Two Worlds Collided & They Co...

Por Wysteriaz

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You somehow end up lost in Japan, having little to no memory of your life before, or any understanding of the... Mais

Story Playlist
The Beginning - 始まり
Demons and Demon Slayers, Oh My! - 悪魔と悪魔のスレイヤー、オーマイ!
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back - 一歩進んで二歩下がる
Mount Natagumo: Part 1 - 那田蜘蛛山 前編
Mount Natagumo: Part 2 - 那田蜘蛛山 後編
Hope - 希望
Tales of Translation and Turmoil - 翻訳と混乱の物語 Summary:
The Weeks of Hell - 地獄の数週間
Practice Makes Perfect - 練習は完璧を作る
Prove Thyself - 汝自身を証明せよ
Demon Slayer - 鬼滅の刃
Overcoming Trials and Tribulations - 試練や艱難を乗り越える
The Mugen Train: Part 1 - 無限列車
Sneak Peek ~ The Mugen Train: Part 2 - 無限列車
2nd Sneak Peek ~ The Mugen Train: Part 2 - 無限列車
3rd Sneak Peek ~ The Mugen Train: Part 2 - 無限列車

Change - 変化

335 15 14
Por Wysteriaz

You were determined to make changes, no matter how long it took, how many attempts it required, or even if you felt like you were going in circles.

You've come to understand that life is a journey of learning, growth, and embracing change. This truth is evident in the world around you—the land, plants, wildlife, and the flow of time itself. Embracing the highs and lows, experiencing all that life presents, is what makes it all worth it.

It's been an arduous week since you last saw Tanjiro, Zenitsu, or Inosuke, and your anxiety has reached new heights. After reconciling with Uzui, you immediately sought them out to apologize as well. However, what you didn't realize was that each of them had been medically cleared and allowed to resume missions. Despite searching the mansion fruitlessly for a few minutes, you headed to their room in hopes of finding them there. Aoi Kanzaki, the girl who had been caring for them during their recovery, was the only one in the room, tidying up.

That's when she informed you that they had been sent on their first mission post-recovery.

It wasn't a shock considering it had been a little over three months since you began Japanese lessons and they started rehabilitation training, but the news still hit you hard. They were gone. You couldn't stop dwelling on how badly you wanted to make amends. They needed to know how sorry you were and how grateful you felt towards them. You couldn't let them continue thinking you didn't appreciate them. Losing them would shatter you, bringing back dark and depressing thoughts you had fought before.

Without them, life in this place meant nothing.

While you still had Uzui, Mitsuri, and others, those three were your pillars, the ones who grounded you. They were the first to make you feel like you belonged, like you had a family you couldn't find elsewhere. Each day they were absent, you paced the mansion anxiously, waiting for their return to finally express everything you'd been holding inside.

Yet, four more days passed without any word of their return.

You can only hope they're safe and will return soon. Their absence has consumed your thoughts, leading you to spend hours studying and training until you're nearly exhausted each day. While it's draining, it helps distract you, especially with a certain Hashira nearby. Rengoku proves to be an excellent mentor—kind, patient, and diligent. He knows how to push you, even if it sometimes feels daunting as you doubt reaching his level of optimism and strength. You may end up merely being able to hold your own in smaller battles, assisting the other slayers, rather than becoming formidable against stronger foes such as a member of the Twelve Kizuki or Muzan himself.

Nonetheless, you just want things to work out and your friends to be happy.

Stepping outside, you head to the training grounds where Rengoku awaits, accompanied by a familiar face standing off to the side. As you approach, the man turns to you, his expression neutral, triggering your memory. He's the one who saved you and Inosuke from the giant spider demon on the mountain!

Rengoku greets you warmly once you're near enough. "Good morning!"

"Good morning," you reply with ease, casting a glance at the man who effortlessly took down a formidable demon.

His voice is flat as he speaks, his expression devoid of emotion. "So, you're the new recruit?"

"That's right," you confirm, coming to a halt and offering a grateful smile. "You saved me and my friend on the mountain a few months back. I never got the chance to properly thank you... so, thank you."

"No need for thanks; I was simply fulfilling my duty."

"Regardless, I'm thankful." Your gaze shifts between Rengoku and the man, curiosity evident. "What brings you here?"

"I heard you were staying here with the others. Being an outsider, I was curious," he remarks, his eyes betraying his interest as he looks at you. "You've joined the Corps—why?"

"I want to help... I owe you and my other friends my life, and I've witnessed the horrors demons can inflict first hand. So, why not lend a hand?"

"Interesting. Did the Master approve of this?" His eyes move to Rengoku, who nods affirmatively with a smile. "Where are you from, exactly?"

"I... don't know."

There's a subtle shift in his expression at your response, though it remains inscrutable. "That's unfortunate, I suppose." He turns to Rengoku and nods slightly before walking away. "I'll take my leave now, so you can continue your training."

"Wait!" You call out, causing him to pause without turning back. "What's your name?"

"Giyuu... Giyuu Tomioka."

He walks off after answering, and you offer another quick "Thank you!" before he disappears entirely. Rengoku breaks the silence with a cheerful hum, flashing his trademark grin as he outlines today's lesson. You'll be learning Total Concentration, a prospect that leaves you unsure, given your past experience. However, you nod in agreement and assume a meditative stance, absorbing every word Rengoku imparts as he guides you through the technique.

Surprisingly, nothing peculiar occurs as you concentrate on your breathing, following Rengoku's lead. You're grateful for the chance to focus solely on the lesson without any strange occurrences. While you acknowledge the possibility of unexpected events, for now, you're entirely relaxed and able to breathe freely, perhaps for the first time.

The next couple of hours pass with you diligently practicing the breathing exercises before Rengoku suggests integrating them into your physical workouts like jogging, pushups, crunches, and other light exercises to acclimate you gradually. It's a slow and challenging process, but you already feel a bit more confident and satisfied with your progress, no matter how incremental it may seem. Everyone starts somewhere, and observing how effortlessly those around you handle their tasks serves as motivation. You want this more than anything you can recall wanting before, pushing yourself through each training session.

As two weeks fly by, filled with training and Japanese studies, the absence of your lively friends weighs heavily on you.

The worry grows, leading you to vent to Uzui and Mitsuri, occasionally seeking solace in Shinobu's presence, though she's often preoccupied with personal duties. Despite Rengoku's kindness and potential supportiveness, you refrain from burdening him with your concerns, maintaining a respectful distance as he guides your training. While Uzui breaks the professional barriers with his casual demeanor and personal anecdotes, Rengoku remains somewhat enigmatic and intimidating to you. You stick to following his instructions during training, keeping your thoughts and feelings to yourself.

However, fate seems to intervene one night as you struggle to sleep and venture outside to practice what you've learned. Out of nowhere, Rengoku appears, catching you off guard.

"You're up quite late, or perhaps I should say early," Rengoku's bright yet gentle voice breaks the night's silence.

You had been taking a brief break, seated on a stone bench lost in your thoughts, and you snapped back to reality as he approached, his usual cheerful expression dimmed slightly.

"May I?" He gestures to the spot beside you.

After a moment of quiet contemplation, you nod, shifting over to make room for him. Your gaze wanders to a nondescript spot in the garden as the peaceful ambiance of the night, filled with chirping crickets and the gentle rustling of leaves, surrounds you. There's an unspoken heaviness in the air, almost suffocating, yet you focus on your breathing, avoiding any specific thoughts.

It's a strange limbo, akin to when you first touched your sword and experienced a peculiar energy that left you unconscious for days.

The silence is broken when Rengoku speaks, his tone softer and slower than usual. "Pardon me if I am overstepping, but are you alright?"

