Naked In The Walmart Bathroom

By MadMoose01

526 45 10

Finding herself naked in Walmart's bathroom with the schools heart throb was the least of Scarlette's expecta... More

Meet The Characters
Chapter 1: Nothing Can Be Tolerated Forever
Chapter 2: Not Everything Is A Movie
Chapter 3: El niƱo que llora
Chapter 4: Stupidity and Skittles
Chapter 6: Did I Just Crash Into A Brick Wall
Chapter 7: A Job And Now A Party?
Chapter 8: A Hot Librarian? Seriously?
Chapter 9: Prior To The Chaos
Chapter 10: What An Incredible Person
Chapter 11: Isaiah. Hugh Isaiah
Chapter 12: You Snooze You Lose
Chapter 13: Mr. Nobody Important
Chapter 14: Truth or Dare?
Chapter 15: The Poor Guy
Chapter 16: Just A Girl In A Cheesy Teen Movie

Chapter 5: A Call To Change It All

28 3 0
By MadMoose01


I sit on the bleachers outside, popping a handful of fruit loops in my mouth as I scroll through my phone. The screen is hard to see through the broken cracks that almost cover it entirely.

A small smile makes its way onto my face as I think back to when Uncle Aaron gave me this phone. He was finally able to buy an IPhone 13 so he figured I could have his old one. He gave it to me with such happiness that he did this for me, like when a little kid gets to help mom in the kitchen. If I was able to buy a better phone, I would. Unfortunately, I don't have that option, so my old IPhone will have to do for now.

It's a hand me down phone that has been dropped a million times. A bullet would've done less damage than the stupid school floors.

Maybe I really should get a job. That way I could get a new phone and maybe even help out with some of the bills too, so Uncle Aaron can catch a break for once.

Before I can second guess myself, I shove my phone in my pocket, grab my empty plastic bag of cereal, and make my way over to the large dumpsters behind the school.

I toss my garbage into the chipped red metal container and ignore the looks I get from Chester Cunningham, the weirdest boy in school, possibly the entire city.

You can smell him from a mile away, he refuses to bathe because he considers it more natural and claims it's better for his aura. I look over my shoulder, his faded green Minecraft jacket is halfway zipped up, I swear he's had that thing since the second grade. It blends almost seamlessly into the puke green brick wall behind him, a sickening color to look at.

He makes eye contact with me, unzipping his jacket slightly and reveals what seems to be two rolled up pieces of paper placed on his canines. I pick up my pace as he starts to hiss at me, speed walking back over to the football field.

I find my sanctuary almost instantly, secluded from the rest of the world... and Chester. I plop down under its shady branches and lean into its rough bark, mentally thanking the bleachers for blocking me from onlookers.

Here I can breathe, finally able to think properly without the roar of students ringing through my ears.

I pull my phone from the small grey pocket of my jacket, it hardly fits, even with how small it is. Stupid women's clothing.

Quickly, I scroll through the few contacts I have, finding who I'm looking for right away. I hover over the call button, hesitating momentarily but quickly shake it away, willing myself to go through with this.

My heart thumps in my chest as I hold the phone to my ear, it rings once, twice and a third time.

I'm starting to worry that no one's going to answer when I hear a click and surprised, "Hello?"

My palms begin to get sweaty as I swallow down my anxieties.

Why must I be like this?

"Hey Dean. It's me, Scarlette." I bite my lip and tense up waiting for his reaction.

"Scarlette! I was wondering why your name was flashing on my screen. How've you been sweetheart?"

His cheery tone helps me relax as I slouch against the big oak tree.

"Oh I'm great, thanks for asking!"

"Your uncle, how's he been? We haven't spoken since," he pauses and clears his throat, "Since Lou-"

I quickly cut in, my awkward laughter slicing through his choked words.

"Uncle Aaron? He's... fine. Got a job at a mechanics shop a few blocks away. Decent money."

"Good, good." He clears his throat, I don't even need to see his face to know just how uncomfortable he is with talking about Uncle Aaron.

They got along about as well as a conservative and liberal. Whenever Aunt Lou would bring Dean around, Uncle Aaron refused to acknowledge his existence.

We've never talked about it, but I think he wasn't ok with his mom dating. He and I may be close, but poking a bear would be safer than bringing that up around him.

Then, when Dean showed up to Aunt Lou's funeral service, Uncle Aaron looked like he could take out armed soldiers with the glares he was producing.

Dean didn't stick around after that.

"School still treating you the same?" His gravelly voice is rough from years of smoking.

"Yeah, pretty much. Still terrible." I laugh half-heartedly, picking at the skin around my nails.

"You know, things between me and Aaron may not be great, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm your guy!"

Warmth fills my chest, Dean has always been there for me. When he and Aunt Lou started dating he practically took me as a daughter, becoming the father mine refused to be. We lost touch after Aunt Lou died though, I think it was guilt on both behaves for going behind Aaron's back.

"Uh actually Dean, that's why I called."

"Oh?" I can hear his confusion through the phone, he knows I never ask for anything.

"Do you still work at Walmart?"

"As a matter of fact I do. You're talking to the store manager right now!" I can hear the smile and pride in his voice as he says this, causing hope to flare through me from this new information.

"Dean, that's awesome, I remember you talking about getting that position. Good to know things worked out."

He chuckles, "Me too, so what was it you needed to talk about?"

"Well, I'm looking for a job. And I was wondering if you could possibly get me an interview?"

The words come rushing out of my mouth all at once. I dig my heel into the grass as I wait for his response.

He hesitates briefly causing me to worry but then quickly answers, "Oh honey, that's no problem at all. Can you come by after school?"

"Y-yeah, is four o'clock okay?" I can't help the excitement that leaks into my tone, now that I have a chance to get a job, Uncle Aaron will be proud of me.

"Works for me. See you at four Scarlette."

"Okay, thanks Dean. Bye!"

I turn off my phone as our call ends, letting out a deep breath. Now all I have to do is get through the rest of the day without any mishaps.

Author's Note:

Hey! So I completely forgot to upload this chapter yesterday, my bad. This way a difficult chapter to write because I am new with the whole writing thing, mainly because you have to convey the emotions and actions of a normal call but with words to feel it too. Fun Fact time!

Fun Fact: Harry Potter was rejected by 12 different publishers before Bloomsbury accepted it. J. K. Rowling also had to change her pen name to be more neutral: her publisher believed this would encourage more boys to buy the book.

Cool fact about me is that I rejected reading or watching Harry Potter because I did not like British things but then one day I decided why not at least watch the first movie and see why people are so crazy about it. I FELL IN LOVE! I now have all the books and movies and fully embrace myself in Harry Potter, full on Potterhead here.  Geez guess I better start reading more, maybe some of my stress will go away. Imma give out a shoutout to the HP discord server I am in (Order of the Potterheads) because I began writing and found two incredible editors there. With that I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment, maybe even share the story! Please check out my social media, it is linked on my page!

- The Moose In Your Pocket

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