Minecraft Story Mode Season 1...

Por Crystal34345

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**COMPLETED** "That glow... That enchantment is the work of a very old group of builders. A group so old they... Más

Info - Episode 5
Episode 5 - A Year Later
Episode 5 - A New Adventure?
Episode 5 - Where Are We? Is This Skyblock?
Episode 5 - Sky City... Also Who is The Founder?
Episode 5 - Jail Life Can Be Hard... Also The Eversource Is...
Episode 5 - Mission To Stop Aiden
Episode 5 Final - The New Era Of Sky City
Info - Episode 6
Episode 6 - A Portal To Mystery
Episode 6 - Meeting The Other Guests... And The Host Maybe?
Episode 6 - Well Gang, It Looks Like We Got A Mystery On Our Hand
Episode 6 - The White Pumpkins Strikes Again
Episode 6 - Idenity's Come Out In The Open, Don't They?
Episode 6 Final - Crystal and Lukas vs. The White Pumpkin
Info - Episode 7
Episode 7 - To Where and Back Again
Episode 7 - A Rescue Mission Begins
Episode 7 - One By One, They Disappear To Be Replaced.
Episode 7 Final - A New Leader, An Old Seeking Revenge
Info - Episode 8
Episode 8 - Access Denied
Episode 8 - PAMA
Episode 8 - Harper, The Old Builder
Episode 8 - The Secret Lab And The VR Headset
Episode 8 - Into PAMA's Core
Episode 8 Final - Lukas vs. Crystal, The Defeat Of PAMA
Info - Episode 9
Episode 9 - The Games, Older Builders, And An Old Rival
Episode 9 - The Deals
Episode 9 - Start Of The Games
Episode 9 - Hadrian's Little Secrets
Episode 9 - An Explanation
Episode 9 - The Final Game
Episode 9 Final (Season 1 Final) - Home Coming

Episode 6 - Interrogating The Suspects

223 7 1
Por Crystal34345


We looked over to the person Lukas and I wanted to interrogate. "Lizzie!" the two of us said in unison.

Her eyes widened, taking a step back. Petra grabbed her arm, dragging her away as Lukas and I left the room.

"Let's find a place to do the interrogation," I suggested.

Lukas nodded. "Agreed,"


Lukas and I stood in the library that had a giant fireplace, waiting for Lizzie to be brought in.

I stood in front of the fireplace while Lukas looked through a bookshelf.

Sighing, I walked toward Lukas but paused when I spotted another painting of the White Pumpkin.


I looked over to see Lukas walking over with a journal and feather quill in hand.

"Lukas, what's that?" I asked, confusion laced in my voice.

"Oh, I'd thought I would take notes about the information from suspects. Help us remember the evidence better," he explained, a blush rising to his face.

I smiled, putting my hands together. "That's a great idea, Lukas. Good job for thinking of it," I thanked him.

He smiled back at me and opened his mouth, but paused when the doors opened and both Lizzie and Petra walked inside.

Petra nodded to us and we nodded back. She closed the doors as I motioned Lizzie to follow Lukas and me to the couches.

"Crystal, listen. There's been a lot of talk being thrown around today," Lizzie started as she sat down on the couch while we sat across from her, Lukas holding the journal, ready to take notes down. "I don't know what people told you. I don't know what you both believe, but I'll just admit it! I want that enchanted flint and steel as much as anyone. Probably more than any of them. I've been searching for it for YEARS. Do you know how much it stung to have Dan, DAN, swoop in and take it from under my nose?"

"Wow, interesting story. Would you kill someone for it?" I asked.

Lizzie looked down, pondering while Lukas and I watched with suspicion.

She looked back up, shaking her head. "Nah, I wouldn't do that. I'm starting to get real irritated with this White Pumpkin fella though. Listen, I just want to get out of here and get on with my day. What do you have to hear to be convinced that the White Pumpkin isn't me?"

"Okay, Lizzie," I started questioning, pulling out the tipped arrow. "Know what this is?"

