Be Ours, Ma Yawne- AVATAR FAN...

By HeilalaRose

138K 3.6K 311

At a young age, Tahlani was banished from the Metkayina clan by the two people she loved, never to return aga... More

Sup Avatar Fanatics!
Take my hand
Something Big is About to Happen.
Don't Touch ME!
Leave! And dont come back!
Come home, Please.
Thank You
Please Forgive Me
Violet Eyes
Our Beautiful Mate
Give Me Your Best Shot.
Wassupp Na'vi Lovers!
Then, It Shall Be
Then Let Me Help You Forget
You Now Deal With Me
Make Me Yours
What Images?
Hey Avatar Fanatics!
She's Ours
Who The Fuck Are You?!
The Plan
My Lovlies!
I Feel..
Our Goddess, Eywa
Thank you Everyone!

I Can Feel It

4K 102 3
By HeilalaRose

Mateo's POV

My team and I had landed on the small island we had last seen my sister, Tahlani.
We had to split up and cover more ground as we searched the island.

We had found a deserted tree house in the centre of the island, a nice little set up for a family. It must have been hers.

Luca, Sione, and I searched inside while a few others searched the sounding areas. There were two rooms separating from the main room. One looked like a kids room while the other looked like a woman's.
We looked around the room, finding small trinkets and old clothing materials, but nothing looked touched in a while.

"Mateo, check this out." Luca held up a small wooden carving of a thanator. The detail on it was strikingly realistic.

I smiled as I took it from him. "She has gotten better. Remember the ones she made us as kids?"

Sione chuckled. "Yeah, they were so terrible."

We chuckled as we searched and found a few more in the kids' room. I smiled at the human figurine she had carved. It looked just like me when I was younger.

"She made one for all of us." Luca held up five more just like the one I had, smiling as he looked them over.

Sione picked one up, glaring at it. "Hey, I wasn't this fat, was I?"

"Yeah, you kind of were." I smirked as he flipped me off, looking back at the other ones Luca held.

"She didn't make one of herself, or mum and dad."

We all looked around, but it was true. She didn't make any of them, just the ones of us brothers. I honestly didn't blame her.
Our parents left her behind when we had been found, had taken only us with them as they fled. I never forgave them for leaving her, and neither did Luca or Sione for that matter.
The triplets were too young to remember it, so we didn't tell them about it until they were old enough to understand. Since our parents died, I had to take on the roll of caring for them.
But I never forgot about her. None of us did. We had searched everywhere in the forest and as far as the coastline trying to find her. Even went to some of the clans around the area, which led me to having this scar.
But I didn't give up. Luca, Sione, and I had agreed to go back to the RDA to try and use their technology to find her. But when we got there and had proven our skills as soldiers, Ardmore had decided to use us as her own dogs, blackmailing us into doing her dirty work to keep the triplets safe.
I had told myself that when we found Tahlani, we would all get the hell out if there, be a family again somewhere safe.

But by the looks of it, Tahlani has a family of her own. It makes me happy knowing that I had a niece or nephew somewhere out there, possibly an extended family from her lover's side, but it also infuriated me that someone had taken my little sister's heart, without our blessing.
Call me 'old school' or 'protective', but I wanted the best for her, and he better be good to her or so help me God..

I snapped out of it when my com went off. "Sir, there's nobody here. The island is deserted. Should we head to the next one?"

I pressed the collar. "No, we will stay here for the night. Set up camp within the perimeter. Leave two soldiers at the chopper. There was a shack of some sorts near there, tell them to hold up there til morning."

"Yes, sir."

I looked to my brothers. "Gather what you can, only small things. We can give them to the triplets when we get back."

They nodded and went to work, picking up the figurines and small trinkets of hers and placing them in their bags.

I looked out of the makeshift window in her room, scanning over the forest top. "Where are you, Tahlani? Please be safe."


Tahlani's POV

I looked out towards the sea, a feeling in me that something was coming. I couldn't tell if it was a good or a bad thing, but it was there.

"Tahlani, you're spacing out again."

I turned and smiled to a pouting Tuk, quickly ruffling her braids. "Sorry, Tuk, I got distracted."

She shooed my hand away, giggling. "Yeah, about my parents." She hugged herself and started kissing the air.

I blushed and wrapped her in a hug. "Who told you such things?"

She laughed as I started to tickle her. "No, Lani! I'm sorry! It was Lo'ak and Aonung!"

