All I Want Is You (Bkdk, Dkbk)

By Assassin_sin

186K 4.7K 4K

Katsuki is struggling with his feelings toward Izuku, trying to figure them out. While doing this, he ends up... More

- 1: I Know What You Want Girl -
- 2: Let Me Be The One To -
- 3: Hold Your Hand Forever -
- 4: We'd Be Good Together -
- 5: I'll Make You Feel Special -
- 6: Help You Feel Less Stressful -
- 7: Fix The Holes In Your Heart -
- 8: Its What I Wanted From The Start -
- 9: I Got Mental Issues -
- 10: Always Fucking Miss You -
- 11: Tons Of Bloody Tissues -
- 12: All Over My Room -
- 13: I Need To Clean Them Up -
- 14: Baby I'm Fucked Up -
- 15: Baby Will You Help Me? -
- 16: Because I'm Gonna Help You -
- 17: All I Want Is You Now -
- 18: All I Wanna Do Now -
- 20: Baby I'm So Sorry -
- 21: Do You Wanna Hurt Me? -
- 22: Are You Gonna Hurt Me? -
- 23: Please Dont Desert Me -
- 24: Please Dont Desert Me -
- 25: All I Want Is You Now -
- 26: All I Wanna Do Now -
- 27: Is Wait For You To Call Me -
- 28: Baby I'm So Sorry -
- 29: Do You Wanna Hurt Me? -
- 30: Are You Gonna Hurt Me? -
- 31: Please Don't Desert Me -
- 32: Please Don't Desert Me -
- 33: Please Don't Desert Me -
- 34: I Was Up Early -
- 35: Up All Night -
- 36: I Was Scratchin Off The 30s -
- 37: You Make Me Feel Dirty -
- 38: Tell Me I'm Disgusting -
- 39: Tell Me That You Love Me -
- 40: But Really You Mean Nothing -
- 41: I Don't Wanna Talk -
- 42: No, It's Not Up For Discussion -
- 43: You Control My Life -
- 44: I Feel Like A Fuckin Puppet -
- 45: Keep Tellin Me To Shut It -
- 46: Okay Baby Alright -
- 47: I Remember Nights -
- 48: We Were Dancing In The Moonlight -
- 49: I Remember Hiding -
- 50: I Was Shy And I Had Stage Freight -
- 51: I Remember Crying -
- 52: I Just Want You To Be Alright -
- 53: Want You To Be Okay -
- 54: Okay Baby Alright -
- 55: Want You To Be Okay -
- 56: Okay Baby Alright -
- 57: All I Want Is You Now -
- 58: All I Wanna Do Now -
- 59: Is Wait For You To Call Me -
- 60: Baby Im So Sorry -
- 61: Do You Wanna Hurt Me -
- 62: Are You Gonna Hurt Me? -
- 63: Please Dont Desert Me -
- 64: Please Dont Desert Me -
- 65: All I Want Is You Now -
- 66: Baby Im So Sorry -
- 67: Please Dont Desert Me -
68: Please Don't Desert Me

- 19: Is Wait For You To Call Me -

2.9K 74 24
By Assassin_sin

He thinks about tons of things now, unable to do anything other than follow Deku around or study and sleep. He thinks about how he's going to kill that piece of shit, how he's going to make Deku regret ignoring him like this. 

Anything to distract himself from the growing pit in his stomach. 


He picks at his food, the smell of spice stinging his nose as he lifts up the food with his chopsticks, only to put it back on his plate and stab it a couple of times. 

He feels eyes on him and looks up, meeting the concerned eyes of his parents. 


His mom stares at him in silence for a moment, her red eyes staring into his soul. Katsuki furrows his brows and frowns. His dad is the first one to speak, clearing his throat and putting his chopsticks down with a click. 

"Youve been really off these past couple of days Katsuki, and... well, we're just worried that something might have happened..." 

His dad looks at him, his brown eyes warm and a gentle smile on his face. His mom sits there, just staring at him. 

"Do you... want to talk about it?" 

