The Hidden: The Umbrella Acad...

By EveyFalwell

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Number Zero- #0 of The Umbrella Academy a.k.a The Hidden Power: can tell when people are lying & make people... More

Prologue of the prologue
Ep 1 - We only see each other at Weddings and Funerals
Ep 3 - Extra Ordinary
Ep 4 - Man on the Moon
Ep 5 - Number Five
Ep 6 - The Day That Wasn't
Ep 7 - The Day That Was
Ep 8 - I Heard a Rumor
Ep 9 - Changes
Ep 10 - The White Violin

Ep 2 - Run Boy Run

65 4 0
By EveyFalwell


As Five and Vanya were drinking and talking, and sat there listening.

"Gee, wish I'd thought of that," Five stated, sarcastically.

I reached up to my neck and realized that my necklace was gone. I bit my lip and shut my eyes.

"Shit," I mutter.

I stood up and quietly went over to the door. I checked to see if Vanya or Five were looking at me, but they were too busy arguing. I opened the door and walked down the hallway. I headed outside to the car. I got in the driver's seat and turned the car on. I turned to talk to Five but remembered that he wasn't with me.


I drove the car out of the alley, and down back to Griddy's.


There were cop cars all over. They had gotten to the shoot-out faster than I thought. People were instructed to stand behind crime scene tape. I got out of the car and headed to someone else's car. I checked to see if the door was open, and it was. I pulled it open and looked inside. There was a brown jacket and a purse. I grabbed the jacket and put it on over Five's blazer. I checked the purse and found a police badge.

"Is it my lucky day or what?"

I put the badge in my pocket and headed over to the crime scene. I passed the crime scene tape and headed inside. I tried not to look out of place. I walked inside Griddy's and looked at the bodies of the armed men that Five and I killed an hour ago. I saw the waitress that severed us and kept my head turned so she wouldn't see me. She was sitting in a corner booth, and a woman came in. She sat down next to the woman.

"Ma'am, I'm Detective Patch," I heard the woman say.

"Hi, Agnes. Agnes Rofa," the waitress said.

Okay Agnes. I am hoping you saw absolutely nothing for your own good. I walked over to the place I was sitting and looked around for my necklace. It wasn't there, so I searched everywhere else I fought. I looked around at all of the dead bodies and then caught sight of my necklace. It was under the guy who Five killed with his tie on the table. Must have come off when I grabbed his tie. I reached down to pick it up when Detective Eudora Patch walked over to me.

"Hi, are you new to the force?" she asked.

I looked up and stood up. Worst timing girl. I stood up and looked at her. She was pretty and her hair was tied back.

"Yeah, just transferred," I lied.

"What do you think happened here,"

Five and I killed these guys. That's what happened.

"Well, I think all these idiots shot each to death. Not sure why though. Must have been trying to kill somebody else," I answered, trying to not look suspicious or like I knew anything.

"You know, that's exactly what I said! It makes sense right? All professionals but dumb. They have the guns and armor but they were all killed differently," she said, eyeing everyone of the dead bodies before turning back to me.. "You know I have a jacket just like that. Small world I guess!"

I laughed with her, making the situation more uncomfortable.

"I didn't catch your name, I'm Detective Patch," she said, sticking her hand out to shake mine.

"Uh, Jackie Mastings," I said, coming up with the name on the spot.

It was one of the first ones I used at the Commission, so it was at the top of my fake name list.

"Nice meeting you Jackie,"

"Uh, Miss. Patch? I just wanted to let you know that I already told the other detective everything," the waitress said, walking up to us.

I lowered my head and pulled my hair in front of my face. I could feel someone watching me, but I didn't dare to look up, knowing the risk of Agnes seeing me and recognizing me.

"Ugh. Well, I have to go, everything alright?" Detective Patch asked, looking at me.

"This guy looks like he was choked but no sign of a choking weapon," I said, angry at myself.

"Your right,"

She began looking around the area, looking for the tie that I had grabbed off for Five, when a man walked in.

"Hey! Patch, you know who is here. Out back," he stated, walking towards us. "Who's this?"

Patch turned around and walked out of Griddy's. The man was still standing next to me, so I couldn't grab my necklace without drawing attention. He finally walked away, and I relaxed. I grabbed my necklace and headed out. I passed the sewer drain, and stepped on the trackers, so that nobody would visit Griddy's looking for us.

I walked out of Griddy's and saw Detective Eudora Patch leading Diego to a police car.

"Hey Diego!" a policeman shouted.

"Hey, Mastings, can you take him back to the station?" Patch asked as I tried to walk away.

I turned on my heels and looked at them. Diego had his hands behind his back, and he had a slight limp.

"Yeah, I can," I said, grabbing onto Diego's beefy arm.

"Aren't you a little young to be a police officer?" Diego questioned, with a smile.

"No. I worked my way up, fairly," I lied, squeezing his arm tightly, making him flinch.

They both believed the lie, which made my work easier. Diego tried jerking away, but I held a tight grip on his arm.