I stopped tickling her, letting her calm herself. "Well, they are in trouble for teaching you that.. how do you feel about a little prank?"

She grinned, clapping her hands. "Yes! Let's do it! What did you have in mind?"

I looked around before whispering the plan in her ear, smiling when she agreed instantly.

"Oh yeah, this is going to be fun!" She squealed, shooting to her feet.

I stood up and followed her to Myst, sitting her down in front of me. Neytiri and Ronal were a bit hesitant about the children riding a tsurak, but when I had showed them that she was gentle and loved the children, they were okay with it as long as I was with them.

We rode around, looking for our targets. Tuk tugged on my arm, pointing towards the rocks. I could make out Lo'ak and Aonung, as well as Neteyam, Spider, Kaelen, and Rotxo. I smirked to Tuk as she had the same idea.
We rode to one of the rocks just far enough so they didn't see us. We quickly dismounted Myst and sat behind the closest rock, watching them.

Tuk quickly turned and started waving at someone. I turned to see Tsireya and Kiri swimming towards us.

"Hey guys, what are you both up to?" Tsireya smiled, sitting next to me.

Tuk hushed her. "We are pranking the boys, but we need to be quiet."

Kiri sat next to Tuk, looking over to the boys. "Oh, this is gonna be great."

I smiled as I willed the water around the boys, moving myself into position.

The boys were sitting around in a circle, talking among themselves. I flicked my finger, making the water squirt Lo'ak in the back of the head.

He shot up, looking around. We all giggled as I did it again, this time to Aonung.

We watched and quietly laughed as they kept looking around, trying to figure out who did it. I flicked my finger again and again, hitting all of them until they were shouting annoyed. For the big finale, I willed a big ball of water over their heads and dropped it, drenching them.

We all laughed loudly as they wiped the water from their eyes, glaring at us when they saw us.

"You're so dead!" Aonung shouted as they all dove into the water, swimming towards us.

"Shit, run for it!" Kiri screamed as we all swam away as they chased us.

We just made it to the shore when Kaelen and Neteyam grabbed me, picking me up together and slamming me into the water.

I shot up, wiping the water from my face, seeing Kiri, Tsireya, and Tuk in the same state. They all stood laughing at us before they, too, were picked up and chucked into the water. I smiled when I saw Miles, Jake, and Tonowari laughing with Ronal and Neytiri a few steps away.

The boys looked shocked to see their parents playing along, evil grins covering their faces.

"Water fight!" Lo'ak yelled as he and Neteyam wrestled with Jake to get him into the water.

I laughed as I helped a bit by making a wave, splashing them to the ground.
Jake laid there for a moment, then shot to his feet and ran at me. I screamed as I tried to run away but was quickly captured in his arms.

He smirked as he turned me around to face him. "My turn."

I kept shouting no, but he ran into the water, diving with me still in his arms.
I could hear the laughing of the others as I made it to the surface, splashing water at Jake as he came up next to me.

We all played around in the water, Tonowari and Jake even threw Ronal and Neytiri in after a while. It was a great morning for everyone, with us teaming up and wrestling on each other's shoulders. Miles and I teamed up together as everyone else teamed up and fought to win. In the end, Kaelen and Spider won, cheering as they pushed everyone into the water.

As Ronal and I walked out of the water, we watched as everyone swam around, smiling and having the best time.

She held my hand as we sat next to each other on the sand. "You are like a child, Ma Lani."

I laughed as I wrapped my arm around her. "So are you when you want to win."

She glared at me for a moment before kissing my cheek. We sat there as everyone started slowly coming back in, tired from all the fun.

Kaelen and Spider helped us up as we all headed towards the mauris, ready to rest and eat.
I waved to everyone before walking into our mauri, Kaelen right behind me.

"Hey, mother, can Spider and Miles come hang out here for a bit?"

I looked to him and nodded before he quickly went back out and brought back Miles and Spider.

Miles walked up to me, kissing me on the head. "Did you have fun, darlin?"

I smiled as I leaned into him. "Yes, what about you?"

He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me. "The best, darlin."

We stood there for a moment, just relishing in each other's touch. Kaelen and Spider had made themselves comfortable in the sitting area, already passed out.
Miles looked at me before nodding towards my room. I nodded and led him over to my room, lifting the curtain as he walked through.

