The Powerpuff Girls - A Rowdy...

By T-Bonezesteak2

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This story is my idea for a sequel to the original Powerpuff Girls cartoon show. It tells the story of the Ro... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23

Episode 14

179 4 2
By T-Bonezesteak2

It started with the earlier events from the previous episode; It was the same day in the morning. The camera cut and showed Robin's house, and white text appeared that read: "Earlier, the same day" before it disappeared seconds after.

It cut to inside the house; the Rowdyruff Boys and Robin were watching the news on TV. The news was about the riots and protests against the Powerpuff Girls, as well as what Stanley and Sandra said in their interview and the footage of Butch destroying the monster island.

Boomer: Wow, Butch, I didn't know you were famous.

Butch: (confident) Hehe, well, sometimes bein' all perfect can be tiresome, but my cool powers just talk by themselves, you know what I mean?

Brick chuckled.

Butch: Ignore that Brick guy over there, Boomer; he doesn't understand how cool I destroyed all those monsters and that island.

Brick: With anger issues (snickering).

Butch: Ok, dude. You talkin' shit about me?

Brick: I'm talkin' shit about you and on Freddy, the snail.

Butch: On Freddy too?! (gets off the couch) Then I invite you to a face battle.

Brick: (gets off the couch) Accepted, you fool.

Brick and Butch: (turn around) Wsssshhhhhttt! (take three steps on each count) Three! Two! One!

They then turned around and faced each other.

Butch: Take this: An angry underpaid Chinese teacher teaching math.

Butch closed his eyes, talked in Chinese gibberish (ching-chong and other stuff), and made movements that resembled pointing out things on a board with a long stick.

Brick: (covers his face to not look at Butch's face) WH-Whoa! Uuuhhhh, take this: A fish trying to lick a tuna ice cream.

Brick made his eyes go to the side, put his tongue out, and shook his head sideways.

Butch: Pffftt, weak. Take this: A barbering barbarian.

Butch made caveman-like grunts while doing something resembling him making a haircut to someone.

Brick: Wh-Whoa! Uh, take, uuuuhhhh.... (has an idea) Oh! (smiles devilishly) Hehe, I got somethin' special for you, Butchie-boy.

Brick took off his hat and messed up his hair to be more curly.

Brick: Take this: James Hetfield on crack. (jumps around and "plays" a guitar) YEAH-YEAH! YEAH-YEAH! YEAH-YEAH...!


Brick: Thought so (puts his hat back on his head).

Robin: What was that game you played?

Brick: It's called a face battle. You do a bunch of crazy faces and the one who does the craziest wins. And you know who invented it?

Robin: Uh... No.

Butch: It was yours truly that lost to a guitarist on crack. But come on, Robin, please tell me it was awesome how I killed all those monsters and their little island.

Robin: (smiles) It was awesome, Butch. Come on, you guys, give Butch a little break, even if it was anger issues.

Butch: Thank you! At least someone other than Boomer thinks it was awesome.

Boomer: Yeah. W-Wait; Hey!

Alice: (enters the living room) Robin, boys, Andrew just called; he said he will return home late at night from work.

Robin: He won't be at dinner again?

Alice: I'm sorry, dear, your daddy is very busy this week.

Alice went back to the kitchen.

Robin: (sighs) I wanna see Daddy again.

Boomer: Hey, Robin, you said your daddy works for Mister Morbucks?

Robin: Yeah, I didn't know this "real estate" thing was this long.

Boomer: Hmm...

Robin: Wait. You don't think this is happening because you discovered that case file about Daddy's boss, do you?

Butch: What? Who? Us? Nah... Why would we ever think that, eh? Hehehehe...

Boomer: Why? I thought it was because of that.

Butch: Boomer, would it kill you to at least not say the things people don't want to hear?

Boomer: What? Mister Snyder comes back here late at night lately since we found that, uh, "case file?" or whatever it's called; it's pretty suspicious to me.

Butch: Boomer, you-! (sighs) I'm sorry, Robin.

Robin: It's ok.

Brick: Look, even I suspect this, but we can't just assume that he's against us now. I mean, he helped us learn a lot of things and cared for us; plus, there is no reason for him to not love you and your mommy, Robin.

Robin smiled at Brick.

Boomer: Hey, Brick, just out of curiosity: have you read all of what's inside the thing that we found?

