Elvis Presley Imagines

wanderingelvis द्वारा

63.1K 708 259

A bunch of requested and non-requested imagines about Elvis Presley. If you have anything you'd like me to w... अधिक

Elvis comforts innocent reader
Meeting Gladys and Graceland
Elvis comforts innocent reader (Part 2)
Elvis comforts reader when she's on her period
The Mafia question Innocent!Reader about intimate things...and Elvis steps in
Elvis tries to help reader with her wardrobe malfunction... but fails
Elvis asks bookworm!reader to the high school dance
Yandere!Elvis isolates and traps naive reader
Elvis takes Innocent!Reader shopping for a pretty dress
Elvis fic
Elvis helps Innocent!Reader make cupcakes for the Mafia
Elvis manipulates Innocent!Reader into the 'little' lifestyle - Part One
Headcanon: Caregiver!Elvis feeds Little!Reader
Innocent Reader slips into little space after Elvis gives her an orgasm
Headcanon: Caregiver!Elvis' bedtime routine for you
Elvis comforts shy!Reader when she gets scared
Headcanon: Yandere 70s!Elvis and Girlfriend!Reader
Someone tries to take advantage of Innocent!Reader but Elvis won't let it slide
Headcanon: Elvis and Reader who's oblivious to social cues
Elvis takes care of Innocent!Reader who has PTSD
Headcanon: The Memphis Mafia's sinful thoughts of Innocent!Reader
Little!Reader gets sick so Elvis steps in to take care of her
Elvis overstimulates Innocent!Reader in public
Elvis and the Memphis Mafia throw Innocent!Reader a birthday party
Innocent Reader gets mobbed by fans and Elvis isn't happy

Innocent Reader tries to prove to Elvis that she's not so innocent

3.2K 27 9
wanderingelvis द्वारा

You chewed your lip as you watched from afar, the other female dancers pander to the men at the party. You were sitting in a large armchair that engulfed you, next to the piano, waiting for Elvis to return from a conversation with Jerry, or Billy, or whoever it was that had some sort of issue that only Elvis could ever figure out. Elvis had told you to stay put and you submissively nodded, but you couldn't help but let your eyes wander as you noticed the little crowd across the room.

You recognised the women, some of them were the backing dancers and singers at RCA, where you'd been for quite some time now. In fact, as you watched for a little longer, you realised they were all with the male dancers, backing singers and band members. You knew most of them by name but never been part of their circle really, even though you desperately wanted to be.

Little did you know that there was a reason for that. No, it wasn't because you were a ditzy little thing that wasn't the most socially aware, it was because of Elvis. You adored Elvis and everything about him, seeing right through the celebrity to the person that he was and you really, truly, loved him.

But you just didn't see the other side of Elvis, the possessive, manipulative and strategic side of him that would ensure you would never even dream of going to anyone else for anything other than him.

Unbeknownst to you, Elvis had his Mafia make it abundantly clear to anyone that tried to approach you, they needed to reconsider and as a result, you often felt a little lonely. You didn't know that Elvis was isolating you for his own gain, so you enjoyed your time with Elvis and you were grateful that he showed you some sort of friendship.

You curiously watched on at all of their laughter and you noticed the way that the men looked at the women with desire as a result of their flirtatious pandering. You'd overheard them before in dressing rooms, all talking about how they planned to seduce someone and the latest relationship updates that they would all share with each other and each time, you couldn't help but feel that pang of insecurity that you just didn't really understand this world.

You were desperate to prove yourself, show that you weren't the silly little girl that everyone treated you as, even if you were and you thought that Elvis would rather surround himself with someone experienced, who knew what they were doing and could please him in all the right ways.

And before you knew it, you were walking across the enormous room, right into the wolf pack of men and women. You were welcomed with open arms, everyone else being a little too liquored up to see any sense.

You were quickly pulled into a mans lap, making you giggle nervously at the strange and sudden affection. You felt a little anxious in all honesty, you were really out of your comfort zone but you just wanted to feel like a girl that Elvis wanted, you wanted to impress him so badly and try to prove to him that you weren't as innocent as he thought.

You sipped on your Cola as you sat uncomfortably in the mans lap as his hands trailed your legs, making you jolt in surprise every time he teasingly pinched your skin. You bat the mans hand away after the fifth time, trying to move the large hand away from your exposed thigh which was starting to make you very uncomfortable - maybe you weren't cut out for this lifestyle. It was only when you looked up that you were met with those all-too-familiar steel blue eyes from the other side of the room, by the grand staircase.

You beamed over at him before your smile faded as you realised the expression on his face was one of intense anger. You'd never seen Elvis angry before, at least never directed at you, and it was a scary sight.