His question catches you off guard. He noticed your mood? It dawns on you that perhaps others have also sensed your recent struggles, despite your attempts to conceal them better than a few weeks prior. However, you hadn't expected Rengoku, of all people, to inquire about your well-being.

"I'm fine," you respond, though the uncertainty lingers in your tone.

Your words rang hollow, a lie that was painfully obvious even to yourself. You hoped that by repeating it, you could make it true, but Rengoku, with his keen perception and fiery gaze, saw through your facade. His eyes bore into you, challenging the falsehood you tried to present.

"I'm afraid that I don't believe you," Rengoku states, his tone unwavering. His straightforwardness cuts through the air, leaving you exposed. "But you should know that it's okay... to not be okay. If I may be so bold as to ask... why do you lie, to others, and to yourself?"

A sudden chill grips you, your heart skipping a beat as an uneasy feeling settles in your stomach. His words hit home, exposing the deep-rooted habit of pretending everything was fine when it wasn't. He knows. The pain of your actions weighs heavily as you realize the impact on not just yourself but others, like your friends Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke, who left without a word before their mission two weeks ago.

"I-I..." You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself and not crumble under the weight of his question. "I'm sorry," you manage to choke out.

Rengoku's response is gentle yet firm. "Please, don't apologize," he implores, leaning closer to meet your gaze. "But understand that lying in such a manner will do more harm than good. Denial won't solve anything."

"I know," you stammer, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.

The torrent of thoughts and emotions swirls relentlessly within you as Rengoku's gentle but firm presence anchors you to the conversation, despite the urge to flee. Uzui's words echo in your mind, urging you to stop hiding and pushing people away. You realize that avoiding discomfort only leads to hurting yourself and those around you, and yet, you find the task of facing such fears to be difficult and painful in its own way. Summoning courage, you meet Rengoku's gaze head-on, finding a familiar gentleness in his eyes that reminds you of Tanjiro, a mix of amusement and sorrow flooding your heart. The longing for Tanjiro and the others intensifies in this moment. Silence hangs between you and Rengoku, his caring eyes offering a sense of calm and yet stirring your nerves. His unspoken invitation to open up and stop lying is clear, encouraging you to share your true feelings.

With a steadying breath, you find your voice, admitting, "I'm not sure what to do. I'm not okay. I've been awful, and I'm overwhelmed with worry right now. Can I handle this? Will I ever regain my memories? Do I truly belong here? Do I deserve any of this? Have I ruined everything? Are my friends safe and—"

Your words come to an abrupt halt, feeling like you've bared too much. Yet, Rengoku remains unperturbed, observing you for a moment before reclining back, crossing his arms comfortably as he gazes up at the night sky. The stars twinkle above, casting a peaceful glow. His peaceful stance and silent support offer solace, a reminder that you don't have to carry everything alone.

"As I said before, it's okay to not be okay," Rengoku's simple yet profound words resonate with you. "No one here will judge you for having such thoughts—for simply being human. Admitting mistakes, being vulnerable, and seeking help are signs of true strength. We all have weaknesses, but we don't have to face them alone. Our ability to connect with others, forming unbreakable bonds, is our greatest asset as humans. Together, we are stronger!"

His words sink deep, leaving you in awe of his insight once again. You let his wisdom envelop you, uncaring if he notices your captivation. You know he's right, yet breaking free from old habits and beliefs is challenging. However, you realize that life is about learning, growing, and embracing change. It's reflected in everything around you—the land, plants, wildlife, and the passage of time. Embracing the ups and downs, experiencing all that life offers, and forming connections with those around you, makes it precious and worth fighting for.

Your stubbornness, once a barrier, now becomes a driving force for change—a willingness to grow and evolve, no matter the challenges.

"Thank you," you say sincerely, feeling a rare sense of peace wash over you.

Rengoku's smile, though unseen, is felt. No more words are needed as you both sit in comfortable silence, understanding each other without needing to articulate it. Eventually, you part ways for the night, carrying with you a newfound resolve to face your challenges with strength and openness.


The passage of almost three and a half weeks since your friends' departure left you grappling with your thoughts and feelings, until that pivotal night with Rengoku. His guidance allowed you to breathe freely again, easing your troubled heart and mind. Though worries lingered, you didn't let them fester, instead opening up more to Uzui, Mitsuri, and even Rengoku, finding solace in their company. As the fourth week begins, a sudden commotion interrupts your solitude, prompting you to rush out of the study room, nearly stumbling in your haste. Your heart races as you dash toward the source of the noise, eyes scanning the area until they land on familiar figures.

Relief floods over you; the wait is finally over!

You were on the brink of losing your mind, especially enduring Uzui's incessant banter about your inferior taste in food. Remember the petty argument that led to days of ignoring each other before your reconciliation? It's almost laughable now, but enough of those trivialities. What truly matters is what's before you. You almost doubt your senses, thinking you're seeing apparitions.

But it's them... they're back!


The joy of reunion bursts forth as you leap towards your friends, their surprised reactions mixing with your giggles and tears. Tackling them like an overexcited puppy, you're a whirlwind of emotions as you wrap your arms around them tightly.

"You're back!" you exclaim.

However, your exuberant welcome is met with varying responses.

Zenitsu, wide-eyed, seems caught off guard but tentatively happy about your enthusiasm, reciprocating the embrace you've pulled them into. "Huh...? Y/n-chan, w-what are you doing here?"

Slightly pulling away, you meet his eyes and grin. "I've been waiting for you—"

Inosuke, maskless but still fierce, abruptly pushes you away with a grumble. "Piss off, unless you're looking for a fight!"

You stumble, tripping over your own foot and wind up on the ground. Tanjiro, with a mix of concern and displeasure, frowns at Inosuke before moving to help you, his hand hovering but not quite touching you.

"Are you okay?"

You sense the hesitation, a pang of realization hitting you that you've created a barrier between you due to your actions in the past. The thought stings, but it only fuels your determination to be a better friend. The rapid bond and closeness you shared with them often felt surreal, but it was a treasure you wouldn't exchange for anything. They weren't just friends; they were your chosen family, your people who stood by you through thick and thin. You realized that it was time to reciprocate the care and support they had shown you by being the best friend you could be for them. After all, they had always given their best to you, and it was only fair to do the same in return. Looking up at Tanjiro with a smile, you take his hand and stand back up with his help, squeezing it gently.

"Yeah, I'm okay! Especially now that you guys are back," you assure him, the sincerity in your voice evident. "I've... really missed you guys..."

As you turn to address Zenitsu and Inosuke, Tanjiro's smile takes on a bittersweet quality as he watches you, his gaze filled with understanding and warmth. On the other hand, Zenitsu appears visibly flustered, his cheeks tinted with a blush as he nervously fidgets with his fingers and scuffs his feet against the ground. Inosuke, ever the stoic one, stiffens slightly and avoids direct eye contact, his discomfort palpable.

Tanjiro, finding his voice amidst the emotions swirling around, offers a gentle affirmation in response to your heartfelt admission. "That's good to know..."

Suddenly, you pull Tanjiro into a tight embrace, catching him off guard with the suddenness of your gesture.

"I'm so sorry, please forgive me for being such an awful friend..." you murmur, your voice filled with genuine regret as you bury your head against his shoulder.

You open up about your worries, especially regarding their return, expressing both relief and remorse for all of your actions in the past. Tanjiro's breath catches momentarily, surprised by the emotional intensity of the moment. However, he quickly reciprocates, wrapping his arms around you in a comforting hold. His expression softens, and he rubs your back soothingly, conveying reassurance and understanding. The warmth of the embrace helps to ease any lingering tension or doubts between you, reaffirming the strength of your friendship and mutual support.

"It's okay, Y/n-chan!" Zenitsu steps closer, still appearing a bit flustered but his words are sincere. "We weren't mad at you or anything. It did hurt a little, and we were confused, but we understood that you needed some time and space. We're just glad you're okay!"

