Their Eunoia

By ima_han

6 1 0

"Their Eunoia" is a heartwarming tale of Zimal and Zamar, a couple whose love withstands all obstacles, showc... More



1 1 0
By ima_han

"Life is a captivating book, where every page unfolds a different story". -Zimal

She stepped out of her rented house, locked the door, and looked for a taxi. The city buzzed with energy as car horns blared and people chattered. She hailed a yellow cab, got in, and greeted the driver. Sharing her destination, the taxi merged into traffic. Lost in thought, she admired the cityscape and checked her reflection in the mirror. As they reached her stop, she paid the fare, thanked the driver, and stepped out with anticipation. Ready to embrace the day, she walked away, leaving the taxi behind.

Standing in front of the Starlight Hotel, she prepared to begin her day as a manager. Despite her background in medicine, she had pursued a management diploma at her father-in-law's request. Two years ago, she faced a challenging period, battling depression and enduring false assumptions about her character. In an effort to heal, her parents and in-laws sent her to London. Now, she was determined to embrace her new role and make a difference at the hotel, leaving behind the past and focusing on a brighter future.

Having worked at the hotel for the past five months, everything had been running smoothly for her. At twenty-four and a half years old, her routine in the city was fairly straightforward. She would go to work, return to her rented house, and occasionally spend time with her friend, who happened to be the daughter of her landlord—or at least, that's what she had been led to believe.

As she walked down the corridor, her heels clicking against the floor, she maintained her usual attire of a decent abaya with her face covered. This was the customary dress she had adopted since arriving in this new city, where she didn't know anyone. It provided her with a sense of anonymity and security.

Upon reaching her office room, she was greeted by her assistant, who had been hired just the previous month. The assistant, with a warm smile, welcomed her and began discussing the day's tasks and any updates. The two of them quickly got to work, focused on their respective responsibilities, striving to maintain the smooth operation of their office.

She searched the web and discovered suspicious news about her hotel, leaving her confused and uncertain. Determined to clarify the situation, she planned to discuss her concerns with her assistant and seek the truth.

"Sherry?" she called out, her voice firm and commanding. "Come to my office now!"

"Yes, Captain," he responded, arriving promptly in her office. He attempted to lighten the mood with a joking remark, but her anger and panic were palpable.

"What is this? An underworld meeting in this hotel? What the hell is this?" she demanded, her emotions escalating.

Taken aback, he quickly composed himself and assured her that he would handle the situation and take down the news himself. He attempted to divert her attention, emphasizing that someone was simply playing a prank.

"It's not that simple. Do you even realize what this can lead to?" she questioned, her concern evident.

"It's nothing, believe me," he hastily replied, attempting to reassure her.

He couldn't help but wonder why he was so terrible at hiding his emotions. As she walked past him, determined to review the security camera footage herself, he couldn't stop her. Unfortunately, like with other underworld meetings, there were traces left behind.

She entered the security room and began examining the recordings. Initially, she couldn't spot anything suspicious, but during the midnight footage, she noticed a brief interruption where one of the cameras stopped for a second and then resumed.

"What is this?" she questioned herself, perplexed by the anomaly. The scent of cigarette smoke lingered in the air, even though smoking was strictly prohibited in the hotel. Something was amiss.

While lost in her thoughts, her phone rang, displaying her manager's caller ID. Before she could speak, her boss interrupted her.

"I saw it too. Increase security measures for the hotel, and for yourself as well," he stated urgently.

"Okay, sir," she responded, acknowledging his instructions.

Just as she finished the call, her phone rang again. This time, it was her father-in-law calling. After giving security-related instructions, she picked up the call and stepped out. 

"Asalamo alikum, Baba," she greeted her father-in-law. "Walaikum asalam, how is my daughter?" he asked in a polite tone. "Nothing much, just hotel matters," she replied, concealing her shaky and worried tone. "Something is wrong? Don't lie to me, Zimal. Tell me," he insisted.

She took a deep breath and briefed him on everything, knowing she could trust him completely.

"In that case, you must increase security," he advised, concern evident in his voice.

"Baba, I want to delve deeper into this case. Please don't stop me. When I was appointed as a manager, I accepted the responsibility, and now I can't turn my back on it. I want to investigate myself because in matters like these, higher authorities often side with the wrong people," she conveyed her intentions, leaving her father worried yet with a smile.

"Call me freely whenever you need help, and please be careful at all costs," he said, deep in thought.

They ended the conversation, both aware of the risks involved but determined to uncover the truth. With her father's support and cautionary words in mind, she prepared herself for the investigation that lay ahead.

Startled, she let out a startled cry as a head popped up from her left side. "Sherryhar Khan, what the hell?" she exclaimed, trying to regain her composure.