"Well, D, enjoy the ride," Eudora called out, as I led Diego to the car Five and I took.

"If you worked your way by stealing, you did an excellent job," Diego commented.

I looked at him confused, and he knew what I was about to ask. The coat.

"That's Eudora's coat,"

I opened the back and put him in the back. I looked back to see if Eudora was watching, and I ran to her car and returned the badge and jacket. I went back to the car and got inside.

"So, new kid, what are you doing here?"

"Uh, nothing. Shut up," I said, driving the car out of the parking lot.

Diego was silent until I took a wrong turn.

"You don't know your way to the station, do you?" he asked.

I sighed.

I slammed on the brakes and turned back to him. That's when I realized he had a large scar going down from his ear to his eyebrow. I gave him a death glare, and he returned it back to me.

"You took a wrong turn. You took a left when it was supposed to be a right," he said, giving me the instructions.

"Listen. I haven't been in town for a while. A long while. And how many times have you been arrested?"

"Many times, but I can tell you everything if you let me go,"

"Let you go?"

"I mean, after you tell me about yourself. And don't leave anything out!"

I rolled my eyes and turned the car off. I turned to him and began telling him the truth.

"Fine. I'm Number Zero of The Umbrella Academy. My name is Z, short for Zero. And I am basically useless,"


"My power, it's useless, so that is why he made me Number Zero,"

"Who made you Number Zero?"

"Father of the house. I am useless. My power is useless,"

"What is it? I mean your power?"

"I can tell when people are lying and make people tell me the truth. But I can also lie really well without being caught. I can also read people well. So I am basically useless fighting people,"

"That is kinda cool,"

"No it's, not in the heat of fighting. I can't do anything"

Diego went silent and shifted in his seat. He scooted to the edge of the seat and looked me in his eyes. He pulled at the handcuffs, but it was useless. He didn't say a word, but that was enough for me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"You almost look exactly like Five," he said, looking at Five's uniform.

"Don't ever tell me that. Ever!"

"You got issues with Five?"

"Don't you all? He's a pain in the ass,"

"I agree,"

"Agree to what?"

"That Five is a pain in the ass. Once he left, everything slowed down before Ben died,"

"I've heard enough? I've been with Five way too long to know who and what he is," I groaned, thinking about Five's little bitchy self.

I turned back to the whee, turned the car on, and began driving.

"Where is the station?"


"Because I'm taking you there,"

Diego gave an exasperated sigh, before giving me the directions. He basically drove the car from the backseat. I stopped the car in front of the station. I got out of the car, and dragged Diego into the station. Several men looked at me, and Diego smiled.

"I am guessing you can take it from here," I said, as an officer walked up to me.

He nodded, and grabbed Diego's arm. Diego smirked at me, as he was beginning to be taken away. I smiled, before returning to the car. I sat in the car, and fiddled with my necklace.

"Damn it,"

I started the car, and I drove back to the academy. I parked in the alley and headed inside. I headed to the living room, and the bar. I grabbed a bottle of vodka, and sat down on the couch. I stared at Five's painting while I drank. He was looking at me with that stupid smirk he gave me when I was wrong. My eyelids began to get sleepy, and I rested my head on a pillow.

The next thing I knew, Klaus was crawling on the floor, looking for something. He was talking to someone, but not me. The sun shined from the windows and I groaned.

"Shut your piehole Ben!" Klaus said, on his knees. "Said with love."

He blew a kiss to a chair, and then looked in his jacket.

"Can't smoke eggs," Klaus announced, standing up and putting one of his feet on the table.

I pretended to be asleep as he walked past me to a large cabinet.

"One of these has to be gold-plated right?" he asked, putting a cigarette in his mouth.

I opened my eyelids a little, and saw Pogo walking in. He cleared his throat, and Klaus jerked around.

"Fiddlesticks! Pogo!" Klaus jolted, shocked to see Pogo.

"My apologies, Master Klaus. I have a query for you,"


"Items from your father's office have gone missing. In particular, an ornate box with pearl inlay,"

"Really? You don't say," Klaus asked, a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

"Any idea where it went?" Pgo asked.

Klaus seemed to be in his own world, when I sat up. I shifted myself, and made sure that I could see everything.

"No, no, no. No idea... drop dead. Would you shut up?" Klaus said, looking at a chair, sounding annoyed.

Pogo was offended, when Klaus told him to shut up. "Excuse me?"

"Pogo, I didn't mean you, I just...I, you know there's been a lot of stuff I have been dealing with... and when the hell did you get here?" Klaus asked, when he walked over to the couch where I was sitting.

"Zero?" Pogo asked, looking at me.

"Pogo! Oh my... it's so good to see you!" I said springing up from the couch.

The bottle of vodka fell to the floor as I walked over to Pogo. I knelt down to give him a hug, and he smiled once I pulled back. He then turned to Kalus, who was holding the bottle up.

"The contents of the box are... priceless. Were they to find their way back to the office, whoever took it would be absolved of any blame or consequences,"

"Oh, well lucky bastard," I joked, standing up next to Klaus, giving him a glance.

