Scooby-Doo and the Alien Inva...

By NickFlier1

572 2 1

The gang travels to New Mexico for another "vacation" but what if this mystery is out of this world? I won no... More

Spaceship? Jackalope? Aliens?
Aliens Again? Shaggy and Scooby Fall in Love?
S.A.L.F Dishes. Gold? Aliens Unmasked. Real Aliens?

Bad Guys Trapped. Bad Guys Arrested. Vacation?

97 1 0
By NickFlier1

Once Max and the MPs got up, Crystal nodded towards Amber to grab a steel beam, she wrapped it around Max and the MPs thus trapping them.

Crystal: Atta girl!

Just then everyone heard the sound of a motor, it was Steve and Laura chasing after Crystal and Amber in a bulldozer. Crystal tripped and Steve was heading right for her. Amber jumped in the way stopping the bulldozer in the process, but Amber was struggling to keep the shovel away from Crystal. Daphne saw Shaggy and Scooby hiding behind one of the bulldozers.

Daphne: Scooby! Shaggy! Those aliens are Crystal and Amber!

Scooby and Shaggy: Huh?

Shaggy: What're you talking about?!

Velma: Look at them!

They looked closer and saw that Crystal was wearing the peace sign thus making Shaggy and Scooby believe that the two aliens are indeed Crystal and Amber.

Shaggy: Zoinks! Those are the girls!

After getting Velma out of the net, they saw Shaggy driving a bulldozer and Scooby standing on top of it with a long metal pole, using it like a jousting thing from the medieval times. The two managed to stop Steve, making his bulldozer flip over, Steve crawled out and away while Laura hid behind some barrels. Scooby landed on top of trapped Max and the MPs. Shaggy ran into the barrels knocking Laura over, Steve ran to help her up.

Steve: Come on! Let's get out of here!

The two ran by James, Fred, Daphne, and Velma, but James wasn't going to let the bad guys get away.

James: Not so fast Stevie boy.

 He went over to the control panel and used the net to trap Steve and Laura. He dropped the net right on top of them.

Steve: No!

James: Yes!

The four looked over at Shaggy pulling up next to Crystal and Amber who had now turned back into their disguises. He hopped out of the bulldozer.

Shaggy: Are you alright?

Crystal: Yeah, thanks.

Amber nuzzled next to Scooby.

Shaggy: I don't get it, you're aliens?

Crystal: I have another confession.

Shaggy: Like, I know, you're not a government agent.

Crystal: Actually, we are, but not from Earth. We were sent here by our world to investigate signals coming from your planet.

Amber: Transmitted from the S.A.L.F stations.

Everyone: Huh?!

Shaggy: Zoinks! You can talk?

Amber: Yes, quite well.

Shaggy: Dig that Scoob, a talking dog.

Scooby: Reah.

Fred: Imagine that.

Crystal: We first homed in on your television signals sent years ago.

Velma: Sure, that's why you're dressed the way you are. The television broadcasts you picked up were sent back in the 60s.

Crystal: We thought all Earthlings dressed up this way.

They look at Shaggy and Scooby.

Shaggy: Hey, like, why mess with a classic look?

All of a sudden, they heard a rumbling sound. In the opening of the cave came a bright light, Crystal and Amber smiled.

Crystal: Well, here's our ride.

The gang looked up to see an actual spaceship, they were in awe.

Crystal: I hope you can forgive us for deceiving you.

Shaggy: Yeah, like we understand.

Crystal: Aw, you really are a groovy guy, Shaggy, I hope you'll always think of me as a friend.

Shaggy: Of course, Crystal. I just wish that, well, you know.

She nods.

Crystal: I'm looking for someone to, but they never long-distance relationships never work out.

Shaggy: Yeah.

Fred started to cry with Velma comforting him. Amber and Scooby were also saying their goodbyes.

Amber: Goodbye Scooby, I'll never forget you.

She gave him a kiss.

Scooby: Ree too, Ramber.