The big man stormed over to you, grabbing your little wrist in his large, his coarse hand pulling you up in one quick motion from the other mans lap, causing a small yelp to leave your soft lips.

"Goddamn party's over, baby." Elvis whispered, sending a shiver down your spine at his cold tone, you looked up at him nervously with those big, round eyes that usually made him melt, but Elvis' face was like stone.

Before you could make sense of the situation you were being led out of the building by Elvis, taking you straight to his lavish limousine that was always on hand to take him wherever he or the Mafia wanted.

Despite his anger, that didn't stop him from putting your seatbelt on for you, he wasn't planning on comforting you or holding you on the ride back to the hotel but that didn't mean he didn't care about you being safe.

You anxiously waited as you heard him growl some sort of goodbye to the Mafia before the opposite car door swung open and he got in, dominating the entire back space of the limousine as he hollered at the driver to go back to your hotel before putting up the partition and sinking back into his seat.

"Twirlin' that little ass for all those men, knowin' damn well it'd make a fool outta me." Elvis growled, making tears begin to pool in the corners of your eyes.

"Don't be mad, please, I was just, I just wanted you to prove I'm not stupid or innocent or anythin', I was just tryna impress you," You said with your voice trembling at the rage that was coming from Elvis.

"Impress me? Honey, you got a funny way of tryna impress me, talkin' about things you know nothin' about, pretending you're some goddamn little harlot." Elvis chided, rubbing his temples.

"I leave you alone for two goddamn minutes and you're on another mans lap, playin' like a lil' slut?" Elvis scoffed, as hot tears began trickling down your pink cheeks. "What I gotta do, Y/N? Do I gotta goddamn babysit you all damn day? Have one of the guys watch ya in case you go off and start grindin' on some old man's lap huh?"

"N-No, I, no Elvis, no-" You stuttered, trembling at the reaction he was giving you.

"What then baby? You too much of a horny lil' girl that you gotta find some man's fingers somewhere huh?" Elvis practically seethed.

You shook your head slowly as tears continued to trickle. Elvis knew how upset you were but he didn't really care, he knew you needed to be put in your place, reminded that being the sweet precious little darling that you were was exactly what made him love you so.

"I, I j-just wanted y-you-" You hiccuped adorably. If Elvis wasn't trying to teach you a lesson right now, he'd scoop you up in his arms and rock you until you fell asleep, your little body was clearly too tired to cope with all of these emotions. You knew too that if Elvis held you, even for a second, you'd be out like a light with your head on his shoulder. But that wasn't going to happen any time soon.

"Go on then, Y/N, use your words and tell me exactly what you want from me. Tell me what you want me to do to you, I wanna hear you say it." Elvis teased intensely.

Your breathing was so erratic, the nerves running through your body, making you tremble at the big mans words. You knew what he was asking you to answer, you knew he was commanding you to name sexual acts and you both knew that you didn't have a clue about any of them.

"I d-don't know the words, I-I'm sorry," You said softly, sniffling and looking down, feeling embarrassed at how naive you were and the humiliation you felt from obviously humiliating Elvis.

"See Y/N? You're a goddamn baby, my goddamn baby." Elvis muttered with frustration laced in his tone. He knew you were too naive to understand the glamorous and sordid world around you. "You think that man, that man with his wretched hands all over ya, you think he woulda cared aboutcha? Woulda taken ya slow? Woulda loved ya like I do?" Elvis said, his eyes dark as they remained trained on you.

You shook your head again, hiccuping once more.

"Then why, why did I have t'see my yittle girl gettin' all loved up in another mans lap?" Elvis exasperated.

Just like a little one, you unbuckled yourself and crawled onto Elvis' lap, straddling it, practically begging for his affection, love and forgiveness. He knew you meant nothing by it, deep down he really did, but that was the point. If Elvis had left you alone for any longer, you wouldn't be able to take care of yourself, wandering into the arms of men that wanted nothing more than to tarnish and spoil you, make you rotten and treat you like meat.

You really were trying to impress him, make him see you as a grown up, one that he would find desirable like all of the other girls that you heard he would be found with. You just wanted to be like one of those girls, you just wanted to fit in.

"Actin' like a lil' slut in front of all those people..." Elvis muttered, rubbing his temples, reliving the sight he'd come downstairs too. Your eyes continued to well up, your whole face a glossy shade of pink as Elvis scolded you. You hated the names, you really did, all you had in your heart was love for Elvis and you hadn't meant to hurt him, you just wanted him to love you.

