His Little Fae

By AidaBekar

1.8M 52.4K 13.1K

He wanted a Queen, she had no need for a King. He wanted his mate, she wanted adventure. He wanted her close... More

Coming soon
Unwanted Encounter
Prison Discussions
The King's Orders
Bad Decisions
Attempted Ambush
Upsetting Him
Foreign Lands
Terrifying Truths
Last Moments
Thank You
Small Signs
A Spiral of Tears
A Chance
Another Encounter
Unsupervised Adventures
Strange Visions
Your Mate is a Billionaire
(Not) Thinking Rationally
Fates Intertwined
Unconcealed Ardor
New Relations
Drunken Haze
Luna della mia Vita
Kitchen Escapades
Euphoric Illusions
Moonlight Exploits
Fiery Animosity
Mild Vexation
Incandescent Flames
Sorrowful Mourning (I)
Midnight Discussions (I)
Midnight Discussions (II)
Dead of Night (I)
Dead of Night (II)
Saccharine Showers
Buried Enmity (I)
Buried Enmity (II)
Come Home
Lying by Omission
City of Lights (I)
City of Lights (II)
Calm Before the Storm
Monody (I)
Monody (II)
Monody (III)
Laconic Heartache
Arduous Distractions
Ephemeral Nights (I)
Ephemeral Nights (II)
Melancholic Bloodlust (I)
Melancholic Bloodlust (II)
A Fae's Epiphany (I)
A Fae's Epiphany (II)
Faerie Hunting (I)
Faerie Hunting (II)
Seeds of Doubt (I)
Seeds of Doubt (II)
Fresh Marks
Seraphic Truths (I)
Seraphic Truths (II)
Doorways (I)
Doorways (II)
Doorways (III)
Empty Threats (I)
Empty Threats (II)
Loyalty (I)
Loyalty (II)
Drawing Near (I)
First Blood

Drawing Near (II)

1.8K 70 7
By AidaBekar

"And you love him.

Tell me, if he handed you a bloodied hand,

Would you take it only because it was his?"

Livius' pov:

Alexandria's scent had met my nose for the first time in what felt like years. The wind carried it down from wherever she had stood and my body had immediately gone rigid.

I didn't think I could grow anymore restless or impatient. But with that single inhale alone, I did.

Because I hadn't just caught her scent, I also caught the note of blood that hid beneath it. She was injured. She was in pain. And I had no choice but to wait a few more hours before we moved in.

It was already dark out. But the longer the night went on, the better our chances were at sneaking in unnoticed. And when the time finally came, I swore I could feel my heart in my throat.

This can either go terribly wrong or unbelievably well.

I didn't like the risk. The thought that I couldn't ensure her safety, couldn't protect her. Hell, I didn't even know what room she was being held in. I wanted to be sure. But there was no time and waiting would only make things worse, especially with Gabriel's undoubtedly rising suspicions.

Alexius stood beside me, his back pressed to the side of the warehouse as we moved around it. He was perfectly silent, his golden eyes sharp and seeming to glow in the darkness.

The metal doors to the warehouse were sealed shut as we came to surround it. One of my men peered at me, waiting for the order. We were all armed to the teeth, our weapons out and ready. Ten of us were going in, while four other warriors prowled along the tree line with strict orders to come in only when commanded.

With a sharp inhale, I gave a single nod.

Two warriors moved forward, both of them sharply turning the corner and making their presence known to the guards who stood watch outside. I heard a distant grunt, a sharp jab, and a light thud as two bodies hit the floor.

We moved in almost instantly, Alexius just a step behind me. The two fae on watch laid limply at our feet. The wolf met my gaze, his head tipped towards the doors. I signaled for my men to draw their weapons as he pushed it open.

If what that scout had confessed was true, there should be thirteen fae remaining inside, fourteen including Gabriel.

My attention shifted to the four warriors lingering outside. One of the wolves lifted his head, his ears perked and his wolf form partially obscured by the trees shadows.

"Stand watch at the door," I ordered through our link.

He dipped his head once in understanding before turning to relay the message to his fellow warriors.

It would be best for them to remain on standby. Anything could go wrong, and if it did, the last thing we needed was for every last one of us to be apprehended. Everyone was already under strict orders to prioritize Alexandria's life above all else, regardless of what happened.

If it came down to it, she had to be the one to walk away. And those four warriors had to be there to help her.

