Wings of a Wizard (Harry Pott...

By IroniumToy47

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"I died in my sleep. I'd lived a good life, despite my less-than-stellar upbringing, and my teenage years. Ha... More

Prologue (PLZ READ 1ST)
New Life
An Unexpected Event Pt.1
An Unexpected Event Pt.2
An Unexpected Event Pt.3
An Unexpected Event Pt.4
More than High School Pt.1
More than High School Pt.2
More than High School Pt.3
More than High School Pt.4
Save the First Dance Pt.1
Save the First Dance Pt.2
Save the First Dance Pt.3
Save the First Dance Pt.4
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.1
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.2
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.3
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.4
Miss Magix Pt.1
Miss Magix Pt.3
Miss Magix Pt.4
The Swordsmith Pt.1
The Swordsmith Pt.2
The Swordsmith Pt.3
The Swordsmith Pt.4
A Job for Bloom Pt.1
A Job for Bloom Pt.2
A Job for Bloom Pt.3
A Job for Bloom Pt.4
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.1
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.2
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.3
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.4
Mind of a Child Pt.1
Mind of a Child Pt.2
Mind of a Child Pt.3
Mind of a Child Pt.4
rejected sections pt.1
Darko's Plan Pt.1
Darko's Plan Pt.2
Darko's Plan Pt.3
Darko's Plan Pt.4
Day of the Lily Pt.1
Day of the Lily Pt.2
Day of the Lily Pt.3

Miss Magix Pt.2

325 18 8
By IroniumToy47

A.N.: I'm baaaack! Finals are over (I did well for anyone who was curious), and I rushed over the last couple of days to get this done, lol. 

(rant warning) 

This episode always confused me. Why would the Trix have taken time off from trying to steal the Dragon Flame--when by this point (S1E12) in the canon series they knew that Bloom was its Keeper--to help (trick) Lucy into entering as a contender for 'Miss Magix', ruining Stella's chances, and sabotaging the other contestants just so Lucy (a girl whom they clearly don't like) could win? 

I never understood it, shouldn't they have stolen away to attack Bloom? They were already used to fighting in the streets of Magix (S1E9), so it shouldn't have been something they were hesitant about. Or was this their 'I'm going to take a break from being evil and doing evil things by being evil and doing evil things' routine? 

In my opinion, it would've made more sense for Lucy to have found out about the more illegal activities that the Trix got up to and then blackmailed them into helping her. That would've made sense as to why the Trix would utterly destroy her in a public setting; it's retribution for her threatening their lives in such a way that a simple curse alone is not enough. 

Obviously, in this fanfic, this is before Bloom is outed as the Keeper of the Dragon Flame. I had to move this episode around (and I might do stuff like this in the future) so as to set up the introduction for other characters and such. 

Don't worry, Bloom will meet Daphne sometime in the near future! ;)

Also, I don't own Transformers Prime, nor Transformers. That's Hasbro's. 

Now, please enjoy. 

X - normal text

X - text where Bloom is not present

'X' - thoughts

'#$X#$' - Parseltongue

Chapter : Miss Magix Pt.2: 

I marched into the common room of our dorm. The other girls were resting on the couches. Flora was sitting in one of the three love chairs we had, filing her nails. Tecna had our book for Magiphysics open and looked to be taking notes. And Musa leaned back, her headphones on, connected to her phone, her head faintly moving to some beat that I couldn't hear. 

I walked over. "So." 

Tecna and Flora turned to me. After a moment, Tecna rapped Musa on the knee, and the fairy of music turned as well, slipping her headphones off an ear. "Oh, hey." 

"So," I repeated, crossing my arms. "It turns out that Stella never went to the infirmary. She totally lied to us." 

Musa sniffed. "Told you she was trying to get out of work." 

"That's not exactly fair though." Flora protested. "Sure, Stella has her moments of neglectfulness, but she always comes through in the end." 

"I have noticed an increasing trend in Stella's disappearances." Tecna marked the page in her book and then closed it while stacking her pages of notes. "This is the fifth time she has made an excuse to get out of some form of work--usually our group study sessions--but it is the first time that she has avoided our united cleaning duties." 

"See!" Musa said as if that proved everything. 

I shook my head before flopping into the other closest loveseat and crossing my legs. "It doesn't make sense." 

"Stella did spend a lot of time with Prince 'Sky' while he was here," Flora said thoughtfully. "Maybe they're having some sweet moments together." 

My lip twitched. "Is that what they call kissing and groping these days?" 

Flora squeaked, blushes appearing on all three of the girl's faces. I grinned. "What?" 

"Maybe cut back on the vulgarness, Bloom," Musa's cheeks were a rosy pink. 

I blinked, before my tone turned teasing. "I thought that I corrupted you girls already." 

"Not yet," Tecna said, amusement entering her tone. "I've made a little side project of predicting when the rest of us will start using inappropriate terms. I have concluded that Musa would be next, and either I or Flora would be last. Stella already uses such terms, but not in public." 

"She is a princess." I shrugged. "She has standards to live up to." 

"Standards which include getting good grades." Musa reminded. "Which she hasn't been trying to get." 

I huffed. "Has she been doing this every time I ended up in the infirmary?" 

I thought back to our discussion in the Black Mud Swamp. Am I going to have to bash her thick skull with a book to get the point across that she needs to study? 

"This would be the first time," Tecna replied, looking thoughtful and curious, rather than mad. "I wonder what she could view as more important than studying, especially since we have another test next week." 

"And I still have assignments to make up," I muttered in annoyance, thinking of all the work I still need to do, and spells to practice. 

"At least you focus on your grades," Tecna added. 

"You know what." I got up. "I'm going to interrogate her until I find out what she's up to." 

"Brilliant idea." I winced at Musa's attempt to do a horrible impression of my British accent.  

I marched over to the doors of Stella's room and pushed them open to reveal a messy, empty room. Dresses, skirts, sashes, and other things hung on the desks, and the King-sized bed. 

Over the counters and in front of mirrors were all kinds of makeup tins: eyeliner, nail gloss, lip gloss, lipstick, eyeshadow, curlers, brushes, filers, nail clippers, skin oils, and all sorts of other beauty products. 

I picked up my jaw and entered the room, immediately smelling heavy incense in the air. Seems that Stella was going for summer scents. "Apart from that amazing smell, where could my blonde-winged friend be hiding?" I muttered aloud as I glanced at her open dressers, with clothes half-hanging out of them. 

"Are you looking for m'wa?" I spun to see Stella in the doorway in a dark blue-grey skirt with a pink-purple belt, the same pink-purple colored sandals, and a dark purplish-magenta top that left her lower thighs, most of her feet, lower legs, arms, and tummy bare. Her skin looked very shiny, as did her hair, while still retaining its dazzling appearance. "Honest, like the haircut? I called my hair stylist from Solaria to try something new." 

"Where have you been?" I asked as I put my fists on my hips. 

Stella ignored the question as she sauntered into a room with two shopping bags in hand. "Ever had an oil treatment, Bloom? It's like a facial for your hair." 

I sighed. So, that's how you want to play it, huh? 

"Stella, you lied to us." I made the disappointment clear to be heard in my tone. "You told me that you were feeling ill, so you went to the infirmary. But you don't look like you've got headaches, stomach pains, or nausea at all." 

She flinched but stood her ground. 

"You lied to me and the Winx, just to get out of kitchen duty." I crossed my arms. "What was more important than working with us? You know these nonmagical tasks are mandatory." 

Stella sniffed, her eyes burning with a passion so similar to Hermione at the idea of research that I did a double-take. "Apologies for the white lie, but I had something far more important to do than wash pots and sharpen knives." 

I raised a brow as she turned away. "And just what was that?" 

"Does it have to do with your clothes?" Flora asked from the doorway. 

Stella brightened up. "Of course! The right dress can make all the difference!" 

"Right difference for what?" I asked in bemusement. "A date?" 

"Nope." Stella popped the 'p' cheerfully as she began to pull out her purchases and sort them. 

"Because you've already worn all your outfits?" Flora guessed. 

"Nope." Stella was clearly enjoying stringing us along. "Although, I probably will need to do a shopping trip for just that," she said thoughtfully. 

"Then what?" I asked as I tossed my hands up in the air in a universal gesture for 'I give up'. 

"To win the Miss Magix contest!" Stella spun and exclaimed like a kid who'd just been given the birthday present they wanted. 

Flora's eyes lit up. "Oh! I heard about that!" 

"Care to spill the beans?" I asked as I sat on the edge of Stella's bed. "Because I haven't heard of this contest." 

Both girls gasped in mock horror. "The Miss Magix beauty pageant is an annual contest to determine the girl who has the most beautiful, graceful, talented, proper, and perfect personality in all of the realms," Flora said eagerly. 

"And the winner is eligible for certificates that look good on any application in the beauty or modeling industry," Stella added with a flirtatious wink. 

