Tutankhamun I


127 4 1

This story is about a reincarnated boy from the Year 2023 who is reborn as the son of the Famous boy king , K... More

3 months
6 months


40 1 1

First POV
Today started off as a normal day my mama woke me up for school. I woke up to see the Statue of Liberty outside of my bedroom window in my apartment. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, brushed out my curls and but on my uniform for school. I went to the table to eat breakfast I kissed my mama good morning as well as my dad. I went and hugged my older brother and baby sister my brother didn't want to hug me but he still did. My older brother looked into my grey eyes and called me his favorite nickname undercooked. My parents are Caribbean they came from Barbados so my parents are a darkish brown color as well as my sister and brother. But me I'm a lighter color more like a light brown and I have light brown curly hair. Sometimes my brother calls me wanna be white boy i hate it. But I know he's just joking around I sat down beside my brother Jayren and we ate breakfast we finished early so he said we could walk to school together. I put on my new Jordan's got my brand new phone and AirPods my mama just bought me for my 14th birthday a couple days ago. My brother and I walked down the apartment stairs and headed to the subway to ride it to school we missed the first one but we made it onto the second one. My brother wasn't talking much he was listening to this Chicago rapper called King Von who died 3 years ago. So I was kinda just sitting there I started conversation with him. I asked him "Jay do you love me" he looked at me funny. He asked "if I didn't love you I wouldn't spend time with you I wouldn't hang out with you all the time I wouldn't even want anything to do with you of course I love you Tay". I smiled at him for the rest of the ride we talked about ancient Egypt I love learning about it and talking about it my brother isn't as interested, but he knows it makes me happy so he listens and talks and learns about it for my sake. When the subway stopped we walked out of the station and began the walk to our school we stopped at a store where he bought me snacks for the day and a book about ancient Egypt. I thanked him for the rest of the walk we just talked about King tut. I told him "I love king Tut so much Jay you don't even understand" Jayren looked at me and said "ain't that the defromed king" I said "he isn't defromed he had defects" Jay just said "whatever same thing" we looked at Eachother and laughed. Jay is 17 he's a senior he's real excited for college he's going to Princeton he's a amazing basketball player. But me I'm a freshman so it's gonna be a long time without my brother he's going to college to become a animator for movies. He already makes some for me he always tells me I should be a actor but I'm camera shy. We made it into school 5 minutes late he walked up the stairs to the senior area and I walked to the 3rd floor to get to my freshman algebra class. I sat down everything we normal I talked to my bestfriend Dre we didn't do any work as usual I usually get my girlfriend Sarah to do it for me her dad is hella smart. We switched classes I walked pass Jay he was sagging and talking thugish as usual I tried to pants him but he caught his pants and looked at me and laughed. We smiled at eachother and I kept walking to history we were learning about the American revolution Jay walked into my class for something he needed for the teacher she gave it to him when he walked out I told him I loved him and told said it back. I was surprised nobody in the class reacted to me saying that to my brother. That's when I heard it the lockdown announcement someone was in the school with a gun the teacher hid us all. She pulled Jay into the classroom Jay was comfroting me telling me we was gon be fine thats when the man came into our classroom he fired multiple rounds I was beside Jayren I was safe at first it didn't hit me multiple people were wounded I looked at Jay he was still safe he was just scared. I texted my parents I loved them Jay did the same. Then the shooter fired again the round hit me I was shot multiple times I could hear Jays screams and Cries. Begging me to stay awake to just keep looking at him and that everything was going to be fine. I looked at my watch it was 12:00 November 20 2023.I looked at Jay and again said "Jay I love you your an amanzing older brother Ik sometimes we fight but Jay I really do appreciate having an amazing loving brother like you". While crying he told me he loved me as well and he loves me more than anything he even called me the dream younger brother. He hugged me and kissed me and told me I'm going to be ok. He held me and cried begging me not to die he begged and begged and cried. He wrapped his shit around my wounds to try to keep me from dying. The police came in and took down the suspect minutes later I was surprised I wasn't dead yet. Jay grabbed me and ran outside with me he laid me on the ground saying he much he loved and appreciated me. Before I took my last breath I told Jay " you know we will see eachother again one day". I then took my last breath in his arms

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