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By MrsTopGaulden

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613 32 20
By MrsTopGaulden

Salt Lake City, Utah
January 15

JUMPING OUT HER SLEEP sage hurriedly enter her rooms connected bathroom immediately rushing to the toilet to empty her stomach. She had got a weird feeling in her sleep and before she knew it her mouth begin to water.

Groaning as she continued to let all the substance out she gagged just looking the toilet taking a brief smell of the foul smelled vomit. She stood up feeling herself being lightheaded and nauseous but decided to continue on.

She quickly brushed her teeth and looked at herself in the mirror. She wasn't feeling to good but she still looked pretty as kaizen would say.

It was 4am in the morning and her and kaizen had just went to sleep around 12 so he was still asleep peacefully. Sage made a mental note to make an appointment with her doctor real soon.

Entering her bedroom again she smiled at the sight of her boyfriend now on her side of the bed as if he was searching for her warmth in his sleep. Climbing back into bed she scooted kaizen over the best way she could.

Getting under the covers she stared up at the ceiling with so many thoughts going through her head, she was hoping it was just a minor sickness that'll soon be gone.

She wasn't possibly thinking of a baby, it wasn't something she could see happening. She had been careful and cautious when taking her plan b's after sex with kaizen.

She wasn't on birth control because she didn't like the side effects it caused on a woman's body, so she figure she'd just maneuver her way with plan b. It had been working for 2 years so couldn't see why it'll stop now?

"why you up?" Kaizen softly spoke as he wrapped his around sage, laying his head on her chest like a big baby.

"just thinking, go back to sleep bub" she softly spoke before rubbing her hands through his thick hair and kissing his forehead.

"you good? wanna talk about it?" Kaizen been around her long enough to know when something was wrong with sage, she wasn't the type to just be up randomly at night when she was sleep she'd sleep all day if she could.

And just thinking? Kaizen knew she was a talker, she can talk his ears off about anything that came to mind which he didn't mind at all but for her to not spark the conversation and tell him she's just thinking, he knew something was up.

"baby I said I'm okay, just go back to sleep" sage softly smiled "I just— I don't feel good but I'll take some medication tomorrow and should be okay, okay?"

Reading over her facial expression kaizen tried to read her body, to determine did he want to make her tell him or just let her tell him whenever she was ready, about whatever was bothering her.

"aight, gimmie kiss if you okay"

Grabbing his chin she planted multiple kisses on his soft plumped lips, he slid his tongue into her mouth deepening the kiss wanted to feel all her emotions in it.

"omg kaizen! your gonna suck all my face off damn" she squealed pulling apart from the kiss feeling herself soon run out of breath if he kept sucking her tongue the way he was.

"mcht shut up"

"I won't hurt you if you don't hurttt me" kaizen walked through the large home repeatedly signing unreleased songs of himself.

"omg babe" sage whined considering she was on the phone a company trying to figure out when she was going to be able to return to her career of therapy. She enjoyed the small retirement but now she was tired of staying home doing nothing.

It's like every since she fell for her patient, she becoming distant to the other ones that needed her. She felt bad but she couldn't help that love drifted her all the way up north to Utah.

All of her other patients were located right in Baton Rouge where she'd met kaizen. Now she was trying to get a transfer for the firm that was in Utah, considering shes one of the best in her field it wasn't much of a process before she was told that she'd been hired at the location in utah.

The only hard part now was letting kaizen know this new change in life. She knew he'd be angry considering she's been by his side nonstop since his first appointment with her.

But she had to go back to her bases, she missed work and having her own little life outside of kaizen so much. She craved for her independence.

"oh my bad—- wait who we onna phone with?" Kaizen laid in top of sage who was already seated on the soft couch with her MacBook on side of her and her phone to her ear with a small throw blanket over her legs.

"omg kaizen move!" She softly rolled her eyes, yelling at him not wanting to miss a word Mr. Lewis her newest boss was telling her, he was slowly detailing her about the position and how things operated to make sure she was comfortable and sure she wanted the spot.

"mhm yes sir, sounds great to me!"

"Okay— okay got it, sound like a plan. See you bright in early on February 1st" she softly laughed while smiling.

Kaizen looked at her weirdly, everything in him wanted to flash out and grab or maybe throw her phone but he promised himself and her that he was going to be cautious with the way he acts.

"Say who dat?" He leaned his body back on her some more tucking his head in her neck trying to make out the sound of the voice.

"Say dats a Nigga?" He mugged "you playing wit me?"

"chill out" sage whispered before finishing up her last goodbyes and hung up the call " now what are you talking about boy?" She tilted her head at an angered kaizen.

"you know what I'm talking bout, who was on the phone sayoir?" Calling her by her middle name meant he was serious and to avoid his episode sage played it safe.

"promise me your going to stay calm once I tell you?"

"Man what?! fuck no, say what it is ian bouta do allat witchu mane"

"Kaizen promise me, it's not anything bad like what your thinking but still promise me" she held her pinky out, anybody who knew sage knew she took pinky promises serious even at her big age.