I stared at my friend. "You can't be serious." I objected. "There's no way that a beauty pageant is more important than school." 

"I knew you'd say that," Stella said with such self-confidence and assurance that I couldn't help but believe her. "That's why I couldn't tell any of you anything." 

I shook my head in disbelief, throwing my arms up. "It's not just that, Stella. Beauty pageants cause negative effects on developing women's self-esteem. It shouldn't be forced on younger girls, and sauntering out on a catwalk in various states of dress and attire while oversaturated with makeup is like selling your soul." 

Stella's eyes showed her hesitancy as she pondered my words. I hoped I'd gotten through before she dashed my hopes when she said. "I'd sell my soul for that." 

I facepalmed. This was just another one of those girl things that I'd never understand, even though I've been living as a female for the last sixteen years. "I just don't get it. Sure that's great and all, but you're a princess, Stella. You're not going to need to work." 

Stella frowned. "So what? Just because I'm a princess I should kick my feet up and order the servants around all day?" 

I winced at her sharp comeback. "Not what I meant." 

"I know." Stella sent me a smile that thawed the cold air. "Remember our little conversation on the roof of the cabin?" 

I nodded, glancing at Flora, who looked between us with confusion and suspicion. So she didn't know. The tension that had suddenly built in my shoulders eased. "Yeah." 

"Well, this is how I'm breaking free." Stella declared. 

I raised a brow. "Not judging you or anything, but starting with fashion?" 

Stella shrugged. "It's a hobby, and when you love your job as a hobby, you're more likely to enjoy it long-term." 

Both of us were impressed. "At least you're thinking of the future," Flora said with a nod of approval. 

"Of course!" Stella said as she slipped into a dark blue dress and slipped on the matching headband. As she was studying her reflection in the mirror, she added, "I was the first runner-up last year. This year, I intend to do better. The crown is meant to be mine!" 

"It's illogical." Tecna appeared in the doorway, standing with her hands on her hips, looking rather cross with the blonde--a new expression to be sure. How long had she been listening in? "Why would a beauty pageant be more important than school? Furthermore, why would you want to be a part of something where all that matters is how you look?" 

"It's not just about looks!" Stella slipped out one of the flyers and tossed it to Tecna, who caught it and began to read. 

The blonde looked at me, turning the puppy dog's eyes on me. Oh Merlin, please give me magic. "Bloom, I really need your help with this and your support." 

I took a step back. "Uh." 

She wrapped her arms around me as she begged. "This is important to me, it's what I'm best at. Oh, what can I do to make you feel sorry for me? Lament about how painful this will be because I will have to be entering as Princess Soleil? Mention how long it took just to get into this pageant. Weep about how long it's taken me to build up the courage to even enter this thing after the disaster from last year?" 

"I guess it's like a song that my family used to sing," Musa said quietly, surprising all of us considering we didn't hear her walk in. She leaned against the doorway, her headphones around her neck. 

"Your passion is your mission."  It was only one lyric, but the emotion and voice put into it made all of us feel something on a deep, personal level. 

Tecna had her small computer out and was typing away. After a moment, she hesitated, her eyes flickering up to Stella, who was touching fingers together in apprehension and meekness. 

"I guess there is some logic in this." The admission sounded painful for her. "Winning the pageant earns you the year's crown, and depending on how well you perform in each category, you could win up to five different scholarships and certificates--modeling, fashion designing, product and model managing, merchandising products, fashion consultants--to name a few. Each of which guarantees a spot in at least four dozen fashion, model, and designer industries, most of which have high-paying jobs and work with skillsets that Stella already utilizes or has the appearance for." 

I sighed, curling a lock of my hair. "Well, ok." I winked. "Should be fun. When is this contest?" 

"A week and a day from now. It's at night." Stella squealed, throwing her arms around me while repeatedly giving me gratitude. She handed me the flyer. "It's got all the details." 

I read over it, thinking hard. It's going to require us to stay out late after curfew--something I'm not looking forward to doing. It's in Magix, which raises the risk of us running into the Trix, which seems to be happening more and more. 

"Stella, what are we going to do about our least favorite witches?" I asked. The others (including Stella) sobered up. "They've made repeated attempts on your ring. What's to say that they won't try again at the Miss Magix contest?" 

"That's true," Tecna said thoughtfully. "They did attempt to steal the ring when we were all away from the dorms." 

"And they've sent an ogre and a troll to steal your ring," Musa added. 

"I've already thought of that." Stella slipped the ring off and transformed it back into the Scepter of Solaria. "Seeing as you can also wield it, and you have risked so much just to keep it from the Trix in the past, I feel safe entrusting it to you." 

I froze as she held it out to me. "Are--are you sure, Stella? It's your ring." 

Stella clasped my hand with her own, placing her ring in my palm, and then curling my fingers around it (into a fist). "You saved my life, Bloom, and then all our lives. You've risked your own life twice. Once to discover who was really after my heirloom, and then again when they tried to steal it at the gala." 

She was earnest, and solemn as she looked at me in the eyes with such seriousness. "I trust no one more to protect my heirloom until the contest is over, and it's not like you can't use it should the witches make an appearance." 

My heart filled with warmth as I looked at her. It felt like our bond was growing stronger. 

"Well said, and with a surprising amount of maturity." Tecna broke the serious atmosphere. 

"I can be mature." Stella mock scowled at Tecna, then looked back to me with her usual bubbly air. "Besides, the ring won't go with half of my outfits anyways." 

"And there's the Stella we all know and love." I teased, handing the scepter back to her. 

Stella made a face, and all of us burst into laughter. 


This was not their month. 

After the absolute fuck-up that had been the troll, the Trix had found themselves the laughingstock of Cloud Tower. Griffin had made a subtle announcement, and since then, the other top covens had been making power plays. 

The Trix found themselves unable to sneak away individually, now forced to stick together. As much as they were sisters, they found themselves growing annoyed with one another. 

Already they'd had several close calls, with Beatrix and Isobel herself getting ambushed. D'arcy was usually able to avoid the sudden attacks thanks to her scrying spells and foresight. 

Without the ability to move around unrestricted after-hours, Isobel found herself more determined than ever to defeat the stupid little pixies and get that scepter. 

And then she'd gotten the note. 

Currently, Isobel paced as she waited for the witch to show up. 

A little confused? Allow us to explain. 

She'd received a handwritten note last night (without any sort of traceable magic) that was essentially blackmailing them. 

Someone knew about their activities, and they knew their alter egos to be Icy, Darcy, and Stormy. They knew that they were the ones who had shot down the Red Fountain aircraft. 

To be fair, after a bit, anyone with a brain could figure it out, especially since D'arcy's name was barely changed, and their appearances carried a striking resemblance to their catsuit alter egos. It's not like they bothered to change their hairstyle or hair color (except for Beatrix), just put on heavy makeup. 

Still, no one threatened her sisters' safety. Isobel's eyes hardened. She would deal with this threat herself, and should one of Cloud Tower's students suddenly vanish? Well, these things have happened before, with nothing to trace the disappearance back to anyone. Witches that weren't in covens were paid even less mind. 

Footsteps altered her to someone drawing near. She cleared her mind and shifted her stance to be slightly confronting, ready for a fight if the need arises. 

The owner of the footsteps moved around the corner, and her eyes widened in disbelief. It was Lucy, the fourth-year who didn't have a coven, and from the rumors around, never needed one. 

Despite priding herself on being one of the most feared witches in the tower, a shiver traveled down her spine. 

Tales had sprouted across Cloud Tower about Lucy. How she'd single-handedly destroyed four covens that tried to mess with her. She didn't just ruin them--no, she utterly destroyed them. 

That she was Bittersmoke's favorite student, and spent extra hours learning all sorts of nasty, powerful potions that he'd never taught anyone else. 

How she'd castrated two Specialists because they tried to force themselves on her during her first year at Cloud Tower. 

While Isobel kept tabs on everyone who could be a threat to her own Coven, she hadn't really considered how dangerous a lone witch could be. Clearly, that was an oversight on her part, the price of her arrogance and short-sidedness standing right in front of her with a dangerous, wild aura. 

Lucy's eyes were soulless, lacking any sort of warmth. "Hello, Icy." 

Isobel forced herself not to impale the smug bitch with an ice shard. "What do you want?" 

"What makes you think that I want anything?" Lucy asked with a sneer. 

"Cut the crap." Isobel was normally calm, cool, and controlled. The Trix's lives were at risk if someone discovered what they were up to before they were ready. And they were most certainly not ready. "What do you want?" 

Lucy's expression shifted into a triumphant smirk. She spoke, and Isobel listened, a mix of furious and intrigued. Oh, and amused. Very much amused. 


"I still can't believe how much fun you're having." Roxy sighed, her voice coming through my phone. 