It was Sherry, her assistant, who had startled her unintentionally. He seemed surprised by her reaction. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just came in to check on you," he explained, his voice filled with concern.

"It's nothing, I'm just going to watch... umm, Cocomelon," she said, purposefully not revealing her true plans. She knew it was a silly excuse, but she didn't want to involve him at this moment. Sherry looked at her with a strange expression, unsure of what to make of her statement.

"Oh, okay," he managed to respond, still puzzled. As he glanced at her, he quickly left the office, leaving her wondering about the sudden change in his behavior.

"She's up to investigating, but unfortunately, they couldn't hide the traces perfectly. And she won't let me in," he relayed the information to the other person through his earpiece, frustration evident in his voice.

"Idiot girl," a voice sounded over the earpiece, filled with frustration. Shehryar's voice conveyed his worry as he continued, "It's only going to harm her. They won't hesitate to go after her if they find out about this."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Shehryar's mind. He knew that getting involved in the investigation could potentially put her in danger. His frustration stemmed from the realization that she might be unaware of the risks involved and the potential consequences she could face.

Are you sure she can do that?" the voice asked, expressing doubt about her capabilities.

"I think so, but I also think she will fail," Shehryar responded, his belief in her determination wavering. He had his doubts about her ability to successfully navigate the investigation and feared that she might eventually give up.

"Agreed," the voice replied, acknowledging his concerns. "Still, keep an eye on her"

"Aera? Hi," Zimal greeted her friend over the phone while sitting on the bus.

"Yes, hi Zimi! How are you?" Aera replied with enthusiasm.

"I'm alright-"

"I didn't think you would be able to contact me that easily," Aera acknowledged her friend's resourcefulness.

"You underestimated me, didn't you? How could I not understand after you explained everything so clearly?" Zimal replied playfully.

"So, what's up?" Aera asked, curious about the reason for the call.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, but I need your help. Only if you can easily assist me, if not, it's alright." Zimal replied.

"Cut the act and just give me the order, my lady," Aera replied, her tone turning serious.

"I will send you the location. I need CCTV footage for that area, specifically for my hotel, and any details about the people or vehicles you come across. Can you do that?" Zimal asked cautiously.

"Let me see what I can get for you. Don't worry, my lady. I still remember how you saved my life back then," Aera said, reflecting on the incident that had brought them closer.

"Ahhh!" Zimal thought she heard someone scream. "Was it a scream? Did I hear correctly?"

"Help, please help me!" the voice shouted again.

"Who's there? I said, who's there?!" Zimal called out, determined to investigate despite the darkness and the deserted street. She knew she shouldn't be doing this, but she couldn't ignore someone in distress.

As she approached, she saw an old man standing near a frightened girl. The girl looked visibly terrified.

"Is he drunk? That idiot?" Zimal muttered to herself, her anger rising at the sight.

"Hey, you! Stop!" she yelled from behind, demanding the man's attention.

"Who are- well, how are you?" he cheekily responded, turning around. Seizing the opportunity, the girl stood up and approached Zimal.

Without hesitation, as the man got closer, Zimal emptied her pepper spray bottle into his face, as if eliminating a pesky insect. The drunk man stumbled and fell to the ground. The girl, shocked yet relieved, looked at Zimal, amazed at her ability to protect her. Zimal, dressed in her customary all-covering abaya attire, appeared to be an unlikely defender.

"Let's run!" Holding the girl's hand, they sprinted away until they were at a safer distance.

"Thank you so much," the girl expressed her gratitude, tears welling up in her eyes. She was from Nigeria.

"Don't mention it. I'm glad I could help," Zimal replied, relieved that they were both safe.

"I'm Aera, and you?" the girl introduced herself.

"I'm Zimal. Nice to meet you," Zimal responded warmly. And just like that, they formed a bond. Aera, skilled in IT and hacking, had been traveling the world, keeping a low profile to avoid getting entangled in false accusations. She handed Zimal a list of email accounts, explaining the intricate method behind it in a way that Zimal could understand.

Lying in her bed, Zimal reflected on the exhausting day and felt a mix of weariness and anxiety about the days to come. The determination to uncover the truth fueled her, making this investigation more than just a mere task for her. A train of thoughts raced through her mind, intertwining with each other.

Questions swirled in her mind. Who was behind these acts? What were their motives? How deep did this conspiracy go? As she delved deeper into her thoughts, she realized that her own safety and the safety of those around her were at stake.

As sleep gradually overtook her, Zimal held onto her resolve, knowing that the upcoming days would be crucial in unraveling the truth. She closed her eyes, hoping that her efforts would lead to the revelation of the hidden secrets and the restoration of peace and safety to her hotel.

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