"Tipped arrow. Kinda shoddy work though. Definitely not one of mine if that's what you're wondering. Some noob made that thing. Stampy asked me once about making those. Could be one of his. Plus, I taught Cassie and Stacy how to make those a while back," she answered.

Lukas wrote the information down while I put the arrow back in my inventory.

"I'm just gonna be straight. Who do you think stole the flint and steel?" I questioned.

"Well, it wasn't me, if you're curious - If I had an enchanted flint and steel, I'd be off exploring some other world with it. But me and Dan have been competing to find that thing for years. You're looking for a likely culprit... I'd look at that guy," Lizzie told us.

"We'll keep that in mind," I answered, with Lukas writing it down.

"Now, you like using Redstone? Ever make traps with the stuff?" Lukas questioned.

"I'm fine, I guess. I can make lights and doors and stuff. You wanna do advanced stuff, you gotta talk to Stampy. He was the Tri-Block Champion," Lizzie stated.

"'Tri-Block Champion?'" Lukas and I questioned in unison, interested.

"Yeah, like two of three years in a row if I recall correctly," Lizzie added.

I looked back at Lukas and noticed that he was done writing. Standing up, I put my hands behind my back. "Thanks for your time, Lizzie. That's all for now,"

Lukas nodded in agreement, standing up and walking over to the doors, to which she walked out and closed the door behind her.

Petra, who was leaning against a wall behind us, pushed herself off and looked at us.

Lukas and I walked up to the fireplace. "Who's up next?" Petra asked.

"Could you send Dan in, please?" I requested.

Petra nodded and walked over to the door. "Right,"

When Petra walked out of the room, I turned to Lukas. "This is starting off great,"

Lukas nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's hope Dan and Stampy are just as cooperative as Lizzie," he agreed.

The door opened and both Petra and Dan walked in, but his hair is now white.

Seriously, what is up with that hair?

"I saw Lizzie on the way out. I don't know what she told you, but..." Dan trailed off when he saw my and Lukas' faces.

The two of us turned to walk over to the couch while Dan followed us. "I'm telling you both, you've got the wrong guy. Honest, I would never hurt anyone, you've got to believe me," he started saying as he moved in front of us, stopping us from continuing forward.

"If anyone's been wronged here, it's me. That enchanted flint and steel everyone's talking about? I found that! It's mine! At least it was before someone stole it," Dan continued to explain.

Lukas wrote the new information down while I started to pace. 

"And now everything's gone absolutely crazy... People getting caught in horrible traps-"

"Oh, I see. Someone stole your loot and you want revenge, huh? That about the long and short of it?" I guessed, raising an eyebrow.

Dan's eyes widened, shaking his head. "Oh, no, no, no. I just want what's rightfully mine! I mean, we all want it. Doesn't mean I'd kill people for it," he said.

"Uh-huh," I muttered, not really convinced.

"I'm not the White Pumpkin. You've gotta believe me. What can I tell you two to convince you," Dan pleaded.

I crossed my arms. "Out with it. Who stole the flint and steel?" I questioned, walking up to Dan.

"I don't like, like, accusing people, but my guess would be Stampy... He likes to play it off like he's not interested in it, but I know he wants it just as much as any of us do," Dan explained.

"So. How'd you rate your redstone knowledge?" Lukas asked, tapping his journal.

"Me. Phoof. Not much? Not really my scene. You wanna know more about that stuff, you should ask Stampy - He was the Tri-Block Champion," he informed us.

"Yeah. Three years in a row according to Lizzie," Lukas replied.

"There! You see? He's the only one here who could've built such amazing traps," Dan stated.

Raising an eyebrow, I pulled out the tipped arrow. "Know anything about this?"

"Oh wow. Uh, I've never seen anything like that before," Dan replied, looking away slightly.

"No? Tipped arrows not ringing a bell? Made using potions?" I asked again.

"Have you talked to Stampy yet? He loves bows and arrows and stuff," Dan said.

Lukas made note of it while I put the arrow away. Turning away from him, I crossed my arms. "You can go now, Dan," I told him.