"Thanks, guys. It really means a lot," you reply gratefully. "I haven't shown you how much I truly appreciate you and you deserve better..."

Tanjiro interjects with his own apology, acknowledging their sudden departure without a proper goodbye. "We should have tried harder to talk to you before leaving, but time was short, and we weren't sure if you still wanted to be alone. Still, we're sorry for worrying you so much."

"That's okay... I understand," you murmur, your voice carrying a tinge of regret and sorrow. "And I wouldn't blame you if you did just leave and never came back..."

"We would never leave you behind," he reassures you, his voice gentle yet resolute.

While you felt upset, most of it was directed at yourself for pushing away those who cared about you. They all cared about you just as much as you cared about them. Despite knowing this, you had subconsciously held onto thoughts that you weren't truly wanted or needed, even though you had quickly formed strong bonds. It was as if you were waiting for them to leave you behind

ᴶᵘˢᵗ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵉʸ ᵈᶦᵈ...

An image flashes in your mind, vague and unsettling. Who were... they? The memory or vision is painful, and a slight ache pulses in the back of your brain. You push it aside, not wanting to disrupt the moment of closeness and comfort with your friends. Determined not to let negative thoughts hold you back anymore, you pull Tanjiro even closer and beckon Zenitsu and Inosuke over for a group hug. Zenitsu eagerly joins, while Inosuke hesitates at first, trying to maintain his tough exterior.

"Inosuke-kun, get over here!" you insist, your tone playful yet sincere.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Inosuke retorts, but there's a hint of something softer in his voice.

"Please," you add with a gentle pout, "come over here. I need you—all of you..."

Inosuke's stoic expression cracks, replaced by a mix of irritation and something deeper that he can't quite hide.

"Aaaaugh... fine! " he relents, stomping over and joining the hug.

As everyone embraces, Inosuke quietly grumbles about mushiness, but the warmth and affection in the moment are undeniable and break through his facade. It's a testament to the bond you share, overcoming barriers and differences to find comfort and strength in each other's presence. However, Inosuke gets carried away and starts to turn it into a competition of who can hug better, nearly squeezing the life out of all of you. Zenitsu wheezes as his lungs are compressed, while you and Tanjiro just smile and laugh despite the lack of air supply, enjoying the little moment. You really needed this, and it seems like they might have as well.

After a few more moments you all decide to break it up and head inside. It's still fairly early in the morning, so it's the perfect time to have some breakfast and sit around for a while catching up on what's happened over the last four weeks. As you all enter the dining room, Tanjiro takes off the box, and Nezuko instantly swings the door open and bursts out, slightly stumbling before she quickly gets back up and rushes over to you. You squeak in surprise as her arms wrap around your middle, and she nuzzles into you. You squeal in delight and wrap yourself around her too. You both swing back and forth, smiling and giggling as the others watch and settle down at the table where food has been prepared.

"Mmm! Mhmmn," Nezuko babbles from under the bamboo mouthpiece.

Her eyes are big and round, with a slight furrow in her brow as her hand comes up to pet your head for a moment before she goes back in for a hug, humming in content. She missed you, and you returned the sentiment. You brush your fingers through her hair for a few moments, but she still wasn't letting go as you tried to turn, your heart warming with affection for how cute and silly she was being.

"Nezuko," Tanjiro calls out, smiling fondly despite trying to sound serious, "you have to let her go! Y/n-chan needs to eat, too."

She completely ignores him and only buries herself further into your frame, reluctant to let you go as she pouts.

"Let's sit together," you suggest cheerily, laughing when she immediately lets go, only to grab onto your hand and drag you to the table where you could sit side by side.

"Mmmmn~" She leans into you, hugging you from the side.

"Aww, I missed you too, Nezuko-chan! Have you been having fun with your brother, Zenitsu-kun, and Inosuke-kun?"

She nods enthusiastically, her eyes lighting up as she sits back and slightly bounces in her spot. "Mmn!"

"That's good, I'm glad you've been doing well."

She then tilts her head at you, her expression curious as she mumbles, "Uhmm... hmm?"

"Me? Well, ummm..." you pause, deciding not to delve into how you've been during their absence. What matters is how you're doing now. "I'm doing great! I'm glad you're all here," you say with a smile, patting her head.

She closes her eyes and hums again happily. Everyone starts grabbing food, except Nezuko, who busies herself playing with a strand of your hair as you begin to eat and talk with the boys. They ask what you've been up to since they left, how your studying and training were coming along, and you tell them as much as you can remember. Often, your mind blanks or you worry about things so much that you don't really pay attention or remember as much as you should. Which, at this moment, was becoming very apparent, as you barely recall what has happened these past four weeks. You're able to tell them about your training picking up a bit, with you starting to learn Total Concentration, but you're still in the very early stages of it.

And you recount a few funny stories that Uzui had told while studying but leave out the part where you both essentially made a pact to prank Zenitsu together.

"So, where did you guys go?" You take a bite of rice, chewing slowly as you sweep your gaze over them. "What did you do?"

"We took down a demon, of course!" Inosuke huffs proudly while shoving copious amounts of food down his throat, making a giant mess.

How he's able to talk with so much food in his mouth is beyond you. He always acts like he hasn't eaten in such a long time and was starved to death. You guess he just has a big appetite, which makes sense, seeing as he has so much energy. But he could at least make sure most of it actually goes into his mouth and doesn't get everywhere...

"Well, more like Tanjiro and I did," Zenitsu says with a hint of irritation. "Inosuke showed up at the last minute, but yeah... we had to fight a demon that was terrorizing a small town, and it was pretty tough."

"Oh, well, you all look good... so I assume you made it out without any major wounds. But are you guys okay?"

"Yes, we're alright, thanks for your concern!" Tanjiro chimes in, a light smile on his face as he begins to tell you some of the details about their mission. "It was a tricky situation because of its Blood Demon Art, since it could make identical copies of itself. Luckily, the demon wasn't very strong, and neither were the copies. I think they just served to be a distraction so it could run away. But we tracked it down... which is why it took as long as it did to complete the mission and return."

"Wow," you exclaim with genuine admiration for their perseverance. "I'm glad you managed to find it and take it down!"

"Me too," Zenitsu groans wearily. "I'm so tired. We hardly got any sleep because it kept running away. I think I could sleep for a few days or even a week!"

"That sounds exhausting," you sympathize, though a small smile tugs at your lips as Zenitsu dramatically expresses his fatigue by slumping over. After a moment, you continue, unable to contain your thoughts. "I know it might sound selfish, but I was hoping to spend more time with you guys now that you're back..."

Zenitsu suddenly appears more alert, sitting up straighter. "I could keep you company! I'll be fine and can just go to sleep when you do!"

"No, you can't do that!"

Zenitsu's eyes turn hopeful as he tries to play it cool. "It's n-no problem, really!"

You chuckle and shake your head, waving your hand at him. "I'd rather you get some rest. You all deserve it for working so hard."

Your praise, although directed at the others as well, causes his heart to leap. His gaze shifts to the delicious treat on his plate, and he offers it to you knowing your fondness for sugary things. He couldn't help but think you were perfect. Considering he also enjoyed sweets and other tasty treats, he couldn't help but think you were a match made in heaven.

"Okay, but take this! A sweet... for a s-sweet girl!"

You accept it with a warm feeling in your chest, oblivious to the light blush on your cheeks, touched by his gesture. Zenitsu had a habit of giving you things, which you appreciated deeply. However, it also made you feel a bit guilty because you hadn't given him or anyone else a gift before. You make a mental note to start showing your appreciation with small gifts as well, wanting to be a good friend in return. As you ponder this, Inosuke suddenly interrupts with excitement, leaning over the table to show you something he found on their mission. Zenitsu tries to pull him back down, scolding him to get off the table.