Pogo clicked his tongue, before looking at me. I knew what he was thinking.

"Indeed. And Z you'll have to catch me up on everything okay dearie. I have some things to attend to, so I will see you later then?" Pogo asked.

I nodded, and Pogo walked away. I turned to face Klaus, and noticed that he was in rainbow zebra underwear. That was all he was wearing.

"Klaus?" I questioned.

"What?" he shot back.

"Did you steal from Reggie and lie to Pogo?" I asked, sitting down, still looking at him.

"No. I have no idea what Pogo was talking about. I mean Luther could have stolen the box to see if the monocle was in it, but I mean. No, I didn't steal it," Klaus said, sitting down next to me.

"Your lying,"

Klaus looked at me, and then turned to the chair he was talking to. He scowled, and then rolled his eyes.

"Shut up. She did not call my bluff. She is just guessing," he said. "And it's a really good guess, but it is wrong."

"You lied to me, to Pogo. Tell me the truth," I said, getting comfortable.

Klaus whined knowing that he had been caught, and then took a seat next to me. I scooted over, and put a pillow in between us.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but you have to tell me when you arrived," he said, trying to make a deal.

He then turned back to the chair.

"Wait! She was here when I was talking in my sleep? Wait, I fell asleep on her. Oh shit? Did we have sex? Wait a minute, are you a psycho?" Klaus asked, turning back to me.

"No, I think you are," I responded immediately because he was talking to air.

"Okay, so I took the box and then returned it," Kalus said.

"The full truth,"

"I... uh... well,"

We were interrupted by Five. He walked into the living room, and looked at me. He rolled his eyes, and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Where the hell did you go last night?" he asked, concerned and angry.

"I left because you were talking with Vanya," I lied.

I couldn't tell Five that I went back to Griddy's. He would get more pissed and try to kill me, again.

"I thought we were going to work together this time, because last time we messed up,"

"Where to then?"

"Well, I need Klaus too..." Five began, before he looked at Klaus' outfit.

Five sighed and rolled his eyes, before he caught sight of the bottle of vodka.

"Were you drinking?" he asked, almost offended. "Without me?"

"Well, I... yes. I know. I know. I broke our promise," I mumbled, grabbing the bottle and standing up.

"I did too," Five said. "Klaus. Change into something more... professional,"

Five and I stood face to face, the tension rising. Klaus grabbed his things, and hurried past us, but Five grabbed his arm. Klaus overreacted to say the worst, and dropped everything he was holding. He let go of Klaus, and he ran off. Five then turned to me, and stared at the ground.

"I need you," Five said, sounding defeated.

Five's POV

"You got anything stronger?"

Vanya poured me a glass of alcohol, and handed it to me.

"You think I'm crazy. Z and I are living proof,"

"No. It's just it's a lot to take in,"

"Exactly what don't you understand?"

"Why didn't you just time travel back?"

I was shocked to hear her ask that question. Since I had already answered it.

"Gee, wish, I'd thought of that. Time travel is a crapshoot. I went into the ice, and never acorn-ed. You think that we didn't try everything to get back to our family. Z and I tried so hard, just to get back, but every... single... time... it failed,"

"If you and Z grew old there, you know, in the apocalypse, how come you two still look like kids?"

Why was she asking the same questions?

"Z, why don't you answer this," I said, turning to face Z.

But she wasn't there. She must have left sometime during our conversation and I don't hear her.

"Ugh, Z what have you done?" I muttered, going back to the counter and pouring myself another glass.

"I mean, Dad always used to say that time travel could mess up your mind. Well, maybe that's what's happening,"

"This was a mistake. Z and I shouldn't have come here. You're too young... too naive to understand. I have to go find her," I said, walking to the door.

"No. Five... Five wait. I'm sure Z will turn up. Just listen. I haven't seen you in a long time, and I don't want to lose you again. Please stay the night, we'll find her tomorrow," Vanya begged.

I sighed, and Vanya began making me a make-shift bed on the couch. I put my hands in my pocket, and sat on the couch.



I pulled a folded rag out of my pocket, and opened it. I grabbed the glass eye that Z had tossed me this morning, and turned it in my hand. There was a serial number on the back and a company name. Meritech. I made sure Vanya didn't hear me when I left. I exited the apartment building, and found a car. Z had taken the one we took to Griddy's to who knows where.

I hotwired it, and drove the car. I parked in front of the company building, and waited. My eyes began to get droopy, and I fell asleep.

I woke up, with my feet on the dashboard, and my head on the seat. I sat up, and fixed my hair. It was all messy. I fixed my blazer, and I got out of the car. The sun glared in my eyes, so I hurried to the company building. I walked inside. The building was modern and white.

I walked into the elevator, and pressed a button. Some music played in the elevator. I put my hands in my pockets, and shifted on my heels. The door opened and I walked into an open office area.

I waited for somebody to come up to me, and I was about to leave when a doctor came up to me.

"Uh, can I help you?" he asked.

"I need to know who this belongs to," I said, pulling the eye out.