Crystal: Thanks everyone. We had a great adventure and made new friends.

Crystal also gave Shaggy a kiss before joining Amber in the light. A strong gust of wind came through the cave, Crystal and Amber had turned back to aliens. As Crystal waved goodbye one last time, they were beamed up to their spaceship, then it shot into outer space, leaving a depressed Shaggy and Scooby behind. James, Fred, Velma, and Daphne brought Max, the MPs, Steve, and Laura to the surface where the government was waiting for them. The police placed Steve and Laura in handcuffs and walked them to the police van.

Steve: We would've gotten away with it to, if it wasn't for you meddling-

Cop: Quiet you!

An agent was talking to Fred and the gang.

Agent: That should be all for now, if we have any question we'll be in contact. Well done, thank you.

Fred: Hey, no problem.

An agent was also talking to Lester.

Lester: So there were never any aliens?

The agent just shook his head. Max and the MPs were also being loaded into the van.

Max: There were! We saw them! They were big and-

Steve: Oh, give it a rest already! Not like anyone is going to believe us!

Laura: Yeah! We don't have any proof!

Lester: I got pictures!

Agent: You do?

Lester: Yup, I'll show you. They're back at my place.

Lester started walking away with the agents following him, making Fred, James, Daphne, and Velma snicker.

Max: Hey! Now they'll believe us.

Steve: Yeah.

Laura: Maybe we can get a book deal.

Max: Our luck's changing.

An officer slammed the door signaling the van to drive away. All the police left leaving the four to start laughing out loud. James looked over and saw that Buck was towing the Mystery Machine over to them.

James: I know our luck's changing.

Buck pulled up and unhooked the van.

Buck: You're all set, the radiator patch will hold till you get to the cities. That'll be $30.

Fred: Sure thing, by the way what were you doing out there in the middle of the desert yesterday?

Buck pulled out a book and handed it to Fred. He opened it to see pressed flowers.

Buck: It's just a little hobby of mine, I collect pressed flowers. I'm keeping it quite, cause people think you're soft, they walk all over you.

Fred gave the book back and nodded. Buck got back in his tow truck and drove away.

Velma: Wow, he is a sweetheart.

Daphne: Oh.

Everyone looked over at Shaggy and Scooby who was staring up at the sky.

Daphne: I hope the boys aren't taking it to hard.

Velma: Yeah, when I said there's someone out there for everyone, I didn't realize it meant out there.

Fred: You ready guys?

Shaggy and Scooby walked over to the gang with depressed faces.

Fred: Hey, you guys ok?

Shaggy: We're like, completely destroyed. That's all.

Scooby: Reah, restroyed.

Fred: Hey, I know, it's ok. You guys will get over it,

Shaggy: Yeah, but it'll take a long, long time.

James popped his head out of the van with a full box of Scooby Snax.

James: Hey boys, I think you missed a box.

That immediately snapped Shaggy and Scooby back into reality. They jumped at James wrestling him and each other for the box of snacks.

Shaggy: Let go it's mine!!!!

Scooby: Ro it's rine!!!

James crawled to his seat.

James: Well, it didn't take them that long to forget it.

They drove away and started heading back home. A few hours later they made it back home. They unpacked. Everyone, but James, was sitting on the patio. James walked out.

James: Hey gang, I got an idea.

Daphne: What's up, James?

James: Why don't we take a vacation? Take a break from all these mysteries.

Fred: That sounds like a great idea. Where were you thinking?

James: Take a cruise to Sydney, Australia and enjoy some awesome sites and taste some of the best food Australia has to offer 

Shaggy: Like, me and Scoob are in.

Fred: I'm down, what do you think girls?

Velma: It'd be nice to take a vacation.

Daphne: Yeah and I can work on my tan.

James: I take it everyone's in?

The gang: Yup.

James: Alright, I'll book the cruise.

James booked a cruise for Sydney, Australia. Everyone started packing again getting ready for vacation.

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