Inosuke paid him no mind, standing firm without moving, allowing you to take the object from his hand for a closer inspection. It was a palm-sized green mineral, somewhat dulled by the dirt still clinging to it. However, you could envision its potential beauty if cleaned and fashioned into jewelry, sparkling brilliantly in the light. As it lay cool in your palm, you turned it over, observing the rough, jagged surface, pondering where and how Inosuke had stumbled upon such a stunning gem. Questions seemed to multiply whenever he was involved, with answers often remaining elusive.

It's never a dull moment with him, you thought to yourself, acknowledging Inosuke's knack for the unexpected.

Zenitsu's eyes widened in disbelief. "Where did you find that?"

"In that creepy cave we passed during our mission," Inosuke replied casually.

"So, that's where you disappeared to," Tanjiro chimed in with a sigh, a hint of amusement in his tone.

Zenitsu stared at Inosuke incredulously, his eyes twitching as he exclaimed, "You've got to be kidding! We were worried you were lost, and you're telling me you were just playing around in a dark, creepy cave while we tried to carry out the mission! Why would you go there, especially alone? Another demon could've been hiding in there!"

"Because I felt like it," Inosuke shrugged, unperturbed.

Inosuke, true to form, offered no further explanation, if there was any to begin with—which was highly unlikely given his nature. His penchant for exploration and random activities had become a predictable part of his character, so it shouldn't have come as a surprise that he often engaged in such antics for no reason other than his own whim. As you attempted to return the crystal, Inosuke leaned back, settled down, and resumed his meal without acknowledging your gesture. Though you managed to briefly catch his attention, he merely gave you a puzzled look when you waved the crystal at him and then went back to ignoring you completely. Perplexed, you couldn't help but shoot him a bewildered glance, your expression contorting.

Did he not want it back? After all, it was a shiny, pretty rock! If he found acorns fascinating, surely this gem would also pique his interest and find a place among his collection of 'treasures.'

Deciding to let it go, you placed the crystal on the table and redirected your focus to enjoying the meal, prompting the group to continue recounting the details of the mission. Their lively banter and shared anecdotes brought warmth to the conversation, eliciting laughter as they playfully argued about the nuances of their journey or found common ground in their perspectives and emotions. Your smile remained constant throughout the meal, lingering even as you tidied up together afterward and suggested they take some rest. Inosuke, usually not one to quickly heed such advice, vanished almost instantly, while Tanjiro and Zenitsu required a bit more persuasion before reluctantly retiring to their room, promising to spend more time with you once they were refreshed. With mutual agreements made, they trudged off to rest, weariness evident but contentment apparent in their smiles.

They slept through the remainder of the day, which was understandable considering the exhausting mission they had recounted earlier. The demon's ability to create duplicates and evade capture had forced them into a relentless pursuit, leaving little time for rest. Their determination to prevent its escape was admirable, considering the minimal sleep they managed to snatch amidst the chase. Reflecting on their experience, you doubted you could have endured such a grueling ordeal without adequate rest. Being a part of the Demon Slayer Corps meant you would eventually embark on missions yourself, assuming your training progressed as expected. While you had already made significant strides in building stamina and strength since joining, you knew there was much more to learn and improve upon. With time and dedication, you were confident you could at least keep pace with them to a certain extent during missions, whenever you were deemed ready to join them.

And hopefully that wasn't too far in the future.

The next morning, you rose early, dressed swiftly in your uniform, and headed to their room. Knocking softly, you waited, but there was no response from within. Carefully, you pushed the door open and peeked inside to find them still asleep, accompanied by the gentle sounds of snores, grumbles, and the cheerful chirping of birds outside. Approaching Tanjiro first, you leaned over to nudge his shoulder gently. Though you knew they were likely still exhausted, your eagerness to spend time with them upon their return outweighed your consideration for their rest. After some gentle prodding, Tanjiro stirred, his eyes slowly fluttering open before he managed a lopsided smile, signaling his awakening from the depths of sleep.

Tanjiro greeted you with a yawn, stretching as he sat up. "Good morning."

You returned his smile. "Good morning, sleepyhead! Sorry to wake you. Are you still tired...?"

"A little," he admitted, "but it's okay. We probably shouldn't be sleeping all day."

Moving on to Zenitsu, you gently shook him and whispered, "Wake up, Zenitsu-kun."

He mumbled in response, keeping his eyes closed, a faint frown forming on his face. You chuckled and persisted, shaking him a bit more and leaning closer to his ear to coax him awake. Eventually, his eyes shot open in alarm, almost screaming before realizing it was you. He let out a garbled noise, stopping himself by biting his lip, his heart racing from the surprise. As you pulled back with a laugh, his wide eyes followed your movement before he shook himself and blinked a few times, regaining his composure. Approaching Inosuke next, you attempted to wake him in the same manner. However, your attempt took an unexpected turn when he swiftly grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards him.

Surprised, you squawked as he enveloped you in a tight embrace, holding you firmly against his chest.

You wheeze and squirm, your words cutting short as you try to call out his name. "I-Inosu—!"

Your struggle to free yourself from Inosuke's surprisingly strong grip escalated as Zenitsu and Tanjiro joined in, attempting to pry you away. Despite their combined efforts, Inosuke's hold seemed unyielding, his unconscious strength baffling everyone involved.

"You're going to crush her to death, you idiot!" Zenitsu's frustration seeped into his words as he tugged at Inosuke's arms with all his might.

Tanjiro, though calmer, exerted his full strength as well. They managed to move one of Inosuke's arms slightly, a glimmer of hope teasing at the possibility of your liberation. However, their progress was short-lived as Inosuke, still asleep, kicked them away, grumbling irritably. It was a struggle reminiscent of being pinned down by Zenitsu during your first encounter with a demon (the one at the house in the woods), only now compounded by Inosuke's unwittingly powerful embrace.

Your predicament worsened as Inosuke rolled over, trapping you further with his leg, leaving you feeling utterly stuck and helpless. Panic surged as his breath brushed against the back of your neck, and when his face nuzzled closer, your whole body tensed, a tingle running down your spine. The situation had gone from being slightly flustered to downright uncomfortable, especially considering your slight claustrophobia and the unexpected intimacy of the situation. Frantic, you fought against his hold, but it was futile. Tanjiro and Zenitsu, sensing the urgency, suggested seeking help from Uzui or Rengoku.

However, the thought of either Hashira discovering you in such a predicament filled you with dread.

Uzui would likely tease you endlessly, and the fear of disappointing Rengoku, who had been diligently training you to increase your stamina and strength, felt like a failure in itself. If you couldn't free yourself from your sleeping friend's hold, how could you be taken seriously as a member of the Corps tasked with battling actual demons?

As they hurried off to seek help, you continued to squirm in Inosuke's embrace, desperately trying to free yourself. Through some contortionist-like maneuvering, you managed to twist around until you were facing him, your heart racing at the proximity. Wide-eyed, you found yourself staring at his face, momentarily mesmerized by his features up close. The realization of how pretty he looked caused your brain to short-circuit, leaving you almost afraid to move, your breath caught in your throat.

Just when you thought the situation couldn't get any more surreal, Inosuke squeezed his arms, drawing you even closer and eliciting a gasp for air from you. The rush of air across his face as he did so seemed to jolt him awake, his expression scrunching up as his arms loosened slightly, allowing you to shift back and meet his gaze face to face. A silent moment passed between you as you stared into each other's eyes, the intensity of the moment making it feel like an eternity when it was only a few seconds. Then, his eyes widened in shock, and in a sudden movement, he pushed you away and flung himself backward, tumbling off the bed with a loud thud.

Your heart raced as you sat up, watching him shoot up from the floor and point at you accusingly. "What are you doing?! Are you trying to kill me in my sleep or something?!"

