Favorite Crime | Ethan Landry


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and i watched as you fled the scene doe-eyed as you buried me one heart broke, four hands bloody. ~ ‼️ based... More

important 🍉


261 5 0


after the incident at the store, we made it to the police station. we were currently sat down inside the interrogation room waiting for them to question us. a bunch of graphic crime scene photos placed in front of us. sam with her arms folded, tara with her head down on the table, as i was wrapping a gauze bandage in my hand trying to cover my cut up.

quinn's dad walks into the room, "this was found next to the body at the apartment." he holds up a huge clear bag with a mask in it and puts it in front of us.

"dna shows that it belongs to someone named richie kirsch." he looks at us, "that ring a bell?"

"we're familiar with him." sam responds.

"but the one who attacked us had a different mask on." tara states, "it was kind of more beat up, it was older." i say.

"i gotta ask, do you three have any alibis for earlier tonight?"

"me and Y/N were at a party with our friends." tara admits, "i was at my therapist." sam follows.

"i can give you his information." detective bailey nods his head, "you can go ahead and give him a call, and then i met tara at the party. where i tased someone." she confesses. "un related." she shakes her head.

"was that before or after this happened?" he shows us a video where sam is arguing with the group of girls that splashed liquid on her earlier, followed by me punching her moments later.

"before. but that's not the point, we were with people all night." i annoyingly state.

"so our roommates dad just happens to pull our case?" sam suspiciously asks, "that would be a crazy coincidence right?"

"the detective who had the case he offered it to me because it involves quinn, but i can totally give it back if your uncomfortable?" we give each other a look before sam says, "it's fine."

"so if the man who attacked you stole your license, to plant it next to the body" he grabs another clear bag, "it's probably someone who's close to you."

"how long have you known your friends?"

"well we moved here with mindy, chad, Y/N, and ryan for summer semester like six months ago." tara turns to me and sam. "quinn, ethan, and anika we've known since then."

"i think i can vouch for quinn so that's one less to worry about." me and tara give each other the side eye, for some reason something about this man felt off.

"do any of you have anyone that might want to target you?" he asks us, "not anyone who's still alive." i coldly state.

"yikes." he widens his eyes at me. the door opens revealing a cop.

"FBI is here, claiming jurisdiction."

detective bailey gets up, leaving us in the room. i throw my head back in annoyance just wanting to get over this.

i use this opportunity to go on my phone, to my surprise i see a ton of notifications.

6 missed calls from chad.
8 missed calls from mindy.
16 missed calls from ryan.
30 missed calls from ethan.

and a few messages.

chad: 2 new messages
mindy: 1 new message
ryan: 5 new messages
ethan: 10 new messages

i open ryan's messages first to let him know where we were at, since my poor brother is probably freaking out thinking something happened to me.

ryan: let me know when you guys get to the station.
ryan: be safe pls!!!
ryan: share ur location with me rn.
ryan: Y/N?? why aren't u answering ??

me: hey ry sorry for the late response. me, tara and sam are in the police station, quinn's dad is asking us questions. don't freak out but ghost face is back and he attacked us. don't worry, we are safe tell mindy and chad. see you in a bit, love you 🤓

ryan is typing...


i open up ethan's messages and woah did he spam me alot.

ethan: hey Y/N :) how's it going over there ?
ethan: just checking in, you were a bit nervous earlier... i'm here if you need anything <3
ethan: Y/N ?
ethan: are you okay ?
ethan: ok your scaring me...
ethan: text me when you can :)
* 4 messages were unsent *

i smile down at my screen as i read over the messages he sent me. tara notices and looks down at my phone.

"woah, you have the poor boy desperate." she smirks, "what? no it's not like that. plus my brother, chad and mindy were also worried."

ethan is typing...

he stops and doesn't say anything. "you see?" she smiles at me, my face going red.

"wait is that..?" sam gets up.

me and tara look at each other before getting up and following her.

"kirby?" sam says sounding surprised as she approaches and hugs her, "hey sam."

"tara, Y/N." she says looking over at us.

"your with the FBI?" sam asks, "mhm."

"you guys know each other?" detective bailey asks them, "yeah we went to high school together. she was a senior and i was a freshmen." sam answers him.

"we share a certain history." kirby responds.

as they are going over the case, i step to the side away from them and pull out my phone from my pocket, going back to ethan's messages.

me: hey, we're okay. ❤️

not even seconds later he began typing again.

ethan is typing...

ethan: omg thank goodness.. your brother told us what happened... did he hurt you ?

me: i mean other than him grabbing me and failing to stab me, he did not lay one finger on me :)

ethan is typing...

ethan: okay good, im glad to hear that. 🫂

before i'm able to type anything else, sam approaches me and turns around to where detective bailey and kirby were standing, "we're going. let's go."

storming out and stepping outside, we are met with a bunch of news reporters already flashing their lights at us and throwing over a thousand questions. great.

"let's stay close." she tells me and tara as we begin to walk through the crowd.

"samantha, you and Y/N have an alibi for last night's murder." a reporter asks.

"tara do you feel safe being around your sister and Y/N? what about her brother?"

sam wraps her arms around the both of us, trying to protect us from these people. we finally make our way out of the crowd.

