50 shades of Rollins

By Ambreigns_Rolleigns

1.4K 26 3

Working in the WWE for the authority is extremely hard work for Seth Rollins. Doing their work and sorting ou... More

About madie
Chapter 2: extra work and the kiss

Chapter 1: Office

511 9 0
By Ambreigns_Rolleigns

"Go get her! Now!" Rollins yelled at the top of his lungs as his security scampered out the office. He sighed and huffed loudly, moving his hair out of his eyes. He sat down on his desk and grabbed his pencil, repeatedly hitting the end of it on the table. At that moment, J&J came back in with Madie. She grumbled and crossed her arms, glaring silently at Seth.

"What is it?" She snapped, Seth gulping hard. He sighed and looked back at her, chuckling ever so lightly.

"Now now now. Calm down sweetheart. I wanted to offer you something." He smiled and she grumbled loudly, stepping closer to him.

"I'm listening." She said and he stood up pacing the room. He tied his hair back into a small bun and smiled widely. She gulped hard starting to wondering what he wanted with her. He's untrusted by many. No one apart from the authority trust him. Actually, Randy Orton don't trust him. He turned and looked back at her, smiling softly.

"I'm offering you to be my assistant. Part of the authority. What do you say?" He said and she tilted her head. She sighed and walked over to the wall, resting her head against it before walking back towards him.

"Sure. What could go wrong?" She chuckled and he laughed, clapping his hands. He smiled and looked back at her. He patted her shoulder and sat back down at his desk, putting his newly polished shoes up on the desk. He smiled and got some paperwork out from his briefcase. She sat at a spare chair next to him and quickly read it over, nodding before signing it to make it all official. He smiled and put it back into his briefcase.

"Thank you Madie." He said and put his glasses on before reading a book. He whistled ever so lightly and flicked the page over, chuckling to himself. Madie stood up and looked at him before gently tapping his shoulder

"Should I go now and take the extra paperwork to do?" She asked and he nodded. She smiled and walked out, going to the canteen, her boots clinking as she walked. The sound of her boots on the cold floor gained the attention of the Bellas who stood in her way.

"Hey Madie!" Nikki smiled and laughed, not caring about Madie's feelings. Nikki looked at the briefcase in Madie's hand. She snorted and smirked.

"Well look who joined the authority. Lil' bitch. You know they'll never fucking defend you of all people. I mean look at you! Emo depressed fucker!" Brie snapped. Madie froze to the spot and whimpered lightly, her heart aching. She couldn't go anywhere because her back was pressed hard against the back wall, everyone staring at them. She growled and went to kick one of the Bellas but couldn't. She could hear someone walking towards them, walking fast my the sound of it. She gulped hard and saw the devil's favourite demon Kane walking towards them. He gently shoved Nikki and Brie away from Madie and sighed.

"Bellas you leave Madie alone." He said and watch the Bellas walk off in a mood. He sighed and looked at Madie, smiling ever so lightly. She smiled back and hugged him, not getting a hug back. He kept his arms by his side as she hugged him tightly.

"T thank you Kane." She smiled and let him go. He smiled weakly and took her to Stephanie's office. He knocked on the door and waited for it to open. Hunter opened it and smiled widely, chuckling lowly. Madie smiled back and pushed her blue hair behind her ears. She walked into the office and sat in a chair next to Seth. Seth smiled and chuckled lightly.

As the authority talked about what they can do and everything like that, Seth kept on looking at her and winking now and then. She couldn't help but smile. He smirked and rubbed her arm. A small smile fell upon her lips and hunter's eyes narrowed slightly. She gulped hard as Hunter leant back in his chair.

"What's going on?" He asked sternly, Madie gulping and moving back on her chair. Seth gulped and moved away scared. He looked at her and she sighed.

"I'll go and finish the paperwork." She said, standing up and heading back to seth's office. She sighed loudly and sat down at his desk, pulling all the paperwork from her briefcase and putting it down on the desk. She grabbed one of seth's spare pens and started on the paperwork. She couldn't believe that she had to work for Seth, the future of the WWE. She sighed and went on seth's computer, looking for something to help her.

"Hey Seth." A deep voice said walking in. She looked up to see roman stood there, his eyes wide. She gulped and moved her hair.

"Err how can I help?" She asked and roman sat down on the side of the desk. He pushed his hair back and smiled.

"I want a match." He said and she nodded weakly. She went onto seth's computer and typed in the match as roman told her who wanted to fight. He smiled and chuckled before leaving quickly. She smiled widely and chuckled.

Boots clinked on the floor as Seth walked towards his office. He could smell Madie's perfume from outside the door and his heart started to pound more. He sighed and opened the door, walking towards his desk.

"Hey." Madie smiled and he chuckled lightly. His smiled widened and he sat down on a chair next to her. He tied his hair back into a ponytail and she started to laugh. He sniggered ever so lightly and rummaged through his drawer.

"Seth. Why do people hate you?" She asked and he gulped. He sat up straight and sighed. He twiddled his thumbs lightly.

"Well just because I turned on my brothers and that I'm always bragging." He said. She nodded and stood up.

"I guess I will see you later." She said. She put the paperwork in her briefcase and left. Seth sat there smiling.

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