The Valley Girl (Sandlot Fanf...

By iluvjohnnycake

47.1K 868 324

Alex moves to The Valley in the summer of 62. She's a huge baseball fan and player. She's a real tough and is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 4

3.3K 70 26
By iluvjohnnycake

Phillips and his team came up to us with their fancy bikes. What did these no good "baseball players" want.

"So this is the girl that made me look like a fool today, huh?" Phillips said staring right into my eyes.

"You sure as hell are right. And I'll do it again if you don't leave."

"Yeah Yeah, just leave us alone." Said Yeah Yeah.

"No. I don't think i am." Phillips got off his bike and walked closer to me. "You're gonna pay for what you did."

"Eh, I don't feel like it." I smirked and turned my head around at the rest of the guys. Next thing you know, I felt a rush of pain all throughout my head. Did he just punch me? Well, he's about to see the ugly side of me.

I turned around and smiled at him in an evil like way.

"So what are you going to do? Punch me?" He and his whole team started laughing.

"Actually, yes. Yes I am."

"Alex, no. Don't do it!" Yeah Yeah yelled towards me. I turned around and mouthed to him 'I am.' He had a sad look on his face. I don't know why, I mean, I'm sticking up for us.

I then punched Phillips when he wasn't expecting it. He fell to the ground. I started kicking him. He winced in pain. His pathetic friends didn't even do anything about it. They just stared in amazement that the fact Phillips was getting beaten up by a girl.

I kicked him a couple more times. Then Yeah Yeah ran towards me and pulled me away from Phillips. "What are you doing Yeah Yeah? Get off me! I need to make him pay for what he did to me!"

"Alex, you're hurting him too much. Look at him." I looked at Phillips. He was on the ground crying and holding his stomach. I didn't know that I hurt him that much. I guess I got lost in my anger. I just wanted to scare him... My eyes started to tear up. I couldn't take it, so I ran off.

Yeah Yeah's POV

After Alex saw what she did to Phillips, she bolted. I ran after her to try and calm her down. She ran to Vincent's Drug Store. Man, could she really sprint. I was barely able to see her she was running so fast. Probably as fast as Benny. Maybe even faster.

She was curled up in a ball leaned up against the bricks. I went next to her and sat down by her side. "Hey Alex." I said softly. She looked up at me. Her face was red and filled with tears.

"Hey Yeah Yeah. Whaddya doing here?"

"I followed you. You seemed a little uneasy. What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothin."

"C'mon Alex, you can tell me everything and anything."

"Well, when I saw what I did to Phillips I just felt like there was 1,000 pounds on me. I didn't even realize that I hurt him that bad. My emotions took over me. I moved here so I wouldn't do this kind of stuff again! But it's not working." I wiped a tear from her face since she was crying. She looked me in the eyes for a brief second, then looked away.

"Well, Phillips did kinda deserve that." I said with a slight smile. "But I tried to stop you, but I couldn't."

"I'm sorry. I just... I can't control myself sometimes."

"Hey, that's alright. I'll always be here if ya need me."

She laughed a faint laugh. "Well thanks Yeah Yeah. Let's go. I hate cryin."

We got up and went back to the sandlot. Everyone was playing when we came. Alex and I went back into our positions and played like nothing happened.

After we were done playing, we headed back to our houses. I could see a black eye forming. "It's gonna make you look tough at least."

"Huh? What do you mean?" She looked confused. I smiled.

"Your black eye. From when Phillips punched you." She mumbled something under her breath.

Alex's POV

"Fuck" I mumbled. My mother can't know that I got into a fight already. I'm dead meat.

"Are you alright?" Yeah Yeah asked me.

"My ma can't know that I got into a fight. She'll kill me!"

"Wear sunglasses."

"I guess I'll pull a Daniel Larusso." All three Karate Kids were my favorite movies ever. I have a big crush on Ralph Macchio. He's just so perfect! (Just pretend The Karate Kid movies was made in the 60's alright?😂 lol. I totally forgot. Oh well)

"Yeah yeah!" He started laughing. "Well I'll see you around. Sunglasses!" He said as he was waving and running towards his house.

"You got it!" When I walked up to my front door I couldn't believe what I saw. This could be good, or be bad. Very bad.

Cliffhanger! Lol. Do you guys like this so far? I'm really liking it. I will update my other fanfic tonight also! And sorry for the short chapter.

Go read my friends stories!


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