We were face timing. I'd finished the rest of my assignments, worked with the girls on the project for a bit, and then moved back to my room to call Roxy. Amazingly enough, her Dad was sober enough to work, so she got the spend the whole day to herself. 

Miracles do happen, I guess. That, or Fate finally got laid. Death had been planning on screwing her senseless for a while now, I wonder if he succeeded or not. 

For those that were wondering, most of the deities are married to each other. And yes, Fate is a sexy drop-dead gorgeous woman. 

I shrugged, unable to keep the smile off my face. "It's incredible, Rox. I really hope that you and my sister can both attend." 

And I genuinely meant that. A part of me hoped that Roxy wasn't a fairy so that she'd be safe from the fairy hunters. But the other part of me, my inner selfishness, wanted Roxy to be a fairy so she could experience all of this with me. 

Roxy cocked her head to the side, brushing her natural pink hair out of her face, in her favorite green, pink, and blue top with jean-cut shorts. "This girl's only boarding school, Alfea. Nothing comes up on the internet when I searched it up." 

I giggled knowingly. "Trust me, it's there. You'd have to look at their home Instagram page." 

"I found that," Roxy said. She paused before looking at me curiously. "Why is it so pink?" 

I burst into snickers and peals of laughter. "That's--what--I--asked--when I found--out." I choked out the words as I laughed. 

Roxy's lip twitched upwards. "Well, I'm glad that you're more outgoing, and doing better since the, y'know." 

My smile flickered for a moment. "It's still hard sometimes," I admitted. "I'll find myself growing sentimental, and then flipping through old photos and such." 

Roxy hesitated. "Andy's been around town lately. I think his college has a fall break or something. He's been asking about you." 

A jolt of surprise went through me. She must've seen my look of surprise, because she said, "I haven't told him anything, girl code and all." 

Odd. Violet hadn't mentioned anything when I texted her between yesterday and today. Nor had James and Lily. Maybe my ex hadn't gone to visit them, even though Mum saw him as a second son. 

Or maybe not, since he did break my heart. Even if it was a mutual decision. 

I nodded slowly. "Is..." I licked my lips, ignoring how nervous I felt. Talk about my ex strayed into dangerous territory. "Is he doing, ok?" 

Roxy nodded, a little dreamily. "He's only gotten hotter." 

Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hand. "I didn't mean to say that!" 

Something stirred within me, wait, no, it couldn't be jealousy. "So, you like Andy?" I teased. 

There was no denying that the color of Roxy's cheeks was from blushing, and not the heat of California. "Wha--um--no?" she stuttered. 

I giggled, ignoring something sinking in my chest. "I'm not mad. Just surprised. I didn't think that you'd set your sights on him." 

Roxy flushed an adorable shade of pink. "Bloom, how could anyone not have the hots for Andy? He's like a total stud!" 

It was my turn for my cheeks to heat a little and I shivered as a familiar tingle shot through my core. We might've broken up, but Andy had left a lasting impression on me that few males (or females) would be able to recreate, or top. "Fair point." 

She sighed. "I just...I don't want to go for him since he was your boyfriend, and there's the girl code." 

I pulled the pillow underneath me. "Rox, I loved Andy. Yes, I still miss him, but, as much as it hurts to acknowledge it, I don't love him in that way anymore, though I do still care for him." 

I bit my lip, the faces of the two new contenders in my head. I wouldn't start any relationships now, not while I was still searching for answers to the fate of my homeworld. But sometime in the future, maybe, just maybe, I'd like to pursue one of them, or maybe both, and see where things could lead. 

Roxy's eyes widened before she gave me a knowing grin. "Ohh. So, Bloom, who's caught your eye?" 

I sputtered, ignored the heat rising on my cheeks. How had she caught on so fast? Was I that obvious? "Uh, no one." 

"Ah, Ah, Ah." She shook a finger at me. "Spill, sister." 

I sighed, tapping my fingers on my pillow. "I think I might be stuck in a freaking love triangle," I whispered. 

Roxy blinked. "I'm sorry, can you repeat that? I think I misheard." 

"You heard me." I buried my face in my pillow as Kiko patted my hair reassuringly. Roxy giggled at the sight. 

"I thought you hated love triangles," Roxy said, a question in her tone. 

"I do," I whined. "Brandon and I met when some guy tried to steal Stella's purse, and I think he's crushing on me or something, not that he's not cute or anything. And then I met Adrien at the back-to-school dance. I swear,'s almost like 'Brandon' and Adrien are like the two halves of Andy." 

Roxy's eyes widened. "Two halves? Wait, I need to know how you met them. I need details and context, girl." 

I told her about the two blondes that were slowly, but steadily drawing my interest. I told her how I met 'Brandon', and his team, who saved me and one of my dorm mates. Then how I met Adrien as my anonymous date for the gala, and the night that we shared. Obviously, I had to leave out anything about magic.

Adrien, who was a total hottie and kinda seductive, intelligent, and witty. 

'Brandon', who was a pretty boy, sweet and charming, cute and protective. 

Both were muscular, both were blondes, both were light-skinned, and both had their eyes set on me. 

"Damn girl." Roxy shook her head in amazement. "You're falling for them both." 

"No, I'm not!" I denied. "They're just interested in me." 

"So the thought of being in a sandwich doesn't include blonde hair with blue and green eyes and you in the middle?" she teased. 

"Shut up," I said quickly, too quickly. My face was red, I knew it, even without looking in the mirror. 

Roxy giggled. "Sounds like you a-are." she sing-songed. 

I groaned and buried my face in my pillow again to hide my reddening cheeks. Roxy took pity on me and started to ask more questions about Alfea when Stella bounced into the room. "Hey, Bloom! We're going out, and you're coming with!" 

I glanced up from my phone. "Uh, Stella? I'm on the phone." 

She glanced at the video screen. "Ooo, is it one of your friends from Ea--Gardenia?" 

I sent her a warning look when she nearly slipped. "Yeah, Roxy." 

Stella flopped on the bed behind me, her face now visible to my friend. "Roxy, remember Stella? She's one of my dorm mates." 

"And friend," Stella added. 

"Of course," I said. 

Roxy smiled. "Hey again, Stella." 

"Hey!" Stella waved her fingers. "Sorry to cut this short, but I reeeaaaaally want to go shopping, and I need Bloom, soooo." 

Roxy nodded. "No, it's cool." 

"Great." Stella hopped off my bed. "Bloom, be ready in fifteen minutes. We have to scout out the place for the contest!" she then hurried out of Flora's and my dorm. 

"Sorry," I said as I set the phone down so I could change. "Stella's a little energetic today." 

"I can see that." Roxy laughed, and I untensed. "Sounds like she really wants to go somewhere." 

"She's entering a beauty pageant," I rolled my eyes. "She wants to plan out and prepare everything ahead of time so she has a good chance at winning. And, she's recruiting all of our dorm mates to help."

Roxy nodded in understanding. "No worries Bloom. I'm just glad that you finally made another friend. I'll talk to you later." 

"Alright. Have fun on your day off. Keep in touch." I moved my finger towards the 'end call' button. 

"You too." She said, her eyes sparkling brightly before the screen went blank. I sighed, then finished pulling my stockings up, pulling on a yellow skirt and a gold t-shirt. I then pulled a yellow jacket over it. 

I pulled my hair up into a ponytail with some yellow ribbons and pulled some red track shoes on. 

"You ready, Bloom?" Stella asked as she peeked her head back in. "Yeah." I sighed. "Let's go." 


"You want to be Miss Magix?" Mirta stared at her dorm mate in shock. "I don't get it. What's so appealing about sauntering around on a stage in a fairy dress? Besides, they'd never pick a witch to be their 'beauty queen'. Not to mention that the judges of the contest will be on the lookout for any sort of concealment magic or glamors.

The blood-haired witch didn't even have to fake her disgust. She may not necessarily like doing bad things (some pranks were ok in her book), but a part of being a witch that she actually liked was their clothing styles (not that she could really afford anything else). Most places--not just in Magix, but across the realms--refused to hire a witch. 

"Besides, blackmailing Griffin's favorite coven into helping you disguise yourself is foolish at best, and suicidal at worst. They're dangerous., especially since they've fallen from the headmistress's grace." 

Lucy glared at her. "Magix is going to have their first witch to be crowned tomorrow night. I want to win, and the dirt I got on the Trix is going to elevate me higher in status. I have senior witches fearing me, and if they try to double-cross me, I'll expose them, and ruin them, just like I have every other witch coven that tried to pull one over me in the past." 

"What could you have possibly blackmailed them with?" Mirta shook her head. "Witches aren't exactly law-abiding, but we haven't done anything too terrible, or anything that could've been traced back to us."

Although, Mirta hadn't done much. Probably why she wasn't liked by anyone, and was an outcast. Although, she wasn't an outcast by choice, like Lucy.  