We flooded into the warehouse, our eyes immediately adjusting to the dim lighting. I took note of the vast, empty space that made up the first floor, my gaze drifting to the staircase that led up to a mezzanine that ran along the sides of the entire second floor. It overlooked the expanse of the space we stood in and was secured with protective railing, leaving no room for blind spots.

An unfamiliar scent struck my nose and I glanced up, my attention locking on one of the guards who stood along the railing on the upper floor.

Damn it.

The fae blinked back at me, his shock evident, then he seemed to snap out of his reverie, his hand instantly darting to where his weapon was strapped. My fingers curled around one of the daggers along my belt and I instantly moved to make the kill.

Except someone else beat me to it.

My eyes flicked to Alexius as a dagger lodged itself into the fae's skull. The Fae King met my gaze head on, his expression alert, but composed.

"Treason is met with death in my kingdom," he'd told me earlier when I'd made it clear that I would kill Gabriel and all those who aided him. I hadn't expected him to be ruthless, but I certainly wasn't disappointed.

My lips tipped up in slight acknowledgement before the fae's body crumbled to the ground, leaving a loud thud in its wake. We winced in unison, already knowing that even such a small noise could set off all their alarms.

We would find out in a minute.

I took an apprehensive step forward, the others following while I carefully approached the staircase. We were halfway across the warehouse when the blinding main lights were flicked on and Gabriel's scent hit my nose.

None of us were surprised.

Slipping in unnoticed was an impossibility, one that we had hoped could occur, but knew wouldn't. Our goal was to make it past the front doors unnoticed, but anything more than that was asking too much.

"And what happens when Gabriel ultimately finds us, we won't last a second in there unnoticed. You know it as well as I do," Alexius had asked earlier. We had stood across from each other and deliberated until nightfall.

"We give him the fight he wants. He'll send some of his guards to retrieve Alexandria and Victoria," I noted, finally voicing the plan that had been taking shape in my mind. "Sebastian and Noah will scale the wall alone and go in through the window where Alexandria had stood. They have to be holding her somewhere near it."

Alexius' eyes had narrowed with distrust, he didn't appear to hold the same faith in my Delta and adviser as I did. Unsurprising. "I can get her."

"No," I responded calmly, leaving no room for argument. "We go in together. Let Gabriel think we're his only threat. He's not an idiot, if either one of us is missing, he'll snuff out whatever is going on in the background. And it's impossible to hide your involvement, seeing as to how some of your men are here. This is the only way."

Alexius had clenched his jaw, as if still meaning to hold his ground, but instead choosing to repress the urge. He knew this was our best option.

My eyes locked with Gabriel.

He moved from the edge of the mezzanine and came to stand at the top of the stairs, false bravado oozing from his frame.

I saw red. His scent alone would have made my hackles rise, let alone the sight of him.

He was going to die tonight.

"I must commend you two," he said, slowly clapping. Nine fae lingered behind him, their eyes trained on my own warriors as if attempting to measure their odds. "Banding together to defeat me? I'm almost flattered."

Three men unaccounted for, I noted. Noah and Sebastian would have to deal with them.

"Cut the bullshit, Gabriel," Alexius snapped, his voice almost a snarl. He knew the plan.

Talk. Give Noah and Sebastian their best chance. Stall the fight and bide your time.

This is the only way.

"Ah, it's wonderful to see you again, Your Majesty," Gabriel responded with a mocking bow. "It's good to know you're as traitorous as your whore sister."

Alexius grit his teeth, his jaw clenching ever so slightly. I noted the flash of rage that crossed his eyes. He and Alexandria also shared a similar temperament, it would seem.

This wouldn't last long. Gabriel was undoubtedly stalling as well. Alexandria was the key to his plan, so long as he knew we didn't have her, he'd keep putting up that pathetic false arrogance.

He was doing the very same thing we were. Distract, all while securing what's important. It would all come down to who reached her first and if they were able to fight Gabriel's men off.

I knew she probably hated feeling like a pawn.

"Insult my sister again and I will gut you," Alexius snarled and it absolutely didn't look like he was pretending. He would do it. Honestly, it was a miracle he wasn't already on him.

"Noah. Where are you?" I questioned through our link.

Gabriel scoffed. "Gut me and your sister dies," he retorted, the threat seeming to have been waiting on his lips. Alexandria was his greatest armor, she was the only thing that was keeping him safe. And he knew it.

