Secrets & Magic || Arthur Pen...

By 20aimeel15

53.5K 1.1K 32

Destiny...Fate...Call it what you will, has everyone set on a certain path. Merlin's destiny is to protect Pr... More



2.3K 76 5
By 20aimeel15

"Enter" called Arthur after hearing the knock on his door. He and Merlin both smiled when Gwaine came in, he was dressed in his new armour and his red cloak, he had been made a Knight of Camelot a few weeks before hand just before they'd defeated Morgana.

"How is the King, Sire?" he asked after the men greeted each other.

Arthur's face saddened slightly. "Its hard to tell, he is still in shock after Morgana..." the Prince trailed off, he had found it hard to accept himself.

"I understand" Gwaine nodded.

"Is there a reason that you wish to see me?" asked Arthur.

"Yes...It's not the best thing to ask you after all that's happened."

"Whatever it is Gwaine, I'd be happy to help."

Gwaine smiled slightly awkwardly. "Do you remember a friend of mine, the Lady Mira?"Arthur nodded, he'd thought about her sometimes. "Well, I hoped that I might be allowed to bring her to Camelot, I'm not comfortable leaving her there. I would only be gone for a few days" Gwaine explained.

"Of course you can bring her here, but I'm not letting you go alone, Morgana could be anywhere" Arthur smiled,"Percival, Lancelot, Elyan, Leon, Merlin and I will go with you."

"Thank you Arthur, but are you sure that's wise, after all Morgana will be looking for you" Gwaine stated.

"Do you really think you could handle her by yourself?" laughed Merlin.

"I'm sure I'd be more than a match for her." he grinned.

"We can leave tomorrow" said Arthur.

"Thank you Arthur, really, thank you" replied Gwaine happily before leaving.

"Mira was nice," Merlin stated putting a glass on the table.

"Yeah..." said Arthur, only half listening as he was remembering her.

"And very beautiful." added Merlin.

The Prince looked at his servant who was grinning. "What are you staring at?" he demanded.

"Admit it, you were speechless when you saw her".

"No I wasn't." Arthur defended himself, embarrassed.

"You hardly spoke to her and you kept looking at her all the time" Merlin laughed.

"Alright, she was beautiful. But you thought it too!" Arthur admitted.

"I did" replied Merlin,"Although if Gwaine hears us saying that he'd probably kill us."

That made Arthur laugh. Then went to go see his Father while Merlin got things ready for the next day.


"So what are you going to do with..." Percival paused mid sentence.

"Mira." Lancelot reminded him.

"Thanks. What are you going to do with Mira when we get back to Camelot?"

"I'm not sure." Gwaine called back to him. They were on their way to the sanctuary where Mira was hiding, it was the first day of their journey and it would take at least four days to reach her on horseback.

"So are you and Mira...." Leon waved his hand in the air.

"What?" asked Gwaine.

"You know...."

"I think what Leon's trying to say is: Are you and Mira together?" put in Elyan.

"It's really not like you not to get that." stated Leon.

"No! Its not like that! I've never thought of her that way!" exclaimed Gwaine,"And that's why I didn't get it."

"Never? In all your life?" asked Percival.

"Surprisingly no, I haven't."

"Leave him alone," laughed Lancelot,"How long have you known her?"

"Since I was a child. Our fathers knew each other." he answered. Lancelot nodded.

"So what's she like?" asked Elyan. Merlin and Arthur exchanged a look at the front.

"You'll see." Gwaine replied simply.

Soon they stopped for the night to rest and a silence grew around the campfire. It had only been a few weeks since Morgana had been defeated and they all knew that she could be anywhere. The blow of Morgana betraying them had hit Arthur hard but he knew he had to be strong for his father and the people, Uther wasn't well so the Prince had had to lead Camelot for the past weeks. Merlin was glad everyone knew about Morgana but he was sad because after what she'd done he knew that nothing would be the same again. They all settled down for the night before their journey the next day.

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