A dark glint appeared in Lucy's eye. "Yet." 

She stood from her bed. "Isobel is going to help me. She and her sisters will turn me into the most beautiful, stunning, jaw-dropping girl in all of Magix!" 

Her vile grin fell a little with sadness. "Even if the real me could never with such a thing without cheating, but who said that witches indulged in fair play!" She looked pleadingly at the other girl. "You get it, right?" 

"I get why you're doing this, the whole witch hierarchy thing and all, but seriously? With a beauty pageant?" Mirta shook her head in disbelief. "Besides, if the 'Trix' betray you, you'll lose whatever standing you already have. The credibility that you've built up will fall just like their's." 

Lucy's eyes flashed with anger. "You jealous bint! I'm going to be Miss Magix, and no one is going to stop me! Least of all an idiot who is in over her head, and too naive to see the real world!" 

Mirta flinched, watching as the lanky, dark-haired witch limped away. She sighed, putting her head in her hands. "Why can't anyone in this school use a lick of common sense?" 


The area where the Miss Magix contest would be held was going to be in a giant mental ball, supported on all sides by a structure that looked like a downsized version of a Roman colosseum. 

After Stella signed in and registered us as her hair stylist, dress advisor, cosmetic specialist, and vocal advisor, we were led to the room we would be preparing Stella for the contest. 

"Wow," I muttered as we entered the private room. There was a tiny stage, two changing stalls, a counter with a large mirror, and stools and chairs. On the countertop were also a few vases with sweet-scented plants. 

There was also a recliner's chair that pushed up the sitter's arms and legs so as to have access to hands and feet. 

On the other side was a masseur's table, which had towels already stacked and a few bottles of oil on a cart nearby. 

Then there were the racks for clothes, which were currently empty. But, if I knew Stella, that would be overflowing right before the time of the contest. 

"This is a bit much." Flora paled as she opened a cabinet to reveal rows and rows of bottles and vials of beauty cosmetics. 

Musa opened two drawers to reveal dozens of tools for different beauty modifications. 

"All of this seems a bit irrational, just for a single night." Tecna shook her head. 

"It's perfectly fine." Stella waved off their concerns. "What's most important is variety. Especially since we won't know what each round of competition will be until the night of the contest, you have to be prepared for every situation." 

I frowned, thinking hard. "Stella, what did they do in the past? Were there any repeats?" 

She paused, tapping her chin thoughtfully while Tecna started to research on her small computer. "I think so, the fitness and the singing competition have been used in the past. Talent either comes first or at the end, and everyone usually does something different. Beauty and grace are occasionally judged together." 

I hummed. "Tecna, could there be any way of predicting what the rounds for Miss Magix will be, based on previous years?" 

Tecna looked excited. "Actually, yes. Likely, they use a Zenithian algorithm to decide the events and challenges each year. If I am able to crack their code, the chances of us giving Stella a higher win percentage at preparing for each increase, and she won't continue to rely on the logic of overpreparing." 

Stella scowled, crossing her arms. "There's nothing wrong with extra preparation!" 

I frowned, again, but this time for a different reason. I had the distinct feeling that we were being watched, but that didn't make any sense. It was just us five in the room. 

I stiffened as I realized what it must be. The watcher from a few days ago. 

I didn't say anything, just listened as Stella told Tecna all she could about previous rounds and what she did right and wrong. Tecna's hands flew across her keyboard, typing rapidly. 

Flora, Musa, and I decided to poke around, though I was rather quiet. My sudden silence and the tenseness of my shoulders were noticed. "Bloom, are you ok?" Flora asked me. 

I nodded. "I'm fine. Just feel a little...overwhelmed, again." 

She moved by me and sat down in one of the plush chairs. "Then relax. We likely won't need to do much between now and then." 

I managed to get most of the tension out of my body. I wouldn't fully relax--not until I knew whoever was watching us (they have to be scrying, there's no other way) left. 

I watched as Musa got annoyed and Tecna's hands moved so fast they became a blur. Flora played peacekeeper between Musa and Stella since I wasn't up for it. She was getting better. 

"No offense, but it's true. You're too loud to have a good singing voice." Musa said. 

Stella glared. "I am not too loud!" 

"Enough!" I pinched my nose, fighting off the headache that always built when people were arguing around me. "Let's worry about whatever comes up after Tecna has finished her list of likely possibilities." 

"Right." Flora nodded. 

I crossed my arms. "Now apologize, come on." 

Both girls grudgingly did. I slid out of my seat with the newfound gracefulness that came from learning in Good Manner's class. 

"Alright." Stella clapped her hands together. "We'll have to start planning our trips." 

"Our trips?" Musa asked. I sent her a warning glance to not antagonize the blonde again. 

Stella, thankfully, chose to ignore Musa. "We'll need to move my clothes here a bit at a time. Fitness, gracefulness, so I'll need a dress, and then for other performances I'll need other clothes..." 

Flora, Tecna, Musa, and I all collectively groaned. 


D'arcy turned from her crystal ball when Isobel entered the room--practically stomped inside--looking pissed enough to freeze an entire corridor of their school. 

"What's got you all uptight?" Beatrix asked from her place on the bed. Not that they didn't have good reason to be upset--she herself was bursting with lightning every day--with their setbacks and all, but Isobel looked like someone had held her down and made her watch while she and D'arcy were killed and taunted her the whole while. 

"Sisters," Isobel began, her eyes glinting with malice. "We're being blackmailed." 

The other two gaped for a second before lighting started to dance on Bea's fingers. "Who dares to threaten us?" she snarled. "One of those pixies?" 

"One of our own," Isobel said cooly. 

"Well, don't keep us in suspense," D'arcy said as she slipped off her stool and crossed her arms. "Is it the Axol coven again? The Lith-o-mites? Or the Necromantics?" 

"None of them. One of the covenless idiots has decided to make a power play." Isobel's lip curled into a sneer. "Lucy the loser." 

D'arcy's brows raised in surprise. "You mean the one that ruthlessly destroyed Zeurani's coven last year?" 

"Yes." Isobel's eyes were so cold that they could freeze time. "And she's threatening to expose us as the Trix unless we do what she wants." 

Beatrix rose from her bed, her eyes narrowing into violet slits of rage. "If she wants to challenge those that are superior to her, I say we find her, and hex her until she agrees to shut up. Heck, I'll melt her brains with my lighting if she's incapable of using her brain cells to give up!" 

"Hold on, what's in it for her?" D'arcy uncrossed her arms. "What does she want?" 

"She wants us to do a good deed," Isobel said, her sneer turning into a mocking smirk. 

"Do we look like those moronic pixies that grant wishes and hand out candy to little brats?" Beatrix sneered. 

"Seriously, Isobel. Tell us. The suspense is killing me." D'arcy pleaded. 

"Fine." Isobel put her hands on her hips. "She wants to be Miss Magix." 

D'arcy and Beatrix gaped at her for a few moments before they both burst into peals of mad laughter. 

"Does--she really think--that she--can--win?" gasped out D'arcy as she leaned against the pole of Beatrix's bed. 

"Yeah, it's a beauty contest for beautiful young skanks, not for tall and lanky freaks." Beatrix cackled as she clutched her sides. "She'll need a miracle to win." 

"Still." D'arcy sobered up. "How much does she know about our 'activities'?"

"She implied that she knows enough, at least about our involvement in causing those Specalist bafoons to crash their ship and lose their precious troll." Isobel crossed her arms. 

"So? Why should we do this for her? Why don't we just bury her in the ground?" Beatrix asked, her eyes glowing with power and hatred. 

"Because she likely has prepared for such a counterattack. She's a witch, we always have contingency plans." Isobel sneered. "So, we must be more cunning than her. We must out think her." 

"Not that she ever was that smart," D'arcy added with her own sneer. No one threatened her or her sisters and got away with it. 

Her eyes lit up as she remembered something. "Speaking of the Miss Magix contest, it seems we have another contender for the title of worthlessness." 

Isobel and Beatrix looked at her curiously. "Who?" 

"A reliable scrying spell told me that a certain sun princess also wants to be Miss Magix," D'arcy smirked. "She thinks she has a chance this year, and she'll have the scepter with her." 

Beatrix's eyes lit up with a maniacal gleam. "It seems that we'll be helping the frail freak after all." 

"And I know the perfect way to humiliate, I mean, 'help' her." Isobel turned to one of their personal grimoire books. She flipped open the pages until she found what she was looking for. Turning the book so her sisters could read, she said, "A time-delayed glamor spell." 

Her sisters' eyes widened as they caught onto her plan. 

"We'll make Lucy into an irresistible, stunning girl with the beauty and curves to utterly ruin Stella Soleil's precious dreams." Isobel sneered.  