The very thought of talking about anything with his parents makes his skin crawl. Even if he wanted to talk about it with his parents, they wouldn't understand anything about it. 

They would probably just beat his ass and then apologize profusely to auntie, which would be the right thing to do, but still. Them apologizing for the shit he did wouldn't help Deku stop ignoring him. 

Not that he wants Deku to stop ignoring him. 

Like he gives a fuck about that shitty asshole. 

He must have shown his thoughts on his face because his mom glares at him. 

"Katsuki, don't make that face." 

He glares back at her, still stabbing at his food with his chopsticks. 

"I'm not making a fucking face. And," 

He looks at his dad. 

"I don't have anything i want to talk about because nothing is fucking going on." 

Mitsuki continues to stare at him, and he feels even more irritated, just wanting this conversation over with. But knowing his parents, they weren't going to let it go. It was a miracle they didn't say anything sooner. 

A smile appears on Mitsuki's face, and Katsuki gets chills. She looks at her husband, holding his hand on the table. 

"I know what this is about honey." 

Masaru looks confused for a moment, holding her hand back. Mitsuki continues, 

"He's clearly in the dumps because little Izuku doesn't want to be his friend anymore." 

Masaru's mouth makes a small 'o' shape, and he nods slightly, a pensive look in his eyes. Katsuki physically wrinkles up and stabs his chopsticks so into his food they stay lodged inside. 

Fuck old hag and her stupid motherly senses. 

"It's just like i said! He got bored of Katsuki because they never hang out and now, he's finally cut ties." 

Katsuki glares at her, leaving his chopsticks stuck into his food. Masaru looks at his plate of food in slight sadness. Like she knows anything about what's going on. Katsuki hadn't told her or his dad anything about him and Deku's current relationship, or lack thereof. 

"It isn't fucking like that old hag! It's got nothing to do with shitty Deku!" 

Mitsuki rolls her eyes and scoffs at him, deciding to ignore the D word that was banned in their home from the first moment Katsuki said it. But his father makes a face, a small frown that shows enough of his displeasure. 

"Don't lie to me Katsuki. You used to do the same thing when you were a baby. Remember honey?" 

Masaru nods and looks back at Katsuki. 

"You would just stand around staring at the walls or laying on the floor doing nothing, all because we wouldn't let you and Izuku play together every single day. It was very sad." 

Mitsuki pats his shoulder softly in comfort. Katsuki feels heat rising up his neck and he looks away from the both of them, focusing his glare on the floor. 

Mitsuki brightens up, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

"I know. Since you're moping around all depressed and shit, I'll just invite little Izuku and inko to dinner today! It's been so long, I'm sure inko will be just as excited." 

Katsuki could not have thought of a worse idea himself.  Deku, coming into his house, hearing about how he's been 'moping around' ever since what happened (yelling at each other and then Katsuki getting slapped in the face) is not Katsuki's idea of a good time. 

He glares at her, but she still has that smile on her face. 

"Don't you dare old hag. Auntie is fine but not Deku. I don't want that fucker in my house." 

Masaru pushes up his glasses, his posture perfect as he looks down at his son. 

"Katsuki. Thats no way to talk about your friend." 

His voice is stern but calm and it pisses Katsuki off, but he doesn't say anything. 

"Maybe talking to him will help. We don't know what happened, but what we do know is that your clearly upset about it, even if you don't think so. You two have been friends for a very long time, so i think, whatever happened can be fixed if you two just talk it out." 

He stays quiet. 

He doubts that would ever actually work, not with how much things are fucked up now. 


He doesn't even have to look to know that his dad is giving him that stupid smile. The one he uses to calm any of them down. Ever the voice of reason. 

Mitsuki stands, her phone in her hand, ready to call inko. She gives him a smile. 

"Finish your fucking food now you brat. Your father spent hours making it for you." 

she leaves the room and Katsuki begins to eat the stabbed remains of his lunch. Masaru eats across from him, the two of them not saying anything. 

He'll just lock himself in his room when they show up. 

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