"Where did you get that?"

"What do you care?"

He gave me a confused look, so I had to lie. Wish Z was here to get this done.

"I... me and my sister actually found it at ... uh... a playground. Uh. must have just popped out. I wanna return it to its rightful owner," I said, clicking my tongue when I said popped.

"Ohh... what a thoughtful young man," the receptionist said, speaking up.

I sent a smile her way and said, "Yeah. Look up the name for me, will ya?"

"Uh, I'm sorry, but patient records are strictly confidential. That means I can't tell you..." the doctor began.

"Yeah, I know what it means,"

"But, I'll tell you what I can do. I can take the eye off your hands and return it to the owner. I'm he or she will be very grateful, so if I can just..." the doctor said, reaching out to get the eye.

"Yeah, you're not touching this eye,"

"Now you listen here, young man..."

Before he could finish his sentence, I grabbed the doctor by his coat, and pulled his face close to me.

"No! You listen to me asshole! I've come a long way for this, through some shit your pea brain couldn't even comprehend, so just give me the information I need, and I'll be on my merry way. AND if you call me 'young man' one more time, I'm gonna put your head through that damn wall,"

"Oh dear," the recpoinst muttered.

I was mad pissed and they didn't help me at all.

"Call security," the doctor mustered out.

The receptionist picked up the phone and dialed someone. "Yeah,"

I looked at the reciponsit then back at the doctor. I shoved him back, and walked to the elevator. I sighed and got in the car. I drove the car to the academy. I walked into the academy and saw Pogo walk off. I heard Z and Klaus talking in the living room.

"Where the hell did you go last night?" I asked, fully unaware of where Z had gone.

"I left because you were talking with Vanya,"

"I thought we were going to work together this time, because last time we messed up," I said, remembering what happened when last time when we split up.

"Where to then?"

"Well, I need Klaus too..." I said, before looking at Klaus' outfit.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, before I caught sight of the bottle of vodka. The only person who would drink that much vodka in a night, would be Z.

"Were you drinking? Without me?" I asked, offended.

"Well, I... yes. I know. I know. I broke our promise," Z said, grabbing the bottle and standing up.

Z and I stood face to face, the tension rising. Klaus grabbed his things, and walked past us, but Five grabbed his arm. Klaus overreacted to say the worst, and dropped everything he was holding.

"I need you," I said, defeated.

"Where to then?" Klaus asked.

"I did too," I said, before turning to Klaus and his rainbow zebra undies. "Klaus. Change into something more... professional,"

The three of us headed up to my room, and I changed into a new uniform. I handed another uniform to Z and she changed, since our last ones got blood on them from the fight at Griddy's.

"Five. Z are you here?" Vanya asked, walking to my room.

Z had shoved Klaus in my cabinet just in time, and pretended to be doing something else.

"I was worried sick about you two. Thought you got into more trouble,"

"Sorry I left without saying goodbye," Z said, jerking at her tie.

"No, look. I am the one that should be sorry. Yeah I was dismissive, and. I guess I didn't know how to handle having another sister and process what you were saying," Vanya stumbled out.

I walked over to Z and helped her with her tie, again. She never had to wear ties, so she never learned how to tie a tie.

"Maybe you were right to be dismissive," Z said.

"Maybe it wasn't real after all. It felt real. Like you said, the old man did say that time travel could contaminate the mind," I said, finishing the knot.

"Then maybe I'm not the right person for you two to be talking to. Look I used to see someone..." Vanya began.

"Thanks, but we're just gonna get some rest," Z said."We don't need a therapist."

"It's been a long time since we've had a good night sleep," I added, after Vanya gave us a puzzled look.


Vanya left, and Z stared at me.

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

I rolled my eyes, and walked to see if Vanya was gone, when my cabinet doors opened and Klaus tumbled out. Some of my old things fell out, making a lot of noise.

"That's so... touching. All that about you two. Are you two in love?" Klaus asked. "Oh my shit you two ARE in love!"

Z and I looked at each before saying, "NO" at the same time.

"Are you sure?"

"Would you shut up!" I yelled quietly.

"She'll hear you!" Z said, finishing my sentence.

"I'm moist,"

"Moist?" Z repeated, confused.

"I told you to put on something professional," I said, looking at Klaus' ridiculous outfit.

"What? This is my nicest outfit,"

"Steal from Reggie," Z suggested. "Raid his closet,"

"I was about to say the same thing,"

I walked out, Z and Klaus followed.

"Whatever, as long as I get paid," I heard Kalus say.

"When the job is done," Z shot back.

"Okay, but just so we are all clear on the finer details,"

"Finer details?" Z asked.

"I just gotta go into this place, and pretend to be your dear old dad, correct?" Klaus questioned.

"Yeah. Something like that," I said.

I sighed and nodded my head. I knew Z was thinking past those finer details.

"What's our cover story?"

"Here we go," Z muttered.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I mean, was I really young when I had you two? Like 16? Like young and terribly misguided?"


"Your disgusting Klaus," Z muttered.