Brick: Ya think I have time to read how some guy took some money from one place to another? No thanks.

Boomer: Oh.

Brick: Speaking of time... (in realization) Oh! I almost forgot I would fight Blossom at twelve-thirty near the city hall. What time is it?

Butch: (looks at the clock on the wall) It's 12:20.

Brick: Lemme do somethin' real quick. (zips in a direction and reappears back, adjusting his hat) Alright, let's go.

Butch: See you later, Robs.

The boys flew out of the house and toward the city. The camera cut to the city hall area; around the area was a crowd of protesters with signs. The boys landed on top of a tall building next to the city hall area.

Butch: Wow, check it out, dudes. That's a lot of people right there.

Boomer: They must be mad about the girls. Or maybe us too.

Butch: Boomer, people are always mad at us.

Boomer: Yeah, but I meant those guys over there.

Brick: Look, let's just grab a quick bite and then wait for the girls to show up.

The camera cut back to Robin's house; it was afternoon. Robin was feeding her cat in the living room. The boys, with grumpy expressions, entered. Butch held a poster.

Robin: Oh, it's you. Brick, please tell me you didn't hurt her that much.

Brick: Hurt who and what shoes? We waited more than 2 hours for the girls to show up, but they never did.

Butch: And take a look at this, Robin.

Butch showed the poster. It had the Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys drawn ugly with red eyes and horns.

Robin: Oh... You guys look, uuuuhhh, different.

Butch: I know, right? They screwed up the horns and teeth. Besides, I look more like a bootleg Chinese character than a demon.

Boomer: What do you have against the Chinese, Butch?

Butch: They're just angry goblins with sharp eyes that all they do is just eat noodles and act like robots to their bosses or whatever. Not to mention that they tried to get Robin and Alice. But never mind them for now; whoever drew this piece of garbage poster of us deserves a beatdown.

Robin: Well, you're probably hungry after waiting this long. (the boys' stomachs croaked) Hehe, come on; Mom made chicken and pasta.

Robin went to the dining table.

Butch: Well, the beatdown will have to wait. It's better than tacos, anyway.

The boys followed Robin as the camera zoomed out and faded to the boys sleeping in the basement at nighttime. The camera zoomed into Butch; he was giggling while frowning. The camera then cut to his dream: He, along with Brick and Boomer, were with guns and American flag tattoos and were shooting aggressive Chinese soldiers and people.

Butch (dream): Hahahhahahaha! America's comin' for yall Chinese noodle-eater goblins! That's what yall get for messin' with us and Robin! HehHAHAHHAHHAHAAAA...!

Boomer: (from outside the dream) Butch. Buuuuuuuuttch.

The camera cuts to Boomer shaking Butch's body.

Boomer: Butch!

Butch: (snort) Heh, wha-? Boomer?! I was just about to shoot the Chinese goblin general! Why'd you wake me up?

Boomer: Brick is gone. He's not here.

Butch: Gone? (looks at where Brick was supposed to sleep) Do ya know when he was gone?

Boomer: Well, I thought I heard Brick saying something. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. I turned around and saw no one but you, Butch.

Butch: Well, he went and got a glass of water upstairs.

The basement doors opened.

Butch: See? I told you Brick would be back in a cinch.

Descending down the stairs weren't the footsteps of one person but multiple people.

Butch: Hm?

Boomer: Um, Brick?

It wasn't Brick coming down the stairs. Descending them were Yakuza gangsters; between them was Hiroto Hayashi.

Hiroto Hayashi: (inhales through the nose) Mmm, home sweet home. Reminds me of the time I used to be an orphan and live in a basement like this.

Boomer: It-It's you! The guys that tried to take Robin and Alice!

Hiroto Hayashi: Yo. We meet again, boys.

Butch got up, ready to fight.

Butch: So what? You came here for round 2?

Hiroto Hayashi: Well, it depends. We can do this the easy way: you let us take Robin and her mommy for a little chat, and you get to stay alive. But if you wanna do it the hard way, then things might get dirty and smokey.

Butch: Come on, dude, you should already know by now.

Hiroto Hayashi: Hmph, I had a feeling you'd choose the hard way; I just gave ya a chance since Brick ain't here. But have it your way.

Boomer: (whispering) What do we do, Butch?

Butch: (whispering) Simple, we look for the guys with those lasers and get them first. After that, we're goin' to Robin to make sure she's good; don't wanna fight those losers in front of us if they're just buyin' time for the others to get Robs.