"Then, just when she's about to be crowned, the spell will accidentally 'break', exposing her for the world to see." she made mocking quotes with her fingers. "She'll be so humiliated and emotional that she'll never see our retribution coming." 

"It's perfect." Beatrix cackled. "Sister, you are a genius!" 

"It looks like next weekend will have a delightfully entertaining evening." D'arcy grinned evilly. 

Isobel smirked. "Now, come along." she shut the book of glamor spells. "We'll need to find one that will go undetected but will give us the ability to sabotage the rest of the contenders. Why crush two brat's dreams when we can ruin them all." 

"I like it," D'arcy smirked. "And when Stella leaves, weakened and defeated, we'll have our chance to finally take the Scepter of Solaria, without any of her 'friend's getting in our way." 

"Ruining a generation's worth of ambitions, stealing a princess's heirloom, and destroying our blackmailer." Isobel summed up. "We'll crush all our opposition in one fell swoop, earning the headmistress's favor once again." 

"And the best part is, once we take the Fire of Life from the scepter, we'll have the power to make all of them pay!" Beatrix cackled. 

They burst into mad laughter, ignoring the yellow ogre who was repairing a crack in the wall from one of Beatrix's tantrums, and the soft 'Mammy' that came from Isobel's closet. 


The next week saw our classes go by slower than usual. I'd filled in my mentor and her sister (Freddi and Georgina) about what we were doing. They agreed to have an alibi for my whole dorm since we'd be out late after curfew. 

Tecna finished her algorithm for predicting the possible rounds. 

The talent was likely to be the finale this year. Grace would come at the beginning when all the girls walked out in their lineup. Fitness would see some sort of extracurricular physical activities (stuff like dancing, skating, etc). There would probably be a questionnaire round. And obviously, beauty would come with grace. 

The judges were to be impartial from various residents, making this truly fair, as none of the girls would have anyone from their home realm to give a biased vote. 

Classes came with the usual workload. Griselda's class saw us starting to pair off (I usually ended up with one of the Winx) and practice summoning our basic shields and elemental attack. 

Next month, we were going to be moving to one of the open spaces in the towers to practice real fights against each other in our basic fairy forms. 

The project for Palladium's class was coming along nicely. The main aspect of our terrain was done, leaving us to add in the little details like enchanted, moving models of the magical creatures that existed there, along with trees, rocks, and the like. 

I'd completed all of my missed assignments and taken all my quizzes. Except for one last practical, which was why I remained behind on Wednesday as the other girls were leaving for lunch. "Uh, Headmistress?" 

"Yes Ms. Peterson?" she asked as I moved to stand by her and the Vessel. 

"I think I'm ready to attempt the elemental manipulation practice," I said, shifting nervously. It would be so easy for my flame to assume its natural form as the Dragon Flame, which I could not have. 

Faragonda is my godmother or should be. Unless she got one too many blows to the head during the war between the Ancestresses and the Company of Light, she should know all that being a godmother entails. 

Unless the concept of being a godmother and godfather is different in this universe. It wouldn't be the first time that I assumed things were the same *cough, potions class, cough* but were actually different. 

Or she does know, and she's pulling a Dumbledore and purposefully keeping me in the dark. Either out of a 'you're too young and you should grow up without worry', or its a manipulative play for power, thinking that she can control me. 

For her sake, I pray that it is not the latter. 

She gave me a warm, encouraging smile. "Very good, Ms. Peterson. You may begin when ready." 

I nodded, then moved my hands over the handles of the Vessel. I breathed in and out slowly, deeply, reaching into myself for my magic. I touch my inner Flame, feeling its heat consume me, burning within me, hotter and hotter, like a rising volcano. 

I grip hold of the fire before it can assume its natural course, and guide it with my beliefs and desire. 

Fire exploded out of the Vessel, rising into the air. Wild, chaotic, and free. Under my guidance, the flames started to change shape, rising in the bowl up into the air. 

The roaring ball of magical fire started to spread and take shape. Wings sprouted, dividing into feathers. A beak starting to appear, with small claws for feet starting to grow... 

At that moment, just when I was about to finish, the Dragon Flame rumbled in disagreement within my breast. I gasped--my knees suddenly feeling weakened--as I felt a new wave of power rush through me. 

The fire started to change from the somewhat recognizable phoenix, molding and reshifting, as though the very flames were clay. 

The body became longer, the wings vanishing, and the body started to gain scales, a head reforming, and a long tail growing... 


Alarmed, I snatched my hands back, breathing heavily.  

I looked at my headmistress and felt something heavy settle on my shoulders. She was staring at the now flameless Vessel, her eyes wide. Fear, shock, alarm, and surprisingly, grief were visible in her expression. 

Does she remember? Does she know? 

"Headmistress Dowling?" She blinked and shook her head, her shoulders relaxing as she returned to coherence. "Hm?" 

"Did" I asked, watching as her expression became neutral. I hesitated, as different emotions flowed through me (I felt my panic the most). "Did I do something wrong?" 

"No, Ms. Peterson." Faragonda shook her head, before giving me a grandmotherly smile (that I saw straight through). "Your creations caught me off guard for a moment." 

"Why?" I cocked my head to the side, hoping that my question was innocent enough and that she couldn't hear my traitorous heart thumping wildly. 

She smiled knowingly. "Just old memories." 

Clearly, she wasn't going to divulge her secrets. 

"Uh, so, did I pass?" I asked, really wishing that I could just vanish. 

"Yes. I must say, I wasn't expecting you to make a phoenix or a dragon." She said, her tone a mix of suspicion, curiosity, and thoughtfulness. Clearly, she was prodding for answers without asking. 

Just like Albus too-many-names Dumbledore. 

Might as well attempt damage control and continue to play the 'naive' card. 

"Well, I was initially going for a phoenix, based on the magical mythologies of Earth's culture," I explained. "I have no idea why my flames turned the phoenix into a dragon. Or why it lacked wings." 

Her expression lost some suspicion as she studied me. She looked more relieved and thoughtful, but still worried. "Perhaps it is a sign." 

I frowned, that was a very foreboding thing to say. And not at all ominous. "A sign of what, headmistress?" 

"Of what is to come." 

Figures. Bloody headmasters and headmistresses and their cryptic words. 

"In any event, I am glad that you were responsible enough to make up this assignment, even though the absence could not be blamed on you," Faragonda said with a warmer smile. "Full points for some of the best magic I have seen in years." 

I allowed a small smile to cross my features. "I should probably be going. The others are likely wondering where I am." 

"Of course. Farewell, Ms. Peterson." 

"Bye, Headmistress!" I called as I left. 

If I hadn't half-glanced back, I would have never seen her expression cycle through confusion, worry, suspicion, and fear. 


"You want to what?" Professor Harvey asked me in disbelief. 

"I thoroughly studied from one of my Mum's potions books," I repeated. "I'd like to make a potion, obviously with your supervision." 

He frowned. "Why?" 

I sighed, racking my mind for the memory to quote. "This is a potion that will make the hair sleek, smooth, and easy to undo hair tangles. Males and especially females who have extra oily, broken, dry, or untamable hair will see those oversights corrected with this applied. I have the list of ingredients and instructions written down, sir." 

So saying, I handed him a copy of the potion instructions which I had indeed copied (just of a potions book from another life, instead of something my adoptive mother owned. Not that he needed to know that). 


Copper Cauldron (7-inch thickness)

Iron ladle (long-handle)


Petrolium Jelly

Unicorn Hair

Fairy Dust (this was an addition of mine to give the potion balance since dragon scales weren't likely to be found but they both contain the same positive energy). 

Gamas Barandains (which are essentially mashed Horntail slug brains). 

Jade Frog Stomach Slime


1.) Set cauldron on the fire. Fill 2/3 with water. 

2.) Add in 1/8 spoon of Petrolium Jelly and stir counter-clockwise until liquid color turns violet. 

3.) Let potion stew unaided for ten minutes. Potion color should turn purple. 

4.) Add Jade Frog slime with the rest of the Petrolium Jelly. 

5.) Stir clockwise fourteen times or until color turns dark grey and concoction thickens, then let the potion stew for ten minutes. 

6.) Add two cups of Gamas Barandians to the potion and stir counter-clockwise thrice, and clockwise four times. 

7.) Add fairy dust and mix in the potion until it is light and smooth. The potion should feel watery, but maintain the thickness of honey. 

8.) Allow ingredients to simmer on low heat for an hour. 

9.) Freeze the potion for a day. 

10.) Remove the potion from the cold environment and allow it to heat back to room temperature. 

"Well, it seems straightforward enough." Professor Harvey was hesitant, likely since I was Stella's friend and I'd never made a potion in my life. "Have you made a potion before?" 

"Y-no." I shook my head. "But, like you said, professor. It seems straightforward enough." 

