
By TheQuietHufflepuff

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1300 years after they left, the Kings and Queens of Old return. But the Narnia they left isn't the one they... More

Aesthetic and Playlist
Before we start...


75 6 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff

The group flew to the Telmarine castle on griffins. Lucy remained at the How. Edmund landed on top of a tower, out of sight of a guard. The griffin grabbed him and pulled him up. Edmund shined his torch to signal the others to go in. They continued flying and Caspian flew low and killed a soldier along the way. Another soldier noticed the lights from Edmund's torch and Peter pointed to him, and Susan shot him. They landed and Peter killed a Telmarine soldier.

Outside, Asterius snuck along. A soldier saw him and drew his sword. Asterius put a finger to his lips and said, "Shhh..."

Nikabrik came up behind him and hit the soldier in the head.

Led by Reepicheep, the mice climbed out from underground, and scurried through the gate, easily fitting through the bars. They crawled across a rope and entered the castle. Reepicheep noticed a cat around the corner. He drew his sword and smiled.

Peter, Susan, Andrew and Caspian climbed down a wall and Caspian knocked on a window and whispered, "Professor?"

He opened the window and stepped into a study. Susan, Andrew and Peter followed. Caspian picked up a pair of specs from the table. "I have to find him."

Peter shook his head. "You don't have time. You have to get to the gatehouse."

Caspian frowned at him. "You wouldn't even be here without him. And neither would I."

Susan, Andrew and Peter exchanged a glance and Susan said, "We can take care of Miraz."

"And I can make it to the gatehouse in time."

Amdrew pursed her lips. "Caspian, we need to stay together."

"Andrew, I can do this."

He sighed. "Make it hasty."

A Telmarine soldier walked around the castle interior. He noticed that the cat was tied up. He looked around suspiciously. Reepicheep dropped in front of him, hanging upside down, and drew his rapier. The soldier turned and saw him.

"Yes, I'm a mouse," Reepicheep told him.

Reepicheep hit the soldier. He jumped down and signaled the other mice. They all jumped onto another soldier and knocked him over. They climbed onto each others backs and opened the door. Trumpkin entered and shot another soldier.

"Ah, we were expecting someone, you know, taller," Reepicheep said to Trumpkin.

"You're one to talk," Trumpkin retorted.

"Is that supposed to be irony?"

Trumpkin shut the door.


Caspian stepped inside to find Cornelius chained to the floor.

Caspian woke his professor and said, "Five more minutes?"

"What are you doing here?" Cornelius asked. "...I didn't help you escape just so you could get captured again. You have to get out before Miraz learns you're here."

"He'll learn soon enough. We are giving him your cell."

"Don't underestimate Miraz as your father did."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry."

Caspian watched as Cornelius ran off.


A sword was put up to Miraz' throat as he slept. He opened his eyes, looked up and chuckled before saying, "Thank goodness... you're safe."

"Get up," Caspian ordered.

Miraz climbed out of bed. Prunaprismia sat up and called, "Caspian?"

"Stay where you are."

"What are you doing?"

"I should think it's obvious, dear," Miraz replied, looking at Caspian. "You know, some might consider this inappropriate behaviour."

"That doesn't seem to have stopped you," Caspian retorted.

"But you're not like me, are you? ...It's sad. The first time you show any backbone, and it's such a waste."

Prunaprismia aimed a crossbow at Caspian. "Put the sword down, Caspian. I don't want to do this."

"We don't want you too, either," Susan and Andrew said, stepping into the room, with Peter following.

Peter and Andrew drew their swords, and Susan aimed an arrow at Miraz' wife. Miraz frowned at them. "This used to be a private room."

Peter frowned at the prince. "Caspian, what are you doing? You're supposed to be at the gatehouse."

"No!" Caspian cried. "Tonight, for once, I want the truth!" He turned back to Miraz. "Did you kill my father?"

"Now we get to it," Miraz answered with a smirk.

Prunaprismia turned to him. "You told me your brother died in his sleep."

"That was more or less true."

Caspian stepped closer to Miraz, causing Miraz to back up to the window. "Did you kill my father?"

Susan frowned. "Caspian, this won't make things any better."