Boomer: (whispering) How is that simple?

Butch: (whispering) Dude, just go bust some heads and follow my lead for now. Simple enough for ya?

Boomer: Oh, ok.

Butch: Alright! Now let's-.

Suddenly, Boomer and Butch got hit by an Antidote X laser shot from behind.

Butch: Nrgh... (looks behind him) What?!

There were 2 Yakuza gangsters carrying the Antidote X weapons behind Boomer and Butch.

Butch: Oh, come on! That's not fair!

Boomer: (sarcastic) Gee, nice one, Butch.

Butch: Dude, just shut up.

Hiroto Hayashi: Hahahahaha... People call me the dumb muscle. I almost feel pity for you.

Butch: Aw, yeah? Pity this!

Butch used his ability on Hiroto and used the bubble on him as a weapon against the other gangsters.

Butch: Boomer, forget about fightin' them; we've gotta run to Robin before somethin' happens to her!

Boomer: Ok!

Butch let go of his hands, and he and Boomer ran toward the stairs.

Hiroto Hayashi: (standing up) Nrgh... くそ。 おまえ!やれあ!

The gangsters started to chase after Boomer and Butch. The boys reached it and started going up.

Butch: (looks back while running) Nrgh. (turns around) Fuck!

Butch used his ability on one of the gangsters. Luckily, the bubble blocked the gangsters from reaching them.

Butch: Boomer, open the doors there! See if anyone's waitin' for us outside.

Boomer: Ok!

Boomer went up the stairs, opened the doors, and went outside. Nobody was there.

Boomer: There's nobody here!

Butch: (arrived near Boomer) Alright. Close one door there, Boomie.

Boomer closed one door.

Butch: When I count to three, close the other door and block it with your bat. Wait, does your bat actually do that?

Boomer: Um, I dunno. But we could try.

Butch: Mmkay then. One. Two. THREE!

Boomer closed the second door; Butch let go of his hands; Boomer created an electrical bat and put it through the metal handles to block the gangsters from coming after them. The gangsters banged on the doors.

Butch: Wow, that worked?

Boomer: I'm surprised too. (door bangs) Well, I don't think it'll hold them long; let's hurry up!

Butch: Right.

Butch and Boomer ran to the house's entrance. They opened the door and went inside to Robin's room.

Butch: (while running) Robs! Wake up! It's really bad! My name's not "really bad," It's Butch, but it's still bad!

Boomer: (while running) Could you be any more confusing?!

Butch: (while running) Look, I'm an idiot, Robs, but you gotta wake up!

They reached Robin's room door and went inside. They saw Robin and Alice gagged and tied to chairs and Andrew standing and facing away from Butch and Boomer.

Butch: Andy...

Andrew: (cold tone) Is that any way to greet me?

Andrew turned to Butch and Boomer. He had a menacing grin on his face.

Butch: Like, I care about that right now! You wanna tell me why Robin and Alice are all tied to chairs with you in here?!

Andrew: What do I owe you to answer your questions?


Boomer: Yeah! How come you're doing this to your family?!

Andrew: "Family?" Hmhmhmhmhm... Boys, I was never part of this family from the day I met Alice over here.

Boomer: What? We saw you care about Mrs., or is it Miss Snyder now. You cared for us! You taught us so many new things we didn't know before!

Andrew: Sometimes you need to go far to make people trust you to get what you want, or at least what my boss wants. It's business, boys.

Rumbling sounds from the stairs.

Andrew: But I think you got more important things to worry about.

Butch: Shit!

Butch and Boomer turned around. Bursting through the door was Hiroto Hayashi with Yakuza gangsters. This music started to play:

Hiroto Hayashi: Nrgh. You, boys, are creative; I'll give ya that. But your luck is ending right now.

Boomer: Just try us!

The gangsters surrounded the boys. When the music dropped, they charged at the boys, and the fight began. First, it started in the room. Surprisingly, Butch and Boomer held their own with their permanent abilities. After a minute, they both got thrown out of the room.

The fight moved to the hallway and then downstairs to the living room. The Yakuza were starting to get an edge over the boys as some of them adapted to the boys' abilities. The music faded as Butch took a blow from Hiroto.

Boomer: Butch!

Boomer went to Butch.