"Your mother. That slut. Whoever she was. We met at the disco. Okay? Remember that. Oh my beans, the sex was amazing!" Klaus said, lauhging.

"What a disturbing glimpse into that thing you call a brain," I muttered, and Z agreed.

"Okay that's enough," Z grumbled, walking down the stairs.

I followed right behind her. I did not want to hear Klaus talk about our cover story.

"Don't make me put you in time out!" Klaus yelled behind us.

Klaus changed and we headed to the car. I was heading to the driver's door, when Klaus sprinted past me.

"I'm driving!" Klaus exclaimed.

Z and I sat in the back seat, on opposite sides of the car. It was silent all the way to Meritech. Klaus stopped the car, and we all got out. We headed inside, and squished into the elevator with some other people.

"You know Z, you look good in Five's clothes," Klaus said.

Everybody in the elevator including Z and I looked at Klaus. Z put her finger to her throat and waved it back and forth. Klaus' eyes widened and he shut up, knowing that she was serious. We entered Meritch, Klaus sat down and folded his hands. Z and I stood up, with our hands in our pockets.

"Like I said to your son earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent I simply can't help you,"

"Well, we can't get consent if you don't give us a name," Z shot back, leaning on the doctor's desk.

"Well that's not my problem. Sorry. Now there's really nothing more I can do, so..." the doctor began, before Klaus interrupted him.

"And what about my consent?" Klaus asked, sounding scared and brave at the same time.

"Excuse me?" the doctor asked.

"Who gave you permission to lay your hands on my children?" Klaus said, beginning to cry, while pointing at us.

"Oh shit," I heard Z mumble.

"What?" the doctor, Z and I said at the same time.

"You heard me,"

"I didn't touch your children," the doctor muttered, confused.

"Oh, really. Then how did they get swollen lips then?" Klaus said, standing up.

"They don't have swollen..."

Klaus slammed his hand into Z's face and she stumbled back. He then grabbed my shoulder and did the same. I took a step back, from the force that Klaus hit me with. The doctor was shocked, and scooted his chair back in fear.

"I want it. Name, please. Now!" Klaus urged on.

Z and I had turned around to see Klaus leaning on the table, staring the doctor down. We looked at each, and gingerly felt the cut on our lips.

"You're crazy,"

Klaus chuckled before laughing, "You got no idea,"

Klaus picked up a snow globe and looked at it.

"Peace on Earth. That's so sweet," he laughed, examining the globe.

He was about to smash it into his head, when Z grabbed it from him. She clutched it tightly, and stared at Klaus.

"Hey! That was mine!" Klaus yelled, disappointed that Z took it from him.

I eyed Z, and then watched her bring the snow globe down on Klaus' head. It shattered and glass went everywhere. Klaus groaned, and Z brushed her hands off like nothing happened. I looked at them, shocked at what Z had just done. Klaus yelled in pain, and Z backed up. She reached for my hand, and gripped it tightly.

"Shit! That hurt!" Klaus yelled, blood running down his forehead.

"That's for being an asshole of a father," Z groaned, crossing her arms.

Glitter, snow, and water joined Klaus' blood on his face. The doctor grabbed his phone, and began dialing a number.

"You three are insane. First you grabbed me and threatened me, second, you hit your children, and third you just smashed a snow globe over his head. I'm calling security," the doctor shouted, motioning to each one of us.

I was still processing what was happening, when Z grabbed the phone.

"What are you doing?" the doctor asked.

"There's been an assault..." Z began.

"In Mr. Big's office and we need security NOW! Schenell!" Klaus said, joining in on the call.

I looked out of the glass window to see people watching us. Z dropped the phone on the desk, and it landed nowhere near the receiver.

"Now, here's what's gonna happen Grant,"

"It's... Lance,"

"In about 60 seconds, two security guards are gonna burst through that door, and they're gonna see a whole lot of blood and they are gonna wonder 'What the hell happened?' and we're gonna tell them that you beat the shit out of us," Klaus said, through dramicate sobs.

I smiled about half way through Klaus' speech, when I realized what he was doing. He had actually thought this through. He was insane, but in some way, smart.

"You're gonna do great in prison, Grant. Trust me, I've been there. Little piece of chicken like you. Oh my, you're gonna get passed around like a... you're just, you're just gonna do great. That's all I'm saying," Klaus said, swaying his hips.

"Holy shit, you are a sick bastard! You all are!" Lance cried out.

"Thank you," Klaus laughed before getting serious.

He turned and spit a piece of glass out. All Z and I did was stand there and smile. Lance led us to a counter, and began digging through files. Klaus was sitting on the counter. Lance was shaking as he pulled one file out. He looked nervously at Klaus.

"Oh, that's strange,"

"What?" Z and I asked together.

"Uh, the eye. It hasn't been purchased by a client yet,"

Klaus jumped down and looked at the file.

"What? What do you mean?" Klaus asked, finding a spot to look at the file.

"Klaus, he means exactly what he is saying," Z said.

"That eye hasn't been manufactured yet. Where did you get that eye?"