"gale weathers, channel 4." we stop and turn around seeing none other than gale.

"do you ladies think your the reason that ghost face killer has come to the big apple?" she really has the nerve to ask us.

sam shakes her head in disbelief as she swings her fist right at her face but she dodges it, "nice try sweetie but i've done this dance before-"

this time it was me that sent a punch to her face. she grabs her cheek in pain, "that wasn't my first time doing this, now stay away from us." i glare at her as we turn around and walk away.

"oh come on, you can't still be mad at me." she follows after us, sam turns around.

"you said you wouldn't write a book about what happened. and you still did it anyways!"

"well someone was going to write about it. it's what i do." she tries to defend her self.

"i heard you couldn't sell the movie rights." tara states, "it's all about true crime limited series these days."

"after everything we've been through together? i wonder what dewey would think." i tell her, "that's a low blow." she says sounding broken, i kinda feel bad but it was necessary.

"so was your book. you called me, Y/N, and ryan unstable and born killers." sam expresses, "that's taken out of context." gale tries to convince her.

"it's literally a quote." sam shoots back, "you don't think what you wrote has something to do with what's happening to us?" tara says.

the three of us turn around and continue to walk towards the yellow cab. "i talked to sidney." we stop and look at her once again.

"why did you think it was a good idea to drag my aunt into this again? she has her family to take care of, she's not coming here right?" i ask now sounding frustrated.

"relax, she's not. but she sends her love, and she's taking mark and the kids some where safe. she deserves to have her happy ending." gale responds.

tara turns to me, "not much we agree." i roll my eyes as sam opens the cab door for us to get in. "hey i wanna catch this fucker as much as you do!" she yells.

"maybe. or maybe your just afraid that without ghost face in your life, your irrelevant." tara tells her as we all get inside and the driver drives away.


we head back into the apartment, feeling tired and overwhelmed. how were we suppose to just continue to do our daily routines with a masked killer out trying to kill us again?

we walk through the door as a worried ryan comes running towards me, and pulling me into a hug, "i told you to call me." he tells me.

"i know. i'm sorry."

"don't be, i'm glad your okay sis." he smiles at me as he pulls away.

he steps away, as i'm met with ethan. "hey" i beamed at him.

"Y/N, hey.." he nervously says, "can i uh.." he opens his arms out.

"bring it in." he walks towards me and pulls me into a comforting hug, he felt so much like home i didn't want this moment to end.

he rubs my back and whispers, "you had me worried."

he finally lets me go, though i wish he didn't.

he notices the bandage wrapped around my hand, "did... he do this?"

i look down, "no when we were at the bodega trying to get away, i accidentally cut myself with a piece of glass. it's nothing bad, it was just bleeding for a while."

he smiles down at me as he brings my bandaged hand close to him and plants a small kiss on it.

"aww, physical touch. how cute." chad says walking by us.

"what? i'm just trying to be a good friend." he blushes.

"yeah chad, stop making it seem like it's something more." ryan glares at him, "sorry bro, but eventually your sister is gonna romantically love someone one day." chad replies with a wink.

i playfully roll my eyes at him, my brother has always been very protective of me. but ever since we got attacked last year, by our very own friend, he became very paranoid, i guess you can say like how sam is over tara.

even though we are twins, he is older than me by literally two minutes since he came out the womb before me. which to be honest it doesn't really matter since we came on this earth the same day but ever since our parents told us the story of us at the hospital, he's never stopped bugging me saying that he's older than me and makes sure to always remind me. it's just what brothers do.

at the end of the day, i love him after all he is my other half and i will literally lose it if something ever happens to him.

i get it, he's just looking out for me, especially now that ghost face is back into our lives. i know he's gonna be watching mine and ethan's move. but i'm not denying the fact that i'm starting to feel a small spark every time ethan and i interact.

"i feel bad for whoever is gonna wrap a ring around Y/N's finger, in the future. they won't ever hear the end of ryan." mindy says.

"oh that is so not true!" ryan protests, "lies, look at how defensive you got over chad's comment, Y/N and ethan aren't even in a relationship and your already freaking out." she says back.

"they aren't in a relationship, yet you mean but they will soon." chad whistles.

"come on guys, leave them alone look at how nervous they're getting." sam gives us a smug look.

"you guys are all assholes." i stare at them.

"you love us though." tara blows me a kiss.

"anyways, now that ghost face is back for more, i say tomorrow we meet up at the university and go over our suspect list and rules." mindy states.

we all agree, although i had trust in our new friends we still need to take precautions and let them know how these attacks usually work. as much as i hoped, i really hope none of them had anything to do with it. it can't be possible, right?

later that day, everyone goes back to their apartments, i had a long day and all i wanted to do was rest. now it's really time we stick together, and try to put an end to this again.

i do my night routine, and wrap myself into my blankets as my phone vibrates, getting a new message.

i pick it up from where i had it and unlock it.

ethan: have a nice night. ❤️

i just smile at the message, not even bothering to response as sleep begins to take over my body and my eyes begin to feel heavy, closing them and falling asleep.


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