Hiroto Hayashi: Hehe. (to the Yakuza gangsters) おい! ガス缶はここで入手して! この場所を焼き払ってしまえ!

Yakuza gangsters in unison: はい!

Some of the gangsters exited the house.

Boomer: Huh? Hey, I heard something about gas cans.

Butch: (struggles to get up) Gggrrr. Gas cans? (in realization) Oooooohhhh, no. I ain't gonna let ya burn this house! (looks behind Hiroto) Hm?

Behind Hiroto were large gangsters carrying Robin and Alice, and Andrew walking with the gangsters.

Butch: Robs!

Butch and Boomer were about to charge at the gangsters, but Hiroto tackled and pinned them to the wall behind them.

Hiroto Hayashi: Hehe, you ain't gonna save them, boys. Just face it and spare yourselves from bein' killed. And you, the blue one, your name's Boomer, right? If you give up, I'll let ya watch fireworks since ya like to watch things blow up.

Boomer: (struggles to get out of Hiroto's grip) Rrrggghhh, I only like it when it's fun! Now, it's not! So nnnno!

Hiroto Hayashi: Aw, too bad. Hey, Andy, what do you think?

Andrew: They're going to watch the fireworks whether they like it or not.

Some gangsters entered the house with gas cans and started to spill oil all over the place.

Andrew: VIP tickets don't exist for nothing. (to a random gangster) Hey, you missed a spot.

Butch: Screw you and the VIP tickets! This movie sucks right now!

Butch and Boomer continued to struggle to break free but to no avail.

Yakuza gangster 1: はやし くみちょ、 されております; 家全体がガソリンまみれです。

Hiroto Hayashi: よし。 今すぐここから出ましょう。

Yakuza gangsters in unison: はい!

Hiroto Hayashi: Well, boys...

Hiroto hit Butch's arm.

Butch: (in pain) AAAAAAaaaahhhhhh!

Hiroto Hayashi: See you around.

Hiroto turned around and walked toward the house entrance. The gangsters, including the ones carrying Robin and Alice, and Andrew, also started to exit the house. One of the gangsters gave Hiroto a grenade.

Boomer: No! Butch, do something!

Butch: Dude, he almost broke my arm! I can't do the thing!

Hiroto pulled the grenade's pin and threw the grenade backward while exiting the house. Boomer and Butch only now noticed the grenade.

Butch: But what we can do is to get the FUCK OUTTA HERE!

Boomer and Butch turned around and ran toward a glass window\door that led to the backyard. They opened the door, but the grenade exploded, creating a bigger fiery explosion that knocked Boomer and Butch into the backyard.

They landed on their stomachs. After some seconds, they got up and turned around to see the house in flames.

Boomer: No... They burnt it! They fucking burnt it, Butch!

Butch: No shit, dude!

An explosion from the house.

Butch: But how about we talk about this before we're turned into Rowdyruff barbeques?

Boomer nodded; The two boys walked away from the house. The camera faded to a black screen. It faded back to the morning with some clouds in the sky with a chance of rain; it showed the girls' house and Robin's destroyed house. White text appeared that said: "Present day, morning."

It cuts to the professor drinking a coffee on the couch. He had a depressed expression and looked to his right empty seat. The camera cut to a flashback of the previous episode...

Professor Utonium (flashback): Not. Another. Word. Go to your room.

The girls in the flashback went to their room. The camera focused on Eugene.

Eugene (flashback): John, I... I'm sorry it had to be this way.

Professor Utonium (flashback): Why? Why would you work with them, Eugene?

Eugene (flashback): (sighs) Do you remember when I said I had a meeting with Mister Morbucks?

Professor Utonium (flashback): It was with Damien, wasn't it?

Eugene (flashback): Y-Yes... I worked with them because my business was going downhill; nobody was interested in our products; the employees started to get tired, with some quitting their job. But then Damien came; he said he was interested in my company, so he offered me protection and funds to raise it if I helped him to research and investigate the secrets of chemical X.

Professor Utonium (flashback): So all we had before was just a lie?

Eugene (flashback): W-Well...

Professor Utonium (flashback): Get out of my sight.

Eugene (flashback): John.

Professor Utonium (flashback): GET OUT!

Eugene, in the flashback, walked toward the door, and the flashback ended. The professor kept looking at the empty seat for some seconds before he finished his coffee, put it on the table, and went to the girls' room. The camera cut to him entering the room; he set up a chair to sit on.