"Hm." He stood silently, eyeing the instructions, then me with a suspicious, piercing gaze, and I shifted nervously. After what felt like an eternity, but was only a few minutes at most, Professor Harvey slipped the recipe into his inner vest pocket. "I will not risk destroying the laboratory again, but this does merit a test." 

"So, I can't make it?" I asked, sounding disappointed. I really was, Sleekeazy would've been perfect for Stella's hair. 

Professor Harvey sighed tiredly, taking off his glasses to clean with a handkerchief from his suit pocket. "Ms. Peterson, I barely have half of the lab restored. I am in no hurry to let a new student create another potion that they aren't even sure if it'll work." 

"It does work," I said, sounding offended. "Her--Mum made it before and used it on me during my younger years when my hair was more wild and out of control." 

"Hm." He hesitated. "I cannot deny that this potion could be revolutionary if this works." 

I crossed my fingers behind my back. 

"That said, I will not allow you, nor any other student in the lab. I will do this myself." He decided. 

I blinked. Ok, maybe not so bad. "Professor, will you need a volunteer?" 

He shook his head firmly. "No, Ms. Peterson. I would not risk your health based on your faith in an experimental potion." 

He paused, then asked me, "I assume that you would like this to be created sooner rather than later?" 

I nodded. "Preferably before the weekend, if you wouldn't mind, sir." 

Professor Harvey nodded. "Very well. Come and see me Friday afternoon, once classes are over." 

"Thank you, professor," I said happily, before bouncing out of the room. 


Preparing for an event like this contest took time and effort. We'd moved all of the outfits that we believed might come in handy to the dressing room (Stella insisted on bringing something else from each category as a 'just-in-case' option).

At our urging, Stella had agreed to spend an extra hour with Professor DuFour to improve her skills, and to tone down on her bubbly persona a bit. 

Flora and I looked into perfumes and herbal oils that wouldn't add to, but enhance what was already there. Stella was a stunning hot beauty, but most likely there would be a few girls who were going to 'toe the line' when it came to rules and such. We didn't want Stella to end up in that category. 

Surprisingly, it had been Tecna who'd forced us all to take a break from everything on Friday evening (and yes, my professor had made Sleekeazy, and it worked, so I got two bottles). She'd claimed that it was our rising stress and hormone levels, but it was clear that she was beginning to become as worked up as we were (not like Stella was helping any). 

I'd given her my old phone, and she'd downloaded all of my Earth content off of it. Every Netflix season, movie, or anime that I had (yes, my phone would crash because of all that crap on it). 

After a vote, we decided to watch a few episodes of the first season of Transformers Prime. Naturally, I was all for it. Tecna was intrigued by the concept of living metal aliens. Musa and Flora had never heard of it, but they were fine with whatever Earth content we chose. 

Stella had pouted and whined (rather unprincessy-like) until we agreed to watch Vampire Diaries the next time. 

I'd gone to the kitchen, and Chef Sfoglia had provided me with some snacks (I'd given him multiple recipes from Earth, including treacle tart) for us to eat while we had our 'girl's night'. 

We started the first episode and I was bouncing in my seat. Honestly, the reactions of my friends were what you'd expect from people who'd never seen this type of genre of action and aliens before. 

"So, there I am on the lookout, when out of nowhere these high beams light up my rearview. And then it hits me: I'm illegally parked!" 

"Another parking ticket?"            -tfp

"A talking car and motorcycle?" Stella sounded confused. 

"Just wait." I shushed her. 

"I'm getting a signal." 

"Need backup?" 

"Do I ever need backup?"   -tfp

Tecna and I both t'sked Cliffjumper's rashness. "Going without reinforcements for a soldier is illogical," she said as she crossed her arms and leaned back. 

"Decepticons!" Cliff transformed for the first time, and I applauded while my friends gasped. 

When the Decepticon warship appeared, Flora and Musa both gasped. 

"Arcee, about that backup." 

Tecna 'tsk'ed. Stella chortled. Flora and Musa 'shush'ed her. 

"Fair warning, boys. I'll put a few pings in ya."  

Cliffjumper transforms back into his alt mode and drives up the cliff before transforming again and punching down a Vehicon.  -tfp

"What happened?" Stella yelped when a laser ignited the Energon. 

"The blue crystals are Energon," I explained quickly and quietly, my eyes never leaving the screen. "They're like fuel for hovercars and buses. So if something like a magic blast hits it--" 

"It'll explode." Tecna finished. 

"'Scream. It's been a while." Cliffjumper coughs up Energon. He looks the seeker right in the optic. "So, where's your master?" 

The Decepticon's face turns unpleasant. "Never mind him." he raises his sharp claws. "I am my own master." 

He skewers Cliffjumper right in the chest. Getting in the Autobot's face, he snarls, "Any more questions?" 

Cliff struggles to speak, choking as the light fades from his optics. His body falls to his knees before his torso does. 

Starscream stepped back. "Ugh. Clean that up."  -tfp

I glanced at my friends. They all carried various expressions of shock at Cliffjumper's violent death (well, that and I may or may not have cussed out Starscream, only adding to their shock). 

All of the girls teased me (I may or may not have squealed when I saw the main cast of Autobots appear, including their leader, Optimus Prime). 

"If they're scouting for Energon, they may be preparing for his return."  -tfp

"Who's return?" Stella asked in confusion. 

"Starscream's master maybe?" Musa suggested, looking angry with the seeker. 

Musa instantly took a liking to Miko, the Asian girl in the show who had a love for music. Stella also liked Miko for her personality, amusingly enough. 

Stella and Musa, also Flora shared a common dislike for Agent Fowler. I could understand that, he wasn't too great a character until later in the series, especially in season two. 

Flora confessed that she liked Jack and Arcee, and especially Optimus Prime. 

All of the girls instantly fell in love with Bumblebee, and I couldn't blame them. Anything with big, round eyes is automatically cute; unless it's evil or trying to kill me or mine.

The Space Bridge activated, and a single Cybertronian fighter flew out of it. As the bridge shut down, the ship transformed into a massive metal being with an arm cannon and glowing red eyes.

"Decepticons! I have has returned!" -tfp

Tecna said that Megatron looked like pure evil, and I didn't disagree.

The girls were starting to get into the show as we progressed to the next episode. 

Tecna was obsessed with the idea of metal-living aliens, and she was eagerly taking notes as the episodes played. She also grew concerned with the very idea of Dark Energon. 

"I told you to await my command!" Megatron backhands Starscream, who is knocked across the bridge. Then, the metal titan's foot slams down, pinning Starscream's head to the side.  -tfp

Flora expressed a dislike for how he treated Starscream. 

The girls gasped when the kids were attacked by Vehicons. They were also surprised when Agent Fowler was attacked by Laserbeak. 

The girls grew scared (which honestly surprised me, but I guess people have a genuine fear of the walking dead) in the third episode when the Terrorcons emerged from the ground, Stella making a 'zombie' comment. 

"Optimus, all this exposure to Dark Energon is sapping our strength." 

"We cannot falter now, old friend." 

"NO!" Flora shielded her eyes when the Terrorcons swarmed Optimus and Ratchet. 

"It's ok," I said, letting her hold onto me tightly as I leaned forward, my eyes on the screen. 

"After all these years, Optimus. Still at the top of your game." -TFP

"Ok, I really don't like Megatron," Stella said. 

"He's a warmonger." I snorted. "But it's the character dynamic that makes things awesome, especially the way he and Optimus interact." 

"Why do you like this stuff anyways?" Stella asked. 

"It's about heroes and villains," Tecna said. "Just without the princesses and princes, and magical creatures." 

I nodded. "Exactly. Transformers are about alien robots whose war decimated their own planet, and by happenstance, they came to Earth. Once enough of their enemies landed, the war resumed." 

"Are all the series like this one?" Flora asked. 

I shook my head, rubbing her shoulder reassuringly. Who knew that Flora could be such a cuddle buddy when scared? "No, each series is different. This one is just closer to reality than some of the other ones." 

The final episode of Rising Darkness had us all leaning on the edge of our seats (or couches). 

"Soundwave is creepy." Flora shivered when the faceless Decepticon fought Raf, Jack, and Miko with his tentacle. 

"Yeah, a little," I admitted. "It's the tentacles that really freak me out." 

The other girls looked at me in surprise. "You didn't seem to care all that much about the tendrils in the Black Mud Swamp," Stella said. 

I shuddered (images of Devil's Snare in my mind). "Try terrified. The only reason I wasn't freaking out was because I was more worried about the troll that was set loose." 

That was one section of Hentai that I'd always refused to watch. Anything with tentacles in it terrified me. Being wrapped up and bound, unable to cut loose or break free...coiled tendrils and creepers coiling around my limbs, holding me down, squeezing the air out from my chest. And the idea of tentacles existing to rape...I shuddered again. 

The girls gasped as they saw the damaged Cybertron and the hordes of Terrocons that rose from the dead. 