"We Telmarines would have nothing had we not taken it. Your father knew that," Miraz said.

His wife lowered the crossbow slightly. "How could you?"

"For the same reason you will pull that trigger."

Miraz started walking forward, and Caspian stepped back. "Stop!" Susan cried. "Stay right there!"

"For our son!" Miraz continued. "You must choose. Do you want our child to be king or do you want him to be like Caspian here? Fatherless!"

"No!" Prunaprismia answered.

She shot the crossbow, and Caspian fell to the ground. Miraz made his escape.

Up top, Edmund accidentally dropped his electric torch. It fell onto a lower tower. A soldier picked it up, and accidentally turned it on. The light beam shined high into the sky. Outside, Nikabrik and the army watched the light.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nikabrik wondered.

Edmund jumped down on the soldier. Bells sounded, and the Telmarine soldiers started waking up.

Peter, Susan, Andrew and Caspian ran through the halls and Peter ran down a different hall.

"Peter!" Susan and Andrew called.

"Our army is just outside!" Peter informed.

Susan, Andrew and Caspian ran after Peter as he raced through the courtyard and killed Telmarine soldiers. A brief thought of relief crossed Peter's mind that Lucy was safe.

"Now, Ed, now!" Peter called. "Signal the troops!"

Edmund, who was struggling with a soldier, yelled, "I'm a little busy right now, Pete!"

The Just King dropped his sword. He used his electric torch to hit the soldier, and knocked him down. He tried to turn it on, but found it broken.

Peter ran to the gate and began trying to open it. Susan joined her brother and said, "Peter, it's too late! We have to call it off while we still can!"

Peter shook his head. "No, I can still do this! Help me!"

Susan, Andrew and Caspian walked over to the wheel and helped Peter turn it. As Susan and Andrew were doing so, they asked, "Just who exactly are you doing this for, Peter?"

They continued turning the wheel and Edmund continued shaking his torch, trying to get it to work. Inside, Trumpkin and the mice turned the wheel to lower the drawbridge. Outside, Glenstorm and the army grew restless. The torch began shining, Edmund flashed it, and the army rushed into the castle. Asterius used his horns to smash through the first gate. The Narnians charged past Peter, Susan, Andrew and Caspian, and used their weapons to join the battle.

"For Narnia!!" Peter yelled.

The Narnians charged through the courtyard and began fighting the Telmarine soldiers. Up top, a Telmarine with a crossbow aimed at Peter. Edmund slid down and knocked the solider over.

Peter looked up. "Ed!"

Edmund looked to his left and saw the other Telmarines with crossbows. He dove into a room and kicked the door shut just in time.

Peter and Tyrus started fighting our way up to Miraz' balcony. Tyrus jumped and raised his weapon. He was shot in the shoulder. Miraz walked over to Tyrus and pushed him. He fell to the ground and hit it hard.

Miraz yelled to Glozelle, "Get that gate closed!"

The gate started closing and Asterius ran over and held it open. Peter watched and yelled, "Fall back! Retreat!"

Peter ran around to the Narnians and told them to retreat. Peter noticed that Glenstorm swung Susan onto his back. Susan yelled to her brother, "Caspian!"

"I'll find him!" Peter answered.

Edmund walked onto the tower where he first landed, and used his torch to lock the door. He looked over the edge, but the griffin was nowhere in sight. The soldiers on the other side banged against the door.

Caspian and Cornelius emerged, with Caspian holding the reigns of an extra horse. Peter kicked a soldier and jumped onto the horse while Andrew jumped on another.

Up top, Edmund's torch broke and the soldiers burst through the door with drawn swords. Edmund looked down and jumped. The soldiers looked over the edge and a griffin flew up with Edmund riding.

Peter and Andrew managed to make it out just moments before Asterius collapsed and the gate shut on him. They heard the cries of the Narnians still trapped inside. Reepicheep, Andrew and Peter were the last out, and Peter and Andrew looked back in horror. The drawbridge started going back up.

"Peter, the bridge. Come on!" a Narnian yelled.

Peter and Andrew looked back at the Narnians and hesitated a moment, tears in their eyes.

"I'm so sorry," Andrew whispered.

On the griffin, Edmund flew over the castle and surveyed the carnage.

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