My eyes narrowed, a strained expression schooled onto my features just as Noah responded. "Through the window, Alpha. Still not clear."

"It's good that you all came to me, saved me the trouble of having to make a trip," Gabriel added, his satisfaction evident. He lifted a hand, waving his men forward.

The warriors we'd brought along tensed, one of them giving me a tentative glance. I merely nodded.

"And if they attack before your delta finds my sister?" Alexius had stated earlier. He knew better than anyone that this put us in a terrible position. Everything was forfeit if we couldn't ensure Alexandria's safety. God, I hated hostage situations.

"We parry. There's no other option," was my simple response. If we allowed ourselves to be apprehended, that would only make things worse. Ideally, Noah and Sebastian would be near wherever Alexandria was. That would have to be good enough.

With that in mind, Alexius drew first blood.

I wasn't surprised, though I was a bit envious. From there everything descended into chaos. The nine fae Gabriel had under his command drew their weapons in a blur, my own men doing the same.

I ordered the four warriors outside to remain where they were. We couldn't outnumber them. We couldn't risk Gabriel fearing defeat. He would kill her out of mere spite. I knew he would. Even if it meant his own death.

And I wouldn't—no, I couldn't let that happen.

With a sharp inhale, my claws elongated, my body partially shifting into my wolf form as fur ran up along my right arm. Alexius shot me a wary glance, but said nothing while he drew his own weapon.

This ended now.


Alexandria's pov:

It began with a thunder of footsteps down the hall. I had been pacing, my fingers curling and uncurling around one of the three silver daggers I'd taken from Samuel and Azrael. I had given the other three to Victoria and she'd all but winced at being in close proximity to silver, but she'd pocketed them regardless.

The wait was suffocating. Azrael lingered outside with one of Gabriel's minions, the one who'd taken it upon himself to beat the living shit out of me. Rafael, I think his name was.

I wouldn't forget it.

Samuel was prowling around elsewhere. They both knew the alarm would sound eventually, and when that time came, Gabriel would send someone to retrieve me. Samuel would make sure it was him. And Rafael would be in for a nice little surprise when both his comrades turned on him.

I shifted, my head turning at the sound of scuffling beyond the door. There was a distant grunt, the sound of a weapon being pulled out of its sheath and a clamor as it hit the floor moments after. Then finally, silence.

Victoria and I both stiffened when the door swung open. It would either be Azrael or Rafael. An ally or an enemy. Not that I couldn't fight him off. I had every intention of strangling that fae for the bruises that marred my skin.

We both released an exhale of relief when Azrael stepped in, Samuel following close behind, his breaths coming in shallow pants as if he'd run here after Gabriel gave the order. Behind them, Rafael's body laid limp on the floor, still breathing, but completely knocked out for the time being.

Damn it. Wish I could've done that.

"They're here, Your Highness," Samuel finally said on another breath. "Your orders?"

I had to get Victoria out safely. Keep her out of harm's way. Same for Samuel and Azrael. They would object, but I don't care.

"Where-" I began just as a scent hit my nose. A very familiar scent.

I should've expected Livius to have some kind of plan before storming the building, should've considered some kind of mission in the background.

It happened in a blur. Noah suddenly appeared behind Azrael, his arm wrapping around his throat, a blade sitting threateningly close to the fae's neck. Samuel reacted instantly, pulling two guns from where they sat in his belt and aiming one at Noah and the other at... Sebastian.

I froze for a moment, our eyes locking and his entire expression collapsed with relief at the sight of me. I could see him searching for injuries, the cogs turning in his mind. His gaze settled heavily on the silver chains that still sat on my wrists. He didn't know I had my magic. He didn't know I was just pretending.

I watched as he turned to Samuel, his body going rigid at the sight of the gun in his grip, and yet still his hands visibly tightened around the dagger he also held. They were both armed to the teeth, ready to kill.

My voice returned, my attention snapping back to Noah and Azrael. "Stop!" I all but screamed, putting a hand out. They didn't so much as move. Victoria stood beside me, her relief evident as she held her brother's unwavering gaze.

"Samuel, put the gun down," I continued, the command slicing through the tension that hung in the air. My eyes locked with my mate's Delta and he held it, his gaze unyielding. "Noah, let him go."

They all looked confused for a moment, their hands tightening on their weapons then releasing with uncertainty. It was obvious Samuel and Azrael knew they were allies, they had only retaliated out of self-defense. They (probably) wouldn't have killed them, but Noah and Sebastian would have.

