you want. My brother can send us more."


"Is it good?" Freen asked, waiting for Becky patiently as the girl taking her time to taste the noodle. They were the only people in the pantry during the hour, seated side by side enjoying each other's company.

"Everything is delicious if someone made it for you." Becky grinned, nodding her head simultaneously in response to Freen.

"Have some more so you won't be grumpy." Freen brought the chopstick close to Becky's face while holding the noodle cup underneath the girl's chin to catch it if it spilled.

"Why are you only feeding me? Have some too." Becky asked.

"Nah it's fine. I'm full." Freen said. "Come, just a little more."

"I think it's a little spicy." Becky blew out her breath as if she's turning into a fire dragon.

"You can't eat spicy food? Are you alright?" Freen instantly checked on Becky and tucked the strands of wandering hair behind the girl's ear so that she could see her face clearly.

"I don't think I can't handle it anymore." Becky's pale face was turning red as if she was about to cry.

"You should have told me." Freen got up hurriedly, getting Becky a glass of water.

Becky guzzled the entire glass in split seconds. Freen had to pour another for her.

"Trying to become a tough girl, huh?" Freen shook her head.

"Look at your face. All red like you're turning into a tomato." Freen added, letting out her soft chuckle.

Becky was enchanted with the unbelievable sight. Seeing Freen got amused for the first time, flashing her gummy smile and that adorable rabbit teeth. It was a miracle.

"Hey, are you alright?" Becky was taken back to reality when she felt Freen's soft palms touching her cheeks. She did not realize that she lost in her own reverie.

"Do you know how adorable you are?" Becky asked, looking intently into Freen's eyes.

For a moment, they kept looking into each other's eyes before Freen broke into a heartily laughter, "I know. I've heard it a lot and you look like a lovesick girl right now."

Becky swallowed hard, the laugh and smile gave her butterflies in the stomach. If she uttered another word, those butterflies might escape from her mouth.

Becky then removed Freen's held from her face and leaned in, closing the gap between them. She daringly brought a hand to touch Freen's face which to her surprise, Freen did not flinch even a bit.

"What are you trying to do?" Freen spoke but their gazes never left each other's. She could feel that her body temperature's increased with each passing seconds. She might as well turn into a tomato just like Becky at this rate.

"Freen, do you need help?" A familiar voice interrupted them. Both Freen and Becky moved away from each other in hurry, startled by a sudden appearance of the Incredible Three. Jim, Kade and Tee were staring at them with a smug look on their faces.

"I'm going to the toilet." Freen tried to escape the situation.

"Ah, go ahead." Kade and Jim moved aside so that Freen could make her way through.

Becky was left alone there in awkward condition. "I'm going to clean this." Becky was fast to act as she picked up the noodle cup and utensils that they used.

"Nah, never mind. We'll clean that later." Jim stopped Becky and made the girl seated back in the chair.

The three of them surrounded Becky, ready to interrogate the girl.

"So, what is happening back then?" Jim began.

"N-nothing." Becky stuttered.

"We know nothing is happening. What Jim meant is what was that all about, Becky?" Kade rephrased it for Becky.

"What do you mean?" Becky did not pretend to be one – she was confused.

"Heh, there's no need to beat around the bush. We had it enough with Freen." Tee hushed, making everyone went quiet instantly.

"Becky, do you like Freen?" Tee asked, direct to the main point.

"Uhm...she's a little cold on the outside but I think's she a kind person. Yeah, I think I like her." Becky's response frustrated everyone. The innocence in her was too pure that they could not say anything to the girl's face.

"Becky, listen here, to be frank Freen doesn't know how to initiate anything." Kade said.

"Uh, right. She's not fond of any physical contact and she doesn't usually like to make any human interaction or hang out with other people." Tee added.

"What that information supposed to mean?" Becky just could not understand it.

"Freen has been acting strange ever since you came here. She doesn't usually be that open to somebody else especially someone new. It's just too weird." Jim explained.

"Agree!" Kade and Tee supported.

"Is it really weird?" Becky could not believe what she heard.

"YES!" The three of them responded together.

