Rebirth Outlander (Outlander...

By FifthWaveMadness

1.8K 34 7

(Outlander Male OC x Crossover Multiverse) "We shall not falter from the hands of the authoritative in power... More

Prologue: Sacrificial Escape
1: Radar Hunting
2: Sanity Stalemate + A few more facts about him..
3: Recover Meets The Eyes and Breaking The Curse
Xyroz's Harem #1 (Prologue to Chapter 3)
Xyroz And Others On Each Other #1

Bio: Xyroz 'Bionic' Excel

549 7 4
By FifthWaveMadness

Name: Xyroz Excel

Codename: Bionic

Birthplace: Bituin (Stellar in Tagalog), Istatwa

Alias: Rebirth Outlander

His occupation: Dimensional Outlander (currently in the faction of Agency Utopian Omega, A.U.O for short. Formerly known as A.A.H.W, Agency Against Hank J. Wimbleton), Leader (that one role in the one massive and most famous Outlandish Faction named Blackouts that he posthumously became a member because of his supposed 'death')

Language: Invicta (Latin) (region of Invictus), Estatwaias (Tagalog) (region of Istatwa), Libèria (French) (region of Florence), Valore (Italian) (region of Custode), Waken (English) (region of Trident)

Personality: Calm, Kind, Caring, Cold, Patient, ect.


(During the Prologue)

(After the Prologue)

Age: 16 (Prologue: Sacrificial Escape), 19 (1: Radar Hunting)

Height: 6ft6

Likes: Being calm, music, living in a place where he is feeling safe and comfortable, girlfriends, friends, his guns, taking risks, leading a team, days where he doesn't get bothered, his own Warden friend (more to talk about in the Prologue).

Dislikes: Reliving the memories from his own past 3 years ago (including when he was supposedly 'killed' by what they call a 'Juggernaut Rampager'), his own foe that he wanted to kill because of the torment and suffering he gave to his people and himself, Phantasms, his condition.

Condition: Scars are shown with crystallization from Dyslyte. Confirmed to be a Tainted with Dyslytixas Acheron (Infected).

What is Dyslytixas?: An non-contagious yet life threatening individual disease from the crystal of Dyslyte. With all from the mining and with contact of the crystal, the chances are low getting the infection. Those with it will show abnormal signs of their some of their parts in the whole body, with some parts of their skins with it being sort of crystallized (but, not big ones). It also gives abilities to those with it, but in which it could also lead to potential death or other fatal condition from mutations. Though, there are a rare special case with those with a variant called 'Dyslytixas Acheron', which apparently Xyroz is one of them with it. Information of it is unknown, but legend says that this variant empowers the host more powerful to the limit they think it's possible to reach, yet has side effects that they could not determine.

Powers: Improbability Drive (though it's not what you expect...), Manipulating his guns so that he can switch telepathically, Speed, Vision Sense, Mind Sense, can go berserk, more to come...


(His one eyed vision goggle attached to the right eye of the mask)

(He lost his right arm sadly from the sacrifice he made during the prison escape, saving others in the Prologue)

(His wings that A.U.O constructed)

(His halo)

Weapons (note most of these are from roblox screenshots LOL):

AUG A3 (Named: Contraband) (Xyroz: "Why is there a girl who has another AUG that's the A1? And what's this 'Griffin'? Some sort of faction? Oi wait what you doing?! Stay back! I ain't gonna lose my virginity yet!")

M14 EBR (Named: Makeshift)

Walther PPK (Named: Warden)

(This one is what he use with attachments.)

Persuader Mossberg 500 (Named: Melta)

Pipe (Named: Undefined Sentence)

Chainsword (Named: Exodus Exile)

A few facts for him:

1. Before his own 'sacrifice', he has made friends with a few of the other prisoners who were imprisoned for the riots and protests against Kyx's government in Invictus when the original government was overthrown for the likes of greed and power.

2. He has a few of the trust worthy wardens who are loyal to freedom than Xyroz's foe of greed and power. And it's those who are not injected with the 'XRI-TRE'. Especially his most trusted one, Roxfe Xerox.

3. He was supposedly to be one the first few prisoners that will be lab rat for the injection test of the 'XRI-TRE' for prisoners to become more so of super soldiers, but immediately backfired as soon the escape had already begun.

4. He actually crafted 3 of the weapons as it cannot break after his ingenious skills, such as the Makeshift, Undefined Sentence and Contraband. While the other 3, the Warden and Melta were given to him by Roxfe for extra usage of protection just incase. Though his Chainsword, Exodus Exile were more created by machines from the A.U.O base.

5. Unfortunately for his condition, which he has Dyslytixas Acheron, he suffer through some statics that appears in his vision. This is due to the fact that it probably has something to do the memories he once had before.

6. He has a motorcycle. (duh)

7. He's more so a co-founder rather than being the first founder of the A.U.O.

8. He joined an extraction team as a 16 year old working as a scout to find any enemies the is in his sight. (Strange huh?)

9. What led him to be in the prison was caused by a trap set up from what they call him, 'Unknown', in which he and a group of a few extraction team were sent out in the area of Praeventores in Invictus, which he then was unfortunately knocked out by the sleeping gas along with his team.

10. During his freetime. he meet each day with a few prisoners in order to plan out an escape.

11. To the surprise, his current faction isn't just only Nevadians, but more of different races in the Multiverse who arrived here in Nevada. One being a Robloxian named 'Caladrius' (Juggernaut_Infected OC btw lol).

Also he'll have a harem soon, but in the meantime. We go to Prologue.


Also to know where I got the idea inspiration from....

Zombie Stories: Extraction (it's in roblox btw. but if you want to play with me. then be my guest i guess.... or you could just dm me in here i don't really care lol. but this story does have some imspiration from it, although not actually talking about zombies)

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