I put a hand out, hoping to ease some of the apprehension that hung so heavily in the air. "They're allies," I said, waiting for Seb's expression to relax. I released a sigh when he finally did, his distrust slightly waning.

An instant later, he was pocketing his blades and rushing towards me. "Luna." The word came on a breath of relief as he pulled me into a hug, his arms tightening with respite. I hugged him back, my own disbelief rising to the surface. They were here, this was nearly over.

Beside me, Noah was embracing his sister, his hands coming over the back of her head, and his own relief evident as he held her. I half smiled at the sight before my attention was drawn back to Seb.

"Who the fuck are they?" Sebastian asked while pulling away, his guard still partially up. He took a defensive step in front of me and I rolled my eyes.

I nudged him aside and introduced the two Fae. We had to get moving. "Samuel. Azrael. They've been helping me. Now shake hands, and let's go."

Seb's eyes still narrowed suspiciously but he said nothing. Instead, Noah came to my right. "Are you hurt?" He asked, already giving me a once over.

My answer was immediate. "No." I began making my way to the door, already several steps ahead of them. "Where is Livius?"

"Downstairs. With Gabriel. Luna, please wait." Noah grabbed for my arm and I stopped in my tracks before turning to pointedly stare at the hand he had on me. "It's not safe."

He turned to Sebastian before catching the incredulous look on my face. "Give the Alpha the all-clear."

Apparently, even being the second most powerful fae on the fucking planet wasn't enough to convince a pack of over protective wolves that their Luna could take care of her damn self.

"How many wolves did he bring in?"

"Six. And two fae."

My brows dipped. "Fae?"

Noah's grip on me didn't loosen. "Yes. Your brother offered his aid. He's down there too."

My heart skipped a beat. If I had looked behind me, I probably would've caught Samuel and Azrael going pale. Alexius was down there, my brother.

Twelve years after losing everything...

I was silent for a moment, then, "Let me go, Delta." My tone was even, but he paused when he met my gaze.

"Our priority is your safety, Alexandria," Sebastian answered for him. "We're on strict orders to get you out of here immediately."

I turned my gaze to him and he stiffened before instantly looking away. My attention returned to Noah. "I won't ask again."

Without another word, Noah released me. His expression went distant, a tell-tale sign that he was mindlinking the warriors just downstairs. I saw his jaw clench at whatever response he received and he looked as though he was itching to grab me again. Knowing Livius, he was likely ordering him to haul me out in whatever way necessary.

I paid him no mind and turned towards the door. Were they outnumbered? Had they risked that? Knowing Gabriel he likely had some trick up his sleeve.

And the more I thought about it, there was no way he thought his plan to take control of the Fae kingdom would work now. It was likely painfully obvious with Livius and Alexius standing before him. He was smart enough to know that.

But his hatred for wolves ran deep and now that his plans have gone up in flames... what was his next move? Run? Gabriel was a coward, yes, but he wasn't a fool. Livius and Alexius would hunt him to the ends of the Earth. He would find out what awaits him. He likely knew it right now.

And as much as I hate to admit it, a cornered Gabriel was a dangerous one. If he was going down, then he'd make sure it was worth his while.

My gaze snapped up in realization, my heart sinking with dread as I dragged myself out of my thoughts.

Sebastian was speaking, his voice dipping in confusion. "They're reporting nine Fae with Gabriel. But there's only-"

I tuned him out, instead rushing towards the door, my hands instantly gripping the handle and ripping it open. I had to get downstairs. Gabriel was going to kill him. He would murder Livius if that was the most he could get away with. He'd end the Alpha King's bloodline right here, right now.


I moved to step out and instead came face to face with Rafael. Apparently, Azrael and Samuel hadn't knocked him out as well as they should have. His eyes were wide with shock as he caught sight of his comrades behind me, both of them doing nothing to stop Sebastian and Noah.

By the time their betrayal settled, my fist was already sinking into his abdomen. He fell back, gasping for air but I didn't give him a moment to recover, my hands instantly curling into his hair as my knee met his face. He staggered backwards, recoiling from the injuries, his nose bleeding and likely broken. 

"Take care of him," I ordered, already moving to rush past him. I heard Sebastian's groan while he practically stumbled after me in an attempt to keep pace, Noah joining him after telling Victoria to stay put. A command she clearly ignored as she too followed along, Azrael behind her. Meanwhile, Samuel lingered to finish off Rafael.