"Don't call me names!" You snapped back, hot tears streaming down your flushed cheeks and your black eyeliner smudged in the corners. "It's not nice! Stop it!" You choked, your voice cracking and growing softer, realising that you'd just gotten all worked up.

Elvis lifted his hand up, holding your face tightly in his hand his fingers pushing in your cheeks, making your lips push out sweetly and your tears slip quicker. His cold, harsh rings pinching at your skin as it flared up, feeling hot at the tears wracking through you as your tear coated, wet lashes fluttered to stare directly at the man.

"It's very simple, Y/N," Elvis said cooly, in an almost scary tone, his demeanour calm and in control as you trembled, the power inbalance noticeable. "I won't call you names if you don't act like them." Elvis said gently.

"I just, I just wanna be like the girls that y-you like, that guys like. D-Denise and Kathleen always talk about what they do and e-everyone likes them, and I just w-want to fit in," You paused to catch our breath, your face feeling all clammy as Elvis continued to hold your jaw, tears of yours slipping onto his rings and fingers. "I j-just thought, I just, I just thought you'd like it like t-that. M'sorry Elvis, m'real sorry." You choked.

"Did ya even understand what they were talkin' about back there? The things those men were suggestin' about you?" Elvis asked and you shook your head gently, confirming exactly what Elvis thought.

"J-Just wanna make you feel good, wanna just feel good." You whined sweetly, you were so needy and desperate for love, Elvis' love, and he just adored that about you.

"Wanna feel good, hm baby?" Elvis teased, you nodded desperately, just craving his forgiveness and affection. "Move your leg then pretty girl, go on," Elvis said, grabbing your thigh and positioning you so that you were straddling just one of his thighs. He loved how malleable you were, being able to turn you into whatever he pleased, his own little doll.

You were straddled on his thigh, your pretty little dress bunched up and your white underwear ever so slightly exposed. You could feel it, the soft material of his trousers only blocked by the thin panties that covered your slit. You blinked up at Elvis, despite being on his thigh, you still needed to look up at him slightly.

"You wanna be my good girl again, hm?" Elvis mused, exploiting your obvious need for his attention, he knew you'd do anything he told you to do and by God, he knew he was stronger than any man on Earth, knowing that he hadn't spoiled you yet when the temptation was just so great.

You nodded enthusiastically as he gazed down at you, you were still a mess from getting yourself all worked up, but you'd take any bit of praise he'd give you. "Uh huh!" You whined, almost frantically.

"Follow my movements baby, I'm gonna show you how t'feel good." Elvis said cooly, holding both of your hips firmly in his grasp, the cold rings nipping at your exposed flesh from the detailed cutouts of the sparkly dress you had on. "Eyes on me little, don't take yer eyes off me." Elvis commanded and you nodded, gulping at the seriousness in his voice.

Elvis began to move your hips in a circular motion, moving you back and forth on his thigh whilst rotating your hips at the same time, causing friction between his thigh and your sweet spot. You felt so overwhelmed after the nights events, your heartbeat was going a million miles an hour, whilst your whole body was on edge just from the confrontation alone, let alone what Elvis was now having you do.

But Elvis was there to guide you, as always, to take care of you and make you feel good. His eyes stayed on you like a hawk, watching as your beautiful big eyes grew wider at the sudden sensation you were feeling by your heat.

"F-Feels..." You uttered angelically, not quite managing to get your words out as Elvis continued to move your hips.

"Tell me how it feels, honey." Elvis growled.

"I-I can't," You panted, your chest rising and falling quickly as your eyes fluttered.

"Yes, you can little one. I know you can. God didn't give you that pretty lil' mouth of yours for you not t'use it. Now, use your words, tell me how you feel." Elvis said, gripping you tighter, making a sharp gasp leave your lips.

"Feels, feels good," You said, chewing on your lip as you felt slick starting to form between your crotch and Elvis' pant leg.

You'd never felt a sensation quite like this before, the pleasure was becoming overwhelming. Elvis hadn't wanted to touch you, not yet anyway, he didn't think you were ready just yet, but your little act earlier in the night made him realise that all you needed was him and him alone.

Despite Elvis setting the pace as he gripped your hips, you couldn't help but quicken it, grinding your cunt on Elvis' leg, desperate to put more pressure on your sensitive nub. "Look atchu, a little mess," Elvis cooed, you hadn't taken your eyes away from his once. "Followin' instruction like such a good girl, gettin' yourself all messy and feelin' good." Elvis said, brushing away hair that was sticking to your temples from the tears and glistening skin.