"I like Optimus," Musa said as Optimus and Megatron exchanged one of my favorite pairs of dialogue.  

"Your fellow Autobots are wise, Optimus. They know when to retreat." 

"I hold no illusions about engaging your army, Megatron. But I might derail it's objective, by removing its head." 

*cue the emergence of Optimus's hand sword* 

Megatron laughs in dark amusement. "Highly unlikely, Optimus. As I am infused with their very might!" 

"One shall stand, one shall fall."  -tfp

"EEEE!" I squealed (yes, I am a bloody fangirl, who's judging?), earning amused glances from my friends. "He said the line!" 

"The line?" Tecna asked curiously. 

I nodded, still bouncing on my seat as Prime and Megatron started to fight. "There are multiple lines that are reused in every Transformers series, based on the original. 'You have failed me yet again Starscream', 'One shall stand, one shall fall', 'Megatron begone'. 'I am Megatron, leader of the Decepticons', 'I am Optimus Prime', 'light our darkest hour', 'Til all are one'." 

"That's a lot of one-liners," Musa said. 

I nodded with a grin. "Just wait." 

We refocused on the show, gasping as Optimus got beaten down by Megatron. The girls sighed in relief when Starscream interrupted the 'execution'. 

"No!" Musa, Stella, and Flora all gasped when Megatron's lucky shot wounded Arcee & she floated off into space. 

We were silent as we watched the space bridge explode, and Megatron die. I shook my head in sheer amusement (Tecna did as well) when Starscream claimed leadership of the Decepticons. 

All of them gasped in relief when Arcee was revived. We all cheered when Optimus agreed to let the kids stay with the Autobots. 

As soon as Optimus's final speech was over, all four of them applauded as you do at the movies. I giggled, it was a surprising but funny reaction. 

"Ok, that was awesome," Musa said. 

"I didn't like Megatron or the zombies, but it was very nice," Flora said, with a shy smile. "I like Jack, and I wouldn't mind watching more." 

"I want to know more about this fictional lore," Tecna said, showing us a datapad, which was full of notes. Stella didn't put as much effort as I did into hiding her snicker. 

"It was good," Stella admitted. "It certainly was a welcome change from most of the cliches around here. No damsels or 'one shot--make it count' cliches." 

"Agreed." Musa leaned back in her seat. "I have to say that I'm utterly captivated." 

"Admit it, Transformers is awesome," I said as I munched on slices of Terog (which I guess is their version of apples?), too high on my hype about Transformers to care about the feeling of being watched. 

"It is, from a fictional standpoint." Tecna agreed. 

"Ok, who wants to watch Vampire Diaries now?" Stella asked. 

I shook my head. "It's late, Stella. And we have the final preparations before Sunday, remember?" 

Stella deflated, looking pumped up from watching the show, but also disappointed. "Oh yeah." 

I hugged her. "Don't worry. Next time it will be Vampire Diaries. That's a promise." 

We all said our goodnights and moved to our own dorms. Flora and I no longer changed back-to-back, but neither of us intentionally looked at each other while in states of nudity and undress. 

I crawled into my bed, wondering if I would get another vision from the nymph tonight. As the adrenaline from watching and socializing faded, I allowed my exhaustion to guide my body back to a restful slumber. 


"And the troll exploded?" King Radius slammed his fist against the armrest of his throne. "Just like that?" 

"Yes," Faragonda said with barely-disguised annoyance. "There was no doubt about it. That troll was enhanced with Dark Magic." 

"Which has only been known to be used by witches and fallen sorcerers and wizards." Radius stroked his rather large belly in thought. "And you are certain that there will be no more danger coming to my daughter at Alfea?" 

Faragonda nodded sharply. "So long as Princess Soleil follows the rules of our institution, she should be safe." 

Radius chuckled. "She has a wild spirit." He nodded to himself, and waved his hand, dismissing the staff. They quickly vanished, leaving the two alone. "Come to my office, headmistress." 

Faragonda followed the plump king to his office. Once inside, she took a seat as he sat on yet another throne. He pressed something on his throne, and letters of a strange language began to glow over the window and doorframes. 

Spells activated that prevented scrying, outsider viewers from lip-reading through the window, or eavesdroppers who may be lingering around. 

Radius leaned back, as did Faragonda. 

"So, how is my daughter?" he asked, his voice more pleasant, and less harsh. 

"I will say, she has proven quite different from last school year," Faragonda said with a soft smile. 

"Oh? Pray to tell, who or what has become a good influence on my daughter?" Radius leaned forward with interest. 

"That would be her dorm mates, and best friends, as far as I and the staff can tell," Faragonda replied. 

"Truly?" Radius quirked a brow. "I must remember to thank them should I encounter them. What are their names?" 

"Tecna Tecne of Zenith, Flora Vitale of Linphea, Musa Sung of Melody, and Bloom Peterson of Earth." she listed. 

Radius's lip twitched at the mention of a Zenith fairy, fondness of Linphea, and surprise when it came to Melody. But his face twisted into shock at the mention of an Earth fairy. "I have heard of her. The girl with the ability to manipulate her aura." 

Faragonda sighed. It seems that the other school 'heads hadn't taken her suggestion to hide this information instead of spreading it. 

"This Bloom Peterson, is she the same girl who my daughter claims saved her life? Is she truly an Earth fairy, a survivor of the Black Circle?" 

"As far as I can tell, Bloom Peterson is of Earth." At his querying look, she elaborated. "She's a fire fairy, adopted by the last known Earth fairies." 

Radius's eyes widened in surprise. "A fire fairy? But...there hasn't been one since..." 

"Since Domino fell," Faragonda said solemnly, both grieving for the loss of the Fryes, whom they had been close with. 

"If Bloom Peterson is adopted, could she have been sent to Earth?" Radius asked. "As a lone survivor?" 

"Possibly." She said, neither affirming nor denying. Mainly because she herself was still confused. 

Bloom had created a Phoenix, and the form of the Dragon Flame with the Vessel, though she did not know it. At this point, the aging fairy did not know what to make of the girl who shared such familiar genetics with her two oldest friends. 

She could manipulate her aura, she had powerful mind shields that she herself couldn't have possibly created, yet were somehow there. She was a fire fairy and had Marion's looks but Oritel's eyes. 

She could wield the Scepter of Solaria and was being contacted by an unknown entity while she slept. Bloom had looked disturbed or disgruntled on those days following her 'dream visitor' (the only reason Faragonda knew was the psychic wards that her predecessor had created for the school). 

"And the attempts to steal the Scepter of Solaria. By my count, there have been a total of four, correct?" King Radius asked. 

Faragonda nodded. "So far, an ogre, the same ogre with a troll, the ogre with its witches, and finally, just the witches." she hesitated, then added, "I know not if this information would help solve a mystery of my own, but I feel as though you should know this since it pertains to your daughter's heirloom." 

"Has the scepter been stolen?" Radius asked in alarm. 

"No, thankfully." Faragonda shook her head. "But, Princess Soleil is not the only one to wield the Scepter of Solaria." 

Radius frowned. "That's impossible. The only ones who can wield the scepter are those of my bloodline." 

He glanced at the headmistress of Alfea. "Which student has used the scepter?" 

"Bloom Peterson." Faragonda's lips twitched in what might've been for a joke, were this topic not so serious. "Once, on Earth, and a second time in an alleyway where the girls encountered a trio of witches who call themselves the Trix." 

"And these are the same witches who sent the ogre and repurposed the troll from Malacoy?" Radius's tone was sharp. 

"We believe so." 

Radius slammed his fist on the armrest. "The Court of Light will not incarcerate them without proof beyond a few testimonies that could be dismissed based on the centuries of bias between the two species." 

He stood and poured two glasses of wine. "Were you able to get a magical signature at least? Something, anything to go off of?" 

Faragonda shook her head. "I'm afraid not. Our only chance would have been during the gala, when this coven cursed the exchange gifts." 

Radius snorted. "That happened back in my day." 

"Indeed." Faragonda's eyes hardened. "But they were cursed to hatch snake rats." 

The king of Solaria winced. "I'm sure Ofelia is relieved that the crisis was averted." 

"Indeed it was. By your daughter and her friends. They used a convergence rite to cleanse the eggs, restoring them, and unfortunately wiping the witches' magical signatures" 

"Hm." Radius scratched his small beard. "It sounds like she is doing better than last year. A convergence rite is no small feat." 

Faragonda nodded with a wider smile. "She has improved. Princess Soleil has been less noisy in class and has been turning in assignments more and more. I have yet to hear that she has skipped an exam." 

Radius's brows rose so high that you couldn't tell them apart from the fringe of his finely-combed hair. "And this is because of her friends?" 

"I would have to give credit to her improved behavior to Ms. Peterson. She's been a remarkable influence on your daughter." 