Professor Utonium: I know this is not the best place for us to talk, but we have no other choice.

The camera cut three times: the first showed the girls sitting on the bed. The second showed the Rowdyruff Boys sitting on the floor with mattresses beside them. The third cut back to the professor.

Professor Utonium: Now, we will start with what happened last night. Boys, since you were at Robin's house yesterday, how about you start first?

Brick: It was just another day for us; even though there were lots of things happenin' around us, we could care less about 'em. But we noticed Andrew's been gone from the house longer than usual.

Professor Utonium: And would you know why it was like that?

Brick: It's cuz we found a case file in Andy's room; there was a guy on the phone that told us to do that.

Professor Utonium: And that person, was it Damien?

Brick: With how Blossom described him to me, it definitely sounded a lot like it was him. Speakin' of Blossom, she and I fought last night so I could give her the case file and see if she would do anythin' with it. Only Butch and Boomer were left at home.

Professor Utonium: Very well. Boomer, Butch, would you like to elaborate?

Boomer: Um...

Butch: "Elaborate?"

Professor Utonium: Would you like to explain what happened from what you saw last night?

Boomer and Butch: Oh.

Butch: To put it simply, a bunch of Yakuza dudes came in burstin' to the house to take Robin and Alice away. But that's just beside the point; you wanna tell it, Boomer?

Boomer: Andrew betrayed us. He was also working with those guys. What's worse is that he told us this: "I was never part of this family since I met Alice." (gets a bit sad) Why? Why would he do this?

Professor Utonium: Is there (pause) anything else?

Boomer: Oh. Well, they burned the house with gas cans and a grenade. And that's about it.

Buttercup: A grenade? Next thing they could have is a bunch of rocket launchers. Just how well-equipped are those guys?!

Professor Utonium: Quiet, Buttercup. Now, I know you, youngsters, are probably wondering: Why are we doing this?

Boomer: Actually, I was wondering about hot dogs. (Brick hits him) Ow.

Brick: Not now, Boomer! (to the professor) But yeah, why are we doin' this? You and your girls are our enemies, and right now, we're sittin' in front of each other.

Professor Utonium: Because we have a common enemy, and it's bigger than any of us.

Rowdyruff Boys and Powerpuff Girls in unison: Huh?

Blossom: "Common enemy?" Professor, are you-?

Professor Utonium: Yes. I reject his offer.

Buttercup: (stands up) Heck yeah! We're gonna save Robin and Alice and then go after those Yakuza losers!

Professor Utonium: Hold it, young lady; I'm not finished yet.

Buttercup: (clears throat and sits) Sorry.

Professor Utonium: I was wrong to trust a bunch of criminals. I don't know if they would've gone after Robin and Alice either way, but they did. Although the danger the Yakuza pose to all of us, we will still go and rescue our neighbors, our friends, and for some of us, (looks at the boys) the closest thing to a family.

Rowdyruff Boys: ...

Bubbles: What are we gonna do now?

Professor Utonium: We will rescue Robin and Alice and see any weak point of the Yakuza that we can use to our advantage. Now, Brick, you said you gave Blossom a case file; what are its contents?

Blossom: Well, (pulls the case file from behind her) here's what's unusual about this: It's a criminal records case file about Mister Morbucks; not only have they found it in Andrew Snyder's room, but for some reason, parts of the content here are fake.

Professor Utonium: Fake? Elaborate.

Blossom: You would see bullet points explaining crime activities like arson and money laundering. However, some are written in a wild manner that makes them fake. For example, this one here says: "Robbery of the unicorns land, and I'm doing the cha-cha like a sissy girl."

The boys chuckled at what Blossom said while Bubbles and Buttercup tried to hold their laughter. Only Blossom and the professor didn't laugh, and they looked at them disappointed.

Buttercup: (changes expression) Um, s-sorry. Again...

Professor Utonium: Hm. There is only one problem I see here: if Andrew was working with the Yakuza, why would he keep a fake case file about a CEO of a holdings company?

Bubbles: Maybe he wanted to replace the real one with a fake?

Professor Utonium: A possibility, but unlikely. Brick said that a person on the phone that you think was Damien told you to-.

Suddenly, the room door opened slightly; something was thrown inside, and the door shut quickly.

Professor Utonium: Hm? (notices the object. gasps) FLASHBANG!