"Alexandria, please," Sebastian pleaded, still attempting to stop me from going down there.

I barely looked to him, my pace never once slowing."He's not going to try and escape, Sebastian. He's going to kill him."

His response was swift and carried all the certainty in the world. "He's the Alpha King and he's not alone. You hate it when we doubt you, yet you doubt him?"

I ignored him. I didn't doubt Livius' power, only an idiot would. But Livius was arrogant and he was concerned for my safety. He'd do anything to make sure I got out of here, even if that meant biding his time. And once he knew I was safe, he'd enjoy the fight; toy with his prey. And Gabriel would do what he does best: take advantage of the weakness.

I weaved through the halls, following the scent of blood and metal and wolves. No one bothered to try and stop me anymore.


Gabriel has already taken so much, from Livius, from the pack. I would die before I let him take my mate, their Alpha, away too.


Livius' pov:

Battling with Fae was more difficult than I'd imagined. Their magic made them unpredictable and they were masters at long range combat. It didn't help that Gabriel led them like a commander in a fucking war. He would run soon. The moment he realized he was losing, he'd disappear. That plan was almost obvious in the way he hung back, not engaging any of us quite yet.

But I wouldn't allow it. He would die. Right here. In this building. Today.

Sebastian mindlinked me as I deflected an attack from one of Gabriel's men. I had already flung three daggers in his direction, all of them missing their mark thanks to the pathetic magic barrier he'd erected.

Cowards, all of them.

"Alpha. We've found her," he said. I didn't let my relief show, my expression remaining blank. Still, no words could describe the weight that lifted off my chest at his words. I ducked away from another onslaught of flames, my eyes locking with the caster. He paled, but didn't recede.

Somewhere behind me, Alexius crossed swords with a warrior as the remainder of our men merely defended against Gabriel's men.

My claws snapped out, waiting to be used for more than deflections. "Get her out of here before the fae down here realize she's missing," I ordered immediately.

It was quiet on Sebastian's end, then Noah's voice filled my mind, "She refuses to go, Alpha."

I paused for a moment, my jaw clenching in frustration. God, Alexandria. Of course. Alexius and I should've accounted for this.

"Noah, I don't fucking care if you have to throw her over your damn shoulder. Get. Her. Out. Of. Here." His end went quiet and I was certain he heard the growl in my voice. My claws flung out to stop a silver dagger from breaking skin, a sliver of my rage slipping through as I snarled.

I retreated so that my back was pressed to Alexius', the four fae we were battling now surrounding us.

"Have they found her?" He asked calmly, a ball of flames at his fingertips and a dagger in his other hand.

"Yes. She's arguing with them."

Alexius let out a laugh. "So she's okay? Good to know." He paused for a moment, then, "All clear to kill?"

I gave a sharp nod. There was nothing left to stall for. Gabriel may think he had a card left to play, but Alexandria and Victoria were (mostly) safe. He no longer had hostages. And we no longer had any reason to hold back or bide our time.

Alexius didn't waste a moment, his blade flew out and caught one of the Fae in the arm. The man recoiled, his hand immediately coming up to the fresh wound as if he couldn't believe he'd been struck.

"You're certain we can't take hostages?" He questioned almost dejectedly. If my eyes weren't glued to my opponent, I would've given him an incredulous look.

Did he want to torture the men who'd betrayed him? I almost grinned.

I'd want to as well.

But his bloodlust was different, it was uncontrollable. It practically poured out of him in an unending stream of violence. It was well known that the Fae were angry and vengeful creatures, but I had never been around to witness it.

My lips curled into a grin. I wouldn't stop him. If he wanted to discipline his men, he could. There wasn't much left to fear from Gabriel. "Do what you want."

The Fae King didn't hesitate a moment. Hell, my words were barely even out before he was running forward, one of his blades yet again crossing with his opponent. I moved to turn my attention back to my own adversary, my gaze instead landing on where Gabriel still stood at the base of the staircase. His eyes were narrowed and his arms were crossed over his chest. I could practically see the cogs turning in his mind.

But they weren't turning fast enough, it would seem.

There was no way out of this for him. If he ran, I would find him. If he hid, I would find him. If his trail led to the edge of the Earth, I would find him. And he knew it. The bastard had nowhere to go and no one to turn to.

This was his final stand.

It was over.


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