The Dragon Rebellion (M-Preg)...

By author_namoore

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Dragons have invaded the Earth and implanted themselves within human society. They took on forms identical to... More

Chapter One: The World As We Know It
Chapter Two: The End is Here
Chapter Three: The Mating Dance
Chapter Four: The Capture
Chapter Five: Choices
Chapter Six: Fear is the Enemy
Chapter Seven: Leash and Collar
Chapter Eight: For the Greater Good
Chapter Nine: Restless Exchange
Chapter Ten: Hopeless Secrets
Chapter Twelve: The Laying
Chapter Thirteen: Disturbed
Chapter Fourteen: No Escape
Chapter Fifteen: The Belt*
Chapter Sixteen: The Aftermath
Chapter Seventeen: Change in Every Sense
Chapter Eighteen: The First
Chapter Nineteen: New Plan
Chapter Twenty: Dare to Hope
Chapter Twenty-One: A New Connection
Chapter Twenty-Two: A Desperate Plea
Chapter Twenty-Three: Stealing Strategies
Chapter Twenty-Four: Unexpected Truth
Chapter Twenty-Five: Olive Branch
Chapter Twenty-Six: A Deal has been Struck

Chapter Eleven: Glass Revelations

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By author_namoore

Reid was on guard.

Anyone would be after the sudden shift in Kincaid's behavior. At first, he assumed the Naerian was on to him, that he had somehow discovered the connection between Gabe and himself. Were they not discreet enough? Had he not hidden his shock and recognition well enough? All of the anxieties drove him insane over the past couple of days.

Somehow though, he doubted it. It would be entirely foolish to accept this new behavior at face value, and yet, Reid could not ascertain any nefarious intentions behind it.

Kincaid had begun spending more times in the room Reid occupied. It started with him coming into the room late at night and curling into the mass of pillows that was their bed. He did not touch Reid during the night, just slept beside him. It had terrified the human so thoroughly, he did not get a wink of sleep.

Then he began bringing a chair in the room in the morning to have what looked like tea as he watched the news on his hologlass.

Whenever Reid's anxiety would spike, those golden eyes would flicker up at him, before settling back on what he was doing.

Reid tried reaching out to that odd connection between them, trying to read the Dragon in a discreet way, but he only sensed calm.

Whenever Gabe came to visit, Kincaid stayed, in his chair, sipping his tea, ignoring them both. With him there, Reid could not ask for any updates on the Rebellion or his mother. He couldn't even ask for advice concerning this new shift. When Gabe had left, Reid felt restless. He was never alone. It was starting to grate on him.

This is what you wanted, isn't it? An opportunity to get close.

With a deep breath, Reid finally made his move. He could not endear himself to the Dragon if he did not talk to him. He needed to find out more about him, confirm whether or not Gabe's suspicions were true and he was in fact General of the Naerian army and brother to the King.


Kincaid's eyes flicked up, fixing on him. The slitted pupils dilated slightly before narrowing into slits. All focus on Reid, making him swallow uncomfortably.

"May I...approach?" he asked.

Kincaid's head tilted with that predatory grace before he gave a small nod.

Reid stretched off the bed, chain jingling quietly as he made his way over to where the Naerian sat. The little set up had been expanded. What started as a chair became two and a table. The second chair was for Lord Pelryn who visited now on occasion with Gabe.

Hesitating for a brief moment, Reid slid into the empty chair all the while Kincaid watched him, cool indifference still on his face. It was eerie the way he watched Reid, from the corner of his eye but Reid tried not to let it bother him.

They sat in silence, Kincaid finally returning his attention back to his hologlass where it looked like he was reading something. Reid tried to glance at it, but it was purposefully angled in a way where he couldn't see.

This was awkward. He hadn't thought far ahead in what to say or how to proceed in his plan, only that he wanted to get closer...somehow.


No response. Not a flicker of the eyes or the tilt of his head.



Kincaid released a breath through his nostrils which slightly flared in annoyance before he looked up at Reid.

Reid remained unperturbed, propping his chin on his hand as he leaned on the table, the picture of boredom and curiosity.

"What is it?" Kincaid huffed, not bothering to hide his annoyance at entertaining the redrya and their questions.

"Where do you go during the day?"

Reid figured he would start off slow. Asking him what he was working on would raise too many red flags, especially with how secretive the Naerian was being in terms of revealing his hologlass.

"It does not concern you."

"But I am curious," Reid pushed, sinking deeper into his bored pout, radiating a calculated restlessness that he hoped would fool him. Lying with his emotions wasn't an easy feat, but it was one he had no choice but to master. The greatest vulnerability he did not even know he would have to defend against.

Kincaid sighed.

"I have work I must do."

"What kind of work?"

Kincaid growled. His glare was potent as it froze Reid to his seat. Shock and fear shot through the bond between them, humming in the air as Kincaid's aura rattled inside him.

"Cease your pointless questions, redrya."

Reid sealed his lips shut, looking properly afraid. However, the unease was not what Kincaid wanted to feel, and the emotion was too real for Reid to reel it in.

With a sigh, Kincaid rose.

"Eat your food," Kincaid commanded, then strolled out of the room, leaving Reid behind. As if he head sensed it, the servants came in with a cart of food for his breakfast.

Reid sighed. That could have gone better, but at least he learned one thing. As indifferent as the Dragon appeared, he was not the cruel sort. He didn't have compassion, but he also had more patience than others of his kind.

It was a risk to approach him that way, not only to ask the questions but to push when it was clear he did not want to talk. Reid ignored honorifics and protocol when dealing with Naerians and yet, he had not been beaten. He had not been brutalized. And there were no threats to have him taken to the Belt.