The absurdity of the situation hit you, and you couldn't help but burst into nervous laughter. "N-No! I was trying to wake you up, but you were dead asleep and grabbed onto me, and you wouldn't let go!"

The tension in the room seemed to dissipate slightly as Inosuke, though still wary, chose not to press the matter further. Instead, he grumbled to himself and stood up, clearly still a bit disoriented from the abrupt awakening. As you slid off the bed, a wave of relief washed over you. You couldn't believe how close you had come to a rather embarrassing demise, whether from a heart attack or being squeezed to death. However, just when you thought the awkwardness had peaked, you found yourself blurting out words without thinking.

"Inosuke, you look so cute and peaceful while sleeping. Why can't you always be like that?" You chuckled softly, teasing him, before adding, "And I never noticed just how pretty and green your eyes are! I feel like I could get lost in them."

The moment the words left your mouth, you felt another rush of embarrassment, your giggle turning into an awkward cough as you cleared your throat, avoiding eye contact and fidgeting nervously. You berated yourself mentally for making such a comment, especially with your reaction afterward, which only served to make the situation more uncomfortable.

You can't believe you just said that...

Especially to someone like Inosuke, with whom you hadn't shared such affectionate, albeit teasing words with before. The silence that followed your comment seemed to stretch on forever. Inosuke's reaction to your compliment left you feeling a mix of uncertainty and regret. His pink-cheeked, bewildered expression spoke volumes, and when he swiftly put on his mask and left without a word, you couldn't help but wonder if you had crossed a line or made things awkward between you. As you ventured out of the room, you tried to convince yourself that it was just a momentary lapse, and both of you would forget about it soon enough. After all, your friendship had never ventured into such territory before, and Inosuke was not exactly known for being sentimental or receptive to such comments, at least not in your experience.

Arriving in the dining room, you found the others returning, apologizing for not finding help in time but expressing relief at seeing you free. When they inquired about how you managed to escape, you offered a simple explanation that Inosuke had shifted enough in his sleep to release you before waking up. Surprisingly, Inosuke had nothing to say about the matter, seemingly ignoring the topic as he quickly settled down and ate his food. As you all joined him, he ate faster, shoving everything into his mouth before springing up and dashing off.

Inosuke's hurried departure from the room raised eyebrows, but you played it cool, pretending not to notice the exchanged glances between Tanjiro and Zenitsu. Despite the lingering awkwardness, you tried to focus on enjoying the meal and putting the incident behind you. After all, it was just a silly moment that would soon fade into the background of your friendship. Although, Inosuke's behavior was a bit extreme, indicating that your comment may have had a stronger impact than you initially thought. While it's unlikely that he was repulsed by your words, they might have made him feel uncomfortable or uncertain, leading to his avoidance. The dynamic between you two was different, and you could understand if he needed some space after that unexpected exchange.

But, surely, things would return to normal after this.

Tanjiro and Zenitsu noticed the subtle changes in both you and Inosuke, picking up on the tension and unusual behavior. They were curious but decided not to pry further, preferring to let the situation settle on its own. Zenitsu, in particular, was suspicious of Inosuke's heightened nervousness and odd behavior, but he didn't want to delve into it without a clearer understanding. Fortunately, the rest of the day proceeded smoothly without any additional awkwardness. Inosuke seemed to have disappeared entirely, which bothered you a little, but you decided that some space might be beneficial for both of you.

As the day progressed, you decided to make the most of it by spending time with Zenitsu and Tanjiro in the gardens. The beautiful weather and the opportunity to be with your friends lifted your spirits. You had requested the day off from Uzui and Rengoku the previous night, missing their company and wanting a break from training. Uzui teased you about it, while Rengoku happily granted your request, acknowledging the importance of rest and relaxation. Plus, with the Hashira occupied with upcoming meetings, you were free to enjoy a peaceful day with your friends.

Although you were eager to get stronger and train more, you were glad for the little break. You had been making good progress, so you figured a day off wouldn't hurt. Initially, you didn't pay much attention to how fast you were learning some things, even though you had noticed the progress. However, you hadn't realized just how quick you were. Some skills came easier than others, but overall, you were doing great, and you started to believe in yourself more.

No more negative thoughts or constant self-doubt!

Especially now that your friends were back, with the more sensitive ones constantly praising your efforts. While hanging out in the gardens, you showed them a few of the moves you'd learned during training, including various punches and kicks for close combat situations. Zenitsu was a bit worried and kept urging you to be careful, fearing you might strain or hurt yourself. You reassured him that you were fine. It might have annoyed you at first, but you realized it came from his concern and care for you.

So, although it was a bit overbearing, you appreciated that he just wanted you to be safe.

However, that didn't stop you from having fun and being a bit mischievous as a playful idea sparked in your mind. You and Uzui made a little pact, and this seemed like the perfect time to do something to stir up some harmless trouble. You couldn't help but feel a morbid sense of amusement, thinking about how proud Uzui would be to see what you were about to put your poor friends through—more specifically Zenitsu.

"Watch this!" you call out, ensuring they're completely focused on you.

With a slight crouch, you push up with all the strength in your legs, jumping high in the air while kicking out and spinning. Just as you're about to land, you purposefully stumble, making it look like something happened to your leg as you touch the ground, letting out a pained groan as you fall over and grab onto your leg. Instantly, Zenitsu gasps and rushes to your side, his hands hovering over you in a panic.

"Ahhhh, Y/n-chan! Are you okay?!" His eyes dart between your face and your leg, sweat lining his brow. "Did you break something?! What happened?!"

Tanjiro joins you, his face a bit pale at the thought of your severe injury, though he remains relatively calm as he assesses the situation. You continue to groan, rocking slightly back and forth, and force a few tears to well up in your eyes to sell the act. Zenitsu's anxiety only heightens at the sight, which tugs at your conscience, but you're committed to the bit.

"I-I think," you start, gasping and whimpering, "I twisted my ankle."

"Here, let us carry you to the infirmary and get help," Tanjiro suggests.

He slides one of your arms around his shoulder, crouching down, while Zenitsu takes the other side. Together, they lift you up. Keeping your leg elevated, you hop along but let them take only a few steps before straightening your leg dramatically and slamming your foot down. They gasp simultaneously, Zenitsu panicking and clinging to you tighter as you pretend to lose balance. However, you stop yourself, leaning back and bursting into laughter until you can't hold it in anymore and actually fall, pulling both of them down with you. They lie there in shock as you continue to laugh and roll around. Tanjiro slowly sits up, his expression deeply concerned as he gazes at you from the side.

He struggles to find the right words, his thoughts feeling sluggish. "What... happened?"

"Gotcha!" you exclaim, grinning widely.

"Huh...?" Tanjiro's confusion lingers.

You sit up, still chuckling as you explain, "It was just a prank! I'm actually fine; I was messing with you guys."

He blinks a few times before a smile quirks at the corners of his mouth. He looks away, shaking his head.

"Oh, you really got me," he admits, exhaling with a mix of surprise and amusement. "I couldn't even tell you were faking it; your scent was nearly impossible to detect. You're really good!"

Zenitsu slowly sits up on your other side, grabbing your shoulder and shaking you vigorously, his voice climbing in pitch. "Why would you scare me like that, Y/n-chaaaaan! I thought it was serious, and you were in terrible pain!"

"Sorry, I just had to! I've been so bored lately, and I thought it would be a good prank. Uzui put me up to it, actually! Yeah—it was his idea to prank you!"

You nonchalantly throw Uzui under the bus and reveal your prank partnership.

Zenitsu grimaces. "How about you do something that doesn't involve injury? You know, a real harmless kind of prank? That was too much for me; I almost thought I'd see your bone pop out, and I don't think I could've handled that!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you apologize profusely, grabbing his hands. "You're right, next time I'll do something less scary."