"Thank you, Crystal, Lukas. Thank you," Dan thanked, walking past us, but stopping when he looked back at us. "And when Stampy comes in... Don't forget to ask him about redstone. He's amazing with that stuff," he added before he opened the doors and walked out.

Petra walked up to Lukas and me. "Want men to send in Stampy?" she asked.

Lukas glanced at me for a second. "Yeah. Send him in," he said.

Petra nodded and left to go get him.

"Got everything so far?" I asked.

Lukas nodded. "Yep. Got everything written down. This had been partially easy so far," he replied.

"Almost too easy..." I mumbled just as Petra brought in Stampy.

Lukas and I met them halfway before I motioned Stampy to follow us.

"Crystal, Lukas, I'm telling you, this is just crazy. Absolutely crazy. Total misunderstanding!" Stampy cried, stepping in front of us but backing away as he spoke.

I stopped walking, pointing to the seat that Lizzie sat in before. He walked over and sat down while saying. "I don't even want that flint and steel thingy. Not, um, not as much as the others at any rate,"

Lukas tapped the quill on the journal while I crossed my arms. "Did I hear someone say it has something to do with portals? I don't have any interest in portals. No sir, not for ol' Mister Stampy Cat, thank you," Stampy stated but paused when he saw our faces. "It's me, Stampy! Everyone's friend!"

Lukas stepped forward. "You know, I gotta say, Stampy. You seem nervous. Everything okay? You comfortable?" he asked.

"Umm... What? No. I'm not nervous. Nope. Totally comfortable. I could fall asleep right here. Right now. I'm that comfortable. Honestly," Stampy replied, quite quickly.

Lukas and I shared a quick suspicious look with each other before looking back at him.

"Please. Just tell me what you two want to know," he said.

"What do you know about redstone? What's your skill level with the stuff?" Lukas questioned.

Stampy rubbed the side of his neck. "Well, well, you know. About average... Average level? Moderate? I dunno how these things are graded these days," Stampy answered.

"That's funny Because we heard you know all about redstone," Lukas countered.

Stampy's eyes widened. "What?! What, um, are you talking about?" he asked, putting his hands together nervously.

"Everyone says you're the best at redstone. Something about being 'Tri-Block Champion?'" Lukas pushed, questioning further.

Stampy sighed in defeat. "Okay, okay, okay, okay fine. You two caught me. I do know redstone. I'm technically even an 'expert'... But I would never kill anyone. I SWEAR. You have to believe me! Honest!" he admitted.

Lukas hummed, writing the new information down.

"Okay, Stampy. Know anything about this?" I asked, putting out the tipped arrow.

"Oh, wow, what is that? Some sort of... Magic arrow? No, I've never seen anything like it before, honest. You know who would love to see something like that though? Lizzie. She's wild about potions and brewing and all that. She's way better with that stuff than I am," Stampy admitted.

I raised an eyebrow with interest. "Good with potions, you say?" I asked.

"Very good! Could probably even teach a class, ha! Ha!" Stampy added, laughing slightly at the end.

Lukas wrote this kinda new information down while I put the arrow away.

I crossed my arms. "Okay. Enough dancing around. Who do you think took the flint and steel?" I asked.

Stampy glanced around nervously for a few seconds before looking down. "I don't think it was ever actually stolen," he said.

"Oh?" I hummed, telling him to continue.

"Yeah. So, Dan got it ahead of Lizzie, right? And she was pretty angry about it. I think he made up that story about it being stolen so she'd think he didn't have it anymore. Classic Dan move," Stampy explained.

Lukas wrote the information down while I kept staring at Stampy, who grew even more dangerous. Once Lukas stopped writing, I said. "You're excused, Stampy. Thank you for your time,"

Lukas and I turned around and walked over to the fireplace.

Stampy sighed in relief, standing up. "Oh, thank goodness. This room's making me very nervous," he replied/thanked, speed walking to the door and leaving.

I turned to Lukas. "Okay, now we can look over the evidence and-"

I was cut off when the door opened and I heard my brother's voice. "Oh, come on. This is nuts. Let me go, Cassie!"