"Perhaps too much of an influence." Radius sat back down with a heavy sigh. "Tell me more about this...Bloom Peterson, and your concerns about her." 

Faragonda barely shifted. "What would make you believe that I have any?" 

He chuckled. "We served in the Company of Light together, remember? You learned the art of secrets at Rosalind's knee." 

"And yet, all the secrets she kept only harmed us all in the end." the grey-haired woman sighed, drumming her fingers on the desk. "I am trying not to keep the cards close to my chest, but trust is a hard thing to find these days, and even rarer to keep." 

"That is true, but we are drifting off-topic." He sipped from his glass again, before leaning forward, the shadows lining his face. "Tell me everything about Ms. Peterson, Fara. What you know, what you suspect, and what you fear. Everything." 


Saturday saw us finishing up our preparations. Stella, Musa, and I all carried the rest of her last-minute beauty products into town. 

Apparently, Stella wasn't the only one who was going to enter the Miss Magix contest either. I'd heard through the Alfean gossip vine that Amaryl, Lolina, Lesta (all from our year), and Bera (someone in Freddi & Georgina's year), were all going to try their luck in the contest. 

Freddi and Georgina had a betting pool (I bet five Shanix on Stella) going as well. I had the impression that the staff knew about it as well, especially when I saw professors Wizgiz and Katherine handing something to Freddi while Georgina was writing on her list. 

Honestly, it shouldn't be a surprise. Griselda might be a wet blanket, but not everyone at Alfea was. I just need to remember that more, and view life with more rose-colored goggles (I really just can't, though I've tried). 

I'm being pessimistic again. Sighing, I scrolled through photos on my phone, just waiting for Stella to call. 

My lips twitched upwards as I looked at my childhood photos (of this life). "Hm. Crappy childhood." 

I scrolled past images of me in Gymnastics, on the swim team, and in school. My eight birthday--which was when I got Kiko. Birthdays and family vacation trips. Lily, James, and Violet. Various moments with my friends. Me and Selina. Me and Roxy. Me and Andy. 

I sighed, ignoring the pang of loneliness, and put my phone in 'sleep' mode. I get up and change into the sleeved pale blue top & matching skirt, plus one-inch heels (I still hate heels). 

"Are you ok?" 

I glanced up to see Flora approach, already changed into the same attire that I was in. "Yeah." 

She studied me, hesitantly, before she asked, "Are you sure?" 

"I'm fine. Just getting sentimental." I shook my head. "Maybe a little homesick." 

I missed my home, in Gardenia. My drive and desire to learn what happened to my home realm was still there. I still yearned to uncover this dream nymph's identity, but I wanted to see James and Lily. I wanted to see my adoptive sister, who could've been my real sister in my last life. 

I missed Mum's Treacle Tart and Dad's crappy jokes. I missed Violet's teasing about boys. I missed hanging out with Roxy at the Fruity Bar. I felt guilty about the Aprilia my adoptive parents worked hard to buy me. It was probably still sitting in the garage, unused. 

Above all, I found myself missing Daphne the most. The indescribably gorgeous big sister who'd always been there for me, who'd always made time for me, despite being the heir apparent to the throne. Who'd unknowingly helped my transition into this life. Who gave her own life for mine. 

Who I've known only for a year, and yet left a lasting impression on me that I was still trying to imitate. Her gracefulness, her kindness, her capacity for love. Her passive fierceness, her serenity. Her balance.  

"Well, I know that we have the whole week off when the Day of the Lily comes around," Flora said. "That's just a few weeks away." 

"Huh." I rubbed my eyes tiredly. "So, are we ready to go?" 

"We should probably leave early," Flora replied. "At least, so as to avoid Ms. Griselda." 

She shivered. "Who would have thought that I'm willingly breaking rules?" 

I burst out laughing, that line was the exact same that Hermione had thought aloud at the end of Harry's first school year. "You'll get used to it." I snickered. 

Flora looked at me in confusion. "I don't understand what's so funny." 

"I've broken rules in the past." I giggled. "One of my old friends said the exact same thing." 

"Oh." Then Flora smiled sheepishly. "I said that aloud, huh?" 

"You sure did." I grinned. 

"Hey, girls! Are you ready yet?" Stella peeked her head inside. 

"Give me a second." I mock scowled at her before petting Kiko and asking Flora to grow a few extra carrots. 

"You're ready! Come on then!" 

Flora and I exchanged a look of bemusement before we followed. 

Stella was bouncing on the balls of her feet by the door (still with bloody grace, I don't see how), and annoying Musa as she worried over last-minute details or possible things that we forgot. 

"Stella, you'll be fine!" I called as Tecna emerged from her room. The four of us were all matching in appearance. Stella studied each of us before waving her hand and letting Musa's hair down into rivets that curled at the ends. She then repeated her spell until all of us have the same hairstyle. 

"Perfect." she beamed. "Let's go!" 

Musa rolled her eyes and Tecna sighed. Flora giggled and I smirked. "Let's." 


Lucy was waiting with her usual sneer when the 'Trix' finally arrived, out of uniform. "I trust you've made all preparations?" she asked. "I'd hate to accidentally let anything about a scepter slip." 

Beatrix growled, but only D'arcy's hand on her arm held her back from attacking the smug witch. 

Isobel glared, her fingers twitching in yearning to wrap them around the frail girl's throat and squeeze until her eyes bulged from their sockets. "There is no need. Knut?" 

A young man with pale skin and dark brown hair in shaggy curls walked over with a tiny chest. D'arcy had spent some time creating a glamor to hide Knut's appearance. His description was certainly passed around to all of the local authorities by now, and they needed the extra edge to protect their own secrets. 

He opened it to reveal a necklace. It was made up of a shell-style oval ruby and diamond pendant. The ruby itself glowed softly with blue, purple, and magenta swirls. 

"A necklace?" Lucy sounded skeptical. 

"This will transform the wearer into the ultimate beauty," Isobel assured her. "As glamor spells could be detected, we had to go the extra mile and enchanted this pendant. It's some of our best spellwork. You should feel flattered that we went this far." 

Lucy's eyes bored into Isobel's with a threatening glare. "You'll go as far as I wish...unless you want the Paladins to know that you three have tried to steal Princess Soleil's heirloom, and sabotaged a Red Fountain craft on an official mission." 

Isobel dug her nails into her palms to stop herself from doing something that she'd regret. "We also gave your necklace a bad luck aura. It will ruin your competition entirely." 

"Good," Lucy smirked triumphantly. 

Isobel and her sisters couldn't wait until this arrogant, smug bitch was taken down all her pegs. Then, in her state of shock and disbelief, she'd be easy pickings. Her memories would be altered (since mind-wiping spells had all been confiscated and were highly illegal) and she'd become another wall decoration in Cloud Tower's dungeons. 

Lucy took the chest and pulled the necklace out. She waved a hand, glowing with a spell. D'arcy glared at the witch, she knew exactly what kind of spell she'd cast. "Do you really think we'd be that stupid?" 

"Depends." Lucy shrugged as she canceled her spell and slipped the necklace around her head. "All you covens tend to follow the same trend. It's a welcome change to see that one coven has some common sense." 

Beatrix growled, again being prevented from attacking by D'arcy. 

Lucy's eyes narrowed on Beatrix as she smirked. "Good. I expect you three to be in attendance for the competition." 

The Trix tensed. If they attended the gathering--never mind that they didn't want to--they would risk being caught out by Griffin or one of the patrolling parties. For Lucy to demand that they remain risked them losing further standing. 

And from the glint in her eye, the smug bitch knew it too. 

Beatrix ripped her arm away from D'arcy. "You have some nerve! This goes too far!" she got in the lanky girl's face. 

Lucy sneered, shoving her back. "Not far enough. You could do with a lesson in humility. Or one in taming your animalistic instincts." 

Isobel snarled, the sound low and dangerous in her throat. D'arcy had to control both her sisters before they did something that they couldn't come back from. 

"Enough, Lucy." The witch of darkness and illusions prided herself on keeping her anger out of her voice, sounding professional, calm, and collected. "You got what you wanted. We will be in the audience." 

Her lip curled upwards. "Besides, who wouldn't want to miss the humiliation and the sight of fairy's dreams being crushed before their very eyes?" 

Lucy grinned evilly. "Wicked. I'll see you three there then." 

She then left the way she came, vanishing through a wall. 

"Uh, your scarinesses, when will I get to--" 

"Silence, Knut," D'arcy growled out, her anger finally bleeding into her voice. She spun and pinned him with a glare. "Not another word while we are out in the open, and until I have managed to re-ward our chambers." 

The ogre growled, before falling silent. Isobel pinched the skin between her eyes. "At least three good things will come from tonight." 

"They better," Beatrix said darkly, in a tone that started her sisters with its animalistic rasp. "Or I will give into my basest instincts and tear her limb from limb." 

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