"Becky, be honest. There's no need to hide it from us. We're not here to judge you or your preference. Do you like Freen? Or perhaps, did Freen tell or confess anything to you?" Tee asked again. Becky felt like she was being pushed into a corner while everyone demanding her for an answer.

"Are you interrogating her?" Everyone was startled by Freen's voice. The girl was back and appeared without warn.

"No, absolutely not! We're just having some chit chat while waiting for you to return." Kade was fast to react.

"Aren't you guys need to get ready to return to your dorm? It's almost time for lights out." Freen said, glancing at her wristwatch to confirm the time.

"Right. Let's go back to our dorm." Jim and Tee agreed. "Let's go Becky. Just leave it here, Freen can clean up for you." Jim dragged Becky away with them, leaving the girl with no choice but to follow the others.


Becky was held like hostage at Kade's dormitory. The interrogation was yet to continue until all of them could figure out some information from Becky.

"What are you going to do?" Becky seemed a little terrified. This would be the first time for Becky to be in somebody else's dormitory and it's in Ruby's block to begin with. It's just too foreign for her.

"Please don't freak out. We just want to know how much do you know about Freen." Kade soothed the girl.

"Right, tell us." Tee could not wait.

"I'm not sure if I can answer that because I don't quite know her well. We just met two weeks ago." Becky shrugged.

The Incredible Three nodded their agreement. Becky was right. They just met and what would Becky learn from such short time frame?

"Then, do you have anything to clarify with us? I supposed we are the only three who could answer everything about Freen." Jim steered them away from a dead-end conversation.

Becky pondered for a while before she spoke, "Hmm, does she usually frown a lot?"

"Yes!" Kade and Tee answered in no time.

"Then, she's always cold like that?"

"No doubt!" They responded in union again.

"I wonder if she has a split personality disorder. One second, she's like a different person but then the next moment she changes to another." Becky was curious and confused all at once.

Jim, Kade and Tee burst out into their laughter but then subsided down as the other hushed them. The lights were out, everyone should stay quiet. Hearing someone assuming if Freen has a split personality disorder was too hilarious for them. They would not blame others though, Freen portrayed herself in such a way.

"Listen Becky. Firstly, Freen doesn't suffer from any illness. She's perfectly fine. It's just that she is a little peculiar than the rest of us." Jim answered, shedding her nonexistence of tears due to excessive laughing.

"Huh? What that supposed to mean?" Becky could not a grasp of what she has been told.

"Freen, doesn't know how to express her feeling well. Sometimes she says things that oppose her heart, and her actions seldom match her feeling." Kade elaborated.

Only then Becky slowly nodded her head, "Ah, I can see that."

"It's true. It will take some time to understand her. You'll get used to it." Tee added.

"But why she's acting that way?" Becky was unsatisfied.

"Only Freen has the answer. Perhaps you'll get to learn from her someday." Jim assured it to Becky.

"Nah, you should consider yourself lucky because Freen allows you to be close to her. She doesn't usually do that to other people. Perhaps for the past four years, this is the second time." Jim said. Becky's ear perked up at the mention of the 'second' time. Does that mean there was somebody else that Freen was interested to before her?

"BECKY!" Everyone's attention was drawn to owner of the voice. The Incredible Three seemed to be composed, knowing that the person would show up sooner or later.

"Where is Becky?" Becky saw Freen walked into the bay, straight to where Kade's bed was located. However due to the sudden change in light exposure, Freen could not capture Becky's figure instantly.

"Oi, lower your voice. She's here." Kade responded, pointing to where Becky was seated.

Freen stood in front of Becky, staring at the girl with her usual deadpan face.

"Let's go back." Freen reached out her right hand, waiting for Becky to hold it in hers.

"Do you wish to stiffen there like a statue?" Annoyance grew on her because Becky was not responding.

"Could you please say that again?"

"Let's go back." Freen repeated.

"No, not that one. Much earlier than that."

"Becky. Where is Becky?" Freen said as she recalled what she has been saying.

"Did you just call me by my name?" Becky was stupefied.

"Aha! It's your name, right?"

"This is the first time that you call me by my name." Becky gasped, covering her mouth that gaped in shock.

"Is there something wrong with it? Or you want me to call you BABY?" Freen smirked, knowing that it backfired on Becky.

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