"You had a button too," Cassie replied, letting go of Jesse. "Fair's fair. It's your buddy's turn next," she added before she walked out of the room.

I rolled my eyes while Petra walked over to the door, standing guard and closing it to make sure nobody else comes barging in.

Jesse walked over to Lukas and I. "Hey, sis. Hey, Lukas," he greeted.

"Ah, our final suspect. Here to point more fingers and blame more people, I'm sure," I joked.

Jesse sent me a look. "You know I didn't push the button, right?"

Lukas chuckled. "We figured. You didn't seem like the person to do so," he stated.

"Thanks though," I added.

"How's it been going in here? It is just non-stop whispering and rumors out there. Me, Petra, and Ivor... Have pretty much been sticking to ourselves," Jesse informed us.

"Eh. It's been rough. These people have so much drama going on, it's hard to tell what's about the flint and steel, what's about the White Pumpkin..." I trailed off.

Lukas nodded, looking through his notes. "Yeah. Some of the answers don't really line up well with what other people said. The only thing that came together was Stampy being good at redstone, Lizzie seems to be in the clear, and some of what Dan said makes no sense," he ranted, slamming the book shut.

I sighed. "Agreed,"

Jesse smirked. "Well, I know you guys can figure it out," he encouraged.

Lukas let out a small laugh. "Heh. Thanks, Jesse," he thanked.

"Yes, thank you, brother of mine," I said before I patted Jesse's shoulder. "Come on, suspect. It's time to return to the others,"

Lukas put the journal back in his inventory as we walked over to the door, leaving the room and walking back into the main hall, where everyone else turned their attention to us.

"So? Have you decided?" Stacy asked.

"Yes, who do you two think the White Pumpkin really is?" Stampy also questioned.

I held my hands up, signaling for them to stop talking. "Now hang on, hang on children. First of all, I want to thank everyone for answering my and Lukas' questions," I thanked them.

Lukas stepped over to join my side. "There's still not 100% proof of anyone, but-"

"But?" Dan cut Lukas off, his arms crossed with an eyebrow raised.

Ivor walked over to join us. "Yes, where are your suspicions leading, Crystal?" he asked.

"Crystal and Lukas were definitely questioning Stampy the longest," Lizzie said, pointing to him.

Stampy turned to her, shocked that she would say that. "What! No!" he cried.

"Dan was in there way longer," Stacy argued.

"Hey! Not cool," Dan yelled.

"Guys, guys, come on," Cassie said, trying to calm everyone down.

I thought it over a little bit, I came to the conclusion on what I needed to do. "Having talked to all the key witnesses... I think it might be... Stampy Cat!"

Stampy jumped in surprise, turning to his friends, his expression filled with fear. "No! That's crazy talk! Absolute crazy talk!" he cried.

His friends backed away from him in fear.

I noticed the way Lukas was giving me a confused side eye while I said. "Of the suspects, he's the one with the redstone chops to make all these traps,"

"No, no, no, you can't really believe this, can you?" Stampy pleaded/questioned.

Dan narrowed his eyes at the cat. "I'm thinking we lock him back up in that library - Hold him there til morning," he suggested.

Cassie moved to get Stampy while Lizzie smiled at Dan. "Good plan!" she complimented.

Cassie grabbed Stampy's arms and held them behind his back. "Sorry Stampy, but we can't take any chances here," she apologized, leading him into the library.

Lukas, Jesse, Petra, Ivor, and I moved out of the way as the rest of the group led Stampy into the library. "Oh, come on! I'm Stampy Cat! Mr. Stampy! I'm no White Pumpkin!" Stampy cried as he was led into the library.

"Well. That was certainly some excitement," Ivor commented.

"Yeah, no kidding," Jesse agreed.

Lukas looked over at me. "How did you come to the conclusion that it was Stampy?" he asked.

"Oh no, I don't think it's Stampy," I replied.

The four looked at me in shock. "What?!" they exclaimed in unison.

