That escalated quickly

By xti4max

388 2 4

Anna just wants to save Pearl, but dopplewhores and baby vampires are beginning to test her patients. luckily... More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Untitled Part 9
chapter 10
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13

Untitled Part 11

11 0 0
By xti4max

Two updates in one day, well a few hours of one another considering its nearly 2am.

As I've said before I'll never give up on a story, but some chapters will take longer than others

please ignore any mistakes, I think I got them all, but I'm struggling typing on a keyboard. I miss my laptop.

hope you enjoy

[The next morning]

Anna agrees to stay the night only after making sure the others are OK. They settle back into his bed, unwilling to deal with Elena's complaining about her being there, tucked together reading Jonathan Gilberts journals. Pulling away Jeremy gets out of bed to reach for his drawing supplies, Anna reads aloud as Jeremy sketches Jonathan Gilberts depiction of a vampire.

"I mean he wasn't wrong the town was plagued with vamps at the time." Startled Jeremy looks up, "Not as bad as that sounds, we were a community, we lived in harmony with the humans. We never knew they knew of supernatural creatures. If we did, we wouldn't have stopped here, we were supposed to be safe." Jeremy abandons his drawing to wrap an arm around his girlfriend.

"You don't have to talk about it, hell you don't have to read it." She whispers against her temple reaching for the book in her hands.

" I lived it Jer, you know that old saying." She pauses taking a breath, "'Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter. Chinua Achebe.' That day the vampires were the hunted, we didn't even see it coming." Anna shakes her head sadly throwing the journal to the end of the bed in disgust. Pulling herself up she gets ready for school.


Jeremy and Anna join up with Matt and Caroline talking about tv shows.
"Another movie night then."

"Movie night?" Jeremy says with a raised eyebrow.

"We're just friends Gilbert, and anyway Caroline is more interested in Anna uncle."
"Caroline." Anna yells as both men laugh at the disgusted look on her face.

"Oh hush," Caroline tells them, as she links arms with Anna "And don't forget the job fair tonight boys. Anna you're going I don't care how old you are." She snaps realising what She's about to say.

[later at the jobs fair]

Anna lets Caroline drag her around the fair from stall to stall, completely uninterested until she spots Jeremy across the room. With a roll of her eyes Caroline sends her off, she gets to his side in time to hear Tyler telling him to go to hell.

"What was that about?"

"Did you know that Tyler is an artist." He points to the table Infront of them. Anna flicks through the pages.

"Impressive for an arsehole." She looks up cursing. "I know she's your sister, but I just wish she would leave Matt alone." Anna sighs seeing how tense the man is. She's been like this since Vicki was turned hounding him constantly. Good thing Stefan seemed to have learnt his lesson.

Leaning into her touch Jeremy shouts Matt over to join them.

"Why is it I spend time with Caroline and suddenly I'm dating her, I get we are in high school but seriously. What the hell." He throws his hands in the air frustrated.

"You seem stressed dear." Anna laughs patting his shoulder, "I mean you said it yourself high school."

"Shut it." Matt bumps her shoulder. "Thanks for the save, guys." He claps a hand on Jeremy's shoulder as he turns to leave, seeing Elena on her way over.

Elena is following Jenna nattering about how they need to leave.

"Jer, Anna can you believe it, Logan is here. The man has some gall I'll give him that."

"Well, he does work with the news channel," Jeremy laughs, all three pretending not to know about the newest vampire in the room.

Elena interrupts Jeremy demanding to know what Jenna had spoken to Logan about. Amused Jenna gives her a pretty answer that tells her nothing. Elena tries to argue as Alaric appears, his approach halting the family spat, Jenna happy to flirt with the teacher, ignores her niece.

"Damn it." Anna curse looking down at the name light up on her screen, "I'll catch up with you later Jer," She shows him the phone.

He laughs telling her to have fun.
Anna walks deeper into the hall as she answers. "Damon Salvatore, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"We seem to have a vampire problem."

"I already knew that."

"There are unknow vampires in mystic falls."

"He is not unknown to me. Leave him be, he will leave you alone. Test him he will kill you baby salvatore." with those words she hangs up.

He doesn't need to know who Fredrick is. He and Anna weren't that close, but she still had more loyalty to him than Damon.

She's walking down the hall looking for Jeremy when she hears the commotion. She doesn't have to guess to know who it is. Before she can get there Alaric and the Mayor and separating Jeremy and Tyler. She watches as the mayor drags both boys outside. following quietly behind, sticking to the shadows as not to be seen.

"Ok, let's go. Go ahead, Fight!"

"You want us to what?" Jeremy asks startled by the mayor's words.

"I'm not gonna fight, dad. " Tyler's words a whisper as he looks at the ground.