I sighed, remembering exactly where I got it. I was annoyed and pissed. I could tell that Z was too. Z looked at me, and grabbed my hand. I had a hateful expression on my face, I turned to her and she immediately let go.

"Well this is not good," Z said, as we walked out of the eye place.

"I was pretty good, though right. Yea. What about my consent bitch," Klaus chuckled.

"Klaus it doesn't matter,"

"What? What? What's the big deal with this eye anyway?" he asked, looking at me and Z.

"There is someone out there who's going to lose an eye in the next seven days," Z said, stepping closer to Klaus.

"They're gonna bring about the end of life on this Earth as we know it," I said, walking passed Klaus.

"Yeah, can I get that 20 bucks, like now or what?"

"Your 20 bucks?"

"Yeah, my 20 bucks,"

"The apocalypse is coming, and all you can think about is getting high?" I asked, stepping forward.

"Your insane Klaus!" Z yelled.

"Well, I'm also quite hungry..."

"Do you want me to smash another snow globe on your head? Do you think that will get you straight?" Z asked.

"You're useless. You're all useless," I muttered, and Klaus looked offended.

"You need to lighten up. Both of you oldies," Klaus sighed.

"What did you say?" Z asked, stepping forward, making Klaus take a couple steps back.

"Wow, there sis. I know you two are trying to save the world, but I would really like your 20 bucks. Like right now," Klaus said.

I sat down on the steps, and began to think. Z followed me, and sat down next to me.

"What do we do about him?" she asked.

"I have no idea,"

"I just realized why you two are so up tight! You two are in love!" Klaus said, sitting down next to Z.

"What... no!" Z and I said in unison. "We're not in love!"

I scooted farther away from Z, and she scooted closer to Klaus, who was waiting with open arms. Z backed away from him, and ran into me. She stood up and blushed.

"Ha! Knew it!" Klaus called out.

She hid her face, and walked over to a nearby alley. I wanted to follow her, but I knew she needed time. I still cared for her even after the multiple times she tried to kill me.

"All those years together, you must really be in love with Z,"

"Listen, I was with somebody else, when I found Z," I said.

"Oh, who?"

"Her name was Delores, and we were together for over fourteen years, but when Z came along, I liked her, but loved Delores. I knew that Z knew that I liked Delores more than her," I said. "But after working together again for a year, I remembered how much I loved Z."

Klaus began to ramble on about how he was never with somebody that long, so I blinked away. I blinked into the alley, and Z looked up at me. She held her hand out, and I grabbed it, blinking us into an oncoming cab. The driver turned around to look at me.

"Don't stop. Just keep going," I said, making him follow my instructions.

I waved at Klaus, and he yelled about his money. I turned to speak with Z, but she looked away. We scooted to opposite sides of the cab, and sat in silence.

"So?" the cab driver began to ask.

"Don't!" Z and I said together.

The cab driver drove to the academy. He kept glancing at us through the rearview mirror and every time he did so, I sent him a death glare. He finally stopped at the academy and we hopped out.

"I have to talk to Pogo, I met you down here in an hour," Z said, walking into the living room.

"Sure," I said.

Z walked into the living room, and sat down with Pogo. I walked upstairs to my room, and laid on my bed.


I walked into the living room, and saw Pogo waiting for me. He was sitting at a small round table with a lot of coffee.

"I made you coffee, your favorite," he stated, nodding towards a cup.

"I thought Reggie didn't have any coffee here," I said, sitting down across from Pogo.

"Well, I may have broken the rules when you were younger," he laughed.

I drank the coffee and smiled. When I was you younger Pogo was my

"I want to ask you about something,"

"Go ahead Z,"

"Why did Reggie keep me a secret? I mean I could have been Number Eight. But I'm Number Zero,"

"Well, your father. He didn't think you deserved a number so he didn't count you,"

"That's bullshit!"


"Sorry. But I wasn't given a life because he didn't think I deserved a number?"

Pogo nodded, and I thought for a second before asking him another question.

"So I am useless,"

"No, no. He just thought that you couldn't deal with fighting bad guys,"

"So, I was kept a secret because of my useless power, but Vanya got recognized as Number Seven even though she doesn't have any power, but couldn't I at least be known to the family!"

"Promise not to get upset,"

I nodded, promising to myself that I was not going to be upset.

"Your mother had you in an accident. She didn't want you because she was busy with her work. She thought she could work with you but then gave up and Reginald adopted you too. Your power was something else, but your father didn't think you deserved to be out in the open,"

"So, I wasn't wanted?"

"No, you were, but Reginald thought it best to keep you in the dark,"

"But Five found out by accident. Why was Five the only one to get to know me?"

"Because Reginald knew he wouldn't tell anyone. Five had too much to lose. He knew that Five was the one person you actually trusted and liked. He could tell that Five had feelings for you,"

"He had feelings for me when we were younger?"