"Lizzie's evidence tells me that she didn't do it. She was calm and didn't bounce around with her responses. She gave us clear answers, but it seemed like it was rehearsed in a way. Stampy may be good at redstone, but he seems too innocent and kind to be the White Pumpkin. Dan, to me, has the most evidence to me that he might be the White Pumpkin. He has a motive and if he isn't the White Pumpkin, he definitely pushed the button... But do you know how I know that it might not be any of them?" I explained.

"What?" Jesse asked.

"My hitman fingers weren't tingling,"

Lukas slapped his forehead. "Of course. Why did I not realize that?" he questioned.

Petra walked around to stand in front of us while saying. "If the White Pumpkin is still roaming around through... They might be trying to set up more traps. We need to figure out how these things work. Like, we know that the Sparklez trap was triggered by those buttons under the table. But what about the trap that turned TorqueDawg into a pincushion? If we figure out how these things work, we might be able to find more proof about who the White Pumpkin is, how they're operating..."

"However the White Pumpkin did it, he must have done it from the kitchen," Lukas pointed out.

"Yes... Seems like it might be worth our while to poke around in there..." Ivor agreed.

Ivor, Petra, Lukas, and I started walking toward the kitchen but stopped when Jesse started speaking. "You guys go on ahead. I'm going to stay here and keep an eye on these other people... I don't want them trying anything when we're not looking,"

When Jesse finished speaking, the rest of the group (Dan, Stacy, Lizzie, and Cassie) walked out of the library.

I smiled at my brother. "Thanks, Jesse. Have fun keeping an eye on the children," I waved.

After walking across the mansion, I opened the door to the kitchen and we stepped inside. "Back in the kitchen... So what are we looking for exactly?" Petra questioned as we walked away separately to check the place out.

"Buttons like back in the dining room?" Lukas suggested.

"Stampy's a redstone expert, and the redstone experts don't leave buttons or levers easy to sot. Which means we gotta look for it," I replied.

"Got it. I'm on the lockout," Petra replied before she walked away.

We searched around the room for a few minutes, looking to see if we could find anything. But we've had no luck so far.

I walked over to a creeper painting to inspect it when I noticed an interesting detail on it. "Does this painting have... Eyeholes?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. How'd I not notice that before?" Petra commented.

"To be fair, we were a little... Distracted," I heard Lukas say.

"Seems worth taking a closer inspection..." Ivor suggested.

Pulling my fist back, I punched the portrait to break it and it revealed a secret passageway behind it. "Oh!" Ivor mumbled as he, Lukas, and Petra came over to get a closer look.

I hopped through the gap to get a better look inside, and I spotted a lever on the wall.

Ivor peaked his head in. "It's some sort of secret passageway! Very clever... What do you suppose that lever does?" Ivor questioned.

Glancing over to the lever, I looked back to my friends. "Okay, children. Make sure you're nowhere near that arrow trap," I told them.

They looked up at the dispensers before stepping back from the trap.

I flicked the lever and the arrows came down, landing in the same spot as before. "More of those poison-covered arrows. Nasty," Petra commented as the arrows went down the trapdoor.

"At least we found out how the White Pumpkin killed TorqueDawg," Lukas pointed out.

"Yeah. And how he's getting around the house," I added.

I looked to my right and spotted a ladder on a wall. Walking over to it, Petra, Lukas, and Ivor climbed in and spotted the ladder.

"I assume we're investigating the creepy passageway?" Petra asked.

"I think we've come too far to turn around now," I replied, climbing up the ladder.

"Well. After you then," Ivor told Petra as Lukas walked over and followed me up.

Petra and Ivor climbed up the ladder while Lukas and I walked through the passageway, walking up a flight of stairs.


This chapter is done!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

And I have something special for you all.

Since the second update of next month would be on my birthday week, I'm going to be doing two extra updates this month, so then at the start of July, I can get Episode 6 done and out of the way. (Because I want a break in the second half of July because it's ma birthday month (Which is also where I get most of my writing done outside of December and January... Ugh! I'm in pain))

So the next update will be between 12-18th of June.

For now, keep dancing in the moonlight and keep making the UwU, bye.

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