"M'good girl, not bad." You whimpered, writhing with pleasure, the feeling being so foreign yet so inviting. You couldn't focus, your mind feeling fuzzy and your body feeling like it was on fire. You just wanted to be good for Elvis, it's all you wanted, it's like he'd trained you into just wanting pleasure from him.

Elvis nodded as he lifted your little dress higher, putting your panties on full display, the damp, wet spot getting larger as your continued to grind on Elvis. He loved that he had this power over you, his little baby. "That's right dolly, you're a good girl, I know that, I ain't mad no more honey, jus' keep gettin' yourself wet like that." Elvis encouraged, watching as your breaking point was approaching.

You nodded, the mixture of Elvis' words of praise and the friction on your heat gradually becoming too much, your head bobbing as your body jolted up and down Elvis' thigh. You leaned your head back, relaxing into his hold, your body succumbing to his guidance as your eyes drifted closed, you could barely think.

"Did I say you could close your eyes, kid?" Elvis growled, making your eyes snap open, obeying his words immediately.

He knew what he was doing to you, overwhelming you, you were clearly overstimulated, barely coping with this new found rush of pleasure from such a simple act. He knew you wouldn't be able to go much longer, but he didn't care, it was worth getting you all worked up and upset just to see how pretty you look when you're trying to pleasure yourself on him.

"Such a pretty sight honey, watching you look so needy n' desperate fr me, you're so beautiful, shit," Elvis praised, his switching from a commanding cold tone to a loving one, confusing you, adding to your poor, wracked state.

"Tummy, tummy feels," You whined between panted breaths, your tummy feeling like it had butterflies and knots in it all at the same time. You couldn't cope with the sensations consuming your little body, it was all too much for a sweet thing like you to handle. "W-What's happening?" You whimpered, tears pricking your eyes as you looked up at Elvis, feeling so vulnerable as you humped his thigh, trying to apply as much pressure onto your soaking cunt as possible.

Elvis smirked, he thought you looked adorable, looking all sweet and dumbfounded from the overstimulation he'd caused you. You just looked so pretty when you cry.

Elvis couldn't help but coo soft praises at you, knowing it would go straight to your head and make you feel all fuzzy, "You're my good girl, aren't you? So good for me, aren't you? So obedient, lettin' me do what I want t'ya, no one else is ever gon' touch you like this, are they?" Elvis chided.

You nodded through your tears, reaching your high, the bundle of nerves in your slick covered panties throbbing at the words coming out of Elvis' mouth.

"Only you, I wanna be o-only with you, only, only you." Your nonsensical whimpers making Elvis let out a small moan himself.

The funny feeling in your tummy became all too much and you started to cry as your body trembled, your eyes seeing stars as a warm feeling rushed through you, your panties getting soaked through entirely, with the wet white cotton becoming see through for Elvis to see the plush pink skin that'd been grinding on his trouser leg to the point of overstimulation. He knew you were overwhelmed but he couldn't help but be proud of you, you're his innocent little thing and you deserved that bit of pleasure.

It was all a little too much for little you to cope with, your body collapsing forward into Elvis' chest as he wrapped his big, strong arms around you, comforting you. "I've gotchu, I've gotchu, you did so good little one, pleasurin' yourself like such a good girl," Elvis cooed, hushing the whimpers and mewls coming from you as you buried your face in his chest, trying to gather your composure.

"W-What happened?" You practically whispered, feeling all sensitive and shy at your clear display of desperation. You stayed cuddled tightly in Elvis' hold, resting your head on his chest as he stroked your hair, trying to soothe you.

Elvis chuckled. "You had your first orgasm baby." He pointed at the large wet patch on his trousers. "That's you baby, that's your orgasm." He whispered in your ear, making you shiver. You couldn't help but blush, wiping away the last of the tears, feeling all hot and embarrassed. "Such a good girl, such a needy girl hm? Orgasming just from rubbing your pretty little cunt on me? Won't be long before you're taking my fingers, darlin'." Elvis uttered lowly, making you squirm in his hold so that you were now resting your back against his chest, looking forward like he was at the rest of the lavish limousine. You felt so small in his lap, but so protected and looked after. You grabbed his hand, touching his long fingers with your own little ones, tracing over his hands delicately, trying to imagine what it would feel like but it was all too much for you to cope with right now, you were exhausted and Elvis could tell.

"You can close your eyes now baby, you did a real good job little one, m'so proud of you." Elvis praised softly, using his spare hand to rub circles on your tummy. You barely had the strength to nod but you managed it, sinking into him as you let the weariness take over you.

No matter how much you tried to prove it, Elvis knew you were as innocent as they come, and you certainly came.

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" 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘮𝘪𝘮𝘪 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘳. " ೃ⁀➷ austin!elvis x fem oc