"Yes, and he begged Reginald to let him remember you. Reginald was going to wipe his memory, but he convinced Reginald to let him keep his memories. And after you begged and made Reginald trust you, he let Five get to know you,"

I was shocked by the news. Five loved me. He cared for me. Since we were children, we've always had a love-hate relationship, but I guess Five does love me. Pogo and I continued to talk about my secrecy, for a long time, when I realized it was time to go with Five.

"I have to go to Pogo," I sighed. "It's been nice catching up with you Pogo."

He nodded and I ran up to Five's room. I entered his room and saw that he was sleeping. I relaxed and a small smile crept onto my face.

His face was facing the door and he looked so sweet sleeping. He must be so tired. I walked over to wake him up and grasped his shoulder. I didn't even have time to react, because Five had me pinned down on the floor. Hands above my head, and a small pocket knife to my throat. He was on top of me, wearing a blank face.

It took him a couple seconds to realize who I was, and when he did. He blushed. I felt my cheeks turn hot red also. We were like this for what felt like hours.

"Five..." I said, drawing his name out.

"Yes, oh right. Sorry," he said.

Five let go of me, and stood up. He put the knife away and stuck his hand out and pulled me up. I fixed my uniform, and straightened my tie. His face was a light pink now, but it was bright red seconds ago.

"Why did you wake me up like that?" he asked, a bit angry.

"Sorry," was all I could say.

"It's fine," he grumbled.

I tried not to think of what just happened. Five paced his room, before we walked to the door. We both tried to leave but stuck in it instead. We were squished in the door, and we both pulled back. Five nodded towards the door.

"It's fine, you can go,"

"Five. It's fine you can go,"

"No. No. No, good ahead," Five shot back, before he lowered his voice and pointed to the door.

I groaned and started to walk and we both got stuck in the door again. Five jerked his head towards me and rolled his eyes. He blinked out of the door way into the stairs and I caught up with him.

He nodded and we walked down through the academy. Five told me that we were going to walk, not drive. Since it was late, it would draw less attention for us to walk.

Five pulled the napkin out of his pocket, and checked the address and the department store. I look at it.

"Where here," he stated.

"So, we're getting her?"


Five grabbed my hand, and blinked us inside. He let go of my hand, when he looked down at our hands. Blue lights covered the ceiling, and it was almost pitch black. I grabbed a flashlight from a sale rack and turned it on. The store was huge. We walked down the racks of clothing, until we got to the middle of the store. I stopped when I caught sight of her. I pointed the flashlight, and nudged Five. He smiled, when he looked in the direction of the flashlight.

I handed Five the flashlight and he walked up to the mannequins.

"Delores, it's good to see you. I've missed you... obviously, and so has Z. Well, it's been a rough couple of days," he said, talking to the middle mannequin.

That's when all hell broke loose. Shots began firing, and the whole store lit up.

"No!" Five yelled, dodging for cover.

I ducked too, and hid in one of the aisles. Five and I were separated.

"Oh, shit! It's them," Five yell- whispered to me.

I looked up to see Hazel and Cha-Cha shooting at us. Five grunted before I saw him run and grab Delores. I could hear Five's heavy footsteps running toward me. He crouched down right by me.

"You good?"

"Yeah, you?" I asked.

"It's Hazel and Cha-Cha,"

"I know!"

Hazel and Cha-Cha began shooting in our direction, so Five grabbed me around the waist and blinked us to the other side of the department store. I stood up, and Cha-Cha saw me. She began non-stop shooting at me, and Five pulled me back down.

"What the HELL!" he yelled.

"There was an opening, so I was about to take it!" I yelled back.

I heard Cha-Cha yell something to Hazel, but couldn't make out what it was. They were probably planning on how to find us.

"We have to split up," I suggested.

"No. Absolutely not!"

Before I could say anything else, Five blinked us over to another sale rack.

"Five, we have to split up. I swear if you don't let us split up I am going to murder you in your sleep!" I threatened.

"Not if I do it first," he shot back.

"Five, I can take them!"

Five looked at me, and then grabbed a knife. He made sure it had a good grip, and then handed it to me.

"Seriously? I could have done that. I don't need you parenting over me!"

"SHUT UP OR THEY WILL HEAR YOU!" Five yelled. "And I'm not partening you!"

"It's not me I am concerned about," I said, ducking and running away from the rack. "And yes you are! There is a lot of partening going on!"

I could see Five test out another knife, and blink away. I saw Hazel stop at a rack, so I took the chance. I snuck up behind him, quietly making sure that he couldn't hear me.

"Elastic wrist splint. Yes!" I heard him say, groaning the last words.

He was distracted. I got a running start and jumped on top of him. I dug the knife deep into his shoulder blade, making him scream in pain. He turned around several times, trying to get me off of him, but it was useless. I dropped down, and grabbed Hazel's gun. I shot over to where Cha-Cha was, before I ran back to the aisle. I watched my back to make sure I wasn't being followed, when I ran into Five.

We fell to the ground, and looked at eachother. I gripped the gun tightly, and Five just stared at me.

"What the hell! You shot at me!" he yelled.

"Oh shut it, I got the gun,"

"This isn't a competition Z,"

"It always is!"