It was valuable information despite not being able to endear himself to him a little more. A win was a win and he was going to take it as such.

Leaning over to the cart, Reid uncovered the food. Eggs and bacon with some sort of steamed vegetable medley sat on a plate with teas and "green juice". Ever since the conversation about what sustains a human, the servants have changed the variety of foods they presented him with. Giving him more hearty meals instead of the constant supply of broths and soups.

Not to be mistaken for kindness, there was likely an underlying agenda, it was still an improvement that made Reid smile for the first time in captivity. He hated the male...that would not change, but he did in fact love bacon.

He could only hope his mother was eating well. For a while the guilt had prevented him from enjoying the new meals. It was a huge difference from the canned goods he was forced to consume with his meager earnings, reminding him of the time before. His mother always made the best, crispiest bacon when he was a child. And now here he was...eating it without her.

Then he took into account that in order for him to save her, he had to keep his strength up. He would bring this joy back into her life one day. One day, they would enjoy this luxury together. He swore it.

When he was just about finished with his meal, a small army of servants came rushing into the room. Startled, Reid watched them cautiously. His eyes scanned the bags and carts they brought, trying to understand what would soon befall him.

They did not speak to him...they never did. Only took away his food cart, cleaned up his meal, and tugged him over to the bathroom. Against his will, they shoved him into the bath and washed every inch. The treatment was similar to when they first gave him clothes.

Was another freedom being bestowed upon him?

He complied with their rough treatment, excitement building when they unclasped the chain around his ankle. They didn't even bother threatening him this time, they knew he would not run.

When he was buffed, cleaned, and polished, they ushered him back into the room to be dressed. He wore a white body suit full of clingy material that left very little to the imagination. They slipped soft white boots on to his feet and the fine material reminded him just long it had been since he had proper clothes.

A thick white formal robe was draped over his shoulders before wound around and cinched with a gold belt. They roughly combed through his messy curls before braiding it back and slipping his hood over it, then pinned the fabric in place. The hood was massive and the top had a small gauzy flap that they pulled down over his face.

"You are not to speak to anyone unless given permission by your Master. You are to keep your head down and face covered. Remain two paces behind your Master at all times. Do you understand?" One of the masked servants instructed.

Reid gave a small nod, still reeling from this sudden change. And even more so when they opened the door.

Excitement buzzed through him. It was the first time he'd been let out since being captured. He had never been allowed to see the other rooms attached to his. Not that they looked much different. The main room had a couch, some chairs, and a few tables. There were no decorations, it was as bare and unlived in as the bedroom.

A bit anticlimatic, but still, the image and layout was seared into his mind. If he needed to, he would recall it all. The knowledge may serve him in the future.

They ushered him out of the main room into the hall where Kincaid stood. He was dressed in full armor again, a style almost identical except for what was black in his previous suit, was now white. There were jewels encrusted along his shoulder plates and chest and he wore a goddamn cape, yet, it looked regal.

Reid had very few moments to take it in before the male was moving, turning on his heel and striding down the hall. A none too gentle shove to his back told him he was meant to follow.

Rushing to catch up, Reid maintained the distance, hating the whole dominance display but temporarily distracted as he mapped out all the halls and doors he passed on the way to their destination.

He was surprised at how empty the halls were. Aside from his group of servants that followed a distance behind the pair, the hall was empty. No servants or Guards. It seemed odd.

Was it because of Kincaid? Was he really someone important? Someone that cleared halls with his presence alone?

They stopped at a set of tall wooden doors. Even before it was opened, Reid could hear all the murmurs of voices inside. His heart hammered in his chest as he fought not to show the fear that had taken hold in the face of the unknown.

Was he planning on doing something to him? Was this the Belt? Would he be punished for before? Had he assumed wrong about the male's temperament?

All the questions raced in Reid's head as his blood rushed in his ears. He wasn't just scared, he was absolutely petrified.

Slowly, the doors opened and Kincaid marched inside, confidence in every stride.

Reid rushed to follow him, nearly stumbling over his robes, unable to keep up with the male's impressive distance covered, but he managed. The servants had stayed behind. Reid didn't know how they would fit anyway, the whole room was packed.

So many Naerians...

They all watched them, watched him, none too shy about their curiosity. The whispers started as they gawked. Kincaid didn't even seem phased by the attention, instead making his way over to the...

Holy shit...was that?

Reid had to remind himself to keep his head down as they made their way through the throngs of Naerians dressed in lavish clothes, all clearly of high rank. But no one had a higher rank than the male that sat on a high backed chair that was practically a throne.

King Bodric smirked as they approached.

He was nothing like Reid had imagined. Not that he had any inkling to go on seeing how tightlipped they were about the appearance of the high ranked Naerians in public. Still, there was something about him...long and lean, not carrying the same bulk as Kincaid.

He had long silver hair that contrasted against his darker brown skin, a few shades darker than Kincaid's. His eyes were like raw amber, vibrant and golden, with long and graceful features. They did not match the utter ruthlessness that bled in those eyes. Reid could recognize a wolf anywhere.

This was the male that started it all. This was the male that caused his world to burn. This was the male that ruined...everything.

Reid fought back his rage. It would be silly to react now. He had to buy time. Being able to see his face...that meant a lot for the Rebellion. Not even Gabe or Jamila had ever set eyes on him. And all of this pointed to one thing.

"Brother!" King Bodric greeted.

It was unmistakable now...Kincaid was indeed the King's brother.

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