Zenitsu hesitates, his eyes fixed on your hands before he snaps out of it.

"Next time?! Maybe you should just stick to this one prank..." He frowns a bit, a crease forming between his brows as he mutters something too low for you to hear clearly. "Of course that damn giant jerk had something to do with this..."

You snicker, then turn to Tanjiro with a playful look. "And what did you mean by my scent?"

His eyes widened slightly, as if a realization just struck him.

"Oh! Well... I have a very acute sense of smell! It's so strong that I can pick up things from far away, and I can even sense a person's emotions if I really concentrate. You're the only person I've had trouble pinpointing exactly what you're feeling, though." He taps his chin in thought, his gaze wandering for a moment. "It's very interesting... I suppose you're just really good at controlling your emotions. That's quite impressive!"

You nod, finding his explanation intriguing. It seems like your friends have some cool abilities; Tanjiro with his acute sense of smell and Zenitsu with his remarkable hearing. It makes you wonder if anyone else among your friends has unique abilities. The thought adds a layer of excitement to your perception of them.

"That's pretty amazing, Tanjiro-kun. Guess that answers a few things now."

You all share a laugh, then stand up, dusting yourselves off. The rest of the afternoon is spent more seriously, engaging in training, although you still have fun because you're doing it together. It's moments like these that strengthen your bond as friends and teammates.


A man sits alone, distancing himself from the noise of the other Hashira. Earlier, there was a meeting that left him conflicted. The Master had announced a new member, which wasn't unusual given the frequent additions to their ranks. However, this newcomer stood out because she was not only a foreigner but lacked any prior training. What baffled everyone even more was the sword she received, one that put her in a three-day coma after a mere touch, an attempt to see if it would change color. The sword didn't change, which wasn't surprising, but it did emit a blindingly bright glow witnessed by a few onlookers.

In the history of the Demon Slayer Corps, such an occurrence had never been heard of or seen.

The Master interpreted it as a sign of good fortune, hinting that the fate of the Corps might rest in the hands of this new member and her friends—perhaps it was destiny. However, not everyone shared the Master's optimism. The Wind and Serpent Hashira, in particular, were skeptical and vocal about their concerns regarding the state of the Corps and the standards for admission. Even the Stone Hashira had words to offer, albeit less confrontational than the former two. The remaining Hashira remained silent, except for Mitsuri, who urged the others to show more compassion and restraint in their judgments.

Giyuu also remained silent during the discussion, unsure of what to make of the situation.

He wasn't particularly talkative to begin with, but the mysterious circumstances surrounding the new member and her sword left him contemplative. When he had questioned you about why you joined, your answer had been straightforward yet strangely confident, despite the simplicity of your words. It wasn't anything extraordinary, but he couldn't help but wonder if he would have reacted differently had anyone else, especially a foreigner, given the same response. Although he rarely showed much emotion, there were moments when someone's statement or action elicited a deadpan expression of discontent from him. Typically, it was Shinobu or Tengen who managed to provoke such reactions, as they were the most bothersome among the Hashira in terms of getting under his skin. However, he never sensed any ill intent behind their teasing; it was all in good fun from their perspective.

They often teased him for his quiet nature but never in a malicious way.

The only two Hashira he truly didn't care for were the Wind and Serpent Hashira. Their harsh and cold demeanor, especially outside the Master's presence, rubbed him the wrong way. At least they showed some restraint in front of the Master.The meeting eventually shifted to discussions about recent demon attacks, and once everything had been addressed, it was adjourned. Giyuu remained lost in his thoughts, pondering the mysteries and dynamics within the Demon Slayer Corps.

"Good afternoon!" Rengoku greeted cheerfully, taking a seat right next to Giyuu. "How have you been faring lately, my friend? We didn't get to chat much last time."

Giyuu regarded Rengoku warmly. Despite his loud and boisterous nature, he found Rengoku to be kind and genuinely interested in their conversations. He appreciated that Rengoku never pressured him to speak more than he was comfortable with, which contributed to their good rapport despite their contrasting personalities.

"I'm well, thank you," Giyuu replied politely. "And yourself?"

Rengoku nodded, crossing his arms as he leaned back, observing the other Hashira mingling.

"I'm also doing well, thank you! As you know, I've taken on the responsibility of training Y/n-san!" He glanced at Giyuu with a small smile, though there was a hint of concern in his eyes. "What are your thoughts?"

Giyuu raised an eyebrow, sensing Rengoku's curiosity. "Why do you ask for my thoughts on the matter?"

"You seemed curious when you met her. Some others were quite curious as well, perhaps even suspicious and upset, about a foreign girl with no prior skills being accepted into the Corps. They were quite vocal about it, so I'm curious about your perspective, considering you've yet to voice your thoughts."

"I haven't voiced my thoughts because I don't have much to say," Giyuu replied in his usual monotone.

"Is that so? Surely, there's something you may wish to say or think," Rengoku pressed on.

Giyuu couldn't help but wonder why Rengoku was so insistent on getting his opinion on this matter. It was unusual for Rengoku to persist in making him voice his thoughts, which made this moment stand out as particularly rare.

Giyuu let out a soft, almost imperceptible sigh. "I'm not sure. It is unusual... but I can't form an opinion without knowing all the details. All I know is that she is not from here, but the Master has accepted her into the Corps, and she is now under your guidance."

"I see," Rengoku replied with a nod.

Giyuu glanced at Rengoku, noting his continued smile, and blinked. "Is that all, then?"

"Yes, for now!" Rengoku confirmed.

It was unusual for Giyuu to engage in conversation beyond what was necessary, but something about Rengoku's previous persistence prompted him to ask, "Why?"

"Why what, my friend?" Rengoku asked, still smiling.

"Why do you care about my opinion? You didn't voice your thoughts during the meeting either," Giyuu pointed out.

Rengoku's smile widened, and he met Giyuu's gaze earnestly. "Because you are my friend! I value your thoughts and feelings. As for why I didn't speak earlier, I didn't want to escalate the situation. Y/n-san has also become a dear friend, and I care about how others perceive her. I simply wanted to gauge your stance on the matter, and I'm glad to know you haven't passed any unfair judgment."

Giyuu nodded silently, appreciating Rengoku's explanation and their friendship, despite their differing approaches to communication. He remained silent, his gaze fixed on Rengoku with an inscrutable expression. Rengoku, however, didn't seem bothered by the silence. It was clear to Giyuu that Rengoku was genuine in his sentiments, and it left him unsure of how to respond. Rengoku's openness about their friendship and his high regard for it caught Giyuu off guard. Deep down, he knew they were friends to some degree, but his reserved nature often kept him from acknowledging such connections openly. It was strange to hear such affirmations from someone as bright and strong as Rengoku, who seemed to effortlessly make friends and radiate positivity. Giyuu couldn't help but feel like he didn't belong in that circle of warmth and camaraderie.

Why would someone like Rengoku care about his thoughts and feelings? What made him worthy of such attention?

"Is... that so," Giyuu finally murmured, his tone reflecting his uncertainty.

"Indeed!" Rengoku replied with enthusiasm.

Giyuu tilts his head slightly, regarding Rengoku with much more interest than before. "And you think the others have been unfair?"

"Yes! Although some may have their reservations, it's disheartening to hear them speak harshly about her when they've yet to even meet her. The circumstances are unusual, I agree, but I believe it was the right decision for the Master to accept her. She shows spirit and a quick learning ability; I have no doubt she will soon become an exceptional swordsman!"

Once again, Giyuu nodded slightly, processing Rengoku's words. It was a reminder that sometimes, people saw value in him that he struggled to recognize himself. Rengoku's unwavering faith in their friendship and his belief in your potential left a lasting impression on Giyuu, even if he didn't fully understand it at that moment.