There was a shot right above us, and the clothes on the rack fell onto us.

"Shit!" we both shouted.

Five blinked us over to where Delores was and grabbed a duffle bag. I stood up, cocked the gun, and began shooting at Hazel and Cha-Cha. I was able to shoot a couple times, before I heard the gun cock.


I threw the gun as hard as I could to make a distraction. It made a loud thud somewhere else, giving Five and I enough time to run. However we didn't make it far because Hazel and Cha-Cha were shooting at us again. Five pulled me to safety, and we headed towards the exit. He grabbed my hand to blink, but a blue force field appeared around us.

Five groaned and tried again. I looked at him, and he looked up to see if Hazel and Cha-Cha were getting any closer. He tried blinking us out of the store again, but his power malfunctioned again.

"Five come on!" I urged him.

"Shit! Come one!" he yelled, trying over and over.

Without hesitation I grabbed his wrist and led him to a small wall, covered in items for sale. We jumped over it, but Hazel and Cha-Cha saw us and began firing at us. They kept walking towards us, and their flashlights hit us. We turned around and I looked at Five. I thought he had a plan, but he looked scared shitless.

"Got 'em" Cha-Cha laughed, aiming her gun at Five.

Hazel somehow had another gun, and pointed it at me.

"Finally, you two are so hard to kill,"

"That bitch stabbed me in the shoulder!" Hazel added.

They were about to shoot us, when sirens were heard, and they pointed their guns at the doors. I pulled Five to nearby check-out counters. We sat down, holding our breath so they could not hear us.

"That bastard jumped again," I heard Hazel say.

"Come on, let's go before we get arrested," Cha-Cha suggested.

I heard their footsteps dissipate, and I looked at Five. He was holding onto Delores, practically cutting off his circulation.

"Five, you good?" I asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He looked at me, then back at Dolores. He was sweating and scared. This was one of the only times I have seen Five this scared.

"Thank you," he mumbled.

"Hey, we stick together. We don't let eachother die," I said.

He sighed, and swallowed hard. We listened to the sirens approach, and we sat there. I leaned my head on Five's shoulder, and he grasped Delores.

Five didn't say anything, but leaned his head on mine. I could tell he was scared. I could hear his heart beating, but I didn't say anything. We sat there, and waited till the sirens stopped.

"They'll be coming in soon. We have to go,"

Five's POV

Z grabbed me, and we jumped over the sale rack. Hazel and Cha-Cha kept firing at us, and then I saw two shadows. Mine and Z's. Hazel and Cha-Cha had pointed their flashlights at us. Z and I turned around to face Hazel and Cha-Cha. I could feel my blood drain from my face. I was scared. Z looked at me, probably thinking I had a plan or something.

"Got 'em" Cha-Cha laughed.

She aimed her gun at me, and Hazel pointed his gun at Z.

"Finally, you two are so hard to kill," Cha-Cha said.

"That bitch stabbed me in the shoulder!" Hazel shouted.

They were going to shoot us, when sirens were heard, and they pointed their guns at the doors. Z pulled me to a nearby check-out counter. She jerked me down and we sat there in silence, holding our breath. sat down.

"That bastard jumped again," I heard Hazel say.

"Come on, let's go before we get arrested," Cha-Cha suggested.

I heard their footsteps dissipate, and Z looked at me. I was holding onto Delores, rubbing my hands against her plastic skin. I had almost just died, but Z saved me. My heart was beating out of control, and I just sat there.

"Five, you good?" Z asked me.

I didn't respond. The fight in the store played out right in front of my eyes. My powers failed, and I almost couldn't save Z.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

"Hey, we stick together. We don't let eachother die," Z said.

I sighed, and swallowed hard. We listened to the sirens approach, and we sat there. Z leaned her head on my shoulder, and I grasped Delores. I leaned my head on Z's and we just sat there. My body slowly began to relax. I had always felt comforted by Z, like someone I could fully trust.

"They'll be coming in soon. We have to go," Z said, standing up.

I grabbed her hand, and we walked out of the department store unnoticed by the cops. We walked back to the academy. Z was limping all the way, but I paid no attention since she probably twisted something. We entered, and headed up the stairs when we ran into Allison and Luther.

"Five?" Allison asked.

"Who are you?" Luther asked, catching sight of Z.

"What the hell happened to you two?"

"You know her?" Luther asked, looking at Allison, confused.

"Are you two okay? How can we help?" Luther asked, reaching his hand out to Z's shoulder.

I grabbed his hand and stopped him. He looked at me, and then at Z. He returned his gaze at me, and I looked down. I know how friendly Luther can be, but he can't do this. There is nothing they could do.

"There's nothing you can do,"

"There's nothing any of you can do," Z mumbled, lowering her head.

I was standing in the academy, when I caught sight of Luther's hand sticking out of some rubble. He was holding something. I walked over to it, and knelt down. It was a bloody glass eyeball. I wiped the blood off, and looked into the far distance to see everybody's dead bodies. Everybody was going to die, and there was nothing I could do.

8337 words!!

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