The object was a flashbang grenade; it exploded and deafened and blinded everyone in the room. At the same time, the screen turned white for a few seconds with an ear-piercing sound. The screen faded back to the boys and girls recovering from the effects. They opened their eyes and saw Damien, Mojo Jojo, Sedusa, and other Yakuza gangsters. Damien was holding the professor hostage.

Powerpuff Girls in unison: Professor!

Blossom tried to fly toward the professor but almost tripped.

Blossom: Huh? My powers!

Damien: Hey, kids, disappointed I crashed your party?

Boomer: (gasps) It-It's you! You're the guy from the phone!

Damien: The one and only. I even brought some old friends here. Don't ya think it's rude not to acknowledge them too?

Blossom: Sedusa? Mojo Jojo?

Sedusa: Hello, girls; been a while, eh? (grumpy) Oh, and uh, I guess, hello to you too, boys.

Bubbles: Sedusa, your hair. How did it grow back?

Sedusa: Hmph, turns out working for Damien isn't bad at all. And it's because of him that my hair is back.

Mojo Jojo: Yes. Damien is very talented at his evilness.

Damien: Stop, you're flattering me.

Buttercup: But we saw you get kidnapped! Why you wanna be a slave to him all of a sudden?!

Mojo Jojo: Slavery? How is it slavery when we get exactly what we want: to see your demise, children!

Boomer: Wait, us too?

Mojo Jojo: Hmph, I should have expected you boys to be a nuisance to me and my plans to rule the world. Every time I sent you to destroy the Powerpuff Girls, you were only playing with them!

Brick: Cuz we were not all destroy-this-destroy-that kind of boys. We wanted to do other stuff as well. But now we're done with all that villain vs. hero games cuz we hate them both!

Mojo Jojo: Exactly my point, boys. You're a mistake of nature!

Boomer: (angry) What?! Why I oughta... I don't like this monkey anymore; let's get 'em, you guys!

Butch: Heck yeah, dude!

Mojo Jojo: (smiles devilishly) I wouldn't think so.

Sedusa then used her mutated hair to grab and tie the boys, holding them in place.

Blossom: Boys!

The girls almost got up and went to the boys, but Damien shot a warning shot from his gun, which stopped the girls.

Damien: Ah-ah-aaaahhhh... Take one step toward the boys, and the professor's wife will be a sexy angel waitin' for him in heaven.

Yakuza gangsters approached the boys with needles and extracted their blood from them.

Brick: Get your dirty hair and needles off of us! Nrgh...

Professor Utonium: What are you doing?

Damien: Let's just say the boys have something special in them, and I wanna know why.

The gangsters finished extracting and returned to where they were before.

Damien: Now, doc, you're breaking my heart here. I offered you the liberty to stay away from us without any consequence. Why you and your girls gotta be like that?

Bubbles: Because you kidnapped Robin and Alice! You said you'd leave us alone, but you didn't!

Damien: And I was going to if it wasn't for Blossom, that just couldn't resist the temptation to still go after us even though we warned you.

Buttercup: Yeah, right; then tell us why Andrew is workin' for you, huh?

Damien: Mmm. You got me there; I'll give ya that. Andy's a snake but a loyal snake to business, and I have my reasons for why I took Robin and Alice.

Blossom: So you admit that you would've gone after them even if we didn't go after you!

Damien: Wow, doc, you raised a bunch of sharp girls. Most parents I know are alcoholics, drug users, or mentally ill. (pause) Or even all three. So yeah, I admit it. As for the case file, it was obviously fake. I wanted you to show it at the trial today to make it worse for you girls. I had thought pride would've gotten the better of you girls, but it didn't. Still, I'm surprised you saw through me and the plan.

Brick: Grrrr, as if it's that hard to be sharp enough to see through your lies! (tries to get out of Sedusa's grip) Nrgh...

Damien: (sighs) You know what? This is gettin' boring. How about some action?

Damien used the back of his gun to hit the professor, knocking him to the ground.

Powerpuff Girls in unison: Professor!

Damien gestured to the gangsters holding the needles to get out of the room, and they did.

Damien: How about we play a little game? You beat us, and we leave. You lose, we're gonna make a fireworks show, starring your house. Sedusa, let's move it somewhere with a little more space.

Sedusa: With pleasure.

Sedusa used the rest of her hair to grab the girls. She threw the boys and girls through the wall, grabbed them again, threw them across the hallway, grabbed them yet again, and threw them downstairs to the living room. The boys and girls got up, ready for battle.