Giyuu turned back around, his gaze focused on the others as they slowly dispersed and went about their tasks. "Alright, I'll take your word for it."

Rengoku responded gently, "Do not take my word for it. I am glad you haven't made any baseless judgments about her, but it would be best if you got to know her and formed your own opinion. And forgive me if this is presumptuous, but you seem a bit lonely. Perhaps reaching out to others might be beneficial? You might find common ground if you take the chance, much like you risked doing so with Kamado-san and his sister."

Giyuu remembered the impression he made when sparing Tanjiro and his demon sister, how it had stirred both admiration and criticism among the Hashira. It was unexpected, maybe even foolish, but he didn't regret it. Something had guided him to take that risk.

There was a sense that you might also be an exception.

Perhaps getting to know you, as well as a few others, would be beneficial. Giyuu contemplated Rengoku's words. This interaction was new to their friendship, and while he didn't necessarily love the idea, he didn't hate it either. He understood Rengoku's intentions and the desire to help him break out of his shell. Giyuu had always been reserved, keeping to himself and focusing on his duties. While there was nothing inherently wrong with that, Rengoku's subtle encouragement hinted at the possibility of deeper connections with others if he took the chance. Shinobu, Mitsuri, and even Tengen have also not-so-subtly encouraged him in their own ways. Giyuu wasn't one to easily open up to others, but Rengoku's words made him seriously consider the idea.

Perhaps it was worth exploring who you, the Kamados, and the others truly were. As Rengoku had suggested, he might be pleasantly surprised by how things unfolded.

"We'll see," Giyuu mumbled quietly, his expression unchanged.

Rengoku continued to smile, leaving the conversation as it was as Mitsuri, Shinobu, and Tengen approached, waving and greeting them both. Giyuu contemplated walking away but decided to linger, curious to test the potential for meaningful connections and experiences.


"—so I said, 'That's not my style, but if you wanna make a fool of yourself, then go right on ahead!'"

Uzui's words take a moment to register, and you almost break out in a sweat when you notice his expression shift.


His eyes narrow slightly. "Were ya listening to me? I swear... maybe I should ask Shinazugawa-san to train you instead of Rengoku-san, I bet you'd both love that."

You immediately sense the mischief in his tone and the glint in his eye, making it clear that his suggestion would be a terrible idea. You don't know this 'Shinazugawa' person, but you have a gut feeling that it wouldn't be ideal to switch mentors like that. Besides, you genuinely enjoy training with Rengoku, and it feels like he's invested in helping you improve. The fact that you haven't once seen or spoken to a few of the other Hashiras implies a lack of interest or willingness on their part, which doesn't sit right with you.

"Uhh, no..." You offer a sheepish smile and quickly transition into a bit of flattery. "I'm sorry, I just got caught up admiring how cool you are! I mean... I can't believe you did that. So flashy!"

Uzui raises a skeptical brow, but there's a hint of amusement in his expression. "Uh huh, is that so? Well, I am the God of Flashiness, after all!"

You nod enthusiastically, chuckling. "Exactly! Hey, I was wondering about something..."

"Go ahead, shoot!" Uzui encourages.

"Can I have your headband?" you blurt out with a mischievous grin, fully aware of how ridiculous the request sounds.

Uzui stares at you incredulously, momentarily taken aback, and you can't help but laugh at his reaction.

"That would be a hard no!"

"Pleeeeease," you begged, attempting to muster your best puppy-like eyes.

"Not happening!" Uzui maintained his stance.

"C'mon! How about one of the jewels, then?" you persisted, trying to negotiate.

"No way, kid! You're gonna sell it or something like some ungrateful brat," he accused, leaning back with a mockingly haughty expression. "IF I were to give you one, you'd have to make it a family keep-sake! But you wouldn't—so, no!"

"No, I wouldn't!" You gasped, feigning offense but struggling to contain a playful smile. "How could you think so low of me? Besides... I wouldn't get much for it anyway."

Now it was Uzui's turn to look offended as he quickly glanced back down at you, placing a hand dramatically on his chest. "What do you mean?! I'll have you know that this headband was expertly crafted with the finest materials, and anyone would pay a fortune to get their hands on such a piece of art!"

"You made it yourself, didn't you?" you pointed out, unable to contain your laughter at his reaction. "I could definitely tell..."

Uzui fell silent, clearly caught off guard, before bursting out in mock anger. "You little brat! We'll see who's laughing once I reveal your little secret."

You stuck your tongue out playfully, smirking. "I don't have any secrets!"

"Yeah, so you definitely don't fancy anyone, right?" Uzui teased, turning the tables with a mischievous grin.

Your eyes were closed as you cackled away, but you stopped laughing abruptly, your eyes comically flying open to stare at him.


"So, you do have a little crush! How cute," he sneered, clearly enjoying teasing you. "Who is it?"

"No, I don't! I don't know what you're talking about," you protested, trying to deny his accusation.

"Yes, you do! I can see it in your face, you little liar! What did we say about that, huh?" Uzui prodded, not letting the topic go easily.

"Shut up, old fart!" you retorted playfully, but there was a hint of embarrassment in your tone.

He sat up and slapped his hands on the table. "Spill it! I know you like someone, so just come out with it."

You shook your head vigorously, trying to dismiss his teasing. Nope, nope, nope! You were not about to delve into this topic with him. You didn't actually like anyone! Your heart betrayed you by beating a little faster, and Uzui noticed, calling you out on it and refusing to drop the subject now that he had some semblance of confirmation.

"You know I can practically hear your heart racing, kid! The heart never lies!" Uzui claimed with a smirk.

"No, you can't! H-How could you," you asked incredulously. "Do you have extremely good hearing or something?"

"Actually, I do," he laughed, clearly enjoying your surprise.

"No way," you balked, disbelief evident in your expression. "You can't be serious?! I mean, I know Zenitsu-kun does... But you, too? I can't believe it!"

Zenitsu's acute hearing was no secret, and Tanjiro's keen sense of smell was also well-known. But now you were learning that Uzui also had exceptional hearing? It made you feel a bit left out of the cool-ability club. It seemed like everyone around you had some unique gift, while you felt plain in comparison.

Uzui grins teasingly. "In all seriousness, though, do you like someone?"

You couldn't give a straightforward answer. Yes and no. You did have feelings for multiple people, but you were unsure of the depth of those feelings or if they meant anything more than platonic admiration. Each person had qualities you liked, but you were still figuring out your own emotions. Platonic love was familiar, but anything beyond that was a bit murky. Where did the distinction between liking someone as a friend and someone more romantically lie?

"I don't really know," you admitted honestly, shrugging awkwardly and frowning slightly.

Uzui studied you for a moment, as if trying to gauge your honesty, before sighing and seeming to accept your answer. "That's too bad. Man, I really wanted to say something to... nevermind."

Your curiosity piqued. "Huh? Say what to who?"

Uzui waved it off. "Never mind, it doesn't matter. They'll just have to wait for you open your eyes and notice them."

Uzui's teasing about someone possibly liking you left you flustered and intrigued. The idea of someone seeing you as more than a friend both terrified and excited you, especially since you couldn't recall experiencing such emotions before. It was like stepping into unknown territory, and you were torn between wanting to know who it was and fearing what it could mean.

"Who— Wait, actually, I don't wanna know! Well, maybe..." you stumbled over your words, unsure of your own feelings on the matter.

Uzui laughed and shook his head, halting your train of thought. "If you can't guess who, when it's so obvious, then you should just forget about it."

"What do you mean by that?!" you demanded, feeling a mix of frustration and curiosity.

"I mean, it's pretty obvious, but you're so oblivious that I kind of feel bad for you and him now," Uzui explained with a hint of sympathy. "You said that you don't even know what or how you feel right now, so it's best that you don't know. You'll only confuse yourself and them."