"I don't think so, Sir." Jeremy says taking a large step back, both hands raised as if to ward them off.

"You fight in there like pansies." Tyler's dad snaps at them both. "You take it outside, fight your battles like men and move on! That is what my dad taught me. So, let's go! Fight!"

"Come on, dad." Tyler says refusing to look up from the ground still, embarrassed, and afraid.

"That is not gonna happen." Jeremy tries to walk past the mayor but her shoves him back towards his son, the only thing stopping him from falling, Tylers hands on his back.

"I said fight!"

Just as Anna was about to make an appearance Alaric's voice sounds from the door

"what's going on here?''

"Let these two kids work it out. We're good here. Go back inside."

"I don't wanna go back inside. I want is an answer to my question."

While Alaric argues with the mayor Anna slips out of the shadows to stand next to Tyler.

"You ever need a place to stay my door is always open." He stares at her no answer coming from his lips. His father storms back into the building, as Alaric joins them asking what happened both boys waving the concerned teacher off. Neither sure what to say. Getting no real answer Alaric heads back inside, to the fair. As Anna's phone rings again,
"Damn it all to hell, Salvatore what the fuck do you want now? I told you to leave Fredrick alone." Her outburst breaking the fragile silence.

Tyler watches her walk away with a startled laugh. "That is one hell of a temper for such a little woman."
"She's protective." Jeremy admits startling Tyler. He had forgotten the other boy was there. "She meant what she said. Her place, it's a free standing off. No strings just a safe space. For when life gets too much."

Tyler does not get to reply Anna is there dragging Jeremy away something about Caroline needed her.

They get to her house in record time Caroline waiting in the hall to pounce, Vicky sat behind her on the stairs watching on in amusement.

They had barley closed the door behind them when she was yelling. About the lack of communication and Logan Fell.

Anna apologises repeatedly, but Caroline isn't having it. After all, she almost got eaten and to make matters worse she was saved by Damon Fucking Salvatore.

"Grounded your all fucking grounded." She shouts as she paces.

"I only found out yesterday, I'm sorry." Anna admits, it has completely slipped her mind to warn the others about Logan.

"I'm telling your uncle." Caroline sasses.

"Damn it Caroline stop flirting with my uncle." Anna knew which uncle she meant, it's the uncle she had been not so subtly texting these past few days.

"After this no-way. I'm gonna be your aunt." Caroline smiles, brandishing her phone like a weapon.

"Tyler's here." Vicki's words stop the girl's fake argument short. Jeremy pulls himself up off the hall table, where he had been leaning watching the inhouse entertainment.

"Maybe we all shouldn't be in the hall when he gets here." Anna comments looking around, it might be a big hall, but they did not want to freak him out.

"Good call." Jeremy comments.

"Vicki, you coming?" Caroline asks when the young vampire makes no effort to move off the stairs. She shakes her head staring at the door.

"DAMN IT ALL TO HELL." Anna yells looking down at her phone, Damon Salvatore again. "I guess I should take this I'll be outside let's not all crowd the boy yeah." She looks pointedly at Caroline and Jeremy.

Jeremy raises his hands in surrender, jogging up the stairs as Caroline wanders in the direction of the kitchen.

"I'll be outback in you need me, Vicki." The young vampire nods absentmindedly eyes never leaving the door. This will be the first time she's seen Tyler since she had walked away from him that day of the founder's ball.

"Logan Fell is dead."
"Hello to you too Damon."

"Did you do it, or your friend."

"No and No, he's currently busy. Not that it is any of your business."
"Did you miss the part where I said Logan Fell is dead."

"No, I just don't really care."

"There is an unknown."

"It's probably just a hunter. They skip through towns that have lots of deaths all the time, my guess they'll be gone by morning."

"One last thing Caroline should probably go home, her mother is worried about her."

"Shut up."

Anna hangs up the phone, scrubbing a hand over her forehead. "I need a fucking drink." She says as she walks back into the house, heading straight for the fridge. Completely ignoring the boys at her kitchen table. She can see Tyler's sheepish look knowing that he's probably going to apologise or something ridiculous like that, as if Anna didn't invite him.

"Beer?" She asks the boys. Tyler nods but Matt cannot have one he has a shift early in the morning.

Tyler opens his mouth. Anna holds up a hand.

"Matt, have you showed him to his room yet."

"Come on man, if you want, I can go pick you up some stuff, so you don't have to run into your dad."

"I'm good, can I borrow some clothes for tomorrow though."

"No problem, man, but we should definitely pick up some of your stuff just in case, on the way home tomorrow."

"I wouldn't want to."

"It's an open invitation, even when my family get here there is more than enough room and anyway, I'm known for taking in strays. Hell, I already have 4 what's one more."

Hope you guys liked it.

Let me know what you think.


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