Blossom: Girls, boys, it's all or nothing! We have to fight together to save the professor and the house!

Butch: As much as I hate this, I'd rather do it than let those losers beat ya. Enough houses have been burned!

Suddenly, there was a shadow below them. The figure behind kicked Boomer in the back.

Boomer: (pain) Ah!

The boys and girls looked behind them and saw Takeru Genkei.

Takeru: Hello again.

This music started to play:

The fight has begun; It first started between Takeru and the kids. A few seconds passed, and Sedusa, Mojo Jojo, Damien, and other Yakuza gangsters joined and saw the fight. It's worth mentioning that he went on the offensive on the boys only and merely defended himself from the girls' attacks.

Damien: Well, Mister Takeru couldn't resist fightin' them, huh?

In the middle of the song (which was also the middle of the fight), everyone except Damien joined the fight. Despite the boys' and girls' best efforts, they had lost. The song ended, and the kids fell to the floor, tired and wounded.

Damien came down the stairs to where everyone else was at.

Damien: That didn't take long. Too bad; I wanted to see more action. Could've made some popcorn.

Yakuza gangster 1: Can we kill them?

Damien: No. Get the gas cans and the bombs; I want them to see the house burn to the ground. (inhales) Ya know, maybe this is the opportunity to make some popcorn too.

Yakuza gangster 1: Y-Yes, sir.

Damien: (to a different group) And you, tie them up, includin' the professor, and then get the chemical X supplies from his lab. I'm gonna go make some popcorn for the fireworks show. So let's get to it, ladies and gentlemen! (claps twice) Chop-chop, as they say in the UK!

The camera cut to the professor tied, grabbed, and led by two Yakuza gangsters outside the house. He then got thrown to the ground. It was cloudy outside with a chance of rain.

Professor Utonium: Ngh... Girls! Boys!

He looked to his right and saw the kids kneeling on the ground with their hands tied with Sedusa's hair behind their backs.

Professor Utonium: (to the Yakuza gangsters in front) You won't get away with this.

Damien then came to the professor with a bowl of popcorn.

Damien: Doc! You're finally awake. How's things?

Professor Utonium: You dare to act like this when you force children to watch their hopes and dreams burn before their eyes?!

Damien: Yes, thanks for that. I thought I wasn't clear enough when I said your lives would be ruined. (eat popcorn) You want some? (no response) Well, your loss. (swallows. goes to the kids) And how are we doing over here? These cuffs too tight for ya?

Buttercup: Nrgh... You're lucky we don't have powers! Otherwise, we'd give a knuckle sandwich from hell!

Damien: First, I always have other ways to beat you. Second, I already have popcorn, thank you very much. (eats popcorn and goes to Brick) Bricky-Brick, my little dumb-as-bricks Brick. How does it feel to have your life and your boys' lives even more ruined than before?

Brick: Do you have to ask?

Damien: (swallows) As a matter of fact, yeah, I never ruined somebody's life that's already been ruined. I wanna know how it feels (eats popcorn and looks to the side).


Damien: (spits the popcorn on Brick. sarcastic) Ok, real interestin'. (looks toward the house) What's the hold up settin' up the gas and bombs? The rain's gonna come and ruin the show.

A gangster came out of the house with an empty gas can and a remote button.

Yakuza gangster 3: It is done.

Damien: Ah-ha, now we're talkin'.

The gangster threw the gas can away, went up to Damien, bowed, and reached the remote toward him.

Damien: Oooohhh, givin' me the honor, eh? I'll just take this (grabs the remote), and you take this for a minute (hands the bowl to the gangster). (turns around) Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Are you ready for the main event?!

The Yakuza, including Sedusa and Mojo Jojo, cheered in excitement.

Damien: Are you ready to see fireworks?!

Powerpuff Girls, Rowdyruff Boys, and the professor in unison: NO!

The villains: (cheering noises).

Damien: (turns around) Then let's get started!

Damien pressed the button. What could only be described as explosions and fire coming from the house was the biggest horror to the Powerpuff Girls.

Powerpuff Girls in unison: NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The house was burning and collapsing right before everyone's eyes. There was even a part of the Octi plushie that flew out, landed on the ground, and burned. The girls started to tear up. The fire and explosions continued for a few seconds until it stopped. When the smoke cleared, the entire house was in ruins, with nothing surviving compared to Robin's house.