He looked around for a little bit before making himself comfortable on my bed, moving around some of the furs.

He looked up at me and patted the spot next to him. "Come here."

I walked over and laid next to him as he wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest. He rubbed his nose into my hair, making his way down to the crook of my neck.

"We should rest before everyone comes over."

I smiled, turning my head enough to see him properly. "I'd like that."

I leaned up and kissed him, melting our lips together. He growled into the kiss, deepening it as he moved so he was hovering over me, hands on either side of me to keep him up. I gasped as I felt his tongue lick at my lips, quickly diving into my mouth as he swirled it around mine. I had only experienced this with Tonowari, but this was something entirely different. Miles's rough hand traced along my body, just shy off of my breast coverage. I shivered underneath him, wrapping my hands into his short cropped hair.

He pulled away as we both caught our breath, our foreheads touching as we did. "Darlin, I want you so bad.. but I can't have you just yet. I need to make sure you are ready to have all of us."

I placed my hand against his cheek, watching as he closed his eyes and leaned into it. "Miles.. did you not hear my words the other day?"

He snapped his eyes open, looking down at me. He knew I was talking about the fight a week ago, still remembering how I had gotten hurt while protecting them as a family.

He nodded. "Yeah, I remember."

I smiled. "Then you know that I accepted you as my mate, all of you, as mine. I am not going anywhere, Ma Miles."

He leaned down, kissing me softly before flipping us over, pulling me down on his chest. "That makes me happy, darlin.. very happy."

I nuzzled into his chest as he kissed my head, rubbing his hand along my back. "Let's get some rest, love. We will need to discuss some things with the others later."

"Okay." I kissed his chest before getting comfortable with him.

I closed my eyes, listening to his heartbeat. I knew I wouldn't fall asleep, but just laying here with Miles was relaxing nonetheless.
My eyes opened at the sounds of feet moving around, a small smile on my face as I saw Neytiri and Jake pop their heads around the curtain.
I nodded my head towards us as they slowly came and laid down beside us, Miles shifting us so that Neytiri and I were next to each other with Miles and Jake behind us. Neytiri looked at me with a soft smile on her face. I smiled back, grabbing her hand in mine and laying it in between us. Just as we got comfortable, someone else walked into the room, making their way to us. I looked up as Tonowari and Ronal came over, sitting themselves at our legs. I moved myself towards Miles as Ronal  wiggled herself into the middle and Miles shifted again to the top of the bed, letting Tonowari sneak in next to me to hug my waist. Miles laid my head onto his chest again, getting himself comfortable.

Neytiri and I rested our joined hands on Ronal's swollen belly, feeling the small child within wiggling around. Ronal closed her eyes and laid a hand on top of ours, relaxing into our touch.

We all stayed like that until the sun had started to set, baring beautiful rays of orange and yellow through the curtain. It was so peaceful. I laid there looking and feeling every one of my mates, thinking of how lucky I was to have such amazing people around me. How I adored and loved the children as they loved me.

'Thank you, Great Mother, for such a beautiful gift.'

I could feel Tonowari shifting behind me, slowly letting go of my waist to sit up. Jake and Miles were the next ones to move, slowly peeling themselves from us as the three of them stood.

They looked down at us and smiled.

"Aw, look at our beautiful ladies." Jake smiled as Miles leaned his arm on his shoulder.

"Yes, a beautiful sight, just for us."

Tonowari crossed his arms, looking over our bodies. "Indeed."

Neytiri and Ronal giggled as I laid there blushing.

"If I wasn't with child, I'd have my way with you." She whispered in my ear, but everyone must have heard it as they agreed.

Neytiri stood next, helping Ronal and I up. "Not long now, Ronal, and you can have your way.. we all will."

I could feel my face getting redder and redder. I knew they wanted to mate, but not this much!!

"Um, th- the children are probably hungry.. I'll get dinner ready." I quickly walked past them all, walking out to see the children all talking around the firepit.

They all looked to me with sly grins on their faces.

"So, mother.. did you have a nice 'rest'?" Kaelen smirked as the others tried to hide their laughter.

I cleared my throat, quickly heading to the small table with the fruits. "So, who's hungry?"

Everyone gathered around, helping with dinner as the eclipse covered the sky. I always enjoy our dinners together, as a family.

My own perfect family.

But I just couldn't shake the feeling that someone or something was looking for us..

But who?

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