You were torn between feeling insulted and grateful for his blunt honesty. He wasn't entirely wrong, but his words stung a bit nonetheless. Maybe it was best not to delve into something you weren't sure about yet. Life and feelings were already complicated enough as it is. You grumbled to yourself, silently agreeing with Uzui's advice. It was better to focus on what you could understand and figure out your own feelings before delving into romantic complications. You both decided to change the subject and focus on studying for a while, staying engrossed in your books until hunger eventually pulled you both away.

"I'm starving, let's eat!" Uzui exclaimed, clapping his hands together eagerly.

Your stomach grumbled in agreement, and you smiled back. "Yeah, okay!"

You grinned cheerfully and followed Uzui out of the room, excited about the prospect of food. It dawned on you that this would be the first time you'd be sharing a meal with him, and you were looking forward to it. The routine of lessons had become a bit monotonous, and you welcomed the chance to have a more casual interaction. Reflecting on your time with Uzui, you realized how he had a playful and childish side that came out around you. Despite his responsibility as a teacher, he could be quite fun and flashy. Mitsuri had mentioned that he was usually all business but still enjoyable to be around, and you found that to be true. You had seen glimpses of his seriousness, especially when discussing his job and personal life, but he also showed vulnerability when talking about his past, family, and his wives. It was intriguing to witness these different facets of his personality, and you wanted to explore more of it.

As you walked to the dining hall, Uzui playfully insisted on choosing the meal.

"I get to pick," he said, shooting you a not-so-subtle side-eye.

"No way!" you protested.

"We all know I have better taste, so just let me pick!" he insisted with a grin.

You rolled your eyes good-naturedly. "Yeah, nothing better than some damn fish! How can you say that's better than anything else, so confidently, when you're clearly wrong?"

He countered, "You haven't even had it, so don't knock it 'til you try it, brat!"

"But other food is just as good, if not better!" you retorted, playfully crossing your arms and challenging him with a raised brow. "Also, you once told me that Dango was bad, so I don't trust you!"

He feigned innocence. "You must remember wrong."

You shook your head, a mischievous glint in your eye. "Actually, I remember very vividly what you told me before, that it was 'bland and boring'—like me! You're such an annoying jerk, it's infuriating at times."

Uzui chuckled, enjoying the banter. "So now you want to remember things when it benefits you? Should've seen that coming!"

Your mouth drops open, and you shoot him a smoldering glare, but he just laughs, slapping your back a few times and ruffling your hair before speeding away. You yell after him, threatening to beat him up. He laughs even more as you enter the dining hall, where you both bicker over the food until reaching a compromise to try each other's favorite dishes. It nearly ends in a food fight, but you wouldn't have it any other way. The rest of the day flies by, and the next follows a similar routine of studying, training, and hanging out with friends—all except for one.

What goes around comes around, unfortunately for you, as now you know what it's like to be ignored for days on end.

Inosuke has been avoiding you like the plague, and you're slowly starting to think he might just run away completely. You've tried catching him around the mansion, in the dining hall, his shared room with your other friends, or outside, but he's a sneaky bastard, staying out of sight. You catch glimpses of him here and there, but by the time you approach, he vanishes into thin air.

This is getting ridiculous!

You even tried bribing him with shiny acorns or the beautiful gem that he found, trying to give back. You also used food to coerce him, but unfortunately, he's a lot smarter than a pig, like the one he wears as a mask. You never thought he was dumb, though, but you did hope he was a bit gullible. Which he very well could be; you just haven't found what works on him yet. The prospect of fighting each other doesn't seem to interest him either.

You're at a loss!

"Tanjiro-kun, have you seen Inosuke-kun?"

"Yes, he was outside a while ago. Why?"

You sigh, deciding to be honest with him. "Well, I said something to him a while ago... and I think he might hate me now."

"He doesn't hate you," Tanjiro assures. "He actually likes you a lot and admires you, Y/n-chan..."


He taps his nose. "I can smell it. He might not be good at communicating his thoughts and feelings or showing that he cares, but he does. Like on the mountain, I could smell how anxious but happy he was when we were concerned for his well-being and you tended to his wounds, even though he told us he didn't need it."

You stare at him, speechless. Was it true? Of course it was; Tanjiro wasn't a liar. Then why was Inosuke avoiding you so much? You wanted to apologize and make things right if you overstepped, but he wasn't giving you the chance, and it was frustrating. He was your friend, and friends don't just run away from each other! Maybe it's a bit of karma for when you blew them off, and you couldn't fault them for any lingering feelings. But they've forgiven you—for the most part... at least, you hope so—and now you're all back together, having fun and happy.

Except for the stubborn boar of a man who now refused to be around you!

"Well, can you help me talk to him then? He won't even look at me!"

"I suppose," he says, scratching the back of his neck. "What exactly happened?"

Your face heats up in embarrassment, but you push through it. "I said he was pretty..."

Tanjiro's brow shoots up in surprise, so you quickly continue, hoping that your explanation would make more sense.

"Well, more like his eyes! He wasn't wearing his mask, and we were pretty close, so I looked at his eyes and complimented him, but I don't think he took it well. He acted weird, left, and has been ignoring me since."

"I see. That is... something."

Tanjiro isn't sure about Inosuke's true feelings, but he has an idea. It's not surprising that he likes you and admires you to some extent; you are friends, after all. But perhaps his feelings have grown? He briefly thinks about the trouble that could cause if true. Zenitsu would have a meltdown, and the potential fights between the two are best left unimagined. But he doesn't worry too much. Even if it were true, they were still friends and wouldn't do anything to harm each other—or so he hopes.

He shakes his head and smiles softly. "Maybe we should give him some more time? He seems new to a lot of this. I don't mean any harm when I say this, but Inosuke is different; he may not have grown up like some of us. I think he's just overwhelmed and doesn't know how to respond to kindness or affection."

"Yeah, you're probably right." You pout and kick the toe of your foot out, sighing louder. "I guess I need to work on my patience, huh?"

The chuckle he lets out is light and airy, making you smile as he then says, "I guess so! Maybe I could help you with that?" He suggests kindly with a tilt of his head. "And you can help me with something too."

"Oh, yeah! Like what?"

He looks up in thought and then focuses back on you, smiling sheepishly. "I'm actually not sure... I don't have any problems right now, but I'll let you know if something comes up!"

"Okay, that's good with me," you giggle. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go meditate... or something before I completely lose my patience. I'll be sure to come to you if I need your expertise!"

You both share an amused laugh, and then you walk off to go practice. You said you wanted to make changes, so here you go; this was one thing you could do! You do actually meditate for a while, also practicing your patience by taking slower, calculated steps around the mansion and eating lunch at a more relaxed pace. You never really noticed before how fast you did things or expected instant gratification. It was challenging yourself, and it was fun in a way. It was just tough when Mitsuri would come in and beg you to eat with her whenever she had the chance, or when you had always practically run around to get places faster. You were so used to giving in to your every whim and doing things as fast as possible.

Well, no more!

From now on, you are going to restrain yourself and work on bettering yourself in small ways, slowly but surely. You don't expect to get it right away because that's just unrealistic. No one is perfect. You might stumble, fall back, and even run in circles at times, but you're committed to learning, growing, and making changes. It's near 10pm when Shinobu appears out of nowhere and approaches you. Her expression is serious, and you tense up as she looks at you. Her smile, usually small, is now even smaller, cold and uninviting. A strange feeling grips you, and you sense that something serious is about to be revealed. Your breath catches in your throat as she speaks.

"I come bearing news that I wish I did not have to deliver, for I have some concerns, but the Master has requested... that you go out on a mission." Her gaze holds yours, her eyes hauntingly empty. "It begins first thing in the morning..." 

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