Damien: Oooh-wee! Man, that was one of the best fireworks shows I've ever seen, if I say so myself.

Damien then felt a raindrop. He reached his hand.

Damien: Well, fun time's over; it's startin' to rain.

The rain slowly started to get stronger.

Sedusa: Rain?!

Damien: What's wrong?

Sedusa: We have to hurry! The rain will take away my hair powers!

Brick: You don't say, huh?

The rain is now stronger than before. Brick struggled to escape.

Damien: Damn it, Sedusa! You could have told me that sooner!

Ultimately, Brick broke free while the other kids tried to escape too.

Brick: You're done for, Damien!

Brick used his power to charge at Damien. When he got close enough, Damien changed his expression to a devilish smug. Brick noticed it and stopped midway, hesitant to attack.

Damien: What's wrong? Were you about to attack or start a staring contest?

Brick started to breathe heavily. The other kids broke free.

Butch: Brick! Forget it, dude! Let's get the fuck outta here!

Brick looked at Butch and then back at Damien.

Buttercup: You wanna get yourself killed?! RUN!

Brick looked at Buttercup and then back at Damien.

Damien: Come on, then; run...

Brick: Tsk... Nrgh...!

Brick turned around and ran with the boys and girls in a direction away from the city and away from the rubbled house.

Mojo Jojo: What?! You are now letting them escape?!

Damien: Relax, chimp-chump, they just lost everything. They wouldn't survive out there.

Damien turned around and went to the professor.

Professor Utonium: (looks at the boys and girls from a distance) Girls...

Damien arrived, crouched, and looked at the professor.

Damien: (smiles devilishly) I have plans for you, doctor...

The professor had a terrified face. The camera cuts to the grasslands on the outskirts of Townsville near the city's entrance. The girls and boys arrived at the area, still running. They breathed heavily and slowly stopped.

Butch: (heavy breathing) Are they (pause) after us?

Brick: (turns around. heavy breathing) No, they're not. (Boomer coughing. goes up to him) Boomer. (puts his hands on his shoulders) You alright?

Boomer: (heavy breathing) I'm ok.

Brick: Good.

Brick turned to see the girls looking back at the rubbled house and the city.

Bubbles: (tears up) Our house...

Blossom: (tears up) Our home...

Buttercup: (tears up) It's all gone...

Even the boys started to feel bad for the girls. Brick then approached them.

Brick: Um, listen, uh, girls. I, uuuhhh, I'm sorry for what happened. (the girls turned to Brick) But (pause) we need to get out of here; your (pause) home is gone, and the city hates us. So, we'll just-.

Blossom: Brick?

Brick: Hm?

Blossom: Maybe this is the most ridiculous thing you've heard so far, but can we come with you?

Brick: (surprised) Huh?

Bubbles: Please! We have no other way to go! I don't want to die! (sniffs) Please!

Brick looked at Buttercup.

Buttercup: We won't fight you. We promise.

Brick then looked behind him at Butch and Boomer. They both nodded in agreement. Brick looked back at the girls.

Brick: Alright, you can come with us.

Blossom: Thank you! You won't regret this.

Brick: Hm, (turns around) come on then.

Brick and the girls started to walk toward where Butch and Boomer were. Midway, Brick looked back and saw Blossom looking back at the city while Bubbles and Buttercup kept moving forward. Brick went up to Blossom and put his hand on her shoulder. Blossom looked at Brick, closed her eyes, inhaled, exhaled, opened her eyes, and nodded at him.

Brick smiled. He and Blossom turned around and saw everyone else looking at the pair waiting for them. Blossom and Brick joined up with them.

Through the harsh rainy weather with lightning and thunder in the background, the Rowdyruff Boys and the Powerpuff Girls walked off in a direction toward the unknown. It was the end of what they knew, but it was also the beginning of new things to come...

End of Episode 14!End of Part 1 of Season 1!To be continued...!

Post-production notes:

So, it's been a while since the previous post-production notes since I didn't really have anything to say that's not spoilers.

Anyway, episode 14. This episode is where the girls and the boys lost everything they had and knew. With no house or home, together they're heading off somewhere or even nowhere.

As you saw, this is the first part of Season 1, the buildup. The next part will be almost completely new.

So I'll see you guys in the part in the next episode...

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