"aight mane" softly locking his pinky with her he then folded his arms waiting for her to talk.

"uhh— okay. That was my new boss from the new therapist firm that I'll be working at, I start back working February 1sr" she softly spoke with her head down before lifting it being met with a face of confusion on kaizen.

"what you mean new boss? Fuck your need a job for when you have everything you want and need guh?" He mugged.

"babe I just miss having my own separate life outside of you— I mean no I miss—-"

" nah you said exactly what you meant, you tired of me? I aggravate you or sum? Youn wanna be with me nomo?"

"Uh—" sage started to speak but was rudely interrupted.

"TALK!" He deeply shouted scaring sage making her jump, he was furious at the moment. So many thoughts we're going through his head.

"you ungrateful ass the fuck slime, any hoe will die to be in your position and here you go complaining and moving sneaky around me" kaizen got up from the couch walking back and forth going on a rant to himself.

"I settled down for you mane, I moved to Utah with you, I knew you wasn't gone stay with me for long, so you—you— so you lied to me? The slime? The biggest 5?"

"Okay kaizen calm your nerves! Your making this bigger than what it needs to be! I'm not going anywhere, im just going to work again. And I'm not tired of you and you don't aggravate me babe! I just need a peace of mind something to feel like my old life is still here! I love it here you know that! I left everything behind for US because I love you!"

"man fuck all that, and fuck you too sayoir" he stormed off thru the back door, most likely going on a walk by the trail that was placed behind their home.

"oh my fuckin god, I can't win for losing with this man" sage pouted before deciding to sit on the couch and wait for kaizen whenever he was cooled and ready to talk.

She was glad he decided to remove himself instead of destroying the house as he usually does. Progress she thought to herself before getting comfortable.

"tete sage!"

"Sage" a small voices called out to a sleeping sage, she had fallen asleep on the couch without knowledgement.

"yes?" She slowly groaned before opening her eyes being met with a smiling Riley, teelee's son, kaizen's nephew.

"omg hi Riley! my sweet baby" she grasped his small body wrapping him into her arms "omg you've gotten so big!"

"me a big boy now! I got strong muscle" he pulled his amiri jacket sleeve up showcasing his minor muscle.

"oh my— stronger than super man. Okay Riley!"

His soft laughed erupted while sage lightly tickled him "where's your mommy?" Sage softly asked.

"Her in there" he pointed towards the back of the house "with my uncle top, him sounded mad so mommy said we come visit uncle" he smiled before jumping down and running to most likely play with his toys.

"welp, here goes nothings" sage stood before heading to brush her teeth then go and see where Kaizen and Teelee could be.

After briefly washing her face she started to make her way to the back room 'kaizen man cave' as you'll call it. It was full of his clothes as if it was a closet in one part and then near the front area was a couch and a 100inch tv where he plays his game.

"man teelee she just be pissing me off with that sneaky shit, why THE FUCK she ain't let me know inna first place"

"kaizen. Don't be yelling at me and besides I think it's not the fact she going back to work got you mad it's the fact you don't want her to fall for another patient like she did with you"


"Am I right lil brother? I know I am, but that don't give you the right to lash out on her—- you know— mama said she been having dreams about fishes. Got something to tell me?"

Sage waited by the door ease dropping on their conversation, it wasn't her intentions at first but when she got by the door she was too scared to enter fully.

"what that suppose to mean tee?"

"It means someone is pregnant fool, and it ain't me I'm on BC til the day I die. Riley my one and only. And Kendall ain't having nun cause I asked him... so the only person left is you"

"well I'm not pregnant—- wait sage? Nah she never— come to think about it I been nutting in this girl since the day we had sex and no baby yet"

"I can't believe you even said your not pregnant omg kaizen your dummer than I thought, my poor brother" teelee laughed erupted before stomping was heard "ouuu shit! My stomach hurt" she laughed so hard.

Sage smirked already knowing kaizen wore his signature mug on his face, he hated when he was getting made out of a joke.

"shut yo pussy ass up mane!"

"okay—- ok— I'm sorry— ouu- alright I quit" teelee exhaled calming her laughter down.

"nah but you think she pregnant?"

"I don't know Kaizen maybe once you get your act together you can go have a talk with her until then stop all the bickering and crazy acting"

"mane ion be doin shit"

"Mhm well if you say so, I'm bout to go check on your nephew be right back—"

Quickly sage ran a distance down the hall to make it look like she'd had just decided to come this way when teelee passes her.

"hey sister girl!" Teelee spoke before embracing sage into a warming hug.

"Hey my tee tee!" Sage softly smiled.

"you going check on mr crazy himself? Just be patient and don't give up on him, I know my brother can be difficult but he has a good heart his feelings just over power it sometimes you know?"

"Trust me I know exactly why I stick around, i was once his therapist remember" sage laughed.

"Oh yeah, you right. Let me go check on Riley" teelee walked away.

Slowly walking into the room sage watched as kaizen laid with his eyes closed and seated deeply into his couch. Most likely trying to have a peace of mind so she decided to try talking later.


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